Category Archives: Without Apology

Commentary, views and observations by Publisher, Jeffrey Bennett

‘Et tu – bitch(es)?’

Just as in the days of Caesar, there always has to be a Brutus…

As regular readers of The Federal Observer are aware, our focus has become more directed to, what I believe at the time of this post, was the most important issue of our times. My promise to you – the American people – is that our focus on this issue will continue to expand with writers such as Charles Dickens, Justin O. Smith, Neal Ross, Al Benson Jr., Diane Grassi, Jan Herron, Sandra Miller, Frosty Wooldridge, and many others.

As with any issue, which we have delved into, be they 2nd Amendment issues or the Arm the Pilots Bill, there are always idiots and zealots, who oppose the endeavors of dedicated patriots to make America what she could once again be. It has often been said that, ”When you’re drawing the most fire (criticism) you must be hitting the bulls-eye!” In other words – we’re ”shakin’ it up here boss!” – and egos are getting in the way. Continue reading

Bennett: I’ve Been Gone TOO Long…

Since the inception of Federal Observer in July of 2001, and what eventually became Kettle Moraine Precious Metals (NOW Sierra Madre Precious Metals) some years later – this world has changed – and not for the better. This nation has changed – not for the better. The people of the united States have changed – also – not for the better. What? You actually thought that Hillary not being allowed access to the Oval Office was cause for celebration? Well, yeah – in and of itself – it was – BUT we are living in even greater daily turmoil today that at any time that I can remember in my seven-plus decades of life. And hey – what about the Sniffy Scarecrow-In-Chief – the guy without a brain? Continue reading

Home is where the heart is…

Today is the 56th anniversary of my landing. Within a week and a half, I would be joining the 498th Medical Company (Dust Off), Lane Army Heliport, An Son, Republic of Vietnam.

I’ll see all of you boys again one day – at Sunset.

Bennett ~ Before I Sleep

        Dr. Tom Dooley

The following is edited from a column that I wrote over 20 years ago, and although much has changed in those years – much has remained the same. Although I had re-posted the original column in July of 2023 – it is the early part of said column that has now come back to haunt me – due in part to a number of columns relating to Agent Orange that I have recently published.

Can ya’ dig it? I can’t, but my fight will not cease.

Oh – and in case you are wondering about the title of this column? It was taken from a book about Dr. Tom Dooley that was written by James Monahan. Tom Dooley??? – Well just who in the hell was he?  Thomas A. Dooley M.D. was an American physician who worked in Southeast Asia at the outset of American involvement in the Vietnam War. I became aware of the Dr., his work AND his books in 1961 – the year that he died at the age of 34. As time went on – it would appear that we had a few things in common. ~ Editor
Continue reading

Bennett: 32¢ on the Dollar and Getting Screwed Faaaaaast!

April 21, 2009 – You spend your entire adult life living life the right way. You buy a car on ‘time’, you pay your debt. You get retail store credit cards, such as JC Penney, Sears, Best Buy, etc – you pay your bills on time or before they are due.

You purchase your first home in 1972, another in the Spring of ’76, sell it and buy another in the Fall of the same year. In ’79 your daughter is born, you pay the bill to the hospital because you have no insurance and you buy another house, and then another in ’80 and ’85, move to the Valley of the Scum in ’’90 and buy another house, and another in 2003, sell it in 21 months and make a killing, and buy another in 2005. Continue reading

Benjamin Franklin Wrote an Essay About Farting In 1781… and his reason is truly CHUCKLESOME

C’mon now… Let’s start off the week with a laugh for a change. We ALL need it! ~ Editor

In his essay, Benjamin Franklin requested experts to find a way to make the farts ‘not only inoffensive but agreeable as perfumes.’

     Engraved portrait of a younger Benjamin Franklin by HB Hall, 1868. From the New York Public Library.

In 1780s, Benjamin Franklin, who was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, wrote an essay that showed he had perfectly mastered the art of sarcasm. The topic of the essay was important scientifically – flatulence, or as many call it, farting – but it came with a touch of humor. The reason why he chose the amusing topic was a question posed by the Royal Academy of Brussels, which was formed in 1772. In its early years, the academy organized several intellectual contests for which it devised questions and awarded medals. The questions were believed to be intellectually important, having a ‘practical value.’ However, in 1799, the academy presented one mathematical question which Benjamin Franklin found ridiculous. In response to it, he wrote the essay, which is famously known as “To the Royal Academy of Farting” or “Fart Proudly.” Continue reading

Editor of Federal Observer is pissed off….

…and you should be too if you know what’s good for you!

       Jeffrey Bennett, Publisher

Dateline October 16, 2001; 1:49 (EDT)‘I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!’ That’s it! I’m finished – finished with all of the stupidity and apathy in this nation! Alright, we’ve been kicked – but we’re not down! But dammit, when is America and her sheople going to wake up to that fact? If this is war – then let’s start acting like it!

No, I don’t mean by running back to the movies and the ball games – although all of us need a break – I mean by pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps (if you young punks even know what I’m talking about) and getting about the business of BEING Americans! Stop the whining and the sniveling – and stop being so damned self centered. The media has done this to you and you have layed down in the ‘Strawberry Fields’ for what seems like forever – that you can’t even get up because TV and the talking heads have ruled your lives for so long – that you have become brain-dead. Pull the life support for Heaven’s sake. Cut the umbilical cord to the damned government and stand up on your own two feet. Continue reading

the American Revolution ~ A Declaration of Independence for Our Life and Times

“We are called as a people, to give testimony, in the sight of the world, to our faith that the future shall belong to the free – for history does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.” ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower – Washington, D.C., January 20, 1953

the American Revolution

We had our American Revolution over two centuries ago and the years have done something to it. The legends remain, and the statues and the grassy earthworks and the great body of tradition, but a good deal of the reality has been filtered out – revised! When we look back to see Washington crossing the Delaware on a cold winter night, or kneeling in prayer in the snow of Valley Forge; we see the Minutemen, or a lanky Virginian rifleman picturesque in fringed buckskin; but somehow it all seems out of a pageant, and neither Washington nor the men who followed him quite come alive for us. Continue reading

Bennett: The Right to Be Uncommon!

It is my right to be uncommon… if I can; I seek opportunity…not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me. I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed. I refuse to barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the stole calm of utopia. I will not trade freedom for beneficence nor my dignity for a handout. I will never cower before any master nor bend to any threat. It is my heritage to stand erect, proud, and unafraid; to think and act for myself; enjoy the benefits of my creations and to face the world boldly and say, – This I have done, and this is what it means to be an American.

If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.

There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.

It is better to live one day as a lion than a hundred years as a sheep.

Published in the First Edition of the Federal Observer, July 2002.


Bennett: No More Time for This Bull-S#*t!

You had better find the time – cause it’s getting short!

~ Foreword ~

Bennett: Jeffrey Bennett

On the first day, which this article was posted (Oct. 16, 2002), for the first time – The Federal Observer shut down every column unrelated to protecting YOUR 2nd Amendment rights as a statement of anger and frustration. I’m still angry and I’m still frustrated. Although the visitation to this article has been greater than any we have ever posted, I am concerned that few truly understand the ramifications of that, which lays before us.

I’ve had just about enough of the garbage-that-passes-for-news eminating from the anti-gun networks. Do you think that I jest? For over one week – FOX News Channel has reported nothing but the sniper shootings in D.C. (That’s District of Criminals’ for those of you who don’t understand initials.) We’ve gone from the unknown sniper to a person of possible ‘olive complextion‘. Continue reading

Sex, Drugs, Guns and Rock and Roll

May 13, 2002 – A leftover saying from the ‘60’s – got your attention, didn’t I?

The Federal Observer Editor wastes 28+ years of his life on the air.

Unfortunately, they’re not the only things left-over from the decade of peace & love. During that decade we saw the birth of ”free love”, forgetting that with everything – there is a price to pay. The nation has become steeped in moral decay – as the epidemic of AIDS has spread world-wide. Some say that it was a virus developed in the U.S., others say that it was caused by monkeys and still others who believe that it was caused by the rampant spread of deviant sexual behavior. Does it really matter at this point what the cause?

As a nation, We the People of the United States of America never seem to heed the lessons of history. Sodom and Gomorra set the stage so long ago – and yet today – anything seems to go in America – and we, as a society have turned to stone. Our schools have become proving grounds for alternative sex-education classes. Our children are being taught to accept anything, which is considered outside the norm. Homosexuality is now openly being taught in the government run ‘fool’ system – sanctioned and promoted by administrations who got their education during that same tumultuous decade – all the while parents sit at home and do nothing. I guess that their parents had taken too many drugs, thereby transferring the dead brain-cells to their children. Continue reading

Due to Lack of Interest… Tomorrow has been cancelled

Last Rites for the Promised Land!

Grammy Award Winning Cover art: Evelyn Kelbish

February 7, 2019 ~ Over the past few years I have been reaching further back into my personal history specifically with memories of my youth and my time spent in Country while flying over the rice-paddies and picking up wounded soldiers, civilians and enemy combatants.

Recently I realized that a song which I had considered to be my theme song from those 21 months ~ Inna-Gadda-Da-Vida was released within days of my arrival for the Adventure of a lifetime. You’ll note that it is also a permanent audio fixture of this site in the right-hand column. Some additional thoughts on the song I have also penned as part of the description of our category, ‘Nam – Some Came Home: Continue reading

This is the Week That the S#*t Hits the Fan!

July, 8, 2002: Phoenix, AZ – The 226th anniversary of the birth of our Republic has passed with minimal incident (unless you want to count some rag-head who was p.o.’d in Los Angeles for as yet unknown reasons – although livin’ in LA is enough to piss anyone off). This ‘holiday’ has become a shadow of its former self – only beer, bar-b-que, a few scattered parades and media networks broadcasting from Boston and DC, with little understanding of the meaning of independence – other than the freedom to make a buck. Do we put aside this 4th of July nonsense for another year only to be reawakened with a false sense of patriotic pride when another four-day weekend comes upon us? Or do we remember and LIVE the words of the Founding Fathers each day? For if we don’t take heed and become more aware of the devestation being plied upon this land by those who are supposed to be our representative voices across the nation – then the next Independence Day may never arrive – unless we Wake the F*%# up!
Continue reading

Address to the Congress of the united States of America

…on The Aftermath of Terrorism

Jeffrey Bennett

I am a constitutional citizen of this sovereign nation, a voter, and a taxpayer. I served honorably in the armed forces of this nation for 20 years through war in Asia, police actions in Grenada, Panama, and the action in Kuwait/Iraq. I retired an enlisted man 10 years ago and have worked in the private sector, running my own business. I generate a good amount of money for the various governments I have empowered through my continued support, those being Federal, State & Local. I am neither an idiot nor a coward. I believe in our blessed savior, Jesus Christ. I have raised four children during all of this. My point is that I have comported my life as was expected of me by the society we have forged together. There are many who have not, most notably, your selves. Continue reading

The Mexican Maid…

The Mexican maid asked for a pay increase…

The wife was very upset about this, and decided to talk to her about the raise. She asked: “Now Maria, why do you want a pay increase?”

Maria:Well, Señora, there are tree reasons why I wanna increaze. The first eez that I iron better than jou.

Wife: “Who said you iron better than me?”

Maria:Jor hozban he say so.Continue reading

The Numbers Game: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Socialists

The sniper news/gun-grab talk continues. What’s new?

October 19, 2002 ~ The opinions and commentary are still coming in from every corner of our debauched society, and while The Federal Observer continues it’s coverage of the debate from both sides of the aisle – we find that other stories of importance are being ignored – and depending on the length of this column – we may be choose to ignore them as well.

But first – to the topic of gun-control: A column (once published on the now-defunct) Armed Females of America web-site was indicative of just how hot the subjects of gun-ownership, safety of our families and the “…right to keep and bear arms…” has become once again. Continue reading