Category Archives: Invasión

“We decry hostility and discrimination towards immigrants as antithetical to the traditions and interests of the country. At the same time, we disagree with those who would label efforts to control immigration as being inherently anti-immigrant. Rather, it is both a right and a responsibility of a democratic society to manage immigration so that it serves the national interest.” ~ Rep. Barbara Jordan – Chair, U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform

Invasión: …The insanity will not end! ~ May 10, 2023

NOTE: It is so interesting how we have to draw all of the following posts from a Foreign News Publication. ~ Editor

Biden ‘finalizes screeching migrant policy U-turn to fend off illegal aliens in Trump-style plans he decried in 2020’
Title 42 expires TOMORROW and thousands more stream over the southern border

Migrants walk through a barbed-wire barrier into the United States after crossing the Rio Grande from Matamoros, Mexico

Joe Biden has finalized Trump-style plans to stop illegal migrants flooding into the U.S less than 48 hours before Title 42 expires – and as thousands more are seen streaming across the border from Mexico.

The policy, as seen by CBS News, is almost identical to a law which had been introduced by the Trump administration – and which was decried by Biden at the time. It required migrants to request refugee status in another country, such as Mexico, during their journey to the southern border – before crossing into the United States.

Those who fail to follow the criteria are liable to be deported… (Continue to full article)

‘This entire operation is a sad joke!’ Border Patrol Union tears into DHS for TELLING migrants and smugglers where and when it’ll ‘conduct targeted enforcement’… two days before Title 42 expires
Late on Monday night the DHS announced that ICE would be conducting a targeted enforcement operation in El Paso, Texas. The operation coincides with surge of thousands of migrants crossing the southern border – but those who crossed illegally will now have time to get make a getaway.

‘Nothing like publicly announcing that dangerous people will be arrested, while warning them ahead of time exactly where to run and hide to avoid arrest. This entire operation is a sad joke – another pandering PR stunt. Serious law enforcement leaders don’t behave this way,’ the Border Patrol Union – NBPC tweeted on Monday night.

Strategically speaking, the announcing of such information makes little sense with those seeking to evade capture by the authorities now given advance warning. It comes just as Border Patrol revealed how its agents caught 26,000 migrants in just three days.. (Continue to full article)

26,382 migrant encounters and 7,399 gotaways in just three days
US-Mexico Border ALREADY sees surge in crossers – with up to 13,000 expected each day when Title 42 ends on Thursday

Border crossings are already spiking in the days leading up to the end of Title 42 with Customs and Border Protection (CBP) apprehending more than 26,000 migrants in just 72 hours. The last three days saw an average of 8,794 migrant apprehensions per day, according to figures released by CBP Chief Raul Ortiz. This is a staggering unprecedented figure that is only expected to grow in coming days with Title 42 set to expire on Thursday

Currently, the average number of migrants crossing the southern border each day is 7,700. But the Biden administration estimates that the number could increase to 13,000 every day once Title 42 is no longer in use. Other external estimates have put that number even higher.

Smugglers are encouraging migrants to head for the border…. (Continue to full article)

Title 42 is ending on Thursday – so what will the border look like in a post-pandemic world as internal estimates warn there are at least 10,000 migrants waiting to cross the second the measure expires
Title 42 is finally coming to an end on Thursday, May 11 and there are at least 10,000 migrants waiting in Mexico to immediately cross the U.S. southern border once the policy is no longer in use.

The public health measure was employed in March 2020 by then-President Donald Trump to quell migration during the COVID-19 pandemic by blocking those caught at those at the border from seeking asylum.

Migrants could be rapidly expelled back to Mexico, and since it began Title 42 has been used more than 2.7 million times. In March more than 191,00 migrants were encountered at the border, and many expect crossings to rise from 7,500 to 13,000 a day when Title 42 ends… (Continue to full article)

Drone video shows huge line of hundreds of migrants who illegally crossed the border into Brownsville, Texas, days before the end of Title 42
A huge line of consisting of hundreds of migrants who crossed into the U.S. illegally from Mexico into Brownsville, Texas was caught on camera on Sunday evening.

A line could best be seen from the air as footage from Fox News’ drone tea, attempted to capture the enormity of the as it snaked off into the distance.

The great majority of the migrants looked to be single adults. Many of those waiting in line did not appear to have baggage of any kind with most simply holding a plastic bag containing important documents.

Although it is not clear exactly where the migrants had arrived from, over the last two weeks there has been a surge of Venezuelan migrants through South Texas, particularly in and around Brownsville. The reasons for the surge are unclear.

On Friday U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas noted that Mexico has agreed week to continue taking back Venezuelans who enter the U.S. illegally even after asylum restrictions end Thursday, along with Cubans, Haitians and Nicaraguans… (Continue to full article)

Border crisis laid bare: Patrol chief reveals force seized 54lbs of fentanyl, 19lbs of heroin and 246lbs of meth and arrested 50,000 illegal aliens last week
US Border Patrol agents made more than 50,000 arrests in one week – with over 1400lbs of drugs being recovered.

Chief Raul Ortiz shared images of the latest busts on to his Twitter page and laid bare the ongoing crisis at the borders.

On Friday he said: ‘Week in review. 1 agent assaulted, 51,560 apprehensions, 16,985 approx gotaways, $31,000 seized, 614lbs cocaine, 540lbs marijuana, 246lbs meth, 54lbs fentanyl, 19lbs heroin, 10 firearms, 17 sex offenders, 5 gang members. Impressive work!’

Images attached by the Chief shows large quantities of drugs that have been bundled together as well a piles of dollar bills.

According to the Chief, these statistics are for the entire border patrol, including the southern, northern and coastal borders… (Continue to full article)

ALERT: Biden vows to veto House GOP bill aimed at securing border
Biden would veto a House GOP bill that aims to secure our southern border by restricting asylum and finish building Trump’s border wall, the White House said Monday.

Republicans are looking to capitalize as immigration trouble surges into a national spotlight this week with the ending of COVID-19 restrictions that allowed border authorities to quickly return many migrants who crossed the border illegally.

GOP lawmkers aim to vote on their Secure the Border Act on Thursday — the same day the emergency expulsion powers expire. Officials have already seen an increase of illegals at the U.S.-Mexico border and are bracing for more.

The legislation represents the GOP’s first major immigration policy proposal since the Trump era, when those who wanted to abide by the nation’s immigration laws controlled the White House. The 213-page bill resurrects a slew of former President Donald Trump’s policies, such as building barriers along hundreds of miles of border country…. (Continue to full article)

House Leaders look to hold Border/E-Verify floor vote as Title 42 ends

The House of Representatives plans to vote on historic legislation that would end the ongoing border crisis and deter future border surges and illegal immigration in mid-May. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) made the announcement on Thursday and were confident they have the support for it to pass.

The final legislation would combine H.R. 2640, the Border Security and Enforcement Act, passed by the House Judiciary Committee last week and H.R. 2794, the Border Reinforcement Act, passed by the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday. Continue reading

Republicans on Judiciary Committee forward a wide-ranging border security bill.

Speaker McCarthy says bill will get a vote by full House.

CBP Processing Unaccompanied Children on the South Texas Border..
Photo provided by Hector Silva.

A major piece of immigration legislation was advanced by the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee late Wednesday night. The Border Security and Enforcement Act of 2023 (H.R. 2640) was passed by a near-party line vote of 23-15. The only dissenting Republican was Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), who expressed opposition to the E-Verify provisions.

The legislation contained language from several individual bills that were combined into a single package. Continue reading

Biden’s Growing Border Crisis: Death, Drugs, and Disorder on the Northern Border

Washington, D.C. (March 28, 2023) – Lost amidst the chaos at the Southwest border is a burgeoning surge of migrants at the Northern border—the international boundary between the United States and Canada. While the number of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Northern border encounters is low compared to the Southwest border, what is happening at the Northern border is still troubling — particularly in the Border Patrol’s Swanton (Vt.) Sector. Continue reading

Leibowitz: NOTHING Has Changed on the Mexican Border

The first time I visited Nogales to see the Mexican border with my own eyes was more than 20 years ago.

George W. Bush was President and the border was a sieve. A rancher named Roger Barnett gave me a tour of his land near Douglas, where he detained border crossers by the score. Later, I headed to Nogales and spoke to the Border Patrol officers.

One statistic lodged in my mind.

That year, the Border Patrol reported 1.6 million “encounters” with migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border. Continue reading

Number of migrants caught illegally crossing southern border ‘has already hit ONE MILLION less than four months into fiscal year…

…is on Track to Smash Records

There have been a total of 1,008,217 migrants caught illegally crossing the border in less than four months into the fiscal year 2023, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sources are reporting. Pictured: Asylum-seeking migrants walk past a barbed wire fence

The number of migrants caught illegally crossing the southern border has reportedly hit one million in less than four months into the fiscal year – and is on pace to smash records.

As of Friday, there have been a total of 1,008,217 migrant encounters at the southern border since October – the start of the fiscal year – multiple Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sources told Fox News. Continue reading

Border City ‘On the Brink of Collapse’ Because of Illegal Immigration Crisis

Officials in the border town of Yuma, Arizona said this week month that the ongoing illegal immigration crisis has led the area “to the brink of collapse.”

Yuma County Supervisor Jonathan Lines told Fox News that the town has fewer than 100,000 residents. But, the town sees around 6,000 migrants cross the border illegally every week. Of those 6,000, there are reportedly 1,000 to 2,000 “got aways.” Continue reading

Benson: Biden To The Border – What A Farce!

Doo and Fuss on the Border

So Biden is finally going to the border in what will be the ultimate PR stunt. After that he is supposed to go on to Mexico to talk with the Mexican president. More PR drivel! Biden is not and never was his own man. He can only spew the words his bosses put in his mouth–and hope he doesn’t mess them up too much. He has no more power to effect any meaningful change than does the umbrella he carries. Continue reading

Title 42 to remain in place for now as Chief Justice John Roberts temporarily freezes order meant to end it


Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts on Monday put a temporary hold on the termination of a controversial Trump-era immigration policy known as Title 42 that was set to end on December 21, leaving it in place for now.

But in a brief order Roberts signaled that the court wants to act quickly and asked the Biden administration to respond by 5 p.m. ET Tuesday to an emergency appeal filed by a group of Republican-led states.

The brief order from Roberts means the policy that allows officials to swiftly expel migrants at the US border will stay in effect at least until the justices decide the emergency application. The order does not necessarily reflect the final outcome of the case… (Continue to full article)

The border is the ‘biggest national security crisis since 9/11’

Republicans demand Mayorkas be impeached and fired for ‘abandoning’ his duty – after 16,000 migrants entered the U.S. at the weekend and with up to 6 MILLION expected this year.

‘What’s happening on the border right now is the biggest national security failure since 9/11. That should scare the hell out of everybody,’ he said.

Over the weekend, there were 16,000 unlawful migrant crossings at the southern border and $97 million worth of narcotics were seized. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) sources have said there have been already more than 500,000 encounters this fiscal year, which began in October.

‘If it’s not already abundantly clear Alejandro Mayorkas has forsaken his sworn oath to protect the southern border, I don’t know when it’s going to be more clear,’ said Rep. Brian Babin, R-Texas.

Next week with the end of the Covid-era Title 42 the number of migrants crossing at the southern border could swell up to 18,000 crossers per day, officials estimate. (Continue…)

This is the end…

It’s an INVASION and We’ve LOST the Country!

June 22, 2013, November 20, 2022 ~ What you are about to read, is a compilation of several short columns I wrote and published on the now defunct No Stinking Amnesty website. It is now officially gone, kaput, finis – just as this nation is doing – dying before our very eyes. (Ed.)

In the words of Jim Morrison of The Doors

My daughter called me in tears, late at night on November 6, 2012 – the night of the re-coronation of the Usurper. She could not understand why the people in this (once great) nation would lend themselves to the travesty perpetrated on America, such as was done on November 6, 2012. Continue reading

Reflecting on Half a Century of Mass Immigration

Washington, D.C. (November 17, 2022) – The signing of the Hart-Celler immigration bill in 1965 launched a new era of mass immigration, contrary to policymakers’ promises. Today on Parsing Immigration Policy, Peter Nunez, chairman of the Center for Immigration Studies board reflects on the impact that bill and other major policy changes have had on the flow of immigration, both legal and illegal. Continue reading

Good News! Bad News and some of the same old Bullsh*t!

‘YOU will sit!’
Biden is caught with cheat sheet at G20 informing him when to sit, speak and take a photo.

The notes Biden held in his hands contained instructions for the opening remarks for the G20 event.

From taking a photos to delivering the opening remarks, Biden was walked through how to handle himself leading to his speech.

At the top and bottom of the notes, clear instructions in bold told Biden to turn the page for his opening statement notes.

Other detailed notes tell Biden what projects he will announce and that he is responsible for closing the event along with his co-host.

The notes specifically refer to the President as ‘YOU’ instead of his name.

In a separate photo, Biden appeared to be glancing at the notes while at a table.

Biden accidentally revealed a list of instructions telling him when to take photos and speak while at the G20 Summit in Indonesia.The notes told the president where he should sit and the proper time to do so – along with multiple reminders that his opening remarks were on the next page. It is not the first time Biden has been caught with cheat sheet while in important meetings… (Continue to full article)

Be GONE Beotch!
‘I congratulate leader McCarthy’: Biden says he is ‘ready to work’ with new House leader – who replaces Nancy Pelosi – as GOP finally reaches 218 seats to take majority over the Democrats

The Republican Party has officially taken the majority in the House of Representatives. The GOP secured the 218 seats needed to flip control from the Democrats, eight days after midterm elections night. Their victory means President Biden’s agenda will face roadblocks in the final two years of his first term and they will have investigative powers when they take control of committees.

Rep. James Comer, who is set to take over as Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, has warned there will be probes into Biden’s family, the border and COVID. Hunter Biden and his foreign business deals could be one of the prime targets when the GOP takes the gavel in January… (Continue to full article)

It’s Ok Beotch – I have been waiting for ‘your time‘ for over 50 years!
Jane Fonda, 84, says she is ‘ready’ to die as she has had a ‘great life’ and is just being ‘realistic’…

Fonda added that she is not looking forward to passing but she knows it looms: ‘Not that I want to go, but I’m aware that it’s going to be sooner rather than later.’

In September, Fonda revealed she had been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma… (Continue to full article)

Up Chuckie Scumbag says we should welcome more migrants because the population is ‘not reproducing on its own’ – and wants amnesty for 11 million migrants
Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer made a fresh pitch for amnesty Wednesday when he claimed the U.S. is ‘short of workers’ so Congress needs to pass a ‘path to citizenship’ for ‘however many undocumented there are here’.

‘We’re short of workers, we have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to,’ the New York Democrat reasoned.

‘The only way we’re going to have a great future is if we welcome and embrace immigrants… get a path to citizenship for all 11 million or however many there are here.’… (Continue to full article)

Texas Governor Abbott tells Biden – if you don’t enforce border laws, I will
Republican invokes invasion clause to send GUNBOATS to the border, build a wall, work with foreign countries on security and designate cartels as terrorists.

The Republican leader said he’d use the clause and sign executive orders on deploying armed boats along the border, constructing a wall, and working with foreign governments on Texas’ security – among other controversial points.

The clause, found in Article I Section 10 of the Constitution, forbids individual states from unilateral military action ‘unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.’… (Continue to full article)

TV ‘toons tell it all Going back to 2015: The Simpsons producer reveals series predicted Donald Trump would stand in 2024.

The Simpsons’ producer has claimed that the long-running cartoon once again seemingly predicted the future, following Donald Trump’s announcement he will run for US president in 2024.

Simpsons screenwriter Al Jean shared an episode screenshot from 2015, featuring a flying Homer Simpson and a sign in the background reading ‘Trump 2024’.

It comes as the former US president said on Tuesday he would officially mount a third campaign for the White House. (Continue to full article)

Dozens On Terrorist Watchlist Among Record 2.4 Million Migrants

Besides shattering a U.S. record for apprehending nearly 2.4 million illegal immigrants along the Mexican border in fiscal year 2022, Border Patrol agents arrested hundreds of gang members – mostly from the famously violent Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) – and dozens of people on the national terrorist watchlist. Federal agents also confiscated thousands of pounds of drugs, mainly methamphetamine, according to government figures released by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) just days ago. The startling year-end (fiscal years run from October to September) stats depict a chaotic Mexican border region rife with lawlessness that is inevitably seeping north. Continue reading

Here’s What High-Level DHS Officials Are Asking Biden to Do to Deal With the Border Crisis

Democrats in disarray is nothing new, but the level of frustrations between President Biden and his own officials at the Department of Homeland Security are apparently hitting new highs over his refusal to act on the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border.

This revelation comes from, of all places, NBC News reporting based on conversations with nameless “officials” who are growing tired of the Biden administration’s “nothing to see here” attitude toward the ever-worsening illegal immigration crisis stemming from the unsecured southern border. Continue reading

Another 50 illegal immigrants – including a one-month-old baby – are bused from Texas to Kamala Harris’s DC residence, as THREE additional buses arrive in NYC

Aid workers quickly swooped in to remove the group from the vice president’s doorstep, taking them to a local shelter for support services.

Three additional buses arrived at the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Manhattan early on Saturday, days after the border crisis shot to national attention when a plane full of migrants arrived on Martha’s Vineyard. ..

‘Texas will continue sending migrants to sanctuary cities like Washington, D.C. until President Biden and Border Czar Harris step up and do their jobs to secure the border,’ he added.

Since April, Texas has transported more than 11,000 migrants by bus to Democrat-controlled states and cities, including 8,000 to DC and 2,500 to New York City.

At least 600 migrants from Texas have also been transported to Chicago since late August. (Continue to full article)

Illegal migrants flown to Martha’s Vineyard by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis go shopping at Target, after being ferried from billionaires’ enclave to Cape Cod military base

Wee got thee monee!

Five of the Venezuelan migrants shipped from Martha’s Vineyard to Joint Base Cape Cod today enjoyed a shopping trip to a nearby mall.

A family of three and two young males – among the 50 originally flown to the exclusive Massachusetts island by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Wednesday – strolled around a Target excitedly gazing at the goods.

They were dropped off at smart Cape Cod Mall in Hyannis in the same yellow coach that had whisked them by ferry from Martha’s Vineyard the previous day to the massive military base on the mainland.

The bus also stopped at an urgent care center on the way to the mall to drop off five other migrants for evaluation after they had complained of various illnesses and conditions.

One of the migrants at the mall, Jean Carlo, 35, told exclusively as he walked among the aisles in Target: ‘We are so very happy to be here at the mall and in America.

‘We are just going shopping, looking for household items. We are trying to set up our situation.’ (Continue to full article)