Category Archives: Out of The Past ~ The Archive Edition

As time allows, we continue to review many previously posted columns and articles from the first generation of several of the family of Kettle Moraine Publications, drawing from in excess of 90,000 published articles – yet many could have been written today. Others were a forewarning of (as H.G. Wells once wrote) “Things to Come.” So today we return to the days of yesteryear, or is it, Back to the Future? C’mon Marty – tell me which it is – or will we even have a future?

Hirschhorn: Occupy Revolution

Was the Occupy Movement of 2011 a precursor to what we are now witnessing with ANTIFA and BLM?

What you are about to read was written and published on November 22, 2011. We are now in the early days of March 2021 and the writings of Joel S. Hirschhorn were as prophetic as could have been. We are bringing it back to the front once more. ~ Ed.

November 22, 2011 ~ History tells us that it is nearly impossible to know in real time whether some kind of national, grassroots public protest ends up being the beginning of a true revolution against a ruling government system. This is true for the earliest beginnings of the revolt against the British that produced the successful American Revolution and the creation of the US. The British at the time surely thought that they could retain power and control. More recently, the revolts in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya certainly could not be accurately perceived in their earliest stages as likely to topple well established dictatorships wielding incredible and cruel power. Even now, the rebellious actions in Syria are not widely seen as surely resulting in successful revolution. Continue reading

Interview of Illegal Mexican Immigrant

August 8, 2010 ~ Here is a REAL INTERVIEW with an illegal Mexican at a protest march in Texas, which provides  a good example of a discussion with a master of circular logic. Don’t be logical, don’t respect the truth or your adversary, just say what you think makes a new case, when the previous case gets too difficult to defend.

Jim Moore reporting for a Houston TV station on the streets of downtown Houston. Continue reading

Juntti: Did I make a difference?

September 2, 2010 ~ I heard this song by the Oak Ridge Boys recently and it just hit me – I am sure I’ve heard it many times in the past but this time the words really rang thru my head. Maybe it is my age (only being 16 ya know), maybe it is all the political things going on and the efforts so many of us have been and are making to *make a difference* – to wake folks up to what is going on and how their napping is supporting the destruction of America.

I do a lot of one on one emailing with readers all over and one of the topics most emailed about is my faith. How I seem to not be as *emotionally* stirred up as some writers on things. I tell them it is my unwavering FAITH in God to carry me thru whatever comes along. I have this small wall plaque that was my mothers that says, “The Will of God will never lead you where the Grace of God cannot keep you.” Continue reading

When Freedom Comes Under Threat of Violence

“Freedom has a thousand charms to show, That slaves, howe’er contented, never know.” – William Cowper, Table Talk

April 23, 2012 ~ Emblazoned across the lucre-basted exterior of the Internal Revenue Service building in Washington DC, reads one of the most intellectually polluted quotes any free mind is ever likely to encounter:

“Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society.”

Its effortlessly officious author, associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., could scarcely have been more wrong in his (albeit paraphrased) assertion. Unless, that is, the mustachioed Rooseveltian meant to define “civilized society” as an arrangement that favours and promotes rule by brute force and violence, rather than one of free and voluntary association.

If, indeed, that was Justice Holmes’ idea of “civilized,” we shudder to think what he regards as uncivilized. But shudder we will… Continue reading

We Mourn For a Lost America Today!

November 5, 2008 ~ We mourn the loss of Freedom, Democracy, and America’s position in the world as a Leader. In place of all these, America has chosen SOCIALISM the “Destroyer of Nations”.

I am ashamed of my fellow Americans for giving up their freedom, their constitution, their liberty, everything the Founding Fathers gave us, for so cheap a price.

The disunity of America is now complete. There is nothing left of that which bound us together. The descent of America, into the ash heap of history, has officially begun. The decline will be relatively swift and excruciatingly painful. Continue reading

It’s More Than Opinion! ~ Rebuttal from an Angry Patriot

What you are about to read was written and published by yours truly in the first generation Federal Observer on the date posted below – nineteen years ahead of the curve. Ya’ can’t say that you weren’t warned! ~ J. Bennett, Publisher

January 1, 2002 – For many of us broadcasting on the alternative media – we have remained hard hitting on issues, which we believe are highly pertinent in our day and time. These issues include education, property rights, tyranny by government, government out of the control of the people, moral decay and rot, tax and sovereignty issues, a deeper drift into Socialism, the breakup of the family, protection of children and families, treason in high places of our government, cover-ups and conspiracies within the government itself, in addition to a sundry of other choice subjects. Predictably, many of us have been accused of being anti-government. In response to those accusations, I must say: To the best of our ability, we are reporting the truth. Are the people making these claims against us listening to us, and to our programs on a regular basis? Do they take a serious look at what we are reporting and is the information confirmable from other sources? Continue reading

Juntti: Samson and America – the similarities

Time changes NOTHING. NO matter the date of the original publication of that which follows – as with many of Granny’s posts – nothing really changes. Hopefully you are reading this for the first – or 50th time – and it finally sinks in.

I’ll see you at Sundown ~ Jeffrey Bennett

Samson and Delilah, by Rubens

August 1, 2012 ~ America was a very strong country – similar to the strength of Samson in the Bible. Samson was the strongest person on earth – all due to his God given strength.

America, like Samson, allowed Delilah (the ENEMY WITHIN) to beguile and to rob that strength by deceiving Samson with things that are against God’s Word. Continue reading

Oct. 31, 1936 ~ Franklin Roosevelt Speech On the Eve of the Presidential Election

‘Government By Organized Money’

“On the eve of a national election, it is well for us to stop for a moment and analyze calmly and without prejudice the effect on our Nation of a victory by either of the major political parties.

The problem of the electorate is far deeper, far more vital than the continuance in the Presidency of any individual. For the greater issue goes beyond units of humanity–it goes to humanity itself.

In 1932 the issue was the restoration of American democracy; and the American people were in a mood to win. They did win. In 1936 the issue is the preservation of their victory. Again they are in a mood to win. Again they will win.

More than four years ago in accepting the Democratic nomination in Chicago, I said: “Give me your help not to win votes alone, but to win in this crusade to restore America to its own people.” Continue…

Longstreet: Human Life Begins at Conception

NOTE: Due to age of the following article, embedded links may no longer function. ~ Ed.

We Americans have to re-evaluate the way we look upon abortion. With an average of 1.3 million babies a year, in America alone, being denied their God given right to life as a result of abortion, surely it has scarred the very soul of this great country.

Kathleen Parker has written an article entitled “Pope Pelosi at the Gate, Life with the Speaker”. In her insightful article she writes the following: Continue reading

1055 ~ Dumbing Down Standardized Tests: The Art Of Dodging Objective Reality

Published in ‘Village of the Damned’ on the first generation Federal Observer, December 4, 2001

“We will never devise the perfect test, a test that accurately assesses students irrespective of parental education and income, the quality of the local schools, and the kind of community a student lives in, but we can do better,” opined Richards C. Atkinson, president of the University of California system. Atkinson insisted, calling again on Nov. 16 for the elimination of the “SAT I” as an admissions requirement at the University of California’s eight undergraduate campuses.

In fact, while “perfection” is indeed an impossible standard, a test which does this extremely well does exist, and it’s called … the SAT. Continue reading

800 ~ In Loving Memory – The Death of William Cooper

Published in ‘Profiles’ on the first generation Federal Observer, November 5, 2001

~ Forewords: November 5, 2001 ~
I awoke a short while ago from an afternoon nap, which I find that my mind and body needs more each day. Email was the first to be opened and phone messages were next to be checked – and that is when I became aware of the passing of the Grandfather of Modern American Short-Wave Radio, William Cooper (Wild Bill).

The following are among the most important commentaries, which we received at the Federal Observer over the next day or so. May he now rest in peace.

– With a deep sense of loss and mourning we announce the passing of William Cooper. We MUST all remember his love of freedom, America, the Constitution and the values it is founded on. Continue reading

Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, THIEF!

What you are about to read, takes me back to the year 2000, as I studied and compiled information and data for weeks in preparation for another of my lengthy broadcast marathons – one which in fact was eventually presented as an eight hour series. In addition to that, it was in fact a “Sequel” to a previous six-hour series, “All the King’s Men,” which told the TRUE story of the 1929 Stock Market Crash, which thrust America into the Great Depression.

The names you will learn about here may have changed (not all of them, for many of their descendants are still stirring the pots), and many of the businesses may be out of business or merged with others, but the beat goes on… and within the next sixty pages of the attached file, you will meet the most amazing cast of foul, evil characters who have ever existed in the past five-hundred years – and YOU are still paying the price. We all are – and we continue to pay the price as we will be managed and handled for eternity.

Continue reading

1491 ~ While “Conservatives” Sleep

Published on the first generation Federal Observer, January 14, 2002, in the category, ‘Guest Commentary’,

Let it be stipulated that what passes for “conservatism” today has very little to do with the genius vision of the Founders of this nation – those brave patriots who sacrificed life and property toward the establishment of a Republic based upon the doctrine of limited governmental interference into the lives of its citizenry. Continue reading

1511 ~ Cover-up at Columbine?

Published in the first generation Federal Observer, in the category, Conspiracy Chronicles, January 17, 2002

Michelle Malkin

When tragedy strikes, heroes rush in selflessly. Cowards hide behind their desks and blow bureaucratic smokescreens. The Sheriff refused to cooperate with a governor”s investigative commission last year and has adamantly opposed the parents’ campaign for public accountability and disclosure.

There are good cops and there are bad cops. September 11 has not changed that fact. We saw the best of the best sacrifice their lives for their fellow citizens when the World Trade Center crumbled. But while we honor the memory of heroic police officers, we must not turn a blind eye to other law enforcement officers who are a disgrace to their profession – and a danger to the public they are supposed to protect and serve. Continue reading

1456 ~ A Letter From the Globalist New World Order

Published on the first generation Federal Observer, in the category, Big Brother IS Watching, January 9, 2002

I believe the time has come to reveal to you some of the perplexities you have faced in recent decades. It is well for you to understand some of these things so that you might know how to behave in the New Order now taking shape in the earth. We want you to be able to become fully involved and integrated into our new society.

After all, this is for your best interest if you will do this.

First of all, it is well that you understand some of our purposes so that you may more fully cooperate. I cannot tell you the hard times you will face if you resist us. We have ways of dealing with resisters. I am only telling you this now, since it is much too late to turn things around. The days of putting a stop to us have long since past. We have full control of the earth and its finance, along with the major media propaganda, and there is simply no way any nation or power can defeat us. Continue reading

1323: The Black Challenge

December 27, 2001 ~ Often bad behavior by blacks is condoned by whites and other blacks. Excuses are made. And many whites fear being brutally honest with blacks because they don’t want to be branded as racially insensitive.

There’s a television program called America’s Black Forum that runs on many ABC stations across the country and your humble correspondent was a recent guest on the show. Three African-American commentators, Juan Williams, Armstrong Williams and Julian Bond threw a variety of questions at me, many concerning the problems I have with some black leaders – most notably, Jesse Jackson. Continue reading

Rx For Education

Moral courage is the courage of one’s convictions, the courage to see things through. The world is in a constant conspiracy against the brave. It’s the age old struggle – the roar of the crowd on one side and the voice of your conscience on the other.” ~ Douglas MacArthur

America has become a ‘band-aid‘ society. Daily we are bombarded with a vast litany of social ills. Some are critical, some are serious and some are just worrisome. Our country has been invaded by a vast army of people from other countries. They are here illegally and they are costing enormous amounts of money to provide health care, housing and education. I need not belabor the problem.

I often wonder if our neighbors to the South would be so patient, so understanding and so eager to resolve the problems created by this massive influx if the situation were reversed. This is a worrisome problem to most Americans. Our taxes increase, our wages decrease, unemployment in some sectors rises. Our schools are bursting at the seams, the emergency room at the hospital is overcrowded. Yes these are worrisome and vexing problems. The solution is to throw money. This is the one thing that our government does better than any other on the face of the earth. As long as we have an inexhaustible supply of cash, no one has to seriously consider cures. We hire more border guards, build higher fences, put more sophisticated surveillance systems in place and it gets us through another day, another week, another month. We have placed a band-aid strategically in place. It does not stop the flow of blood. It does not alleviate the human misery. It solves nothing, cures nothing and is very short-lived. We have a worrisome situation and no one seems to be intelligent enough to offer solutions or even recognize the deep seated problems. Continue reading

In the Footsteps of Rome: Is Renewal Possible?

Once the shared memories of these values are lost, the Empire ceases to exist; there is nothing left to reform or renew.

Is renewal/recovery from systemic decline possible? The history of the Roman Empire is a potentially insightful place to start looking for answers. As long-time readers know, I’ve been studying both the Western and Eastern (Byzantine) Roman Empires over the past few years.

Both Western and Eastern Roman Empires faced existential crises that very nearly dissolved the empires hundreds of years before their terminal declines. The Western Roman Empire, beset by the overlapping crises of invasion, civil war, plague and economic upheaval, nearly collapsed in the third century C.E. (Christian Era, what was previously A.D.) — 235 to 284 C.E., fully two hundred years before its final dissolution in the fifth century (circa 476 C.E.). Continue reading

Immigrants are not illegal. Illegals are not Immigrants.

The media, for some reason, tries to use these two labels to mean the same thing. In order to immigrate into this country, you have to be approved by this country. This approval comes with papers, with documentation. The undocumented are here without the approval of the government and are therefore illegal, they are not immigrants. There is no intent on the government to deport immigrants since everyone aside from native American Indians got here by immigrant relatives or by immigrating here themselves legally. We need to stop referring to undocumented illegals as immigrants because they are not. Continue reading

John F. Kennedy: What Would He Think of His Party?

President Ronald Reagan said: “I didn’t leave the Democratic Party. The party left me.” Actor and former president of the National Rifle Association Charlton Heston, who called himself a “Kennedy Democrat,” switched to the Republican Party after the 1960s.

On racial preferences, JFK, in 1963, said he opposed them: “I don’t think that is the generally held view, at least as I understand it, of the Negro community, that there is some compensation due for the lost years, particularly in the field of education. What I think they would like is to see their children well-educated so that they could hold jobs and have their children accepted and have themselves accepted as equal members of the community. So I don’t think we can undo the past. In fact, the past is going to be with us for a good many years in uneducated men and women who lost their chance for a decent education. We have to do the best we can now. That is what we are trying to do. I don’t think quotas are a good idea. I think it is a mistake to begin to assign quotas on the basis of religion or race or color, or nationality.
Continue reading

Guia Del Migrante Mexicano

In early 2005, I came across a posting which remains accurate and on target to this date. It would appear according to the website, that the Invaders and the Consulates in America, took a tremendous amount of heat for the posting you are about to review – and had it removed – but it miraculously popped up again. You will want to follow the ‘Continue Reading’ link (in Spanish) to view the entire comic book ~ Publisher

The following is the Mexican Government’s “disclaimer” – with their tongue in their cheeks, so to speak.

This consular protection guide is not promoting the crossing [of the border] of Mexicans without legal documentation required by the government of the United States; its objective is to make known the risks implied and to inform about the rights of migrants regardless of their legal residence. (Sigue leyendo)

Cutler: Promises to Keep

The “Law and Order” president hits the ground running.

It is time that when the “compassion card” is brought out- the issue of compassion must first take into account the safety and well-being of America and Americans. There is nothing compassionate about committing suicide!

I urge you to get involved and demand our elected representatives actually represent us – We the People! The information contained in my article is being provided to educate as many of our fellow Americans as possible so that they can ask the right questions and make the appropriate demands on our political leaders and representatives and political candidates. Continue reading

The End Of Empires: Rome Vs. America

“The Populace Is Just As Stultified And Easily Distracted Now As It Was Then”

The year was 451, and the battle of Chalons (also known as Catalaunian Fields and Campus Martius) was fought between a coalition of Roman legionnaires, Germanic Visigoths, and Gauls against the Huns. Flavius Aetius was the Roman commanding general, and he led his forces to defeat Attila, king of the Huns and commander of the Hun armies. The loss caused Attila to withdraw and skirmish into Italy, but again (this time through diplomacy and concessions) he withdrew in 452, returning into what is now modern Hungary. Attila died in 453, and the Hun menace to Europe had ended.

Aetius had been the declining (and fragmented) Western Roman Empire’s best chance to restructure itself. He had fought in Gaul and throughout Italy and Europe for decades, sometimes even with support from the Huns before Attila began his quest for empire. A master strategist, tactician, diplomat, and warrior, he effectively stemmed the collapse of the Western Roman Empire for another 25 years. In all probability, he may have been able to turn things around for a longer period of time.

This was not to be, as he was assassinated by none other than the Emperor Valentinian III and his henchman Heraclius on 22 September 454. Continue reading

Juntti: The ‘F’ Word

Hand_on_BibleNovember 26, 2016 ~ I am so sick and tired of reading and hearing the **F** word – it matters not what web site – what station – what person is having a conversation – the **F** word is used as if it is *and* – *the*- *hello* – rather than the super offensive word it is. To hear those we are supposed to look up to – those we are supposed to respect – use this word and then to read this word in BOLD **** HEADLINE**** with !!!! and ______ marks – I have to ask, what has this country come to? This is the result of the watered down education – the failure to teach manners – the failure to teach it is wrong to be OFFENSIVE in the things we say or do and the words we choose to use over decent and acceptable words. Why is it that even Trump finds it acceptable to choose the *F* word to express himself? He certainly knows it is a horribly offensive word so why use it. Continue reading

Juntti: How to Drain the Septic Tank Called VOTING

enemaNovember 5, 2016 ~ How to reduce the number of dead and ILLEGAL voters. I don’t believe that we can eliminate them all as those who intend to lie and cheat will always find a way to do so but we CAN greatly reduce the number.

The evidence of so many dead people still being on the voter registration rolls proves that the voter registration rolls need to be PURGED. The number of ILLEGALS who are registering to vote is a CRIME!! Continue reading