Category Archives: Invasión

“We decry hostility and discrimination towards immigrants as antithetical to the traditions and interests of the country. At the same time, we disagree with those who would label efforts to control immigration as being inherently anti-immigrant. Rather, it is both a right and a responsibility of a democratic society to manage immigration so that it serves the national interest.” ~ Rep. Barbara Jordan – Chair, U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform

Letting Illegal Aliens Vote


I’ve been saying for a long time now, probably a couple years at least, that the main reason China Joe wanted the illegal aliens by the millions in here was so his regime (with Obama’s blessing) could give them the ability to vote in our national elections and influence our elections.

There’s enough of them here now that if they got the vote, they sure could do that. I truly believe that was one of the main reasons China Joe opened the floodgates at our Southern border to invite the illegals in. That, and it was the direct opposite of what Trump did, and China Joe has made a career move to try to undo everything possible that Trump did. Continue reading

July 9, 2024: The Continued INVASION of America… The Insanity Will NOT End

Border Battle: Texas vs Mexican Cartel

The recent photo of members of a Mexican Cartel – in this case, the Northeast Cartel (CDN) – wearing vests sporting its logo followed by the words “Operativa Texas” (Spanish for “Texas Operation”) is evidence of an intensifying battle between the cartel and Texas law enforcement on the north side of the Rio Grande.

The seeds of what has now sprouted into an open fight for control of the border were planted three years ago when Texas Governor Greg Abbott initiated “Operation Lone Star” and began flooding the border with Texas Military Forces and Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Troopers, Special Agents and Texas Rangers.

The operation generated publicity – including photos of Texas military members and police officers conducting “joint tactical drills” on the Rio Grande – (which some dismissed as “security theater”).

That assessment would later prove to be mistaken… (Continue to full article)

At the Arizona-Mexico border, residents are fed up: ‘The politicians are creating the mayhem
A few hundred feet from the US-Mexico border in Nogales, Arizona, Laura Aldana chuckled at the suggestion – made by both leading presidential candidates – that the region had fallen into chaos.

“Where?” she asked rhetorically. She gestured toward the street outside the downtown formalwear boutique where she works. “There’s almost too little to do here.”

A hundred miles east, in the border town of Douglas, Peggy Christiansen, a pastor at the First Presbyterian church, cringed. “I look at those conversations on TV, or on the news – and it just makes me mad,” she said. “The politicians are creating the mayhem.” … (Continue to full article)

US Executes ‘Large Deportation’ of Chinese Illegal Immigrants
Biden’s Department of Homeland Security announced on Tuesday that it had executed a deportation of illegal immigrants from China last weekend. The operation marked the “first large deportation charter flight to China” under the Biden administration.

In a Tuesday press release, the Department of Homeland Security stated, “This weekend, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), through U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), conducted a removal flight to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) of Chinese nationals.”

The Department of Homeland Security did not disclose the number of illegal immigrants that were on the large deportation charter flight to China in its press release.

Despite facing widespread criticism over the Biden administration’s border policies, Mayorkas touted the recent deportation operation, saying, “We will continue to enforce our immigration laws and remove individuals without a legal basis to remain in the United States. People should not believe the lies of smugglers.”

CNN previously reported that in just the first 11 months of 2023, 31,000 Chinese nationals were apprehended while trying to illegally enter the United States by crossing the U.S.-Mexico border…. (Continue to full article)

US Increases Scrutiny Over Chinese Land Purchases Near Military Bases

States and federal governments are increasingly concerned over real estate purchases made by foreign nationals from adversarial countries.

The windswept town of Cheyenne, Wyoming, known for its cowboy culture, doesn’t seem like the kind of place anyone would need to worry about geopolitical espionage.

Yet, the Biden administration was concerned enough in May to make a rare move and issue an executive order shutting down MineOne Partners Ltd. and its affiliates. The firms are majority-owned by Chinese nationals.
The 12-acre site, purchased in 2022, is a mile away from Warren Air Force Base, home to the U.S. Minuteman III nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missiles.

If not for a public tip, the federal government would not have known about the crypto mine site, which uses computers to mine Bitcoins… (Continue to full article)

Biden Flying Illegal Aliens, Deported Under Trump, Back to U.S.
Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is reportedly flying illegal aliens, deported by former President Donald Trump’s administration, back into the United States.

Biden’s DHS is carrying out the little-known program, according to the Washington Free Beacon, where illegal aliens from Cameroon who were deported by the Trump administration are now being flown back into the United States despite having been found to have invalid asylum claims.

Now some are arriving back in the United States under a program with little precedent, both current and former ICE officials say. All of the individuals deported under the previous administration were found not to have valid asylum claims in the United States.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has, on several occasions, said “equity” and “justice” for migrants are at the center of the agency’s mission… (Continue to full article)

At Least 50 With Ties to ISIS Illegally in U.S., Whereabouts Unknown
At least 50 known foreign nationals with ties to the Islamic terrorist group ISIS are living in the U.S. illegally and their whereabouts are unknown to federal agencies tasked with national security, according to several reports.

They were either released into the country by Border Patrol agents through a failed Department of Homeland Security vetting system the DHS Office of Inspector General has consistently warned about or they illegally entered and evaded capture, joining an estimated two million gotaways whose whereabouts are also unknown.

In the past three years, DHS has identified more than 400 foreign nationals from countries of foreign concern in Central Asia connected to an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network… (Continue to full article)

America’s migrant gang invasion MAPPED
ISIS in LA, Venezuelan sex-traffickers in Texas and Chinese drug lords in Maine. Now check if a violent enclave has sprung up in YOUR neighborhood…

A brutal Venezuelan sex-trafficking gang is now in America’s biggest cities.

Chinese organized crime syndicates are running drug farms with slave labor in half a dozen US states.

Mexican drug cartels are operating vile human smuggling operations over the southern border with near impunity.

…and it’s ALL BULLSHIT!!! (Continue to full article)

The “OTHER” Hearing That Was BIGGER Than Fauci or Garland

Despite the absurd theatrics in Congress this week during the Tony Fauci and Merrick Garland hearings, there was actually another hearing that may have been even more important. It was about Social Security – probably the most obvious ticking time bomb that absolutely no one is doing anything about.]

This entire week has been full of eye-rolling – borderline eye-gouging – cowardice and deceit in the halls of Congress. Continue reading

May 17, 2024: The Continued INVASION of America… The Insanity Will NOT End ~ and Joey is Playing the game…

U.S. House Panel Debates Voting by Noncitizens, Which Is Already Illegal

U.S. House Republicans are promoting a bill to curb voting by noncitizens. Though noncitizens can vote in some local elections, it is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections.

Republicans on the U.S. House Administration Committee argued at a Thursday hearing that there is a need for legislative action to bar noncitizens from voting in federal elections — even though voting by noncitizens in federal elections is extremely rare and already illegal.

“American elections are for American citizens and we intend to keep it that way,” the chair of the committee, Rep. Bryan Steil of Wisconsin, said in his opening remarks.

House Democrats said Republicans were laying the groundwork to instill mistrust in voting ahead of the November elections… (Continue to full article)

China’s growing threat to U.S. national security in the crosshairs of Congress

House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Accountability held a hearing on the explosion in the number of Chinese nationals entering the U.S. via the southern border since President Joe Biden took office.

Unfortunately, under the Biden administration, border patrol agents have been instructed that when processing Chinese nationals, they should conduct short, basic interviews that include only generic background questions instead of in-depth interviews.

The influx of illegal immigrants from one of the U.S. greatest rivals has raised national security concerns. In fact, as The Center Square previously reported, FBI Director Christopher Wray last month told attendees at an American Bar Association’s Committee on Law and National Security that China was the “defining threat of our generation.”… (Continue to full article)

Migrants Breach Fortified Border Barrier, March Through Texas Neighborhood

A group of nearly 100 migrants, including some young children, was observed marching away from the Rio Grande after breaching border barriers near the heart of downtown Eagle Pass, Texas. The migrants strolled through the city streets and were observed by residents who notified authorities of the breach.

One resident captured several photos of the large migrant group strolling through her neighborhood on Tuesday just as the Border Patrol arrived to make the arrest. The group managed to breach concertina wire installed along the Rio Grande by state authorities deployed to fortify the border under Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star.

A Customs and Border Protection source, not authorized to speak to the media, says many in the group will likely be released to pursue asylum claims within the United States… (Continue to full article)

Biden Border Crisis Could Increase Number of Illegal Ballots Cast in 2024 — up to 2.7 Million

Do non-citizens vote in U.S. elections?

The answer, of course, is yes, they do.

A recent academic study based on surveys done for the Cooperative Congressional Election Studies showed evidence that non-citizens are voting in our elections in meaningful numbers. As many as 27 percent of non-citizens surveyed were registered to vote, and as many as 13 percent of them actually cast ballot… (Continue to full article)

Hey, Amigo, when joo get een to the US Vote for Biden

The endgame of the Biden border crisis is to disenfranchise American citizens by diluting their votes

So you would have to say in all honesty, that the Biden border crisis is a manufactured crisis. It’s not accidental or coincidental. It was done on purpose.

The question has been put forward–can this be considered election interference? Probably it can, but do you think that bothers the Democrats? If you do you are prone to delusion. Today’s Democrats lack any moral scruples whatever. Anything, no matter how raunchy or outright crooked, that will put their people in office is totally acceptable and is encouraged… (Continue to full article)

Full List of Democrats Who Voted Against Deporting Migrants Who Attack Cops
majority of House Democrats voted against a bill put forth by GOP lawmakers that would require federal law enforcement to detain migrants who have entered the U.S. illegally and face charges for assaulting police officers.

The bill, which is titled the “Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act,” was first introduced by New Jersey Representative Jeff Van Drew and backed by several other Republicans. It is among a series of legislation that the House GOP has vowed to bring to the chamber’s floor in the coming days in honor of National Police Week. Republicans said in a release on Wednesday that the bills “highlight our continued support for America’s law enforcement offices.

And as ALWAYS – it is ALL a Fookin’ JOKE!!! (Continue to full article)

Chinee Joe Buy Deng

Biden plans executive order to shut down border once crossings reach 4,000 per day…
…despite saying he needs Congress to act!

President Biden is planning executive action that would allow him to shut down the US-Mexico border once the number of migrant crossings reaches 4,000 per day, a source close to the White House told The Post Wednesday.

The order would match a provision in the bipartisan border bill that failed to pass the Senate in February , which gave the president authority to expel migrants when border crossings reached the same daily average.

“Just give me the power. I’ve asked from the very day I got into office,” he said. “Give me the Border Patrol, give me the people, the judges — give me the people who can stop this and make it work right.”

However, the president has changed his tune… (Continue to full article)

          Voter Registration – WHERE – at thee Border???

DC Hosted Voting Registration Training for Illegal Immigrants
Washington, D.C. , hosted an online training camp last month to help illegal immigrants sign up to vote in city elections.

Making good on new legislation granting illegal immigrants voting rights, even for those who have lived in the district for just 30 days, the city joined a handful of others in opening the vote to undocumented migrants.

The training PowerPoint , provided to legal watchdog Judicial Watch under a Freedom of Information Act request, said that some form of government identification was required to register.

The migrants will not be allowed to vote in federal elections, just city contests, according to the newly approved law….. (Continue to full article)

Biden Admin Releases New Deportation Rule That… does NOTHING
After waiting for the poll-watching Biden administration to announce a crackdown on illegal immigration, an immigration watchdog says what came instead was a meaningless P.R. stunt.

“It is more of an attempt on the part of the Biden administration, ahead of the election, to try to convince the American public that they’re trying to do something about asylum abuse.”

…and it’s ALL BULLSHIT!!! (Continue to full article)

Biden administration preparing to hand out 10K migrant ID cards in several US cities

The Biden administration hopes to dispense thousands of ID cards to migrants in the coming weeks as part of an effort to update the documentation that US government agencies provide illegal border-crossers.

The Biden administration hopes to dispense thousands of ID cards to migrants in the coming weeks as part of an effort to update the documentation that US government agencies provide illegal border-crossers

The program aims to “modernize documentation provided to some noncitizens,” according to ICE, which notes that the cards are only intended for use by Department of Homeland Security agencies — such as ICE, Customs and Border Protection and Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Nearly 8 million migrants have crossed the southern border into the US since President Biden took office, including more than 189,000 individuals in March… (Continue to full article)

                           GO HOME! Hasta la Bye-Bye!

Ex-DHS chief calls for reinstating ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy
Former Trump administration acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf said President Joe Biden should reinstate the “Remain in Mexico” policy and use other measures to turn back migrants at the border, calling the current situation a crisis that has gone unaddressed for too long.

He also recommended invoking presidential authority under Section 212(f) to expel migrants due to an “emergency” at the border.

The comments came as more than a dozen Democratic members of Congress sent a letter urging Biden to secure the U.S.-Mexico border amid ongoing large numbers of migrant crossings.

Nearly every day since September, hundreds of migrants from China, Colombia and other countries have wiggled through openings in the border wall with Mexico and walked dirt trails to surrender to U.S. agents and seek asylum. Some days, more than 1,000 arrive in the boulder-strewn mountains near San Diego alone… (Continue to full article)

Chilling Warning From Border Patrol Agent as He Claims ‘Cartels Control the Border’ NOT the Government

A border patrol agent has claimed that it’s cartels who are in control of the US-Mexico border.

The anonymous agent told Dan Abrams of NewsNation that the US government does not have control of the border, which has fallen into the hands of cartels.

‘The biggest thing is that we do not control the border, the cartel controls the border,’ the agent said. Continue reading

While Congress Abandons Border, $3.5 Billion Slipped Into Israel Bill For ‘Migrants And Refugees’

While Congress failed to pass a border security bill over the weekend amid a flurry of billions in international aid to Ukraine and Israel, they did set aside $3.5 billion for “Migration and Refugee Assistance” for the State Department to “address humanitarian needs of vulnerable populations and communities.” Continue reading

April 17, 2024: The Continued INVASION of America… The Insanity Will NOT End

The Record Number of Chinese Illegal Migrants Arrested at the Border in the Last Six Months as Entries Spike by 7,000% in Three Years

Number of Chinese nationals who crossed the border illegally in FY 2024 already surpassed the total number apprehended in the entire prior year

Border Patrol detained 24,296 Chinese nationals at the borders since October

DHS Sec. Mayorkas told Congress one flight of Chinese migrants was sent back to Beijing so far – and more are to come… (Continue to full article)

Biden Spikes Immigrant Population to 51.4 Million

The data shows one in six people, or 15.5 percent of the U.S. population, arrived via the federal government’s myriad official and unofficial migration paths.

Since Biden took office in January 2021, the foreign-born population has grown by 6.4 million — larger than the individual populations of 33 states.

If current trends continue, the foreign-born population will reach nearly 60 million and 17.5 percent [one in six] of the U.S. population by the end of a second Biden term — both figures would be without any precedent in American history.

The U.S. population consists of 280 million native-born Americans and 51 million immigrants… (Continue to full article)

NYC Council Asks State’s Highest Court to Allow Non-Citizens

…to Vote in Local Elections

Wetback ‘Voters’

The New York City Council asked the state’s highest court to strike down a pair of rulings in a move that would pave the way for non-citizen immigrants to vote in city elections.

The controversial election change, passed by the City Council in late 2021 and signed into law by then-Mayor Bill de Blasio, would have allowed 800,000 noncitizens with green cards to vote but was struck down as unconstitutional last month by an appellate court.

Today’s filing to appeal the Second Department’s recent decision seeks a determination from the state’s highest court that the law is consistent with the State Constitution, Election Law, and the Municipal Home Rule Law…. (Continue to full article)

Migrants Who Overpowered National Guard May Be Allowed Into US


After federal agents spent four hours Thursday detaining and moving migrants following an attempted southern border breach in El Paso, Texas, the undocumented persons are going through processing for possible entry into the U.S.

Texas continues to be an epicenter of the national immigration debate. It has engaged in litigation while state officials vow to continue enforcing Texas policies and tactics to deter a record-setting 2.4 million migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal 2023—up from approximately 1.7 million in 2021.

There are consequences to crossing the border illegally, and CBP continues to enforce United States immigration laws. Individuals and families without a legal basis to remain in the U.S. are subject to removal and are subject to a minimum five-year bar on reapplying for admission and potential criminal prosecution if they subsequently reenter without authorization… (Continue to full article)

U.S. Border Patrol Chief Calls Southern Border a “National Security Threat,” Citing 140,000 Migrants Who Evaded Capture

A Texas Parks and Wildlife Warden stands next to a 30 caliber rifle as he patrols the Rio Grand on the U.S.-Mexico border.  (AP Photo/Eric Gay, Pool)

In an exclusive interview with CBS News, U.S. Border Patrol chief Jason Owens called the situation at the southern border a “national security threat,” expressing concern about tens of thousands of migrants who have evaded apprehension and entered the country surreptitiously over the past five months.

Owens said Border Patrol is “closing in” on recording one million apprehensions of migrants in between ports of entry along the U.S.-Mexico border in the 2024 fiscal year, which started in October. For the third consecutive year, his agency is on track to record two million apprehensions by the time the fiscal year ends at the end of September, Owens added.

That number is a large number, but what’s keeping me up at night is the 140,000 known got-aways… (Continue to full article)

April 7, 2024: The Continued INVASION of America… The Insanity Will NOT End

Illegal Immigrant From Haiti Accused in Stabbing Deaths of 2 People in NY

Haitian migrant, Kenol Baptiste

An illegal immigrant from Haiti has been charged with killing two of his acquaintances, a crime he is alleged to have committed prior to deportation hearings.

The incident took place on April 1 afternoon in the area of 33 Ruth Court in Middletown, New York. “The initial report indicated that a male subject had been stabbed,” the City of Middletown Police Department said in an April 2 press release. When officers arrived at the scene, “they located two male subjects that had sustained multiple stab wounds.” One of the subjects was located inside 33 Ruth Court and was determined to have died. The other person, found on the sidewalk outside of 33 Ruth Court, was determined to have suffered serious injuries and transported to a hospital, where he succumbed during surgery.

The immigrant has been placed in Orange County jail on deportation hold… (Continue to full article)

Fermin Garcia-Gutierrez

Illegal Migrant, 46, Who Has Been Arrested ELEVEN Times and Deported EIGHT Is Charged With Murder After Man’s Body Is Discovered in Ohio
Fermin Garcia-Gutierrez, 46, has been arrested for shooting and killing another man in Hamilton on Monday.

Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones said Garcia-Gutierrez has arrests dating back to 2001 and has allegedly used at least seven different names and three different birthdates.

Before he was charged with the murder, police had arrested Garcia-Gutierrez for carrying a concealed weapon, having a weapon while intoxicated and obstruction, reported WCPO. ‘It just so happens we ran into him and had an encounter with him. Unbeknownst to us he had committed this murder,’ said Hamilton Police Chief Craig Bucheit said.

Now he is facing an aggravated murder charge that could see him sentence to 30-years in prison or get the death penalty. Garcia-Guiterrez is being held without bail at the Butler County jail on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement holder.

Since Biden took office, the total number of southwest land border encounters hit a staggering 7,740,747… (Continue to full article)

NYC Migrant Squatters Prove AGAIN Biden’s Border Policy Is Utterly Broken

Yoessy Pino Castillo

If you need any more evidence of how badly Open Borders Joe has broken US immigration enforcement, consider the posse of illegal-migrant squatters busted in The Bronx on gun and drug charges: Several turned out to be fugitives from ICE.

Border Patrol grabbed up Yoessy Pino Castillo, Yojairo Martinez, Javier Alborno, and Yerbin Lozado-Munoz in Texas between 2022 and 2023; all got cut loose to report later for processing — but instead went on the run and reached New York.

Castillo and Alborno both have lengthy rap sheets for crimes in New York, including shoplifting and weapons possession.

And so the nation faces a humanitarian catastrophe at the southern border, with tiny towns utterly overwhelmed by inflows. Mobs of migrants breaking through fences and bum-rushing border agents — then getting let go by lefty judges…. (Continue to full article)

200,000 Deportation Cases Dismissed

About 200,000 deportation cases have been thrown out by immigration judges, according to a new report published by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse.

TRAC researchers evaluated data from January 2021 to February 2024 and found that 200,000 asylum or other immigration cases were dismissed because the Department of Homeland Security didn’t file paperwork with the courts in time for scheduled hearings.

One of the policies implemented by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for which he was impeached relates to changing the detention and removal process. This included mass releasing illegal foreign nationals into the country who were given a Notice to Appear before an immigration court at a future date and location.

In response to its findings, two U.S. House committees launched an investigation… (Continue to full article)

Benson: What Will They Do When the Goodies Are Gone?

Legal Immigrants, Illegal Immigrant, Refuge there is a difference. ( Photo by Metin Ozer on Unsplash

We’ve had problems with illegal immigration on our Southern border for decades. This problem is not new, but it is surely different and worse now than it ever was before. For a lot of years we had immigrants, mostly from Mexico and Central America, coming across the border to find work, mostly because their own countries couldn’t, or wouldn’t, give them enough work to support their families.

When they got here and somehow managed to find work they worked hard. When their children were born here they were citizens and many of them contributed to the country. They worked, joined the military, their children got an education that enabled them to contribute to society. This is not a picture of many of the current illegal immigrants this country is being inundated with thanks to China Joe Biden. Continue reading

Footing the Bill: Border Crisis Costs U.S. Billions

The ongoing crisis at the southern border is not just a security concern, but a major economic one. A recent report from the House Homeland Security Committee put the total annual cost of illegal immigration in the U.S. at as much as $451 billion. That includes direct costs like funding border patrol, along with indirect costs like law enforcement, housing, healthcare, and education. Continue reading

March 19, 2024: The Continued INVASION of America… The Insanity Will NOT End

Frankly – as one who has been fighting this issue for many decades – enough is ENOUGH. I am tired of using the valuable space on Federal Observer to post headline after headline after MORE headlines on this topic. Biden and the rest of the CROOKED Polly-Ticians  – ALL need to get – shall we say – HUNG Out to HANG! – All the while – it is WE the American People who are footing the bill for all of this BULLSHIT!

OH – and by the way – if interested in any of the preview articles below – click on the TITLE to connect to the complete articles.

As for the Elected or the Illegal Invader – just get ready to ‘Hang ‘Em High’! ~ Editor


Florida Braces for Influx of Haitian Refugees as US Coast Guard Sends Boat With 65 Back to Live Under Rule of Crime Boss Barbecue

Florida is braced for an influx of desperate refugees fleeing violence-stricken Haiti as the country inches closer to a civil war.

Gang violence has left the dead piling up in the streets of the capital Port-au-Prince and so far displaced more than 15,000 people. The US State Department has not indicated how many Americans its estimates are among those caught up in the chaos.

Haiti Gets Millions More from U.S. after Armed Gangs Take Over, Billions in Aid Perish

Rife with fraud and corruption, the U.S. government’s multi-billion-dollar Haiti aid program has failed miserably to help citizens of the impoverished island, yet the Biden administration is sending more money as violence and lawlessness grip the country. Armed gangs have overrun most of the capital of Port-au-Prince and political instability has plateaued, but the American taxpayer dollars keep flowing with no oversight though billions in assistance have vanished since an earthquake struck Haiti nearly a decade and a half ago… More of U.S. Taxpayer’s $$$ getting picked from OUR pockets.

Americans Warned to Brace for SECOND Wave of Venezuelan Gangsters Coming Over the Border as Country’s Prisons as at Least 100 Inmates Are RELEASED: ‘These are KILLERS’

A second wave of Venezuela’s worst criminals could soon be rushing over the US border after being released from prison in their home country. was first to report on the first wave of Venezuelan gangsters to cross the border and filter into American cities – including henchmen for dictator Nicolas Maduro and members of the notorious Tren de Aragua gang. Now, more gang bangers and thugs who had been locked away are being released, according to a government official.

Staggering 48,610 Migrant Children Have Crossed the Border ALONE Since October

In that same period, 1.2 million people have crossed the US border illegally, statistics from US Customs and Border Protection show.

In the El Paso Sector of the border, 5,800 unaccompanied children have been found near the international boundary, El Paso Border Patrol Chief Anthony Good tweeted Monday.

The shocking figure was posted alongside the photo of a young boy arriving on the border near El Paso, Texas. The system appears to be struggling to cope with the rapid numbers of migrants flowing across the border, which reached an all-time high of 302,000 monthly crossings in December.

The backlog has left millions of migrants who are currently residing in the U.S., unsure of whether they will be permitted to stay or simply be deported.

More Than 8 MILLION Asylum Seekers Will Soon Live in The U.S.

The United States is expected to be grappling with more than 8 million asylum seekers and migrants who will have crossed over the southern border by September. The staggering figure represents a 167 percent surge in five years and underscores the challenges faced by what is both an underfunded and antiquated immigration system.

The vast majority of the 8 million are now free to roam US streets, including 2 million ‘high-priority’ cases of career criminals seeking asylum.

The system appears to be struggling to cope with the rapid numbers of migrants flowing across the border, which reached an all-time high of 302,000 monthly crossings in December.

The backlog has left millions of migrants who are currently residing in the U.S., unsure of whether they will be permitted to stay or simply be deported.

New California Bill Would Make Illegal Immigrants Eligible for First Time Homebuyer Loans

A California Democratic assembly member’s new bill states that an individual’s immigration status can’t disqualify an applicant from the program. Joaquin Arambula, a Democratic assemblyman from California, introduced Assembly Bill 1840 earlier this year, which could create an alternative way for illegal immigrants to achieve homeownership.

The bill is set to expand eligibility criteria for a state loan program to expand these loans to include undocumented migrants that are first-time buyers. Arambula’s update to the bill states, “an applicant under the program shall not be disqualified solely based on the applicant’s immigration status.”

Concerns continue to rise across the country as the migrant crisis continues to grow and overpower different states’ available resources.

Illegal Immigrant Crime Wave

Well, Biden went to the border, the safest part of the border currently, for his election photo-op. However, it isn’t only the border area that feels the brunt of the illegal alien crime wave in this country, not that Biden gives a hoot. It would seem that Biden is currently in the “replacement” mode–replacing American citizens with foreign illegal aliens.

There have been several news reports displaying the outworking of Biden’s replacement agenda (really it’s Obama’s agenda, but Biden is a willing puppet). Illegal immigrants are involved in all manner of crimes, but that’s okay with China Joe as long as the victims are Americans and/or their children.

For instance, one episode happened right here in Louisiana. In Kenner, Louisiana, a 19 year old Illegal immigrant has been arrested following a series of violent crimes. The police have stated that this guy is in this country illegally.

Texas “Won’t Back Down” After Biden Immigration Law Ruling

As seen from an aerial view a U.S. Border Patrol agent supervises as immigrants walk into the United States after crossing the Rio Grande from Mexico on September 30, 2023 in Eagle Pass, Texas. John Moore/Getty Images

Texas “will not back down” – Governor Greg Abbott vows – after a U.S. judge sided with a legal challenge by the Biden Administration against a tough new state immigration law that was to take effect next week.

When Governor Abbott signed SB 4 into law in December, it was hailed by The National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) as a weapon to help regain control of the border:

“Border Patrol agents nationwide, not just in Texas, are grateful for Governor Abbott’s leadership and willingness to recognize that it is the rule of law that keeps all Americans safe,” – NBPC President Brandon Judd

The law would make it a state crime to cross the Texas-Mexico border unlawfully.

Texas Judge Orders Joe Biden to Continue Building Border Wall

A federal judge has ordered  Joe Biden to continue building border wall along the United States-Mexico border with funds allocated under former President Donald Trump.

Gun Ban for Illegal Immigrants Ruled Unconstitutional

The right to keep and bear arms is a natural right, meaning all free men and women have that right, regardless of where they are on the planet. It’s part of why so many of us find other nations’ gun laws so insulting. It’s a repression of people’s right to have weapons to defend themselves and their nation.

A repression that goes out the window in the face of invasion, it should be noted.

But that brings about the question of illegal immigrants. Do they forfeit their rights when they enter the United States illegally, or do they maintain their rights as they’ve not actually been convicted of a felony or anything else? Continue reading

March 7, 2024: The Continued INVASION of America… The Insanity Will NOT End

Biden Uses ‘Secretive Flights’ to Import 320,000 Illegal Aliens to U.S.

Biden is operating a “secretive flights” program to fly hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to the United States every year, according to records obtained by Todd Bensman at the Center for Immigration Studies.

The records, obtained by Bensman via a Freedom of Information (FOIA) lawsuit, show that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) imported 320,000 illegal aliens to the United States last year through the little-known flight component of Biden’s “CBP One” mobile app.

The migrant mobile app, Breitbart News has extensively reported, has allowed about 465,000 illegal aliens to schedule appointments at the United States-Mexico border for release into the United States interior from January 2023 through January 2024… (Continue to full article)

Musk says ‘the groundwork is being laid for something far worse than 9/11’

Biden administration ADMITTED flying 320K unvetted migrants into the US has national security ‘vulnerabilities’

The Tesla’s creators comments comment after a secret Biden program was exposed where the administration admitted to flying 320,000 migrants into the US – but officials refuse to say who was flown and to where.

Lawyers for the administration’s immigration agencies have claimed that revealing the locations of where these undocumented aliens are could create national security ‘vulnerabilities.’… (Continue to full article)

Ghastly 7,300% Surge in Illegal Immigrants from Same Nation as College Student’s Murderer

While most mainstream media coverage flagrantly omits that the man charged in the murder of a Georgia nursing student is an illegal immigrant who entered the United States through the famously porous southern border, other important nuggets are also being left out of most reports.

The 26-year-old suspect, Jose Antonio Ibarra, comes from a country – Venezuela – run by a dictator with close ties to terrorists who refuses to accept deportees. This is especially disturbing because the U.S. has seen a shocking 7,300% spike in migrants from Venezuela under the Biden administration’s disastrous open border policies and now we are stuck with all of them.

There is no telling how many other violent criminals or terrorists are among the hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans who have been released inside the country by our government in the last few years…. (Continue to full article)

Biden and the Sanitized Border – He’ll See What He Wants to See!

Blind-ass – The Embarrasment

Biden is in office only to fulfill Obama’s intent of “fundamentally transforming the United States” into a third world nonentity, and that all he’s there for–that and the graft he can get by with. He’d probably select Xi Jinping as his next vice-president if he thought he could get away with it!

I’ve been at the border three times over the years (not recently) and you never had the horrible numbers showing up that you have since Biden opened up the border to the world. There are always going to be some that get across.

It’s been that way for 100 years now. Years ago, when I was much younger, you had lots of Mexicans that crossed the border so they could find work and a better life here. They came to work–and they worked hard and their descendants born here became citizens and contributed to this country… (Continue to full article)

Majority of Americans Now Favor the Construction of a Border Wall for First Time Ever in Major Poll

A majority of Americans threw their support behind construction of a southern border wall for the first time ever since Monmouth University started asking the question in 2015.

According to the survey released on Tuesday, 53 percent said they favor finishing construction on a border wall amid a spike in crossings, while 46 percent said they are opposed.

Over 60 percent also identified illegal immigration as a “very serious” problem for the United States. Another 23 percent called it a “somewhat serious” problem, and another 10 percent called it not so serious. Only 5 percent described it as “not at all serious.” Monmouth noted that concern about illegal immigration has gone up across partisan lines after comparing the latest data to similar surveys taken during the presidencies of Barack Obama and Donald Trump… (Continue to full article)

Cost of caring for illegals: A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon it’s REAL MONEY

The murder of a Georgia college student, allegedly at the hands of an illegal alien, is generating debate over the cost in lives, and money, to help people who don’t belong here.

Immigration experts put the total number of illegals inside the U.S. at 16-17 million, according to the Family Research Council.

It’s a figure that’s beginning to drain taxpayer-funded resources even in the large urban sanctuaries, such as New York City, where sheltering illegal is costing $20 million a month, according to Fox News.

A 2023 study by Mehlman’s FAIR group placed the cost of caring for illegals at $182 billion. Subtract taxes paid by some illegals – much of it in the form of sales tax – and the negative impact on U.S. taxpayers is estimated at almost $151 billion.

Illegal immigration costs each American taxpayer almost $1,000 annually, the report found…. (Continue to full article)

New California Bill Would Make Illegal Immigrants Eligible for First Time Homebuyer Loans

                                             HERE are your Homes. Pack ’em up – and Go Home to where you came from!

Joaquin Arambula, a Democratic assemblyman from California, introduced Assembly Bill 1840 earlier this year, which could create an alternative way for illegal immigrants to achieve homeownership.

The bill is set to expand eligibility criteria for a state loan program to expand these loans to include undocumented migrants that are first-time buyers.

Arambula’s update to the bill states, “an applicant under the program shall not be disqualified solely based on the applicant’s immigration status.”

Border patrol agents are upset that we cannot get the proper policy that is necessary to protect human life, to protect American citizens, to protect the people that are crossing the border illegally. We can’t do that because President Biden’s policies continue to invite people to cross here… (Continue to full article)

…and the Beat goes on…

March 3, 2024: The Continued INVASION of America… The Insanity Will NOT End

Something’s Fishy About the ‘Migrant Crisis

A law that would allow green card holders to vote in city elections remains in limbo, more When the mayor of New York, of all places, warned that a recent influx of asylum seekers would destroy his city , something didn’t add up.

“I said it last year when we had 15,000, and I’m telling you now at 110,000. The city we knew, we’re about to lose.”

By the end of the year, more than 150,000 migrants had arrived . Still, the mayor’s apocalyptic prediction didn’t square with New York’s past experience. How could a city with more than 8 million residents, more than 3 million of whom are foreign-born, find itself overwhelmed by a much smaller number of newcomers?

In another legendary haven for immigrants, similar dynamics were playing out. Chicago has more than 500,000 foreign-born residents, about 20 percent of its population, but it has been straining to handle the arrival of just 35,000 asylum seekers in the past year and a half… (Continue to full article)

The Elderly Arizona Rancher on the Frontline of Migrant Crisis
A San Diego migrant center announced it will be forced to close its doors Thursday after The cartel watches him in the dark with scoped rifles and night vision goggles – but at 84, he’s standing his ground and protecting his land.

For four generations, Jim Chilton’s family of cattle ranchers has worked the vast lands of southern Arizona which straddle the Mexico border, keeping the cowboy tradition alive.

But after nearly 150 years, their business – and way of life – is under threat.

The migrant crisis which has gripped America has turned the Chilton ranch into a perilous corridor used by hundreds, sometimes thousands, of people each month to cross into the country illegally.

Patrols by Jim, 84, across this ranch in Arivaca, Arizona, which is three times the size of Manhattan are no longer focused solely on traditional duties: tracking missing cattle, tending the land and maintaining infrastructure.

Today, he must also fill the role of look-out and rescuer of migrants who collapse, dehydrated and exhausted, as they trek across these remote and unforgiving lands… (Continue to full article)

Georgia Republicans Push to Deport All Undocumented Immigrants After Killing of Nursing Student
A bill in the state legislature seeks to require every eligible police and sheriff department to help identify these migrants and detain them.

Georgia Republicans are pushing a bill that would require state police to detain and deport all undocumented migrants, as anti-immigration rhetoric escalates in some sectors of society following the killing of a nursing student suspectedly at the hands of a Venezuelan who crossed the border unlawfully in 2022.

The Associated Press reported that Republicans in the state’s House are seeking to advance a bill where all eligible police and sheriff’s department would be tasked with identifying undocumented migrants and detaining them for deportation. It would also set new requirements for how jail officials should check with ICE to determine detained people’s migratory status.

Latino organizations and students at the University of Georgia, in turn, have pleaded against anti Hispanic and anti immigrant rhetoric… (Continue to full article)

Arizona Business Owners Rally Against Proposed Immigration Bill

In a heated demonstration on Monday, Arizona small-business owners, accompanied by advocates and Democratic lawmakers, vehemently opposed House Speaker Ben Toma’s immigration bill, HCR 2060. The proposed legislation, which mandates proof of citizenship for both employment and public assistance, has ignited fierce debate reminiscent of the controversial SB 1070 law from 2010.

At the forefront of the rally was Jose “ET” Rivera, the owner of Tres Leches Cafe in Phoenix, who voiced concerns about the potential economic repercussions and the resurgence of fear among Latino communities.

Rivera, a first-generation Mexican-American, emphasized the detrimental impact the bill could have on Arizona’s economy, warning that it could drive away businesses and instill division among racial groups…. (Continue to full article)

Democrats’ Fear About ‘Critical Threat‘ of Immigrants is Growing
The number of Democrats who view immigration as a “critical threat” negatively affecting the United States has risen, according to a new Gallup poll.

Illegal immigration continues to remain a major issue on a national scale, evident by both President Joe Biden and Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump visiting the Texas cities of Brownsville and Eagle Pass, respectively, on Thursday. Biden plans to meet with federal Border Patrol agents while Trump will enter an immigration epicenter that has drawn critique from Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

More Americans now (28 percent) name immigration as the most important problem facing the nation than they did a month ago (20 percent), according to the Gallup poll released on Tuesday. Previously, government was cited as the biggest problem each month from January through November 2023.

Both Republicans (89.6 percent) and independents (53.3 percent) view immigration as a more critical problem now than previously, even going back 20 years, according to more comprehensive Gallup data… (Continue to full article)

California Residents Take Border Security Into Their Own Hands
A group of military veterans based in southern California has been repairing damage to walls and fencing along the state’s border with Mexico in a bid to discourage illegal immigration.

The work has been organized by Border Vets, with the group sharing images and video on social media showing its members using razor wire to block gaps that have emerged in border defenses.

Illegal immigration over the southern border has become a heated political issue, with a recent Monmouth University poll finding that 84 percent of Americans think it is either a “very serious” or “serious” issue. Former President Donald Trump, the clear favorite for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, has made the issue one of the centerpieces of his campaign for a second White House term.

Border Vets has primarily been operating in the mountainous area around Jacumba Hot Springs that has become a major migrant crossing point in recent months.

Speaking to Border Report, a website that covers illegal immigration across the U.S.-Mexico border, retired Marine and Border Vet member Kate Monroe said: “It’s really serious for everybody here that we protect our nation…. (Continue to full article)

Legal Immigration, Illegal Immigration, and Refugee ~ Unveiling the Truth

~ Introduction ~
There are statements being made in this column which may be offensive and upsetting to some of our readers. Do NOT let them offend, for in the end – this is a history lesson – and there is MUCH stated below that is well worth consideration. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor

Legal Immigrants, Illegal Immigrant, Refuge there is a difference. ( by Metin Ozer on Unsplash

Mr. Trump and the GOP has made concerns about illegal immigration the issue of the campaign. The focus is on the southern border and the huge number of arrivals. The rhetoric has placed those legal immigrants and those legal refugees as targets to harassment, slander and violence. The glares and stares of being dark skinned and speaking another language as a first language adds to the anxiety each “legal” faces daily along with institutionalized barriers to assimilation.

This article clarifies some facts on legal, illegal immigration and on the status called refugee. Continue reading

Proposed “Courage to Serve Act” Offers Immigrants New Path to US Citizenship, Sparking Debate

George Okoth With a Colleague From the US Army

A bill currently under consideration in the U.S. Congress, the “Courage to Serve Act,” has the potential to significantly impact the lives of Kenyans seeking opportunities in the United States, particularly those aiming for American citizenship. Continue reading

February 24, 2024: The Continued American INVASION

Border has seen a 7,000% spike in Chinese migrants since 2021

Top Republican warns of ‘military-age men’ and spies entering US who would wreak havoc in any war over Taiwan

US Customs and Border Protection says it encountered 24,048 Chinese migrants at the US-Mexico border in fiscal year 2023, which ended in September — a 7,000 percent jump on the 323 who came amid the pandemic-era lockdowns of 2021.

If these thousands of Chinese illegals, many of which we must assume have Communist connections, spent $35,000 each to get here, where did all that money come from? Your average Chinese doesn’t have that kind of cash, so someone has got to be footing a tremendous bill to get them here. Anyone come to mind?

More Chinese nationals are encountered at the San Diego sector of the California-Mexico border nowadays than Mexicans… (Continue to full article)

Volunteer from Tucson Samaritans is seen holding open hole in border fence and encouraging migrants to walk through as Republicans demand probe into the NGOs ‘facilitating the crisis’?

Tucson Samaritans volunteers have been caught on camera holding open a hole in a border fence and waving migrants through, according to a congressman now demanding an investigation into NGO’s helping migrants come into the US illegally.

Rep. Tom Tiffany said the organization along with Green Valley-Sahuarita Samaritans is ‘aiding illegal immigration’ by assisting the droves of foreigners arriving in America daily.

Video shows a volunteer holding open a gap in the fence at the US border with Mexico in Arizona while a steady stream of migrants pass through… (Continue to full article)

Illegal Immigrants Reveal How They Got into America and Why They Are Coming
For the past couple of months, there have been multiple groups of illegal immigrants crossing into the United States. According to a publication released by the House Committee on Homeland Security, there have been more than 7.5 million encounters nationwide and 6.4 million at the Southwest border.

The publication provided more key facts directly from U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) report and states:

169 individuals whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist were stopped trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border between ports of entry. 18 were apprehended in September alone. CBP has arrested 35,433 aliens with criminal convictions or outstanding warrants nationwide, including 598 known gang members, 178 of those being MS-13 members… (Continue to full article)

NYC’s Non-Citizen Voting Law Ruled Unconstitutional on Appeal
A law that would allow green card holders to vote in city elections remains in limbo, more than two years after it passed.

The 2022 law sought to let green card holders and other people living in New York City with federal work authorization to vote in local elections for offices including mayor and City Council.

A state appeals court ruled that a New York City law that would allow non-citizens to vote in local elections is unconstitutional — marking a win for the Republican elected officials who sued to block it.

We determine that this local law was enacted in violation of the New York State Constitution and Municipal Home Rule Law, and thus, must be declared null and void.”… (Continue to full article)

San Diego Migrant Center to Close After Influx of Asylum-Seekers Drain Funds: ‘Serious problem
A San Diego migrant center announced it will be forced to close its doors Thursday after running out of funds to assist the overwhelming number of asylum-seekers who have illegally crossed into the county.

The mayor of nearby El Cajon, Calif., told Fox News Thursday that he fears the welcome center’s closure will quickly become a “serious problem” for his community.

“Over the past few months, we’ve seen 100,000 migrants come across the San Diego border,” said Mayor Bill Wells.

A lot of those have been absorbed by this county shelter that used taxpayer money. They asked for $3 million and they spent over $6 million and now they say they’re out of money. So we’re going to see migrants congregating in our streets.

The center, which claims to be handling up to 800 migrants a day, has been sending buses to county Border Patrol stations to pick up migrants, bring them back to the site and provide services to prepare them for the journey to their final destination.

If the current pace of illegal immigration does not slow down, fiscal year 2024 will break last year’s record of 2,475,669 southwest border encounters — a number that by itself exceeds the population of New Mexico, a border state.

The total number of southwest land border encounters since Biden assumed office in 2021 is 7,298,486, CBP data shows… (Continue to full article)

Seal the border, deport all the illegals”

“Hasta lo Bye-Bye!”

The architect of many of former President Donald Trump’s most effective and controversial policies on Friday laid out what is likely to be Trump’s first-day immigration plan if he beats President Joe Biden in November.

“The simple part is seal the border, deport all the illegals,” Stephen Miller told an audience at the 2024 Conservative Political Action Conference.

“You get in; you have two policy objectives that you proceed with utter determination on: seal the border, no illegals in, everyone here goes out. That’s very straightforward”

When Biden came to office, the new president ended virtually every Trump immigration policy. The result has been historic and record-breaking illegal immigration. Some expect 10 million illegal immigrants to have crossed the border by the end of Biden’s first term…. (Continue to full article)

Texas to Build Military Base on Mexico Border… in New Swipe at Biden

The facility built on the site will be able to accommodate some 300 soldiers by April — and will have the ability to expand to house up to 2,300

Texas plans to construct a military base along the border with Mexico, the state’s Republican governor announced Friday, as his election-year tug-of-war with the White House over migration continues to broil.

A wave of illegal border crossings in recent months has made migration a key talking point in the US presidential election campaign once again, with Republicans seeking to pin blame for the record-high numbers entirely on Democratic President Joe Biden. Continue reading