McCutchen: Who Cares? ANYBODY?

“Language czars” changing pronunciations, meanings and censoring, e.g.

Culture – now pronounced cool-ture. For centuries the pronunciation was cul-ture, as it should be.

Caramel – now pronounced car-mel. For centuries carAmel. Even sophisticated food chefs say Car-mel.

Womack—now pronounced Whoa-mack. Heretofore Wom-ack. Whoa draws more attention.

The word democracy now describes one of America’s two forms of government. The proper name for the United States government is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. (Mob Rule). Ben Franklin said in the Founding, “A Republic if you can keep it”.

The Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas stated on 4/17/22 that “the border situation is effectively managed”. One more major lie in Pres. Biden’s administration. Recently under the management of Mayorkas a woman named Nina Jankowicz, known for her lies, was appointed to head the new policing agency named “The Disinformation Board” which in reality should be named “The Ministry of Truth” (Right out of the book 1984). Simply put, any person who disagrees with the president will be arrested and/or destroyed.

The word Democrat underwent a modification in the 1930’s to make that Party sound more humane, benevolent and sensitive by becoming the Democratic Party and now is used across the Democrat spectrum. The correct use of the word is the Democrat Party also used in voting.

A quote from Senior Senator John Boozman, a nebulous, nonsensical, and meaningless campaign statement devoid of any substance. “John Boozman has proven he will fight to protect our values, our freedoms, our way of life”. Never mentions how this will be accomplished, another gust of wind. Senator, you have had 20+ years to fulfill and have walked away empty handed in all those years.

Senator Boozman – define the word Conservative. Since you went to DC the national debt has increased at a cataclysmic rate from $5 Trillion to $30 Trillion and Biden wanting the congress to vote 6 Trillion more filthy lucre while sending today $50 Billion to Ukraine with no accountability to accompany. Recently a second fiat handout and Billions in our latest military hardware, e.g. F-22’s & 35’s.

Senator – what are the “values” you campaign on?

Senatorv – what have you done to protect our freedoms? First to do so was former President Trump and now Elon Musk are the only two who have been engaged in protecting our freedoms.

More of the old wine poured into a new glass, accompanied by nonsensical worn-out rhetoric. Another gem. “I demanded the DHS provide a comprehensive review and report on the border crisis including the total number of illegal immigrants”.

The data which he refers to is on nightly news on the Fox Network. That statement makes his constituents look like fools. Again, no substantive stand just a bunch of politically dangerous fluff. Another inane stupid statement. Tens of thousands of illegals of all stripe spilling over our southern border like it was a Niagra Falls, and “he demanded the DHS to provide a comprehensive review and report of U.S. Border crisis”. How childish. Boozman and the entire Arkansas delegation never publicly endorsed President Trump nor his campaign. Boozman has never committed on any critical issue, e.g. deportation, the wall, the southern invasion, inflation, unemployment, CRT being taught to little children, ad infinitum.

Senator Boozman, you are but only a mouthpiece for the Walton/Tyson empires of Fayetteville, Springdale, Rogers. Bentonville, Bella Vista…the illegal capital of Arkansas.

The United States, by its greed and incompetence is rapidly escalating towards a nuclear holocaust and one of the major reasons is the lack of courage and patriotism to engage in political activism by such individuals as John Boozman.

It is said that “Neoliberalism is nearing its end”. NOT! Too many wanton nomads traversing our once great republic, not to mention the all powerful Oligarchs.


Joe McCutchen
April 30, 2022

Written by and submitted to the Federal Observer for publication by the author.

We invite you to visit Joe and Barb McCutchen’s web-site, Arkansas

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