McCutchen: Who Cares? ANYBODY?

“Language czars” changing pronunciations, meanings and censoring, e.g.

Culture – now pronounced cool-ture. For centuries the pronunciation was cul-ture, as it should be.

Caramel – now pronounced car-mel. For centuries carAmel. Even sophisticated food chefs say Car-mel.

Womack—now pronounced Whoa-mack. Heretofore Wom-ack. Whoa draws more attention.

The word democracy now describes one of America’s two forms of government. The proper name for the United States government is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. (Mob Rule). Ben Franklin said in the Founding, “A Republic if you can keep it”. Continue reading

Tax Refund? Whey amz mah monee?

The big question many taxpayers are asking now is: “Where’s my refund?”

Taxpayers waiting for refunds find little help from IRS’s ‘Where’s My Refund’ tool

You’ve got a shot at getting straightforward answer via But then again, maybe not. Many taxpayers — who can’t get through the jammed phone lines at the Internal Revenue Service — are complaining that the “Where’s My Refund?” tool isn’t helping them, either, according to critics.

“If they use the ‘Where’s My Refund?‘ or ‘Where’s My Amended Return?‘ tools, they get in essence, technologically, what would be a shrugged shoulder,” U.S. Rep. Jody Hice said during a House Oversight and Reform subcommittee hearing April 21.

The Georgia Republican said his office has heard from taxpayers who are “absolutely at their wit’s end.” Continue reading

Ross: Are Y’all Ready For The Shitstorm?

It is my firm belief that the vast majority of those living in this country today do not know, and I mean REALLY know, what it means to be free. If they do, it certainly doesn’t seem to bother most of them that they are anything but free. One of the reasons I say this is because I constantly hear people saying things like we need to pass more laws to better secure our rights and liberty. To me, that is like crawling up to your master and begging for bread crumbs. If people knew what it meant to be free, they would also realize that their freedom does not come from government; in fact, it is the enemy of those who wish to be free.

It amazes me that there are people today who believe that they are comparable to those who fought for this country’s independence; yet they sit back and support far worse infringements upon their rights and liberty than our, so-called, Founders did. Continue reading

Smith: Doom Porn and Empty Optimism

If we can’t discern the difference between doom-porn and investing in self-reliance, then solutions will continue to be out of reach.

I’m often accused of calling 783 of the last two bubble pops (or was it 789? Forgive the imprecision). Like many others who have publicly explored the notion that the status quo isn’t actually sustainable despite its remarkable tenaciousness, I am pilloried as a doom-and-gloomer (among other things, ahem). Continue reading

The Waltons Go To War On Ozarkia

My hometown, Bentonville, Arkansas, was a wonderful place to grow up. A community for families, it was a wholesome slice of small-town Americana that rootless corporations are attempting to ruthlessly annihilate from sea to shining sea. Bentonville, you see, is home to Walmart’s global headquarters, along with the Walton family and their Family Foundation. Worth $238 billion, the Waltons are the wealthiest family on earth. But instead of devoting their fortune to alleviating the brutal poverty that sweeps across their native Ozarks and Arkansas, the Waltons have committed their wealth to wrecking my hometown, and if they get their way, the rest of the state and country. The damage this family and its foundation has done to Bentonville, much of it through donations to openly subversive groups, is incalculable. Continue reading

The International Treaty That Will End the Great American Dream – IF WE ALLOW IT

For years, Tom DeWeese, Henry Lamb, Michael Coffman, I and many others have been beating the drums trying to wake up America and the World about Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. In the past several years, thanks to an unemployed bartender trying to shove the Green New Deal down our throats, people have begun to question.

Now, the powers-that-be, the Globalists and Deep State operators, believe they are about to wield a coup de grace. And, believe me, this will be the end of civilization on Earth. I’m not exaggerating. But I do admit that I never expected this. Continue reading


Another play on words?

Yes, Virginia, there is miss-education.

There was no contest, no interview, and no talent show. Like all the tiny Gen y and z larvae, Miss Education won the trophy for just showing up.


So are our children.

Let’s begin with disclosure.

You should all know by now that I am a married man and am best defined as an Objectivist-Libertarian; my religious learnings are mine but decidedly conservative. I find unusual sexual proclivities like homosexuality personally objectionable. While I don’t care about what happens between consenting partners, I am vehemently opposed to exposing any non-adult to what I consider deviant tendencies. Continue reading

Wade in Water Children – all the way BACK to Mejico!


It truly pains me that after 40 years of writing and speaking on the need to secure our borders properly and remove all illegal aliens America is still struggling with this issue and we are once more being sold down the river and betrayed in a manner that would be beyond comprehension, if we didn’t already recognize the evil behind our nation’s adversaries and the enemy-from-within, represented today by the Democratic Party. I never thought I’d live to see a day, when so many Americans were anything but American and all too willing to destroy the nation that had given them so much, regardless of Her many flaws and the freedoms and liberties awaiting to be restored and regained. Continue reading

Bennett: Tired of the Jive!

~ Foreword ~
My Sunday morning has been busy putting the following together. It has also been a superb follow up to my broadcast from this past Wednesday night. Didn’t hear it? Here you go! (Primum Non-Nocere – First, Do No Harm, April 20, 2022)

And the story will continue… ~ Ed.

April 25, 2022

Heart & Vascular Center of Arizona
1331 N. 7th St. ~ Suite 375
Phoenix, AZ 85006-2707

Reference Account #: 120600

Having had the “services” of Dr. Edward Evans, M.D. on the night of September 2 or early September 3, 2021 due to what I would refer to as a minor heart attack – and then two subsequent scheduled appointments at his office – the attached bill is an insult – for several reasons.

To the best of my knowledge, Dr. Evans could not be bothered to do a follow up in my hospital room during the next several days – and yet Banner Estrella Medical Center recommends that I make contact and make an appointment within the following seven days or so?

Before the heart surgery (where two stints were put in me) Dr. Evans also had a catheter installed in me – for alleged reasons that I had urinary issues. (Continue…)

A Reflection on Sr. Senator John Boozman’s (R) 20+ Years in the u.s. House and Senate

The Senator became very wealthy from two sources while residing in the House of Representatives. First, by establishing a very successful physician’s clinic, due to his position, while he is personally an optometrist. Secondly, the millions he has received in the way of government pensions and the many perks available to members of the House & Senate, e.g. inside stock trading, travel, donations, etc.

Boozman’s long tenure in D.C. began in 2001. Circa 2003 came a blazing headline in the Fort Smith Times Record stating “Boozman declares war on illegals.” Never another word or action on this alleged declaration of war until recently in another nebulous political campaign poster, “Demanded the The Department of Homeland Security provide a comprehensive review and report on the U.S. Border Crisis.” A completely nonsensical and insulting statement. He never discusses deporting illegals or securing the border. Continue reading

Hayworth: Fed program would foster drug abuse, addiction

One century, one decade and one year separate us from the birth of Ronald Reagan. With each passing day, especially in these troubling times, we are reminded of Reagan’s basic goodness and, yes, greatness.

Derided by the Manhattan elites and the Georgetown Cocktail Set as a “simpleton,” Reagan’s genius was his ability to simplify the seemingly complex. Continue reading

California Catho-LICK School Asks Students to Wear Their Pronouns

A Catholic high school in California recently hosted a cultural festival in January which featured a booth that asked women to make “pronoun buttons,” according to the testimony of a concerned parent organization.

Carondelet High School’s diversity, equity, and inclusion council hosted a “cultural” event wherein students were shown a “gender identities presentation,” according to Parents Defending Education (PDE). A Carondelet parent told PDE that students were given a passport to collect stamps at different booths and redeem them for prizes. One of the booths included the Horizon Gender & Sexualities Alliance (GSA) club. Continue reading

Schoen: How Do YOU Manage America’s Decline?

Messaging has always been a favorite tool of the Globalists. The problem is they concentrate so much on the message, there is usually nothing behind the message. Most Globalist programs are thrown out for the public to use without testing, or control groups, sampling and feasibility studies. The modeling is done by computer using the Precautionary Principal aka Worst Case Scenario (WCS). The Worst Case Scenario /WCS creates the most fear and requires the most drastic measures to solve the problem. Obviously it is the preferred choice by the Globalists who like to create chaos. Continue reading

Smith: America Stands On A Precipice Defending Her Children

~ Foreword ~
Our country is facing so many crises today that those of us with some few years behind us can hardly believe we are still living in America. And everywhere one looks, it’s more than apparent and readily found in available evidence that virtually every damned crisis has formed as a direct result of recent policies and actions taken by this red, radical, Democratic Party Commie rat bastard regime.

It’s certainly not conservatives promoting the Drag Queen Story Hour in public libraries across the nation.

These Commies are using the very same methods and activism that they used to clear a path for homo “marriage”, and they are charging down this new immoral path that is nothing less than the grooming of America’s children, to make them mentally and spiritually weak and susceptible and prone to the advances of America’s perverts, deviants and sexual predators that seem to be standing on every street corner and in every playground, ballpark or any other place children congregate these days. Continue reading

Benson: The “Head Teacher”– Just Another Socialist

It’s amazing what you can find out by doing a little research. Sometimes it isn’t all that hard. Some of this stuff is literally right in front of us if we just take a little trouble to see it. I’ve been writing lately about the issue of education, teachers unions, and such. Over this past weekend I did a little research on Albert Shanker, who had been the head of the American Federation of Teachers for many years. According to Wikipedia, Shanker’s family were originally Russian Jewish immigrants who ended up in New York. The family had strong political vires, were pro-union, and followed the socialism of Norman Thomas. Continue reading

The Border Is About to Get Even WORSE

Removing the ability to turn away illegal border crossers will create a greater surge.

Not that long ago, Democrats claimed to be the party of the working class. They were pro-border security because they understood that illegal immigrants take American jobs and depress wages. That all began to change when they realized what a huge pool of voters a massive immigrant population would one day be — Democrats believed it was their demographic destiny to be the permanent majority. Today’s Democrats have “progressed” even further and fundamentally eschew the idea of borders at all.

That’s the background for Joe Biden’s move to end Title 42 provisions for border enforcement. Continue reading

Duigon: Replacing God

     …facing Left – of course!

Trust the New York Times – once Josef Stalin’s cheerleader -to mark a major religious holiday by dumping on it. Something about Easter causes them to gnash their teeth.

So on Easter weekend they published an op ed, “In This Time of War, I Propose We Give Up God.” Not that God does not exist; He does. But He’s such a meanie!

So we shouldn’t worship God because this guy doesn’t like Him. But we immediately run into a problem. If not God, then whom or what should we worship? I mean, we’re giving up God’s promise of eternal life, hope, forgiveness of sins, and rejecting truth.

Say it ain’t so! Okay – it ain’t so. We don’t have to give up those good things. We can still have them. Continue reading

Defending American Democracy Requires We Start by Crushing the Public School Weirdos

If you think pierced mutants with blue hair and gender confusion have some sort of right to leverage their position as public school teachers to groom your kids with racist Marxism and sexual confusion, you hate democracy. Schools were not established so that narcissistic strange-os with galaxy-sized daddy issues could work out their personal psychodramas using our children’s minds as props. They were established to teach our kids to read, write, do some math, and be useful citizens. And that’s what we, the People, want.

And we, the People, get to make the decision about what gets taught in our classrooms. Continue reading

Smith to Heino: Tit for Tat

Editor’s Note: The following was posted in the Reply section of a recent column written by William Heino Sr. in response a previous column by Justin O. Smith for the Federal Observer. We warrant that the author’s comments were well worth a direct posting of his entire reply. (However, it has also been rumored that William Heino Sr. may in-fact be deceased.) ~ Ed.

Mr William Heino, SR;

The operative phrase in the Second Amendment is “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”. The prefatory phrase about militias is an ablative absolute clause giving context for the main clause, and it is illuminating in that function. The Second Amendment does not say it protects the right of state militias to bear arms.

No one thinks that when the First Amendment speaks about the right of the people to petition the government that it means only to protect the rights of lobbyists for state governments. It means individuals. What the Second Amendment is saying is you can’t disarm the people under the pretext of regulating the militia. Continue reading

The Second Amendment Dilemma of Justice Amy Coney Barrett

Editor’s Note: The following was posted in the Reply section of a recent column written by Kettle Moraine Publication’s contributing author, Justin O. Smith for the Federal Observer. We warrant that the author’s comments were well worth a direct posting of his entire reply. Thank you William Heino Sr.. (However, it has also been rumored that the author may in-fact be deceased.) ~ Ed.

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett

In some 225 years neither law professors, academic scholars, teachers, students, lawyers, or congressional legislators after much debate have not been able to satisfactorily explain or demonstrate the Framers intended purpose of the Second Amendment of the Constitution. I had taken up that challenge allowing Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s dilemma to understand the true intent of the Second Amendment. Continue reading