Often public school officials brag loudly that “they do it all for the kids.” Some of them may honestly believe that. It’s what they have been taught to say and if they just say it long enough it becomes fact in their minds and they just parrot the line to (they hope) believing parents and they come off sounding like paragons of self-sacrificing virtue. If you have ever witnessed striking public school teachers in Chicago marching in the streets asking for more money just a few days before school starts in the Fall you know it’s a lot of horse puckey. If you have ever seen the wage scales of teachers in some cities you realize self-sacrifice has nothing whatever to do with it in many cases.
Samuel Blumenfeld, in his book “NEA–Trojan Horse in American Education” has lowered the boom on all this self-sacrifice twaddle. He has told us, on page 13, that “It was in 1829 that Josiah Holbrook launched the Lyceum Movement to organize the educators of America into a powerful lobby for public education. Was Holbrook a covert Owenite (disciple of socialist Robert Owen)? Circumstantial evidence seems to indicate that he was. And if the socialists decided to further their cause by working through the instrument of public education, we can then understand why the system had such appeal to socialist bias for as long as anyone can remember. Indeed, public education was to become the socialists primary instrument for promoting socialism.”
Did you get that? Public education was a major vehicle for promoting socialism. Chew on that one awhile and you find that all this self-sacrifice stuff ain’t worth doodly-squat! Continue reading