Category Archives: Village of the Damned

Something is terribly wrong with the Education ‘Village‘ of America – the complete breakdown of America’s government controlled education system through indoctrination and Socialism. Our children have become truly ‘damned‘ and will have little chance to truly succeed in this nation – UNLESS – the system can be overturned. Sorry Hillary, but the Village thing hasn’t worked so well – for the children of America.

This category was so-named because of then First Lady, Hillary Clinton’s comment, “It takes a village to raise a child.” In addition to my feelings that our children are truly ‘damned‘ as long as this system is allowed to continue.

The ‘Village‘ is the place that I would not wish to be in today. I was privileged to participate in one of the last non-socialist school systems. Hell – I don’t know – maybe it had already begun, but I had great teachers. At 74 years of age – I can still picture and name over 90% of those whose care I was placed into. What we present here includes a range of commentary by a wide range of authors, which may well not fit into other designated categories. So here we provide, well – you know – “a little of this and a little of that!“

As the esteemed Dr. Rosemary Stein, M.D. has stated; The only way socialism has any chance in America is for the education system to push it in schools. Remember, the father of their modern education ‘Elite’ beliefs is John Dewey. Dewey was a communist, failed teacher who pushed what are now clearly failed education theories. Here is the quote of the day. “This militant crowd is comprised of uninformed and misinformed people looking at themselves as unfortunate, underpaid, underappreciated victims of capitalism, overwhelmed with jealousy that there are people who are everything they are not.”You are going to have to take ownership over the education of your children ~ Rosemary Stein, MD

The time is past due for we the people to take back the responsibility of who raises and who teaches OUR children… With the the words of our contributors both through new posts and archives of the past, we will do our best to bring you the dastardly news so that you may arm your selves to prepare for the ongoing battles and the ugliness of what THEY want to do to destroy this nation through THEIR ‘re-education’ system. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Kettle Moraine Publications

The Staggering Number of US Students who CAN’T Read

A record number American children can’t read, according to alarming new data… But they blame in on COVID?

        Underscoring academic – 40 percent of fourth grade children now lack basic reading skills

In 2024, 40 percent of fourth graders and a third of eighth graders had ‘below basic’ reading skills, according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress.

Meanwhile, only 23 percent of fourth graders and 26 percent of eighth graders were deemed ‘proficient’.

These results mark record lows since the reading assessments started in 1992. Continue reading

Education: Where Liberty Is Winning Some Important Battles

As we begin the new year, pessimism is rife in the liberty movement. Many are struck by a pervasive and overwhelming feeling that the enemies of freedom are winning and our movement is in disarray. However, not all news from recent times has been grim. A particular sphere of American politics stands out as a place where liberty is winning.

The first half of the 2020’s has seen an enormous exodus from the government education system. While decreasing enrollment numbers can be partially attributed to a decline in birthrates, enrollment in private schools and home education is certainly a major factor. In fact, this movement away from government education is so drastic, that many public schools are being forced to consider shutting down entirely. Continue reading

What Would Really Happen If We End the US Department of Education?

After the recent presidential election victory by Donald Trump, perennial calls to end the US Department of Education grew louder. With Republicans gaining control of the US Senate, and retaining control of the US House of Representatives as well, the prospect of eliminating the department became more plausible.

But don’t hold your breath. Continue reading

Teacher Reveals the ‘Really Obvious’ Reason Teens No Longer Read. It’s Not Just the Phones

Studies show that kids are spending a lot less time reading these days. In 2020, 42% of 9-year-old students said they read for fun almost daily, down from 52% in 2012. Seventeen percent of 13-year-olds read for fun daily, down from 27% in 2012. Among 17-year-olds, 19% say they read for fun, down from 31% in 1984.

It’s safe to say that modern technology is a big reason why kids aren’t reading as much. A recent report found that teenagers spend an average of 8 hours 39 minutes per day on screens, compared to 5-and-a-half hours for pre-teen children. So, it’s no wonder they don’t have any time left to crack open a book. Continue reading

A Half Century of Miseducation

The New York Times reported December 4 that math and science test scores for U.S. fourth and eighth graders have been essentially stagnant since 1995. Nor have they have been stagnant near the top – lots of countries outrank us –  but rather in the middling middle. American elementary/middle school students perform behind Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, England, Ireland, and Poland.

“’This is alarming,’” opined a Department of Education commissioner. Continue reading

Teachers Told to Stop Whining and DO THEIR JOBS

The founder of a Christian ministry that addresses cultural issues says the absent teachers demanding a 9% pay raise need to wake up.

As AFN previously reported, the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is demanding the increase in pay, even as four in 10 teachers have been “chronically absent” this year and already enjoy a median salary of $95,000.

Now the teachers union is slamming The Chicago Tribune for calling them out and for posing the question, “How much more again does their union expect?”

“It’s time for the Tribune to reflect the facts,” the CTU argues. “Have they considered how often educators – especially the 75% of whom are women – are on the front lines of both their classrooms and their families? Does the Trib think workers don’t deserve sick days, FMLA and parental leave? Educators don’t just teach; they sacrifice, care, and persevere.”

Linda Harvey, President of Mission: America, says, “The union needs to wake up”!
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As a Teacher for 26 Years, I’ve Seen How We Dumbed Down Education — and How Kids Suffer

An American flag hangs in a classroom as students work on laptops in Newlon Elementary School, Aug. 25, 2020, in Denver. – AP

Recently, writing in the Acton Institute’s Religion and Liberty Online, a Texas high-school teacher, Auguste Meyrat, brilliantly formulated the most precise description of education in post-COVID America: vegetative education.

As he writes, “Teachers in past decades have been faced with two choices: educating students with challenging material and frequent grading or engaging them with fun projects and participation grades.”

What is he talking about?

What does modern classroom instruction look like these days?

To put it mildly: A lot of it is not very good.
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How the Department of Education’s “Bureaucracy” Failed my Daughters

A Rhode Island mother has slammed the Department of Education (ED) for failing the nation’s children, especially her two daughters who were diagnosed with dyslexia.

Jody Baldwin Stone told that she struggled for years to get her daughters into special education programs, even though federal benchmark assessments indicated they were in need of ‘urgent intervention.’

I do think the level of bureaucracy in the Department of Education right now is so outrageous that you can’t imagine the hoops they make families go through to receive special education,’ Baldwin Stone said. Continue reading

Parents Are Virtually Monitoring Their Kids in Class: Teachers Aren’t Happy

Parents texting or calling their kids during class is a major source of frustration for many teachers.

But that’s not the only way that parents are using technology to insert themselves into their kids’ K-12 classrooms: a number of educators report that parents remotely monitor their children’s laptops during class.

One in 5 teachers, principals, and district leaders say that parents are remotely monitoring their kids’ laptops during class at least once a month, according to an EdWeek Research Center survey of 868 teachers, principals, and district leaders conducted in June. Technologies exist that allow parents to monitor their children’s online activity or even remotely watch the screens of their kids’ school-issued laptops during the school day. Continue reading

Why It’s Time To Abolish the Department of Education

Ryan McMaken makes a convincing case on Mises Wire for abolishing the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). But DHS is not the only executive branch cabinet department that has been occasionally mentioned as a candidate for elimination.

Aside from the US cabinet departments of State, Treasury, and Defense that date back to the earliest years of the nation, the names of other departments – Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, Transportation, and Veterans Affairs – do not typically roll off the tips of Americans’ tongues. Many of these departments and agencies could easily be considered candidates for elimination or consolidation. Continue reading

The American Education System Is it Time to Shut it Down?

Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy Approve the ‘Very Reasonable Proposal’ to Abolish Department of Education
The Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., slammed the DOE’s latest audit results.

Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, appointments of President-elect Donald Trump’s Department of Government Efficiency, gave their approval to a proposal that abolishes the Department of Education.

Corey DeAngelis, who is a senior fellow at the American Culture Project, posted on X that the Department of Education failed an audit for the third year in a row.

“Abolish it,” DeAngelis, a prominent school choice advocate, wrote. … (Continue to full article)

What Does the U.S. Department of Education Do?
About 45 years ago, President Jimmy Carter signed off on creating the U.S. Department of Education, which used to be grouped with health and welfare.

The goal was not to control schools and universities but to advise and assist.

“And that the federal government is there, eager to help, to bridge gaps, to consult or remove problems,” then-President Carter said in 1979.

The next president in line, however, feels the department is the problem and plans to shut it down. “We spend more per pupil than any other country in the world and we’re at the bottom of every list,” Mr. Trump said during a campaign stop… (Continue to full article)

Trump’s Plan to Close Education Department Opens Up a Bright Future for Students
Student test scores have plummeted since teachers unions and federal government took over

Trump is exactly right to remove the federal government from our educational system. This is one giant step toward restoring parental authority and excellence in our schools.

America’s founders never intended for us to have a national Department of Education, and they specifically did not want the government intruding into education. They knew such overreach would lead to the destruction of our schools and our nation, and now we have modern proof that they were right.

Thank God, Trump seeks to dismantle the national Department of Education. It’s a constitutional move, and it cannot come soon enough!

Since our founders made clear that federal intrusion into education is destructive, how did we end up with a national Department of Education and massive federal influence over our schools? The so-called teachers unions did it!!! (Continue to full article)

Holmquist: What are the Implications of Closing the U.S. Department of Education?

In the months leading up to the 2024 election and in the time since, one prominent education-related question continues to arise: Will Trump abolish the Department of Education?

Recent video evidence from the man himself suggests the answer to this question is yes. Citing the insanely high costs of education in this country and the poor results they provide, the president-elect insisted that the Department of Education (ED) must be closed and its duties sent back to individual states. Continue reading

The Problem of Education (from “The Art of Memorization”)

“Because education has essentially established a monopoly on moving up the social ladder (which forces everyday citizens to participate in its rat race), it has no incentive to provide quality education to those it trains – particularly since unconditional federal support (e.g., student loans) subsidizes education and is allotted based on how many students attend each institution, not the quality of the education offered.” Continue reading

The 1866 Civil Rights Revolution

The phrase “equality of opportunity” is expressed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as a nondiscrimination principle. There has been much debate on whether the nondiscrimination principle is a formal right to equality before the law, reflecting the principle that everyone has a right not to be discriminated against, or whether it is a substantive right vested in specified groups (e.g., blacks or women) to give them special legal protection that members of other groups (e.g., whites or men) do not enjoy. Continue reading

Maryland Public School District Removes 2 Pro-LGBT Books From List Elementary School Students Must Read

A Maryland county public school district board involved in a religious freedom lawsuit that awaits a decision from the U.S. Supreme Court has removed two pro-LGBT books from its list that elementary school students must read.

ABC7 News reported on October 28 that Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) has “disapproved” the books “Pride Puppy” and “My Rainbow” from the list but, as The Washington Post reported, the books are still in the school’s library. Continue reading

Dear Young People of America, I’m Sorry

October 12, 2013 ~ I’m sorry. You’re entering a world that has condemned you to slavery before you were even born. No, not the full-blown, work-in-the-fields slavery you learned about in school, but something that has most of the same effects but looks far better: they take half of your life and expect you to thank them for it.

There are actually several parts to your slavery. Today I am speaking of the part you may know best: inescapable student loans. Continue reading

Elite Colleges Where Students Can’t Cope With Strain of Reading an Entire Book: ‘My jaw Dropped

A student struggles to focus on her work. Professors at top universities have noticed that their students have trouble reading and focusing (stock image)

Students at prestigious colleges are finding it increasingly difficult to finish entire books because they do not have the attention span.

Some professors claim they have been forced to reduce reading assignments and lower their expectations to stop students becoming overwhelmed – even though the workload is often less intense than in previous years.

It is not that students are illiterate, they say, but rather that youngsters are not used to ploughing through lengthy texts and struggle to focus for long periods of time – often due to the distraction of social media. Continue reading

CA Parents Sue Defiant School District Over Teachers Grooming Their Kids

Two sets of parents are suing their children’s public school in liberal California, where indoctrinating children and ignoring protesting parents continues without any sign of stopping.

Represented by First Liberty Institute, the parents from Encinitas Union School District filed a complaint alleging a teacher at La Costa Heights Elementary hid a gender identity lesson from parents and then refused to allow parents to pull their children.

AFN first reported on the controversy in June. That was when California Family Council, a conservative pro-family group, released a detailed article that described the ongoing fight of one of the parents, Carlos Encinas. Now a co-plaintiff in the lawsuit, the father described how his fifth-grade son was forced to watch a read-along video for “My Shadow is Pink,” a transgender-themed children’s book. Continue reading

15 year old North Carolina teenager was FORCED to read ‘Incest Porn‘ in her English class

Lorena Benson, 15, a sophomore at Athens Drive High School in Raleigh, delivered a speech to the Wake County school board this week that quickly went viral.

The teenager’s speech was posted on X and garnering more than 250,000 views.

The teen claimed her Honors English class recently read a story detailing sexual encounters between two cousins that made her extremely ‘uncomfortable.’ Continue reading

School Officials Tell Chicago Teachers to Pass All Migrant Students No Matter Their Scores

            “No habla, No wanna!”

Several Chicago Public School teachers are alleging that school administrators ordered them to pass all migrants to the next grade whether they had passing scores or not, and even when the kids did not speak English.

The shocking revelations come after more than a year of migrants flooding Chicago by the tens of thousands and the subsequent enrollment of thousands of migrant kids, many of whom do not speak English, and some who had very little or even no schooling prior to arriving in the Windy City. Continue reading