Category Archives: Invasión

“We decry hostility and discrimination towards immigrants as antithetical to the traditions and interests of the country. At the same time, we disagree with those who would label efforts to control immigration as being inherently anti-immigrant. Rather, it is both a right and a responsibility of a democratic society to manage immigration so that it serves the national interest.” ~ Rep. Barbara Jordan – Chair, U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform

Martha’s Vineyard residents HIT THE ROOF as Gov. DeSantis flies in 50 Venezuelan illegal immigrants to the affluent liberal enclave in stunning move straight out of Texas Governor Abbott’s playbook

Martha’s Vineyard residents are reeling after two planeloads of migrants landed on the wealthy Massachusetts island, in a dramatic escalation of a campaign by Republican governors to shift the impact of the border crisis to Democratic areas. 

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is taking credit for two planeloads of migrants arriving in Martha’s Vineyard on Wednesday. Pictures published by the Martha’s Vineyard Gazette and the Martha’s Vineyard Times showed the migrants in the affluent community where prominent liberals such as the Obamas, Oprah Winfrey and Larry David all have homes.

Following their arrival on Wednesday, the migrants stayed overnight at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Edgartown, which provided emergency shelter by clearing out the parish hall and setting up cots.

In a statement, DeSantis’ office said: ‘Yes, Florida can confirm the two planes with illegal immigrants that arrived in Martha’s Vineyard today were part of the state’s relocation program to transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary destinations.’ The remarks continued: ‘States like Massachusetts, New York, and California will better facilitate the care of these individuals who they have invited into our country’ by incentivizing illegal immigration through their designation as ‘sanctuary states’ and support for the Biden Administration’s open border policies.’ (Continue to full article)

‘It’s not secure Kamala, it’s WIDE OPEN!’ Illegal immigrants laugh at VP Harris’ claim that the border is secure as they get dropped off outside her DC home in bus organized by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott

Two migrant buses sent by Texas Governor Greg Abbott arrived at Vice President Kamala Harris’ residence in Washington DC this morning in an escalation of the ongoing immigration crisis. More than 100 people traveled from Eagle Pass, Texas, to the Naval Observatory after crossing the border – just days after the Vice President insisted it was ‘secure’.

During an interview on Sunday, Harris told NBC’s Chuck Todd: ‘The border is secure, but we also have a broken immigration system, in particular over the last four years before we came in, and it needs to be fixed. ‘We have a secure border in that that is a priority for any nation, including ours and our administration.’

But many migrants who arrived from Venezuela, Uruguay, Colombia and Mexico told Fox News that they thought the border was open despite her comments. Those who arrived on the bus said that they had travelled from Venezuela, with many women, children and families smiling as they got off the vehicles. Gov Abbott appears to have directly retaliated to Harris’ comments, by sending the latest load of migrants close to her home in DC. (Continue to full article)

They will Vote Democratic – and they will take your Jobs!

America’s immigration crisis laid bare

An in-depth analysis reveals the impact of 4.9 MILLION illegal border crossings since Biden took office — as the U.S.’s WORST sanctuary cities are named and shamed.

Immigration watchdogs say nearly 4.9 million unauthorized immigrants have entered the U.S. since President Joe Biden took office last year, and have branded New York and Los Angeles as the country’s most dangerous sanctuary cities.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) says the record flow of people into the U.S. since Biden’s inauguration includes 3.4 million crossings at the southwest border and 900,000 others who slipped in there undetected… (Continue to full article)

Von Reitz: Operation Wet Back…

Back in the 1950’s, when Americans were not pre-programmed to be politically correct, General Dwight D. Eisenhower and his Staff conducted Operation Wet Back. They used US Army and Federal Agency personnel to sweep through the Southern and Western States and remove all undocumented aliens back to their countries of origin. If I recall correctly, more than a million people, mostly South American in origin, were ultimately returned home.

They were returned home and the home country got a stern warning: you are responsible for the care and conduct of your own people within the international community. We respect your borders. You respect ours. Continue reading

New IDs for Immigrants are Sparking Concerns of Abuse

‘The Administration is now reportedly planning yet another reckless policy that will further exacerbate this ongoing crisis… ‘

Illegales Entrada en Nogales (AP Photo/Dario Lopez-Mills, File)

With immigration flooding America’s open borders under the Biden administration’s policies, U.S. authorities are planning to issue photo ID cards to immigrants in deportation proceedings in a bid to slash paper use and help people stay up-to-date on required meetings and court hearings, officials said. Continue reading

Biden’s ‘Shadow Amnesty’ Play

The Biden administration is packing the immigration courts to further his nefarious open-borders agenda.

There has been an illegal immigration crisis at the southern border ever since Joe Biden took office — a crisis that we have repeatedly noted is intentional. Biden’s de facto open-borders policy is part of a larger strategy designed to swell the ranks of the Democrat Party. In fact, the main reason behind the Left’s howling over Donald Trump’s eventually blocked attempt to include a citizenship question in the 2020 Census had everything to do with this duplicitous immigration non-enforcement strategy. Continue reading

Lone Star State does it Alone

Border agents arrest nearly 26,000 migrants at five Texas sectors in less than a week as Gov. Abbott defies Biden and claims new enforcement power…

Of the 26,000 migrants apprehended, according to Monday’s report, 10,000 were in the Texas border town of Eagle Pass. The Del Rio border sector saw the largest share, with 12,000 migrants being apprehended by border agents there. The Rio Grande Valley reportedly falls in second, with the remaining three being the El Paso, Laredo, and Big Bend sectors. The six-day total arrested in the five sectors is more than half the total 40,000 estimated to have been apprehended across the entire southwestern border. Continue reading

You wanna know why everything is so Effed Up?

Biden admin sues Arizona over law requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections

Wetback ‘Voters’

The Justice Department contends Arizona’s H.B. 2492 violates the National Voter Registration Act and the 1964 Civil Rights Act

The Justice Department is suing Arizona over a law that is slated to take effect next year that would require voters to provide proof of American citizenship to cast ballots in federal elections. Continue reading

Hayworth: ‘Invasion, USA’ continues unabated

Think of him as the “anti-Ike.”

Dwight David Eisenhower led allied forces in the invasion of Europe and the defeat of the Third Reich in World War II. Now, Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas is at the forefront of planning and promoting a modern-day invasion of the United States.

Gen. Eisenhower presided over “Operation Overlord.” Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas might well call his multifront assault on America “Operation Lord-Over-Them.”

The “them” to be “lorded over”?

American citizens. Continue reading

Wade in Water Children – all the way BACK to Mejico!


It truly pains me that after 40 years of writing and speaking on the need to secure our borders properly and remove all illegal aliens America is still struggling with this issue and we are once more being sold down the river and betrayed in a manner that would be beyond comprehension, if we didn’t already recognize the evil behind our nation’s adversaries and the enemy-from-within, represented today by the Democratic Party. I never thought I’d live to see a day, when so many Americans were anything but American and all too willing to destroy the nation that had given them so much, regardless of Her many flaws and the freedoms and liberties awaiting to be restored and regained. Continue reading

A Reflection on Sr. Senator John Boozman’s (R) 20+ Years in the u.s. House and Senate

The Senator became very wealthy from two sources while residing in the House of Representatives. First, by establishing a very successful physician’s clinic, due to his position, while he is personally an optometrist. Secondly, the millions he has received in the way of government pensions and the many perks available to members of the House & Senate, e.g. inside stock trading, travel, donations, etc.

Boozman’s long tenure in D.C. began in 2001. Circa 2003 came a blazing headline in the Fort Smith Times Record stating “Boozman declares war on illegals.” Never another word or action on this alleged declaration of war until recently in another nebulous political campaign poster, “Demanded the The Department of Homeland Security provide a comprehensive review and report on the U.S. Border Crisis.” A completely nonsensical and insulting statement. He never discusses deporting illegals or securing the border. Continue reading

The Border Is About to Get Even WORSE

Removing the ability to turn away illegal border crossers will create a greater surge.

Not that long ago, Democrats claimed to be the party of the working class. They were pro-border security because they understood that illegal immigrants take American jobs and depress wages. That all began to change when they realized what a huge pool of voters a massive immigrant population would one day be — Democrats believed it was their demographic destiny to be the permanent majority. Today’s Democrats have “progressed” even further and fundamentally eschew the idea of borders at all.

That’s the background for Joe Biden’s move to end Title 42 provisions for border enforcement. Continue reading

Engel: Are We Witnessing a Southern Invasion?

* Does an influx of illegal aliens constitute an invasion?

* If this is an invasion, what does the Constitution require the federal government to do?

* What are the consequences of referring to the masses of illegal aliens as invaders?

A reader sent me an email about the influx of illegal aliens on our southern border. The question of whether or not this constituted an invasion and thereby requires a response by the federal government under Article IV, Section 4, is one which is worth our taking a closer look. Not only the question of does this constitute an invasion, but what are the consequences of such a point of view? Continue reading

Illegal Aliens: Can America Drop Them From Airplanes?

Over my entire adult life, the illegal immigration problem has plagued America and been a bone of contention between the parties, but never has it arisen to this degree of blatant disregard for U.S. law.

These Democrats aren’t pursuing or advocating some minor difference on governance, regarding immigration policy. They are abandoning all legal restrictions on immigration and actively refusing to enforce existing U.S. immigration law, in a manner that can only be called “treasonous” at the least, Machiavellian and evil to its core.

Left to their devices and this current trajectory, it won’t be too much longer before their objective will be met and America destroyed. It’s enough to take a person’s breath away and make them turn red by way of an apoplectic fit. Continue reading

The Deadly Pandemic Ignored by Democrats

Joe Biden opened the southern border, and what came across was death.

What if a significant tool in the hands of law enforcement and prosecutors was allowed to expire when a legislative fix was possible?

Last week, the Halt All Lethal Trafficking of Fentanyl Act was blocked from a vote by House Democrats. This HALT Fentanyl Act, sponsored by Representatives Morgan Griffith (R-VA) and Kat Cammack (R-FL), would make permanent the ban on fentanyl-related substances first issued in February 2018, set to expire February 2022. This was specifically requested in the Department of Justice written testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee in June 2019. If Congress failed to act, the joint statement from Amanda Liskaam, director of Opioid Enforcement and Prevention Efforts, and Greg Cherundolo, CEO of the DEA’s Office of Global Enforcement, included the reality that “savvy clandestine manufacturers and traffickers [would] respond to the re-emerging gap in US law by again producing novel fentanyl-like substances.” Continue reading

Amnesty Provisions in ‘Build Back Better’ Will Cost $483 Billion

CBO Estimates Huge Net Fiscal Drain in First 20 years After Passage

As the Senate debates the Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376), a little-noticed part of the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) cost estimates show the bill’s amnesty provisions create an enormous net fiscal burden (taxes paid minus costs) that starts out large and grows even larger over time — $124 billion in the first decade after passage and $359 billion in the second. The total net fiscal cost of the bill’s amnesty provisions over 20 years is $483 billion. The CBO also states that the bill would increase the deficit “by larger amounts in the subsequent decade.” A brief Center for Immigration Studies analysis of the CBO estimates can be found here. Continue reading


Today as I write — over 1 million illegal Central Americans are making their way from the gateway, Panama, entering Costa Rica and headed directly for the U.S. via Mexico. Not noted are the illegal Africans, Chinese, Europeans, Marshallese, Mexicans, Mideasterners, Phillipinos, and numerous others. What a disruptive mess, in all likelihood never to be overcome unless Americans get off their insouciant duffs. The illegal dissident throngs are waiting to coalesce and overthrow our military and Central Government when the time is right (observe their numbers – the illegals & malcontents) The stroke of 2 pens made much of this possible by a President and one U.S. Senator who provided the lone vote necessary for passage of the Panama Canal Treaty giving ownership to Panama. In my view the U.S.’s most valuable off shore asset. Continue reading

Biden Administration Planning to Make ‘Separated’ Illegal Alien Family Units Millionaires Taxpayer cost may exceed $1 billion

Geeve us thee Dinero – MUCHO Dinero!

The Center for Immigration Studies provides background and analysis to the report by the Wall Street Journal that the Biden administration is seriously considering paying $450,000 per illegal alien who was part of a “separated” family unit (FMU) during President Trump’s short-lived 2018 “Zero Tolerance” policy. Government sources told the paper that most eligible FMUs consist of an adult and a child, which would make those payouts just under $1 million, while larger FMUs would get nearly $1.5 million or more. The sources say that the total bill for U.S. taxpayers is expected to exceed $1 billion. Continue reading