Category Archives: Out of The Past ~ The Archive Edition

As time allows, we continue to review many previously posted columns and articles from the first generation of several of the family of Kettle Moraine Publications, drawing from in excess of 90,000 published articles – yet many could have been written today. Others were a forewarning of (as H.G. Wells once wrote) “Things to Come.” So today we return to the days of yesteryear, or is it, Back to the Future? C’mon Marty – tell me which it is – or will we even have a future?

STEELE: Modern Sense

The following is a lengthy but worthy read. It was submitted to the first edition Federal Observer by a good friend and contributing writer and Patriot – the late Edgar J. Steele. He is sadly missed. May he be resting in peace in a better place that we are living this day, for all that he wrote of has or is coming to pass… and few would listen. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor

With no apologies to Thomas Paine

“Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer.”Thomas Paine, Common Sense (February 1776)

Edgar J. Steele – American Patriot

~ Preface ~
There are a remarkable number of parallels between pre-revolutionary America and the America of today. It is downright spooky how, in their writings of that time, our founding fathers might have been speaking directly to this generation of Americans. Then again, I do not believe in coincidence so perhaps, in a sense, they were.

How appropriate that those of us who advocate a return to the ideals of those days are called “patriots,” a word which has taken on as derisive a meaning when mouthed by government agents today as those uttered about our forebears by King George’s men during the first American revolution.

Nor is it coincidence that those of us labeled as “patriots” wear the mark with respect and honor. I count myself proudly among their number and pray only that my work be worthy of inclusion. Continue reading

Longstreet: Madam Speaker Unmasks the Ugly Face of Socialism

A lesson from the past that WE have not learned from. You are sadly missed J.D. ~ Ed.

August 23, 2010 ~ Back in the 1950’s, while still a lad in high School, I delivered a speech at the University of South Carolina. I don’t remember a great deal of what I said in that particular speech, but I remember I called notice to the dangers of socialism and communism — and the danger of an all powerful government they both demand.

I remember, too, that I mentioned how socialist governments, such as the one in the socialist Soviet Union used the power of the government to keep their citizens in check, in line, if you will. I mentioned how the secret police of the Soviet Union would come knocking at the doors of their citizen’s homes at the “dead hour” (3 AM), smash it in and drag the would be dissident off to the Lubyanka Prison – and if he/she lived through the interrogation, would, quite likely, wind up in a gulag prison somewhere in the frigid climes of Siberia, there to work for the state while valiantly trying to remain alive. Continue reading

Juntti: Are we “Federal Children“?

Fall 2002 ~ While doing some searching on how we are TRACKED by the government (cell phones, etc.) I came across this item I wrote in 2002 that provides more info on how the government goal of TRACKING and controlling American citizens really got started. I had forgotten I had written this but in finding it today and reading it over I thought some on WGEN might like to review the history of how the *massa’s* devised ways to track us and how to use us as collateral for that national debt – mostly owed to China. When China calls in the debt we owe to them how many of us will then be placed in Chinese custody to do their bidding? ~ Jackie Juntti (Granny)

Are we “Federal Children,” owned by the Government?

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Facing the Hardest Truth on Public Education

John Dewey

April 3, 2013 ~ There are several major obstacles to overcome if there is to be any hope of saving civilization from the grip of the authoritarian pre-education camps we call “public schools.” The most stubborn obstacle of all, however, is perhaps the one embedded in our own hearts, namely the all too human instinct to comfort ourselves with the thought that the soul-deforming corruptions of public education began in earnest only after our own school days, and hence that we ourselves escaped the harm we so easily recognize in others.

This instinct forms the rationale for the many objections I get to my calls for the complete abolition of public schooling, from people who claim that if the schools just got back to the methods of the good old days, all would be well. In other words, these people are unwilling to see the problem as anything deeper than the superimposition of some bad textbooks or teaching methods on an essentially noble system, because to admit that the problem is more fundamental than this is to admit that one’s own education was harmful, which is to concede that one was indeed harmed — that you are less than you might have been. Continue reading

Benson: Kindergarten’s Socialist Origins

Horace Mann

November 25, 2011 ~ Most schools today, both public and private have kindergartens. They have become an accepted part of educational life in this country and others as well.

This was not always so. When I first attended public school, way back in the mid-1940s, there was no kindergarten where I went. Although some schools undoubtedly had them, all schools did not. They had not become totally entrenched, although their promoters had been working on that project with much zeal. Their efforts seem to have paid off. Kindergarten is now as much a part of school life as the seventh grade.

I have, in the past, written articles and even a couple booklets, dealing with the origins of public, or government, schools in this country. These “institutions of learning” have a history that is never quite openly discussed in all of its ramifications. We often see the names of founders and promoters of public education mentioned in articles or essays, but we are seldom told all that much about these people and what they really believed. Most educators don’t want us to go there. Continue reading


January 30, 2006 ~ I have a copy of the Tennessee Constitution and The Constitution of our Country. Nowhere – NOWHERE – do I see any mention of *Lobbyists*.

I did find this:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
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Playboy Interview, 1964: Ayn Rand

Originally published by Kettle Moraine Publications on July 7, 2009.

PLAYBOY: Miss Rand, your novels and essays, especially your controversial best seller, Atlas Shrugged, present a carefully engineered, internally consistent world view. They are, in effect, the expression of an all-encompassing philosophical system. What do you seek to accomplish with this new philosophy?

RAND: I seek to provide men — or those who care to think — with an integrated, consistent and rational view of life.

PLAYBOY: What are the basic premises of Objectivism? Where does it begin?

RAND: It begins with the axiom that existence exists, which means that an objective reality exists independent of any perceiver or of the perceiver’s emotions, feelings, wishes, hopes or fears. Objectivism holds that reason is man’s only means of perceiving reality and his only guide to action. By reason, I mean the faculty which identifies and integrates the material provided by man’s senses.
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1062 ~ Must We Harm Our Children To Help Incompetent Teachers Feel Good?

Published in ‘Village of the Damned’ on the first generation Federal Observer, December 12, 2001

Teachers are people who have college degrees. You shouldn’t have to check to see whether they can pass a fourth-grade English test. Nor should you wonder whether they have a monkey’s grasp of the number system. But…

Walter Williams

Sometimes a good-humored column is beyond me. This is one of those times. Sorry. In the Washington Times for October 29, I found the following questions posed by Walter Williams, the conservative columnist.

First: “Which of the following is equal to a quarter of a million? (a) 40,000 (b) 250,000 (c) 2,500,000 (d) 1/4,000,000 or (d) 4/1,000,000?”

Second: “Martin Luther King Jr. (insert the correct choice) for the poor of all races. (a) spoke out passionately (b) spoke out passionate (c) did spoke out passionately (e) has spoke out passionately or (e) had spoken out passionate.”

And where did Williams find these puzzlers? In the School Reform News for September first. They are questions to be asked of prospective teachers. Continue reading

1495 ~ Performing a Historectomy on America

Published in the ‘American Journal’ on the first generation Federal Observer, January 14, 2002

If you want to destroy a house, undermine the foundation. If you want to destroy a nation, do the same. If you want to debase people who are defined by ideas, destroy the ideas. If you want to bring down a society that is sustained by its history, perform a historectomy.

First, let me make clear that I am not referring to a hysterectomy, or removal of the uterus, but a historectomy, or removal of our history. Continue reading

So I met this azz hole…

NOTE: The following (bit of satire) was written by me and published on the first generation Federal Observer somewhere in late September of 2002. Oh, why the hell not? ~ JB

Old Weatherbys & 80 year old Winchesters – the stories, which make grown men cry.

September 28, 2002 – When my family and I relocated from the mountains of Arizona to the Valley of the Scum Sun 12 years ago – we only had one requirement of our house – it had to have a swimming pool. Living in the Arizona desert can have its rewards – even while roasting yourazz in 120 degree brain or egg scrambling temperatures.

This is just once such story.

I’m down at Cheekie’s Café one Friday for breakfast (my favorite cholesterol hole) chewin’ the fat (no pun intended) with Charlie and Deb, when this guy walks in. It seems that this is his favorite place to eat on Friday’s as well (well, favorite may be stretching it a little). He grabs a copy of the Arizona Repugnant on his way to the booth, sits his azz down on one of the virgin vinyl benches, rifles through the paper (which serves as a bird cage liner in our house) and heads right for section D (for dummies) the Sports Section! Then the waitress approaches him…. Continue reading

Longstreet: The Next American Civil War

“Tyrants preserve themselves by sowing fear and mistrust among the citizens by means of spies, by distracting them with foreign wars, by eliminating men of spirit who might lead a revolution, by humbling the people, and making them incapable of decisive action…” ~ Aristotle

December 9, 2012 – You’d think ole “Ari” might have been peering through some sort of cosmic window into modern day America some 2300 years ago with comments such as those above. Continue reading

1.4 million illegals working under stolen Social Security numbers

…and you wonder where the Election went!

June 22, 2017 – Most illegal immigrants who pay taxes have stolen someone else’s legal identity, and the IRS doesn’t do a very good job of letting those American citizens and legal immigrants know they’re being impersonated, the tax agency’s inspector general said in a new report released Thursday.

The theft creates major problems for the American citizens and legal foreign workers whose identities are stolen, and who have to deal with explaining money they never earned. Continue reading

Americans “Too Fearful”” to Face Facts That the Republic is Dead, the Country is Gone

Art by Anthony Frieda.

Art by Anthony Frieda.

August 14, 2015 ~ No matter what happens in the news, most Americans just can’t face it. At ballgames, schools, churches, meetings, jobs and stores, Americans tend to salute the flag, accept b.s. rationales for evil deeds and stupid policies, and shun inconvenient truths that would otherwise inform a thinking person that the game is rigged, that the Republic is dead, and that the country is gone.

Agree or not, the issues raised below are crucial to the arrangement of government, and the power of the people in that government. By all accounts, corruption has become legalized, government has assumed all meaningful power – except that which is reserved to the corporations and banks – and rule of law has been replaced by rule of an elite who make their own rules. Academic studies, Congressman and Federal Reserve chairs now acknowledge that the United States has become an oligarchy… and oligarchies consist mainly of a few noblemen, and a mass population of obedient and powerless serfs. Better face up, because nothing is going to change for the better by ignoring it. ~ Ed. Continue reading

Juntti: A Racial Program For The 20th Century

big_dummyJuly 21, 2013 ~ I always marvel at how certain things come to me and how they fit together even though on first glance they don’t seem to have anything in common.

We have all this race baiting and instigating taking place in America… and we have millions pouring in to this nation eating out our sustenance…. At first glance one wouldn’t see the connection but then a second look and it all comes together…

The Negro’s – White Guilt – Welfare – ILLEGALS – Protesting – Theft – Killing – Abortion – Lobbyists -Subsidies… – Granny
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Hirschhorn: Occupy Revolution

Was the Occupy Movement of 2011 a precursor to what we are now witnessing with ANTIFA and BLM?

What you are about to read was written and published on November 22, 2011. We are now in the early days of March 2021 and the writings of Joel S. Hirschhorn were as prophetic as could have been. We are bringing it back to the front once more. ~ Ed.

November 22, 2011 ~ History tells us that it is nearly impossible to know in real time whether some kind of national, grassroots public protest ends up being the beginning of a true revolution against a ruling government system. This is true for the earliest beginnings of the revolt against the British that produced the successful American Revolution and the creation of the US. The British at the time surely thought that they could retain power and control. More recently, the revolts in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya certainly could not be accurately perceived in their earliest stages as likely to topple well established dictatorships wielding incredible and cruel power. Even now, the rebellious actions in Syria are not widely seen as surely resulting in successful revolution. Continue reading

Interview of Illegal Mexican Immigrant

August 8, 2010 ~ Here is a REAL INTERVIEW with an illegal Mexican at a protest march in Texas, which provides  a good example of a discussion with a master of circular logic. Don’t be logical, don’t respect the truth or your adversary, just say what you think makes a new case, when the previous case gets too difficult to defend.

Jim Moore reporting for a Houston TV station on the streets of downtown Houston. Continue reading

When Freedom Comes Under Threat of Violence

“Freedom has a thousand charms to show, That slaves, howe’er contented, never know.” – William Cowper, Table Talk

April 23, 2012 ~ Emblazoned across the lucre-basted exterior of the Internal Revenue Service building in Washington DC, reads one of the most intellectually polluted quotes any free mind is ever likely to encounter:

“Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society.”

Its effortlessly officious author, associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., could scarcely have been more wrong in his (albeit paraphrased) assertion. Unless, that is, the mustachioed Rooseveltian meant to define “civilized society” as an arrangement that favours and promotes rule by brute force and violence, rather than one of free and voluntary association.

If, indeed, that was Justice Holmes’ idea of “civilized,” we shudder to think what he regards as uncivilized. But shudder we will… Continue reading

We Mourn For a Lost America Today!

November 5, 2008 ~ We mourn the loss of Freedom, Democracy, and America’s position in the world as a Leader. In place of all these, America has chosen SOCIALISM the “Destroyer of Nations”.

I am ashamed of my fellow Americans for giving up their freedom, their constitution, their liberty, everything the Founding Fathers gave us, for so cheap a price.

The disunity of America is now complete. There is nothing left of that which bound us together. The descent of America, into the ash heap of history, has officially begun. The decline will be relatively swift and excruciatingly painful. Continue reading

It’s More Than Opinion! ~ Rebuttal from an Angry Patriot

What you are about to read was written and published by yours truly in the first generation Federal Observer on the date posted below – nineteen years ahead of the curve. Ya’ can’t say that you weren’t warned! ~ J. Bennett, Publisher

January 1, 2002 – For many of us broadcasting on the alternative media – we have remained hard hitting on issues, which we believe are highly pertinent in our day and time. These issues include education, property rights, tyranny by government, government out of the control of the people, moral decay and rot, tax and sovereignty issues, a deeper drift into Socialism, the breakup of the family, protection of children and families, treason in high places of our government, cover-ups and conspiracies within the government itself, in addition to a sundry of other choice subjects. Predictably, many of us have been accused of being anti-government. In response to those accusations, I must say: To the best of our ability, we are reporting the truth. Are the people making these claims against us listening to us, and to our programs on a regular basis? Do they take a serious look at what we are reporting and is the information confirmable from other sources? Continue reading

Juntti: Samson and America – the similarities

Time changes NOTHING. NO matter the date of the original publication of that which follows – as with many of Granny’s posts – nothing really changes. Hopefully you are reading this for the first – or 50th time – and it finally sinks in.

I’ll see you at Sundown ~ Jeffrey Bennett

Samson and Delilah, by Rubens

August 1, 2012 ~ America was a very strong country – similar to the strength of Samson in the Bible. Samson was the strongest person on earth – all due to his God given strength.

America, like Samson, allowed Delilah (the ENEMY WITHIN) to beguile and to rob that strength by deceiving Samson with things that are against God’s Word. Continue reading