Category Archives: Out of The Past ~ The Archive Edition

As time allows, we continue to review many previously posted columns and articles from the first generation of several of the family of Kettle Moraine Publications, drawing from in excess of 90,000 published articles – yet many could have been written today. Others were a forewarning of (as H.G. Wells once wrote) “Things to Come.” So today we return to the days of yesteryear, or is it, Back to the Future? C’mon Marty – tell me which it is – or will we even have a future?

1323: The Black Challenge

December 27, 2001 ~ Often bad behavior by blacks is condoned by whites and other blacks. Excuses are made. And many whites fear being brutally honest with blacks because they don’t want to be branded as racially insensitive.

There’s a television program called America’s Black Forum that runs on many ABC stations across the country and your humble correspondent was a recent guest on the show. Three African-American commentators, Juan Williams, Armstrong Williams and Julian Bond threw a variety of questions at me, many concerning the problems I have with some black leaders – most notably, Jesse Jackson. Continue reading

Bankers, Doctors, and Dozens of Scientists Have Been Dying Mysteriously

Oh my!

Crime scene illustration, vector

Crime scene illustration, vector

You may remember a while back there was a spate of news articles about high-level bankers and bank employees committing suicide. Conspiracy theories were coming left and right and then as suddenly as the reports started they stopped – just like that. Here is a list of more than 50 of these bankers, in date order, with a brief overview on each of them.

You probably also remember that last year, a dozen holistic doctors either died or went missing over a course of only 90 days. How oddly coincidental.

But the deaths of these bankers and doctors are just the tip of the iceberg.

Did you hear about all of the dead scientists? Probably not. Continue reading

1924 Newspaper Article Outlines Six Goals of the Illuminati

“Abolition Of Patriotism, Property Rights, Religion, Family…”

illuminati-allseeingFebruary 17, 2016 – Of course, these days the concept of the Illuminati is much less a shadowy secret society bent on world domination than a cruel inside joke MTV has played out with borrowed symbolism.

But back in 1924, people were very worried about the Illuminati’s plans to take over the world by destroying it.

This article in the June 21, 1924 edition of the Joplin Globe laid bare the six “principles” or goals of the Illuminati: Continue reading