Time to wake up, Ya think???

I think, too late, DumbAsses!!!

We stand at the approach to the moment when “elected” representatives of an illegitimate government in Washington, D.C., A.K.A. the Swamp, La La Land, or whatever hell you wish to call it, have every intention to install a paid foreign agent to the highest office in our land. The evidence of fraud in this “election” is only overwhelming. We are told by the propaganda ministry, A.K.A. Network News, that no evidence exists.

Joseph Robinette Biden, is a traitor to the United States, period. The evidence is only overwhelming.

He and his family are proven, paid agents of the communist Chinese government, period. Continue reading

The Nashville Bombing ~ So Much For Peace On Earth

It made me extremely sad to awaken to the news of a bombing in Nashville on Christmas morning of all days. Then I got angry.

In years past, my first impulse would be to immediately look towards the Islamic communities on the area, but not so much anymore, as our homegrown communists are coming of age and unleashing the whims created through their unhinged, delusional thought processes. Today, until more information is forthcoming, it’s anybody’s guess as to what was actually behind this mess. Continue reading

Jesus Is LORD ~ Regardless Of What The Deep State Says Or Does

In the first century the Roman Empire prided itself on its relligious tolerance. You could follow whatever sect or religion you wanted to, with no interference from the state–as long as you were willing to recognize Caesar as lord of all. Most religions of that day caved in and did that, allowing them to co-exist in a Caesar-dominated society. But Christians were not willing to do that.

For Christians to have agreed to do that would have been to acknowledge that, ultimately, Caesar was lord and that the Lord Jesus Christ was not. This they would not, and could not, ever do. Continue reading

COVID Isn’t Killing Kids ~ Lockdowns Are!

Rates of depression and suicide are spiking among children and young adults.

COVID isn’t killing teenagers, but the response of government officials is certainly taking its toll as suicides increase and mental health declines. It’s no wonder. Every day, the mainstream media blares alert-style updates on the number of new coronavirus infections and deaths, almost as if it were giving the casualty statistics of an ongoing war. However, unlike a war, these “casualty” numbers have a 99.98% recovery rate with almost no lingering discernible damage from the infection. Time, of course, will tell even more. Either way, panic is what the media wants, and panic is what the media is generating. Continue reading

An awakening…

~ Foreword ~
On November 11, 2020, I received the following note from a reader. It took me well over a month to respond – and I learned something tonight – about myself. Sometimes it takes an intelligent question – and the way it is put before one – before that ‘one’ reaches down deep into their soul – and the answers just flow… Thank you Natasha. ~ Ed.

Greetings Jeff

I was just reading your one world order column!

I understand this information and have for several years. Is there a remedy to awaken their souls that they are taking to stop this? I have done my due diligence in speaking with several agents of The United Nations, understand history and living souls rights and much more.

With C=cyber O=operations V=virtual ID=identification and the corona effect, 5g radiation, AI, satellites, facial recognition and so much more and the masses fully ignorant and not waking up nor do they want to hear it, what is the remedy?


Continue reading

Beaman: Propagation of Human Life

The development of human life begins with the sexual intercourse of a human male and female, of child bearing age, roughly from the age of about 13 to 50. There have been some exceptions with the test tube babies, artificial inseminations and, at least, one, challenged, incident about 2020 years ago.

For the woman’s part, the intercourse is either voluntary or involuntary. If it was involuntary it was rape. If not, then it was voluntary and pregnancy was a foreseeable possible result. That was the choice the two of them made & they are responsible for the consequences. To maintain otherwise is akin to saying that the death of someone from an MVA is not a foreseeable possibility when one drives while drunk. To deny responsibility is to deny human autonomy and dignity! Continue reading

Civil war becomes inevitable in the USA

President Donald Trump placed a portrait of his predecessor, Andrew Jackson, in his White House office.

The problem is no longer who was legitimately elected President of the United States, but how long can the civil war be postponed? Far from being a fight between a narcissistic TV presenter and a senile old man, the country is being torn apart over a fundamental cultural issue that has been smouldering since its inception.

Here we are: the disaster that has been predictable for the past 30 years is looming. The United States is heading inexorably toward secession and civil war. Continue reading

Benson: The Lying Ministry Of Propaganda aka “The news Media”

Much of the “news” media are blatant liars. But, then, what else is new. The news media, so called, has been lying to us since the days of utopian socialist Horace Greeley…

I checked out what the news media had to say about the results of yesterday’s electoral college vote as I wanted to find out how the different states voted. Needless to say, the so-called news media credited Harris/Biden with all the states that still have election cases before the courts. Continue reading

Ross: America Suffers From An Identity Crisis

REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson

The last time my wife went in to see her oncologist, (cancer doctor), she was shown a piece of paper and told to pick which gender she identified with. The list contained the normal male/female choices, as well as lesbian, transgender, transsexual, and non-gender specific. That was the first time she’d ever had to explain the obvious to a medical facility, and she let them know in no uncertain terms how ridiculous she thought that was. So far I’ve been fortunate enough to have not been asked that question. I say fortunate, because I’d hate to have to drop my drawers down to my ankles for the receptionist and say, “Gee, you tell me.” Continue reading

Costs Must Be Weighed Against Benefits

The following was published one week after the author’s death. ~ Ed.

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Walter E. Williams

One of the first lessons in an economics class is every action has a cost. That is in stark contrast to lessons in the political arena where politicians virtually ignore cost and talk about benefits and free stuff. If we look only at the benefits of an action, policy or program, then we will do anything because there is a benefit to any action, policy or program.

Think about one simple example. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that 36,096 Americans lost their lives in motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2019. Virtually all those lives could have been saved if we had a 5 mph speed limit. The huge benefit of a 5 mph speed limit is that those 36,000-plus Americans would have been with us instead of lost in highway carnage. Fortunately, we look at the costs of having a 5 mph speed limit and rightly conclude that saving those 36,000-plus lives are not worth the costs and inconvenience. Most of us find it too callous, when talking about life, to explicitly weigh costs against benefits. We simply say that a 5 mph speed limit would be impractical. Continue reading

Are There Any Scholars Of The Constitution In The Audience?

…or Maybe Someone That Slept In A Holiday Inn Express Last Night?

That would like to explain this mode of chess…..

The President’s Constitutional Plan

It involves two steps, or two fronts: First the Courts, then the House.

The Trump Campaign, RNC, various state GOP Parties, third party organizations, are filing county, state, and federal lawsuits.

A Republic, not a Democracy.
The primary objective is to strategically get several ballots invalidated. However, a secondary objective is to publicly expose “corruption” in these cities to both STATE reps and US House and Senate Leaders. This is crucial, while keeping the 73 million Trump supporters engaged and working behind the scenes. Continue reading

Poison Fruit Election Results Harm All America

Our situation is beyond despicable, as we now regularly hear mainstream Communist mouthpieces in the media glorifying their “rising stars” in the Democratic Communist Party, those Marxists and Maoists, who view America through malevolent intent and no “Goodwill toward men”. Not once will we ever hear a word of praise for those great American accomplishments across the span of our history or any defense of capitalism, as they attack our Founding in a vitriolic manner that has the Chinese Communist Party grinning ear-to-ear. Nothing could please our enemies better than to see America’s homegrown, government educated domestic terrorists and communists attacking our history, culture and anything and everything connected to traditional America. Continue reading