Category Archives: Point BLANK

Do we have the time, or is this the beginning of the end of life in America as we have known it? This is where you will find a range of Editorial postings and comments by a select group of writers, many of who have had long term relations with Kettle Moraine Publications – and EACH of whom provide us with THEIR Perspectives as this Nation ignores the warnings as we live in the end of days – for most Americans’ are Too Blind to See – and we once again convert back to one of our OLD and DEFINITIVE categories – POINT BLANK!

The Child Rapist Is an Illegal Immigrant

A 10-year-old child was raped by a man who should never have been here, and all Joe Biden wants to talk about are abortion rights.

This is the sickest, most disturbing, most God-awful of stories — the single story that most appalls us and most loudly cries out for jailhouse justice.

As it turns out, a 10-year-old girl was indeed raped and impregnated, just as Joe Biden and his fellow pro-abortion activists told us. And now — only now — we learn that the suspect is an illegal immigrant. As Fox News reports:

The man charged with the rape of a 10-year-old girl in Ohio is a Guatemalan illegal immigrant, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) source told Fox News Digital on Wednesday. The Columbus Dispatch first reported that Gerson Fuentes was arrested after police said he confessed to raping a child on multiple occasions. He has been charged with rape, and the outlet reported that he was possibly in the country illegally.

Possibly? How hard might that info be to run down? Continue reading

New York City Bail-Reform Laws See Mexican Cartel Drug Traffickers Released After Monumental Drug Bust

“This seizure is a calculated treachery by Mexican Cartels to flood the United States with their poison and expand their customer base while driving addiction and increasing profit margins,” explained the special agent in charge of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) New York Division, Frank A. Tarentino III, in a release.

This past Monday, authorities stated that Luis Estrada and Carlos Santos allegedly made their way, in a rented vehicle, from California all the way to New York all while carrying roughly 165 pounds of crystal meth that is thought to have originated out of Mexico.

Estrada allegedly transported over 40 pounds of the meth inside of a black suitcase just outside of a Marriot hotel next to the South Street Seaport of Lower Manhattan when police officials managed to take him into custody on July 5. Continue reading

The Decline of the Old Right

“The idea of imposing universal peace on the world by force is a barbarian fantasy.” ~ Garet Garrett

After the death of Taft and as the Eisenhower foreign policy began to take on the frozen Dullesian lineaments of permanent mass armament and the threat of “massive nuclear retaliation” throughout the globe, I began to notice isolationist sentiment starting to fade away, even among old libertarian and isolationist compatriots who should have known better. Old friends who used to scoff at the “Russian threat” and had declared The Enemy to be Washington, DC now began to mutter about the “international Communist conspiracy.” I noticed that young libertarians coming into the ranks were increasingly infected with the Cold War mentality and had never even heard of the isolationist alternative. Young libertarians wondered how it was that I upheld a “Communist foreign policy.”

In this emerging atmosphere, novelist Louis Bromfield’s nonfiction work of 1954, A New Pattern for a Tired World, a hard-hitting tract on behalf of free-market capitalism and a peaceful foreign policy, began to seem anachronistic and had almost no impact on the right wing of the day. (Continue to full story…)

Everybody’s Guilty: To the Police State, We’re All Criminals Until We Prove Otherwise

“In a closed society where everybody’s guilty, the only crime is getting caught.” ~ Hunter S. Thompson

The burden of proof has been reversed.

No longer are we presumed innocent. Now we’re presumed guilty unless we can prove our innocence beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. Rarely, are we even given the opportunity to do so.

Although the Constitution requires the government to provide solid proof of criminal activity before it can deprive a citizen of life or liberty, the government has turned that fundamental assurance of due process on its head.

Each and every one of us is now seen as a potential suspect, terrorist and lawbreaker in the eyes of the government. Continue reading

Fourth Reich Rising: “Little Hitlers” Thesis – Part I

Das ist nicht Shiza!

Is there any truth in the idea that a Fourth Nazi Reich is on the rise? The answer is “Only if you can read and understand history.”

It’s high time we considered the unthinkable. What with so much unimaginable stuff confronting us all. Did you get the social media meme the other day about Russia buried under more sanctions than Iran, Venezuela, Myanmar, and Cuba combined? Look again. Reconsider. I know, I know, many of you are wondering too, how is that even possible? Well… Continue reading

CIA Officer: How the Establishment Makes War Seem to Be Fun to Get Young People to Fight

John R. Stockwell (born 1937) is a former CIA officer who became a critic of United States government policies after serving seven tours of duty over thirteen years. Having managed American involvement in the Angolan Civil War as Chief of the Angola Task Force during its 1975 covert operations, he resigned and wrote In Search of Enemies.

The following lecture was given by Stockwell in 1883.

The West and the Soviet Union both used propaganda extensively during the Cold War. Both sides used film, television, and radio programming to influence their own citizens, each other, and Third World nations. Through a front organization called the Bedford Publishing Company, the CIA through a covert department called the Office of Policy Coordination disseminated over 1 million books to Soviet readers over the span of 15 years, including novels by George Orwell, Albert Camus, Vladimir Nabakov, James Joyce, and Pasternak in an attempt to promote anti-communist sentiment and sympathy of Western values. George Orwell’s contemporaneous novels Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four portray the use of propaganda in fictional dystopian societies. During the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro stressed the importance of propaganda. Propaganda was used extensively by Communist forces in the Vietnam War as means of controlling people’s opinions. Continue reading

WHO and WEF Globalists Coordinate Their Global ‘Reset

Each year, the world’s elite hop into their private jets and descend upon Davos, Switzerland, the location of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual Davos Forum. Here, the self-proclaimed ruling class spend the week discussing their visions of the future and how to impose their ambitions on the rest of the world.(1)

As explained by Fox News anchor Jesse Watters, participants are divided into clear classes even there. Not only must you receive a personal invitation to attend, but once you’re there, your name badge will clearly illustrate which “elite class” or “subclass” you belong to. Continue reading

Hayworth: Disagreement now discredited as ‘disinformation

Robert J. Samuelson

Through the mists of memory comes this observation from the now-retired Washington Post columnist Robert J. Samuelson: “When one side deliberately distorts and misstates the arguments of the other, the intent is not to debate, but to destroy.”

Samuelson’s mid-1990s assertion came to mind following the recent announcement that the Department of Homeland Security is establishing a “Disinformation Governing Board,” or DGB.

Talk about a “pot-meet-kettle” moment! Continue reading

The Great Reset: Will You Submit Or Stop It?

The Great Reset is a massive plan to completely reorganize the entire structure of the planet – economically, socially, environmentally, and politically. Nothing will be untouched by the plan. Global Governance is the goal.

Here is a small taste of the background leading up to the Great Reset. The first step was to create a diabolical plan for control that would get us all to fall in line – preferably voluntarily… Continue reading

The “Great Reset” Ain’t Going As They Hoped It Would

Courtesy Jon McNaughton

Today’s globalist political and religious establishment has been pushing what it’s devotees call “the Great Reset” for some time now. This is supposed to “reset” our culture, history, and heritage in a whole new light and enable us to do away with all those old, outmoded concepts that most of us live by daily. It is all supposed to be “new and innovative” and we are all supposed to rush forward and eagerly embrace it. Actually, there is nothing “new” about it. It is as old as the French Revolution, and, quite probably, can be traced all the way back to Genesis 3, verses 1-5, in Holy Scripture. Continue reading

Leibowitz: Only the victim deserves our sympathy

The man who raped and murdered Deana Bowdoin was put to death by the state of Arizona on May 11 at 10:30 a.m. This was 44 years, four months and four days after the homicide in question — or about 44 years too long by my reckoning.

Even so, this column has little to do with Deana’s killer. This piece is about a 21-year-old girl subtracted from the world decades too soon, a young woman for whom there were no candlelight vigils this week, no protesters, no legal motions long enough to deforest the state. Continue reading

Mass Shootings: The Vicious Cycle Fueled By America’s Toxic Cult of Violence

“Mass shootings have become routine in the United States and speak to a society that relies on violence to feed the coffers of the merchants of death. Given the profits made by arms manufacturers, the defense industry, gun dealers and the lobbyists who represent them in Congress, it comes as no surprise that the culture of violence cannot be abstracted from either the culture of business or the corruption of politics.” ~ Professor Henry A. Giroux

We are caught in a vicious cycle. Continue reading

Get Ready to Be Muzzled: The Coming War on So-Called Hate Speech

“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freedom of speech.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

Beware of those who want to monitor, muzzle, catalogue and censor speech.

Especially be on your guard when the reasons given for limiting your freedoms end up expanding the government’s powers.

In the wake of a mass shooting in Buffalo, NY, carried out by an 18-year-old gunman in military gear allegedly motivated by fears that the white race is in danger of being replaced, there have been renewed calls for social media monitoring, censorship of flagged content that could be construed as dangerous or hateful, and limitations on free speech activities, particularly online. Continue reading

‘The Way in Which Wars Start’

Randi Weingarten warns Parental Rights Bills could have severe consequences

American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten said on a recent podcast that GOP-backed parental rights legislation could have alarming results and even suggested that such laws are how “wars start.”

During an appearance on a podcast with radio host Rick Smith earlier this month, Weingarten criticized parental rights bills like the one recently signed into law in Florida.

“This notion – we’ve been very lucky in America, and we in some ways live in a bubble for a long time.” This is propaganda. This is misinformation. This is the way in which wars start. This is the way in which hatred starts.”
Continue reading

Ruby Ridge white separatist Randy Weaver, whose 11-day standoff with federal agents transfixed America and left his wife and son dead in 1992, dies age 74

Randy Weaver, patriarch of a family that was involved in an 11-day Idaho standoff with federal agents 30 years ago that left three people dead and inspired the modern anti-government militia movement, has died at the age of 74.

His death on Wednesday was announced on in a Facebook post by daughter Sara Weaver, who lives near Kalispell, Montana and wrote ‘Love you always Dad’ on a post sharing a photo of him, along with the dates January 3, 1948, and May 11, 2022.

Rest in Peace my Brother. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor

* Randy Weaver died on Wednesday aged 74, his daughter revealed in a statement

* He was the central figure of the 11-day Ruby Ridge siege in August 1992

* Federal agents were attempting to arrest him on bench warrant for missing court

* Weaver’s wife Vicki, 14-year-old son Samuel and a federal agent were killed

* He was later acquitted of all charges except the original failure to appear

* Weaver and his family won a $3.1 million civil settlement from the government

* He became a hero to white supremacist groups and anti-government militias

* Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh cited Ruby Ridge as his motive (Continue…)

Black: We know ‘crazy’ when we see it…

Let the crazies talk. Everyone needs to see it for themselves…

In 1962, a movie theater in Ohio screened a French film called Les Amants, which contained a risque sex scene.

And, simply for showing the movie, the theater’s manager was arrested and convicted of violating Ohio’s obscenity laws.

The manager appealed his conviction, and the case made it all the way to the US Supreme Court.

Fortunately for the theater manager, the Supreme Court ruled in his favor. And the case famously gave rise to Justice Potter Stewart’s standard for obscenity:

“I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be obscene”, he wrote, “But I know it when I see it.”
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