Category Archives: Let There Be LIFE!

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Abortion: A Deadly Battle for America’s Soul

God affirmed through the Founders that He endowed us with the “right to life.” He has never endowed us with rights to murder, truly a “right” human beings claimed for themselves…

Immediately at the beginning of 2019, the newly elected Democrats of 2018 took control of the House of Representatives and made known their determination to make funding for abortion a priority in 2019. The Democrat-controlled House immediately passed legislation to that indicated intent to directly support abortions worldwide, as well as the repeal of the Mexico City Policy, which is a U.S. government policy blocking citizens’ funding for non-governmental organizations providing abortion counseling, referrals, efforts to decriminalize abortion, or increase abortions. Continue reading

Pro-life ‘Unplanned’ movie prompts nearly 100 abortion clinic workers to leave industry

According to congressional testimony, 94 clinic workers have said they intend to leave their jobs in the abortion industry after watching the hit movie “Unplanned.”

The film is about former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson, who left the nation’s leading abortion provider after assisting an ultra-sound guided abortion to become a fierce pro-life advocate. Continue reading

So Many Illinois Pro-Lifers Flooded the Capitol Opposing Abortions Up to Birth They Had to Shut It Down

Pro-lifers flooded the Illinois Capitol on Wednesday in opposition to several radical pro-abortion bills that would allow unborn babies to be aborted up to birth.

The Illinois News Network reports so many people showed up for the peaceful pro-life rally that police temporarily closed access to the capitol due to “overcrowding.” Continue reading

Georgia Senate Committee Passes Bill Banning Abortions After Unborn Baby’s Heart Starts Beating

A Georgia Senate committee advanced a pro-life bill Monday that would prohibit abortions after an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable.

The state Senate Science and Technology Committee voted 3-2 to move the bill to the full state Senate while abortion activists disrupted the meeting by shouting “shame,” Fox News 5 reports. Continue reading

Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act FAILS

To amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion.

So the nation is overall by now desensitized to the mass murdering of the unborn: “in the interests of womens’ choice”…. it is parroted ad nauseum.

BUT desensitization to any form of killing always leads to the next step of killing… the next form of killing: allowing the death or engaging in the death, in this case, of the so-called viable abortion survivors. How different is this from the numerous killings of certain groups during the Nazi era, as well as numerous other infamous epochs of history?

That any Rep. would vote against this horror, demonstrates to a stark degree, just how much more corroded morals have become in the nation. Anyone who values human life or at least is critically aware of history, should be very afraid of this marching-right-ahead death culture.


A. Carlson

Ronald Reagan ~ Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation (January 22, 1983)

The following was published as an essay by Ronald Reagan, while sitting as the fortieth president of the United States, on the tenth anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. It is more timely today nearly 40 years later.

January 22, 1983 ~ The 10th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Roe vs. Wade is a good time for us to pause and reflect. Our nationwide policy of abortion-on-demand through all nine months of pregnancy was neither voted for by our people nor enacted by our legislators – not a single state had such unrestricted abortion before the Supreme Court decreed it to be national policy in 1973. But the consequences of this judicial decision are now obvious: since 1973, more than 15 million unborn children have had their lives snuffed out by legalized abortions. That is over ten times the number of Americans lost in all our nation’s wars. Continue reading

Abortion Clinic Staffer Says She Will Drown a Baby Who Survives Abortion in a Jar of “Solution

An undercover video resurfaced this week of a New York abortion worker telling a woman to drown her baby in a toilet if the baby is born alive before the abortion is complete.

The 2013 investigation by Live Action is gaining attention again as Congress debates a bill to protect newborn babies from infanticide.

“Our investigators exposed this New York abortion facility, which says they will put a born-alive baby in a jar of ‘solution’ to drown her,” Live Action founder Lila Rose tweeted Wednesday. “They also say to ‘flush’ the baby down the toilet, or ‘put it in a bag’ if she’s born alive.” Continue reading

Abortion: Murder, Inc., 2019

“I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”

~ Ronald Reagan

Well… with all that is going on in this nation and around the world – THIS is the topic that sickens me more than any other. What you are about to ponder is far more than a single column or headline. Read them all and weep – and I do mean WEEP! …and may the Father forgive us, for unfortunately we DO know what we are allowing! ~ Ed.Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video
This is graphic and horrible… But these are human beings that have been brutally murdered and their lives should not have been lost in vain. We must fight for the lives of every unborn child. WARNING: The video is graphic and may be upsetting to some… (Continue to full VIDEO)

New Mexico Passes Law to Execute Babies at Birth
The New Mexico House approved a radical pro-abortion bill Wednesday that would keep abortions legal through all nine months of pregnancy even if Roe v. Wade is overturned. The bill is similar to a New York state measure that Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law in January. The Vermont and Rhode Island legislatures are considering similar legislation this winter… (Continue to full article)

Abortion Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2018, Killing 42 Million People
The abortion number is incomprehensible, but each of those 42 million abortions represents a living human being whose life was violently destroyed in their mother’s womb. Each unborn baby already had their own unique DNA, making them distinct from their mother. That DNA indicated if the child was a boy or girl, their eye and hair color, their height, possible genetic disorders and other disabilities, and much more. In most cases, the unborn babies’ hearts are beating when they are aborted… (Continue to full article)

‘Stinky Shoe’ Patty Murray lone senator to block ban on killing babies after birth
Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse introduced a bill that he thought everyone, regardless of political affiliation, would go for. The Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act says that if the abortion doesn’t work for some reason and the baby is born alive, doctors will do everything they can to take care of the baby and keep it alive. Murray who was the lone voice to step in and stop that bill… (Continue to full article)

April 20, 2016 (UPDATED): In the Market for Fetal Body Parts? A Baby’s Brain Sells for $3,340
Over the span of a year, one research institution paid a middleman company $42,535 to obtain 38 fetal brains, 12 fetal hearts, three fetal upper/lower limbs, five fetal livers, and 12 fetal pancreases, according to the select House panel’s documents. Take the time to read the “discussion” comments at the end of the article. ~ Ed… (Continue to full article)

“We are treating the pre-born as patients at a younger and younger age. It’s amazing how we can not only have the diagnostic tools, but actually the surgical interventions. At our hospital, we can actually give a blood transfusion to the baby directly into the umbilical vein as early as 19 weeks gestation. Centers in Boston and Philadelphia and Houston and Cleveland are now doing heart surgery on the babies as early as 21 weeks gestation. They are dilating heart valves. They are putting in stents. They are treating the pre-born as patients. So, when we talk about the pre-born, it is the same person whether it’s inside the womb or on the outside of the womb. [ … ] Well, if we’re treating them as patients, they are clearly persons. We’re doing heart surgery. We’re doing spina bifida surgery. We’re doing bladder surgery. We’re doing blood transfusions on these babies in the womb. We are saving their lives in the womb, so if they are patients, they are persons.” ~ Dr. William Lile, DO

Murder Charge Dropped for Murderer Due to the Democrats’ New ‘Abortion’ After Birth Law
The law removes abortion from the state’s criminal code and puts it into public health law. It faced fierce opposition, with the New York State Catholic Conference warning that it “removes accountability for those who would harm unborn children outside the context of medical termination of pregnancy.”… (Continue to full article)

Vermont Abortion Bill Goes Even Further Than Cuomo’s: ‘Fetus Shall Not Have Independent Rights
State lawmakers in Vermont are advocating for an abortion bill that would make the procedure on demand a constitution right. The bill titled ‘The Right to Abortion bill,’ goes way beyond the scope of Roe v. Wade. If passed, an abortion in Vermont could be performed up to the point of birth for any reason at all…. (Continue to full article)

Planned Parenthood Kept Babies Alive in order to Harvest Brain & Heart
In an undercover video, a former technician for a tissue-harvesting company details how an aborted baby was kept alive so that its heart could be harvested at a California Planned Parenthood facility, raising more legal questions about the group’s practices.

Holly O’Donnell, a former blood and tissue procurement technician for the biotech startup StemExpress, also said she was asked to harvest an intact brain from the late-term, male fetus whose heart was still beating after the abortion… (Continue to full article)

Murder of the Unborn Now Legal for a New Born

Genocide has become the law of the land since 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling, the US Abortion report 61,061,720 abortions. Now, New York State passed the Reproductive Health Act (RHA), which allows life termination of a developing infant be made available to women essentially on demand up to the point of birth. The RHA will also decriminalize abortion, moving it from the state’s criminal code to the public-health code. Pam Embler Ph.D. and RN reports:

“Repealing Section 4164 of the public health law legally excludes New York State from reporting “live aborted” death statistics. Live aborted death refers to any induced pregnancy for abortion that results in a live viable birth (24 weeks and after) no longer receiving resuscitative support – the baby is left to die, albeit medicated for comfort. The problem here is that the Reproductive Health Act now extends to a healthy live aborted baby through the repeal of Section 4164.” Continue reading

Harris, O’Rourke, Booker, Warren (and others) Co-Sponsored Bill for Abortions Up to Birth

Our infanticide supporters ~ Oh GEE they are Democrats!

Voters should not expect any political moderates on abortion among the prominent 2020 Democratic presidential candidates.

Not only do contenders such as Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris and Cory Booker have 100-percent pro-abortion voting records, they also sponsored a radical pro-abortion bill that would have legalized abortions for basically any reason up to birth. Continue reading

THINK about abortion

Think about abortion. What if it was legal up until the age of 18? In some places here in the United States it’s legal up until actual birth. There’s legislation in the works to make it legal during birth and even directly after birth. Now, we’re making progress.

A sixteen or seventeen year old would probably agree that life begins at 18. So, why abort before birth when you don’t even know how they’re going to turn out. We could use all the reasons why some mothers want to kill their babies. Go no further than the teenage years for justification. What if we find out we do not like who the father is as in cases of rape or incest? What if they become a financial burden to their families or are the wrong sex? Or it could be as simple as we don’t want children anymore. Continue reading

The Devil Wears Pink

The shade Cuomo chose was a putrid pink that could be called Luciferian pink, a color that comes with an acrid odor of sulphur.

The devil wears pink and it is more than certain that political pinkos are among his most favored people.

The devil – who crawls into the woodwork by pretending that he doesn’t exist – dons pink pussy caps as he does dust-ups behind the scenes, stuffs his cloven feet into pink stilettos, plants pink petunias where only roses should grow, and on Monday night was singularly honored when New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo had the One World Trade Center lit up in pink to celebrate New York’s new Abortion-Up-Til-Birth law.

The devil wears pink for every thing other than blushes because Satan, who has no shame, never ever blushes. Continue reading

Meet America’s Most Hated Doctors

abortion_animateYou received years of specialized training in a field that you’re passionate about. You’ve decided to work in an area of the country where you feel you can make a difference. You have a family, and you’re primarily concerned about helping other families thrive. But at every turn, the state is enacting more barriers to your professional success. Your job options are limited because you’re not welcome in some American communities. And sometimes, protesters show up outside of the home you share with your children, shouting that they hate the work you do.

You’re on the front lines of the abortion wars. Continue reading

Juntti: The value of human life and the killing of children today

Editor’s NOTE: I was privileged to share this commentary on my daily radio program, “Life, Liberty & All That Jazz” on Thursday, December 2, 2010. (JB)

December 2, 2012 ~ I have been watching the increasing reports of children being killed – horribly murdered and dismembered in many cases, by their parents or care givers (boyfriends). I remember when one report of something like this would have been SHOCKING – today it is just another news item in the paper like a shoplifter being caught. Continue reading