Category Archives: Let There Be LIFE!

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Science is clear: Each new human life begins at fertilization

It is the central question in the abortion debate: when does life begin?

Science teaches without reservation that life begins at fertilization (conception). It is a scientific fact that an organism exists after fertilization that did not exist before. This new organism has its own DNA distinct from the mother and father, meaning that it is a unique person. As the embryo grows, it develops a heartbeat (22 days after fertilization), its own circulatory system, and its own organs. From fertilization, it is a new organism that is alive and will continue to grow and develop as long as nutrition is provided and its life is not ended through violence or illness.

It is indisputably human, as it has human DNA. Continue reading

Canceling‘ Humanity Itself

Abortion far outstripped coronavirus as the leading cause of death in 2020

While Americans remain focused on the mounting death toll precipitated by the coronavirus pandemic, the 1.8 million worldwide deaths caused by it in 2020 pale in comparison to the leading cause of death last year. As the statistic-compiling Worldometer website reveals, a record-setting 42.7 million pre-born babies were aborted over the same time period. Continue reading

Beaman: Propagation of Human Life

The development of human life begins with the sexual intercourse of a human male and female, of child bearing age, roughly from the age of about 13 to 50. There have been some exceptions with the test tube babies, artificial inseminations and, at least, one, challenged, incident about 2020 years ago.

For the woman’s part, the intercourse is either voluntary or involuntary. If it was involuntary it was rape. If not, then it was voluntary and pregnancy was a foreseeable possible result. That was the choice the two of them made & they are responsible for the consequences. To maintain otherwise is akin to saying that the death of someone from an MVA is not a foreseeable possibility when one drives while drunk. To deny responsibility is to deny human autonomy and dignity! Continue reading

A Woman’s Right To Choose

I forgot how wonderful Patty Neill wrote before she ‘retired’ from the writing scene.

After I sent out the earlier article from the Federal Observer – Patty (a long time friend) – sent this to me with permission to post it out to the WGEN list.

Please share this far and wide as it might SAVE THE LIFE of an unborn baby.

Many thanks, Patty, for sending this to me to post. ~ Jackie Juntti (Granny)

These words, so sacred to our free press and to liberals everywhere, confuse me every time I hear them. What they purport to mean and what they actually mean seem to me strikingly different, the words and real meaning warring with each other, as two dogs in a dogfight. Continue reading

Longstreet: Human Life Begins at Conception

NOTE: Due to age of the following article, embedded links may no longer function. ~ Ed.

We Americans have to re-evaluate the way we look upon abortion. With an average of 1.3 million babies a year, in America alone, being denied their God given right to life as a result of abortion, surely it has scarred the very soul of this great country.

Kathleen Parker has written an article entitled “Pope Pelosi at the Gate, Life with the Speaker”. In her insightful article she writes the following: Continue reading

The abortion truth that liberals can’t deny — but try to

Maybe the makers of “The Big Bang Theory” don’t watch “Meet the Press.”

Hillary Clinton got into a bit of trouble when she told host Chuck Todd “the unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights.”

Clinton was merely noting some restrictions on abortions are permitted under the law. But the real kerfuffle was over the idea that a person can exist in America without any rights — or that fetuses are people at all. Continue reading

The Dangerous Idol of Abortion

Why is legalized abortion so important to so many people? Sadly, many people have made abortion an idol. They “worship” the golden calf of abortion and are willing to fight tooth and nail to keep it in place. For a lot of people, abortion is a big money-making business. For others, it’s an easy way out of a difficult circumstance. Many people want to keep it in place so they can keep their “financial benefits” while others depend on it as a “convenient” tool to use whenever and however they “need” it. The support is significant to keep the idol of abortion legal, so their perspective is, “Don’t you dare even think about overturning Roe v. Wade!Continue reading

Black Leaders Tell Supreme Court: Abortion is Racist, “Long History” of Targeting Black Babies

African American leaders urged the U.S. Supreme Court to recognize how abortion hurts the black community in an amicus brief filed ahead of an important abortion case.

The Daily Wire reports the brief represents the voices of prominent African American pro-life leaders, including Ryan Bomberger, Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Dean Nelson, Catherine Davis, Stacy Washington, Walter and Lori Hoye and Day Gardner. Continue reading

2,246 Unborn Children Found In Abortionist’s Home

Thousands of unborn children were found in the home of Dr. Ulrich Klopfer, an abortionist who passed away earlier this month. In 2015, the abortionist’s medical license was suspended after he allegedly failed to report an abortion performed on a 13-year-old girl.

The remains of 2,246 unborn children have been found inside the Will County, Illinois home of a now-deceased abortionist, Dr. Ulrich Klopfer, who passed away on September 3, according to a report by WGN-TV.

Klopfer reportedly used to practice abortions at the Women’s Pavilion in South Bend, Indiana, but had his medical license suspended in 2015 after allegedly failing to report an abortion preformed on a 13-year-old child. Continue reading

Facebook inexplicably censors articles on pregnancy, abortion complications

Facebook is now blocking purely-informational links from a neutral pregnancy website that detail subjects such as early fetal development and present a balanced view on topics such as abortion pill reversal, according to a tip from a concerned reader that LifeSiteNews has independently verified. Continue reading

Vermont Minors Need Parental Permission To Get An Ibuprofen From The School Nurse… but Not An Abortion

The Republican governor of Vermont signed legislation this week which makes it legal for minors to obtain an abortion without parental consent. Vermont law also allows non-physicians, including registered nurse practitioners, to perform abortions. To put in perspective how radical the state’s abortion standards are, consider that parents have to give their child written or verbal permission to obtain so much as an ibuprofen pill from the school nurse, but do not have to approve of their daughter’s obtaining a life-altering decision like abortion under GOP Gov. Phil Scott‘s new law. Continue reading

Black female Democratic lawmaker says abortion is ‘modern-day genocide

Last month, Louisiana’s Governor John Bel Edwards, a pro-life Democrat, signed a “heartbeat bill”, passed by bipartisan majorities in both chambers of the Louisiana legislature.

One the Democrats who voted for the bill is speaking out about the disproportionate effect of abortion on Black communities. State Rep. Katrina Jackson, a Black female Democrat, told NBC, “I think it mitigates our race’s voting power, it hurts our race’s power in the census. I really consider it to be modern-day genocide.” Continue reading

Missouri Terminates Its Last Abortion Clinic After Accusations Of “Deficient Practices

The last legal abortion clinic in Missouri says it expects to close this week after the state’s health department ‘refuses to renew’ its annual license, according to CBS News, citing a Tuesday statement by Planned Parenthood. The reason? five abortion doctors accused of “deficient practices” refuse to be interviewed by the state.

The closure will effectively end legal abortion in Missouri. Continue reading

The Sacred Gift: The Unborn Child’s Right to Life

Intellectual dishonesty is the only condition that allows so many Americans to call the murder of unborn children “a right to privacy“. It allows the sacred union between men and women and their joining in love to be diminished and made so casual to the point that any product of sex can simply be tossed in the garbage, like so much refuse. It has become a cover for denying one’s own responsibility and the consequences for any ‘mistake’, as far too many deny their own irresponsible behavior, and instead, they relax comfortably in their ignoble position that destroys the sanctity of life and kills a baby that has a soul, without a valid reason sanctioned by God, an act tantamount to infanticide. Continue reading

Texas Bill Would Make Abortion Punishable by the Death Penalty

If abortion is really “murder,” why not string up women who “kill their own babies?” Photo: George Kraychyk/Hulu

Generally speaking, I don’t pay much attention to crazy bills sponsored by random wingnut state legislators. But because it secured an extensive hearing in an important state’s legislature, I will make an exception for the Texas bill introduced by Republican State Representative Tony Tinderholt that would make abortion a criminal act of homicide, as explained by Andrea Gonzáles-Ramirez… Continue reading