Category Archives: America – Its’ Disappearance

America the Beautiful – or so She used to be – until the Enemies took over.

The basis of this category deals with cancer – NO – Not the disease that we deal with on Dr. Kelley’s VICTORY OVER CANCER – but a Cancer of another type – the kind that we have sat back as a Nation and allowed it – and THEM – to take over the nation and DESTROY it!

In the future – we may decide that other columns will fit – but our primary focus will be based on three columns, “The Cancer Within Modern Medicine” – but has little or nothing to do with the medicinal disease that we have been affected with.

Confusing? Wait until you read it!

Migrants With Ties to Terrorism Continue Attacks on U.S. Military Bases

The country’s open borders are allowing for illegal migrants with ties to terrorism to attack various military bases across the country including in Texas.

For instance, there have been multiple breaches at Laughlin Air Force Base since early this year. On January 21, a vehicle crashed into a light post before four people inside the vehicle got out and then breached the facility. According to Laughlin AFB, three others were arrested before escaping. Continue reading

Preparing Concentration Camps for Conservative “Dissidents

Dial it back to 2016, when every Democrat in America thought Hillary “Hitlery” Clinton had the election in the bag. The fake news media complex was already beginning to cast Donald J. Trump as a racist, misogynist, white supremacist, all-immigrant-hating rich white casino guy who would destroy democracy and ruin the economy. Bernie “Commie” Sanders even got cheated out of the Democratic nomination process, in the rigged primaries, scammed by the Associated Press and the DNC (Demoncrats of Nefarious Criminals). They even admitted it afterward. Continue reading

DeWeese: Is Home Ownership the American Dream or an Opportunity for Government Control?

Does your family live in a home located in a single-family neighborhood of your choosing? A place where your kids are safe to play in the yard, you can enjoy the sun in your own lounge chair, the grill is ready to be fired up for dinner, and your neighbors wave hello? Best of all, are you counting on the equity value growing with each mortgage payment, preparing for your financial future?

This is your home, your investment, your quality of life!

Well, get ready to lose it all, because a growing movement believes your happiness and success is divisive, racist, and ignores the plight of others who just don’t have the same opportunities and privileges as you. Continue reading

Ross: The Great Deception

Over the course of human history there is a category of criminals that have gone by many names. They are often referred to as shysters, grifters, flim-flam men, but in the end, they are all one form of con artist or another. The goal of these people is simple; to convince others to part with their money, or their property by promising them huge rewards, or unbelievable benefits, for doing so. The old snake oil salesmen, like the one in the film Josey Wales, is an example of one form of con artistry; albeit a not a very efficient one. Continue reading

World Bank Demands END to FARMING by 2030 to Combat Climate Crisis

The World Bank has issued notice to western nations that they must abolish farming in order to achieve ‘net zero emissions’ by 2030

The World Bank has issued a directive to Western nations to completely abolish farming in order to achieve net zero emissions by 2030. The plan includes closing down farms globally and placing them under the control of a few World Economic Forum (WEF) Young Global Leaders, such as Bill Gates, who will then “radically alter the way food is grown.” Continue reading

Roberts: The Death of Truth Is at Hand

Day by day it is becoming more difficult and more risky to provide information that differs from the official narratives. Websites are finding that payment mechanisms, such as PayPal and Stripe, and banks refuse to process donations to their sites. Others, such as Vdare are being driven into bankruptcy by quota hire NY prosecutors. Alex Jones’ operation is again under assault. Tucker Carlson was driven from Fox News. Google increasingly hides unwelcome information.

And now we witness a former US Marine, intelligence officer, and UN weapons inspector pulled off an international flight and his passport stolen by police “on orders by the US Department of State.” Scott Ritter was on his way to Russia to speak at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Continue reading

The “OTHER” Hearing That Was BIGGER Than Fauci or Garland

Despite the absurd theatrics in Congress this week during the Tony Fauci and Merrick Garland hearings, there was actually another hearing that may have been even more important. It was about Social Security – probably the most obvious ticking time bomb that absolutely no one is doing anything about.]

This entire week has been full of eye-rolling – borderline eye-gouging – cowardice and deceit in the halls of Congress. Continue reading

Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: How Sustainable Rule Took Over Your City

Solar and wind farms to eliminate gas and oil; 15 Minute Cities; eliminating single-family homes; eliminating gas-powered cars; stop eating beef; no more warm water showers; ban ice cubes and electric stoves; Sustainable! How did these radical ideas become official policies in our once great American cities, now on the verge of collapse? Here’s the story.

San Francisco is the birthplace of the United Nations. On June 5th, 2005, it was also the location for a major effort by the UN to circumvent national and state governments in order to reorganize human society. Coincidentally, the date was also World Environment Day. This time the UN was targeting mayors from all over the world to enlist them to be soldiers in the Sustainable war.

Like a scene from Michael Crichton’s landmark novel State of Fear, all the usual suspects, our self-appointed saviors, were there. There were UN bureaucrats seeking to increase their power and influence, NGOs with their private agendas, Hollywood celebrities acting like authorities on how Americans should rightly live, leaders of corporations seeking to help devise global regulations to kill their competition, and representatives from national and local news outlets that long ago had lost any pretense of delivering unbiased news. Continue reading

US Is Failing To Counter Threat Of Chinese Land Ownership

The United States government is not appropriately addressing the threat posed by growing Chinese ownership of American land, according to a report released by the Heritage Foundation Thursday.

The federal government is woefully ill-equipped to track Chinese-owned real estate in the country, despite the serious threat these Chinese Communist Party-affiliated entities can pose to critical U.S. infrastructure, according to the report. The report calls on federal and state leaders to take action, such as increasing transparency and conducting more critical reviews of land purchases. Continue reading

A Nanny State Idiocracy: A Tale of Too Many Laws and Too Little Freedom

“Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus – the bureaucracy, the police, the military.” ~ Simone Weil, French philosopher

We are caught in a vicious cycle of too many laws, too many cops, and too little freedom.

It’s hard to say whether we’re dealing with a Kleptocracy (a government ruled by thieves), a Kakistocracy (a government run by unprincipled career politicians, corporations and thieves that panders to the worst vices in our nature and has little regard for the rights of American citizens), or a Nanny State Idiocracy. Continue reading

Pfizer Agrees to Settle 10,000 Lawsuits Accusing Pharma Giant of Hiding Cancer Risks of Heartburn Drug Zantac

Pfizer has agreed to settle more than 10,000 lawsuits alleging it it of hiding the cancer risks of its heartburn drug Zantac.

The financial details have not been revealed but pharma rival Sanofi agreed to pay more than $100million to resolve 4,000 Zantac-cancer claims last nonth.

The over-the-counter pill was pulled in the US in 2020 after animal studies found a key ingredient released ‘probable human carcinogens’.

Pfizer was the primary manufacturer of Zantac from 1998 to 2006, when several suits claim it should have known that the drug was contaminated with NDMA. Continue reading

Benson: Even Small Colleges Fully Display Their Marxist Proclivities

It should come as no surprise that colleges and universities, big and small, continue to have their leftist bent on full display. This should be a somber warning to those parents who are considering sending their kids to some of these schools for “higher education.” You’d be better off sending the kids to a vocational school to learn a trade of some kind. Most colleges and universities do not provide real education. They, like most K-12 public schools, provide leftist indoctrination, because the true intent is not to educate but to indoctrinate the kids in a leftist worldview, which they will pass on to their kids. Continue reading

Blow it Out Cher (G)-Ass! Chapter II

OH – do you find the title of today’s post offensive? Then it is past time to WAKE UP! It’s not the title that one should be offended by – it should be the subject matter.

“Pal” Joey and Company are at the bottom of this crap for one reason or another and many of his cohorts are more than likely on the receiving end of some heavy ‘moolah‘!

Hey folks – it’s the ‘Green New Deal’. Let’s save the Planet by forcing EV autos down people’s throats. Let’s outlaw the sales of BBQ’s and gas stoves.

But tonight, I drove by numerous gas stations that had tried to “Pump me UP!” for a .40-cent hike in less than 24 hours. Who in the hell iz zooming who? I will not waste my time trying to share other reasons for all of this crap. It is time that America WAKE UP and smell the coffee being heated up on your GAS stoves. Follow the headlines below – and then READ ‘EM and WEEP! How about, “Getcher head out of your ASS!” ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor

What Does Biden’s Bid to Phase Out Gas Cars by 2032 Mean For YOU?

Take-up of electric cars has stalled in many parts of America – with just 3 percent of new sales an EV in some states

Drastic new rules that limit the sale of gas-powered vehicles by 2032 were unveiled by the Biden administration …

The news come as take-up of electric cars has stalled in many parts of America – with just 3 percent of new sales an EV in some states.

EV owners report far more problems with their cars and trucks than owners of gas-powered vehicles, according to a new survey.

Vehicles in the burgeoning electric vehicle segment, from model year 2021 through 2023, encountered 79 percent more problems than those with combustion engines…

HEY Joey – Blow it out your a… (Continue to full article)

‘That makes no sense’!

Rage Drivers About Gas Tax Hike and New $250 EV Fee to Be Rolled Out in Major US State

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, along with key state lawmakers, is spearheading a plan to gradually increase the gasoline tax by nearly 1.9 cents per gallon each year.

A new bill would implement the gas tax hike each year for the next five years until drivers spend $.10 a gallon more, according to

The bill would also apply surcharges of $250 to $290 on electric vehicle drivers in the state… (Continue to full article)

Biden Admin Set to Finalize Major Gas Car Crackdown Over Warnings From Automakers, Energy Industry

Joey Doo Fuss

The Biden administration is expected this week to finalize highly anticipated regulations targeting gas-powered vehicle tailpipe emissions, considered the tip of the spear in its efforts to electrify the transportation sector.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is slated to issue the final rulemaking — which officials have boasted will incentivize greater adoption of electric vehicles (EV), but which opponents have criticized as a de facto mandate — as soon as Wednesday, industry sources told Fox News Digital. The regulations, a key part of President Biden’s climate agenda, would ultimately force automakers to more rapidly expand electric options in their fleets beginning in a matter of years.

“It certainly won’t do anything to improve human health. It won’t do anything to reduce pollution,” American Energy Institute president and CEO Jason Isaac, who has researched the EV market, told Fox News Digital in an interview. “We’ve proven in this country that we’re already a world leader in clean air. All it’s going to continue to do is push the costs of electric vehicles on to purchasers of internal combustion engine vehicles.”

‘This policy is bad for consumers, the economy and national security’… (Continue to full article)

EV euphoria is DEAD!

The buzz around electric vehicles is wearing off. Automakers are scaling back or delaying their electric vehicle plans.

Automakers from Ford Motor and General Motors to Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Jaguar Land Rover and Aston Martin are scaling back or delaying their electric vehicle plans.

Though consumer demand for EVs hasn’t shown up in the way executives had expected, sales of the vehicles are still predicted to increase in the years to come.

A broad return to a more mixed offering of vehicles — with lineups of gas-powered vehicles alongside hybrids and fully electric options — assumes an all-electric future at a much slower pace, and it calls attention to ambitious EV targets set for the years ahead… (Continue to full article)

Tesla Owner Locked Out Until Paying $26,000 for New Electric Car Battery

Life often surprises us with unexpected twists, and sometimes, it’s the challenges that lead us down a path we never imagined.

In this captivating narrative, we invite you to embark on an electric adventure, where Mario Zelaya, a Tesla owner hailing from Canada, found himself entangled in an extraordinary conundrum. His beloved $140,000 Tesla, a symbol of innovation, underwent a remarkable transformation after its battery met its match in time. What unfolded next is a tale of unyielding determination, an eye-popping price tag, and a peek behind the curtains of electric vehicle ownership.

This perplexing situation was far more than just an inconvenience; it was an unexpected revelation about the intricacies of owning an electric car. While conventional vehicles offer a straightforward solution to a locked car, Tesla’s advanced automation threw Mario into a modern-day riddle. With no power to unlock the doors, the vehicle’s digital prowess transformed into a formidable puzzle. Join us as we dive into this electric odyssey, where the promise of a sustainable future meets the practical challenges of the present.

A new battery, a vital organ for electric vehicles, demanded a staggering $26,000. This jaw-dropping cost illuminated the complexities of owning an electric car.. (Continue to full article)

Snyder ~ Has America Run Out Of Time?

Life As You Have Known It Will Never Be The Same Again…

For those that love America, these are very trying times. We have watched our beloved country go steadily downhill for decades, and in recent years that process has greatly accelerated. Now we have reached a point where our entire culture is absolutely saturated with evil, and large media corporations make billions of dollars exporting that culture to the rest of the world. In the end, we will truly reap what we have sown. Continue reading

Benson: Are We Already Witnessing the Demise of America and the Birth of Amerika?

According to one news report this morning political operative Merrick Garland, who heads our Department of (in)Justice plans to challenge all restrictions on mail-in voting, use of drop boxes, and anything that looks to him to be the restriction of voters who don’t have proper ID’s. It would seem, as I’ve been saying all along, that the plan is to allow non-citizen, illegal alien voters to vote in this year’s election – and you can’t have them showing up in most states without proper ID’s–so you have to eliminate that requirement so that anyone showing up at a polling place can automatically vote whether they have proper identification or not. Continue reading

Benson: Communist War on Farmers and Ranchers

One of the main goals of communists listed in The Communist Manifesto is the abolition of private property. That Communist goal is right up there along with another one “Free education for all children in public (government) schools.” The communists hate the concept of private property because it limits their control over people. They realize they have to control the property to control the people.

In this vein, author and researcher Arthur R. Thompson, author of To the Victors go the Myths and Monuments has written: “The communists have always attacked farmers and brought them under their control using a variety of methods. But in the end, they most always destroy the individual farms and those who own them. This is partially because the farmer has been probably the most independent and ‘off the grid’ type of individual. Such a condition is intolerable to the totalitarian state.” Continue reading

DeWeese: Organized Theft in the Name of Government

Most Americans today tend to think of private property simply as a home – the place where the family resides, stores their belongings, and finds shelter and safety from the elements. It’s where you live. It’s yours because you pay the mortgage and the taxes. Most people don’t give property ownership much more thought than that.

There was a time when property ownership was considered to be much more. Property, and the ability to own and control it, was life itself. The great economist John Locke, whose writings and ideas had a major influence on our nation’s founders, believed that “life and liberty are secure only so long as the right of property is secure.” Continue reading

Snyder: China Is Actively Preparing For War With The United States

At a time when their economy is really struggling, the Chinese are increasing military spending and ramping up preparations for war. But who is China preparing to fight a war with? Needless to say, the answer to that question is obvious. Yes, the border dispute between India and China could erupt into something significant, but that is not likely.

The only other opponent that the Chinese would be fighting a major war with would be the United States. And right now, Chinese shipyards are churning out military vessels at a pace that the U.S. simply cannot match… Continue reading

Blow it Out Cher (G)-Ass!

OH – do you find the title of today’s post offensive? Then it is past time to WAKE UP! It’s not the title that one should be offended by – it should be the subject matter.

“Pal” Joey and Company are at the bottom of this crap for one reason or another and many of his cohorts are more than likely on the receiving end of some heavy ‘moolah‘!

Hey folks – it’s the ‘Green New Deal’. Let’s save the Planet by forcing EV autos down people’s throats. Let’s outlaw the sales of BBQ’s and gas stoves.

But tonight, I drove by numerous gas stations that had tried to “Pump me UP!” for a .40-cent hike in less than 24 hours. Who in the hell iz zooming who? I will not waste my time trying to share other reasons for all of this crap. It is time that America WAKE UP and smell the coffee being heated up on your GAS stoves. Follow the headlines below – and then READ ‘EM and WEEP! How about, “Getcher head out of your ASS!” ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor

US to Sell Off Entire Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve

The sale of the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve is among the provisions intended to raise funds in one of six bills setting out appropriations for some federal departments this year after Congress narrowly avoided another shutdown last week.

Under a bill providing funding for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for the fiscal year, a million barrels of the government’s strategic reserve of petroleum would be sold off—the same amount as in the NGSR, which is located in New York Harbor, Boston, Massachusetts and South Portland, Maine.

“Upon the complete of such sale, the Secretary [of Energy] shall carry out the closure of the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve,” the bill states, and “may not establish any new regional petroleum product reserve unless funding of the proposed regional petroleum product reserve is explicitly requested in advance in an annual budget.”

The proceeds of the sale are to be deposited into the Treasury’s general fund, and the proposed appropriations act provides stipulations for the sale of the oil and the use of the money generated by it.

Congress is expected to pass the package, which is the result of cross-party negotiations, with votes set to take place this week. Negotiations on a further six spending bills continue…. (Continue to full article)

Oil Supply Is Looking Tighter and Prices Could Climb as US Production Outlook Gets Cut in Half This Year

The global head of commodity strategy at RBC Capital Markets pointed to signs that supply-demand imbalance in oil markets could soon tip in the other direction, as the world’s crude production is poised to slow. That could cause Brent crude, the international benchmark, to hit $85 in the second half of 2024, Croft predicted.

The US, which saw a “blockbuster” year for oil production in 2023, isn’t likely to churn out crude at the same speed it did last year. US production growth could crater in half from 1 million to just 500,000 barrels a day this year, Croft predicted, citing her conversations with other oil market watchers at the recent International Energy Week conference.

“It’s not that we’re saying … US production is not going to grow,” Croft said in an interview with CNBC on Monday. “It’s just a question about, were the gains that we saw last year due to particular unique circumstances that are not going to be replicated this year… (Continue to full article)

Gas Prices Are on the Rise Again

Drivers have enjoyed lower gas prices this winter between $3 and $3.30 nationally, but costs are rising and experts say the trend will likely continue in the spring.

A regular gallon of gas costs an average of $3.34, which is 10 cents more than a week ago and 22 cents more than last month, according to gas-price tracking site GasBuddy.

Unfortunately for drivers, there are several reasons why the outlook calls for gas prices to keep climbing — and why it’s wise to keep looking for ways to save on gas… (Continue to full article)

U.S. Northeast Gasoline Reserve Could Be Sold Off

WTFU – READ the first post above…

Under the draft text of the bill, “the Secretary of Energy shall draw down and sell one million barrels of refined petroleum product from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve during fiscal year 2024.”

The House is yet to vote on the bill, which allocates funding for half of the federal segments that Congress is in charge of organizing funding for, Reuters reported, but with anti-Chinese sentiments pretty popular among both Democrats and Republicans, its chances appear pretty good… (Continue to full article)

Gas Prices: ‘Stark Increases’ Expected Amid ‘Stunted’ Refineries, Higher Oil

The national average at the pump sat at $3.35 per gallon on Monday, up $0.09 from a week ago, but still $0.05 lower from exactly one year ago, according to AAA data.

“US refining has been stunted by severe weather and some power losses at key plants. We may in the next few days see US retail gas prices at a higher number than year-ago,” Tom Kloza, global head of energy analysis at OPIS, told Yahoo Finance.

In December, 24 states across the Midwest and Gulf Coast had their averages sitting below the $3 level. On Monday averages in just nine states were sitting below that threshold… (Continue to full article)

Chevron Indefinitely Closes Two U.S. Midwest Biodiesel Plants as Profits Slip

Chevron has indefinitely idled two biodiesel production facilities in the U.S. Midwest, the company confirmed on Friday, citing poor market conditions.

The second-largest U.S. oil producer bought biodiesel maker Renewable Energy Group for $3.15 billion in 2022 to expand its renewable fuels production to 100,000 barrels per day by 2030. The deal brought it 10 biodiesel plants and one renewable diesel facility.

Chevron idled plants in Ralston, Iowa, and Madison, Wisconsin, that combined can process 50 million gallon per year of biodiesel. Biodiesel production capacity was 2.07 billion gallons in December, according to U.S. government estimates.

Biodiesel is made from agricultural oils and animal fats, is more costly to make than petroleum-based diesel but is a cleaner burning fuel. Production also generates credits that can offset the cost of production.

Prices have slumped in recently months as supplies have grown and the value of renewable credits recently fell to a three-year low

Biden’s administration last year increased the amount of biofuels that oil refiners must blend into the nation’s fuel mix over the next three years, but the plan includes lower mandates for corn-based ethanol than it had initially proposed and sent credit prices lower… (Continue to full article)

These 10 States Have the Highest Gas Prices in 2023

Americans have been feeling the pain at the pump for quite some time. While prices are starting to dip slightly, whether you will feel a difference depends on which state you live in, according to new research by Now Patient, which has revealed the top 10 states where gas prices are the highest.

According to research, over 200 million people hold a valid driving license in the U.S., which means for the majority of these citizens, gas prices are a regular expenditure,” said Rajive Patel, medical writer at Now Patient . “As gas prices continue to fluctuate due to the rising cost of oil, our study which looks at the most costly states to live in the U.S. has revealed that some Americans are paying a considerable amount more for gas due to the location they live in.”

According to the Now Patient study, here are the top 10 states with the highest average gas prices… (Continue to full article)

Oil Prices Slump After OPEC+ Extension Disappoints Investors

Crude oil futures slumped to kick off the first full trading week of March despite global energy markets potentially facing tighter supply conditions in the coming months. Oil prices have been on a tear this year, rising double digits. Can oil sustain the upward trend?

April West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil futures tumbled $1.27, or 1.59%, to $78.68 per barrel at 17:26 GMT on Monday on the New York Mercantile Exchange. US crude is coming off a monthly gain of about 8%. Year-to-date, the WTI contract has rallied 10.3%.

But it’s better if we just jack up the prices at the pump…… (Continue to full article)

The U.S. Might Bar Sales to China From Its Strategic Oil Reserve

A measure in a funding bill introduced to avert a government shutdown includes the prohibition.

The provision was included in legislation unveiled by congressional leaders Sunday as lawmakers work to avert a government shutdown.

Meanwhile, two Democratic senators last week introduced legislation that would indefinitely ban exports of U.S. oil and liquified natural gas to China. Whether or not that bill gains traction, energy — both renewable and fossil fuel-based — will be a highly contested domain in U.S.-China relations…. (Continue to full article)

Lower Gasoline Prices in 2024: A Positive Outlook with Impressive Reductions

As the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) unveils its Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), a promising forecast emerges with lower gasoline prices in 2024 taking the spotlight. This anticipated decrease is attributed to a surge in refinery capacity and strategic adjustments in gasoline consumption, setting the stage for a more economically friendly fuel market.

The expected closure of LyondellBasell’s Houston refinery and the conversion of Phillips 66’s Rodeo refinery to renewable diesel production are indicative of the evolving landscape of the U.S. refining sector. These changes reflect a broader industry trend towards diversification and sustainability, aligning with global efforts to reduce carbon emissions and transition to cleaner energy sources.

The EIA’s forecast for lower gasoline prices in 2024 offers a glimpse into the future of the U.S. fuel market… HAHAHAHAHA – who in the Hell iz Zoomin’ WHO? (Continue to full article)

OOPS!!! Electric Cars Release MORE Toxic Emissions Than Gas-Powered Vehicles and Are Worse for the Environment

Electric vehicles may release more pollution than gas-powered vehicles, according to a report that has recently resurfaced.

The study, which was published in 2022 but has begun circulating again after being cited in a WSJ op-ed, found that brakes and tires release 1,850 times more particulate matter compared to modern tailpipes which have filters that reduce emissions.

It found that EVs are 30 percent heavier on average than gas-powered vehicles, which causes the brakes and tire treads to wear out faster than standard cars and releases tiny, often toxic particles into the atmosphere.ele

EV batteries weigh about 1,000 pounds, and can result in tire emissions that are nearly 400 times more than tailpipe emissions.

Particle pollution can increase health problems including heart disease, asthma, lung disease and in extreme cases, can lead to hospitalization, cancer, and premature death… (Continue to full article)

OH – but if you just want to buy a NEW Car – here is a selection that uses NO Gas!