Between 1852 and 1853, Charles Dickens published an episodic novel titled “Bleak House,” about a family waiting in vain to inherit money in a disputed settlement from an extremely long-running lawsuit. It’s about the undeserved suffering the High Court of Chancery in England created, mainly by venal, self-serving lawyers.
Dickens’ ultimate attack is not on the court, as he makes perfectly clear the workings (or misworkings) of the court that constitute the major evil. He savagely condemns that particular institution and the prominent issue involved: The system itself – the whole system of law.
Although the book ends on a happier note, the case of Jarndyce and Jarndyce in ‘Bleak House‘ ends as expected; lawyers consume the ENTIRE estate.
It was true in the 19th century; it reverberates through the 21st. Our justice system is based on centuries of tradition and legal wrangling mired in the self-serving and self-perpetuating practice of law.
Consider that last sentence… It’s the crux of this column. Continue reading →
Senator Ron Johnson recently noted that trying to seal and secure the Southern Border with the Biden regime is like negotiating with arsonists to put out the fire they had started.
For all those patriotic Americans who still want to try to work in peaceful opposition to these Democratic Party Communists, they need to push for Congress to pass H.R.2, the Secure the Border Act of 2023. This act, which passed through the House, closes loopholes in the law and policy to make it harder for any future presidents to open our borders and cause another catastrophe such as Biden has created on our Southern Border. It imposes strict limits to asylum, builds the border wall, codifies Trump’s Remain in Mexico policy, and has accountability mechanisms in place to make certain the law is enforced.
I wish I still had as much faith as I used to have in the American people and the mechanisms that used to ensure the peaceful resolution of our differences and the peaceful transfer of power. But we face a far different animal today in this Marxist-Maoist movement that has practically torn the heart from the country, and while many will disagree with me, I cannot shake the nagging inkling that we’re far past the point where the press box, the ballot box or the jury box will correct America’s course.
Break open the ammo box and prepare for what’s to come. ~ J.O.S. Continue reading →
The refrain from Edgar Allan Poe’s poem “The Raven” suggests an alluring title for curious reasons; it encapsulates sentiments I’ve held for a very long time and leads in some fascinating directions.
In Poe’s poem ‘The Raven,’ the Raven symbolizes a mournful, never-ending remembrance and sorrow for his lost, perfect maiden, Lenore, who is the driving force behind his conversation with the Raven.
* If you’re interested, you can find the poem on the interweb; perhaps you have the book.
The maiden Lenore, in my case, is the republic as I learned it, and my sweet remembrances of the lovely maiden it was. Maiden, in this case, refers to a female virgin – someone not sullied, soiled, or tarnished.
This is a topic which captured my interest after several remarkable occurences throughout my life. I’ll never forget the most amazing synchronicity that I ever experienced.
The year was 1993, and I’d been working and living on a small ranch 5 miles outside of Flagstaff, Arizona. One morning I noticed that my vehicle, a 1959 Toyota Land Cruiser, had a flat tire, but even worse, since the vehicle had only a canvas bikini top, I discovered that someone had stolen my tire iron from the open and unsecured back end, so I was unable to change the tire.
The ranch owner had only Fords and Chevys, so his lug wrenches wouldn’t fit the Toyota – I needed a metric size… Continue reading →
The rabid antisemitism on college campuses that has bubbled to the surface since October might have been outdone by two radical third-grade teachers in Brooklyn and a twisted version of “Wheels on the Bus” pulled from a communist website.
The New York Post somehow learned two elementary school teachers are teaching an anti-Israel song, “Wheels on the Tank,” to children at Public School 705, an arts and science school located in Prospect Heights. Continue reading →
One CBP agent showed me a cellphone video depicting “migrants” coming across the border while flashing middle fingers.
I recently traveled to give a speech. I stayed in a hotel where a group of U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents were also staying. I spoke to several, mostly men, but a couple were female. The average person I spoke to had been with the agency for over seven years.
Many people told me, all off the record, that before the Biden administration, they thoroughly enjoyed their job. Many were retired military members and felt that protecting the border allowed them to continue their service to the country. But now, several said they were “counting down the days until retirement.” Continue reading →
From 1860 to 2000, in the largest legal migration in human history, over 61 million immigrantss arrived in the United States. They were not only escaping poverty and oppression, but they were eager to assimilate and attain the most sought-after national status in the world – American citizenship.
Today in the 21st century, American citizenship and its one-of-a-kind written contract with the government, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, is teetering on the edge of meaninglessness brought about by the relentless onslaught of the nation’s ruling class and their American Marxist allies.
The first seven words of the U.S. Constitution are: “We the people of the United States.” It is a document by American citizens for American citizens. Yet it has been hijacked by those who are determined to transform the nation into one mirroring and subservient to a socialist global government. Continue reading →
“What a train wreck it is for the democrats! What an unholy mess! It is an unmitigated disaster, the sinking of the Titanic multiplied by that plane crash where the soccer players ate each other.”~ Jeff Childers on the Fani Willis case.
As Donald Trump consolidates his election mojo — defying the forces arrayed to destroy him — and more of the country turns against the creepy apparition in the White House purportedly running against him, you hear evermore chatter that a panicked Democratic Party will insert Michelle Obama in a last-minute convention switcheroo next August.
The explications I hear in the chat media all sound lame one way or another. For starters, how pathetically weak is the party that such a walking fiasco as “Joe Biden” is allowed to even pretend that he can run this race? His campaign is an obvious sham, a place-holder in hopes that one or another of the half-assed lawfare court cases against Mr. Trump might knock him off the game-board — and that’s not looking so great now since Fulton County DA Fani Willis screwed the pooch in her giant RICO action and Special Counsel Jack Smith is getting smacked around week after week on esoteric points of procedure. Continue reading →
In addition to the serious national security concerns, there is a moral case for securing our borders.
Every year of Joe Biden’s administration, more than 100,000 Americans have died from drug overdoses. That’s nearly 300 Americans dying every day. Much of this tragedy can be traced back to the deadly Chinese fentanyl that is coming across the southern border. Continue reading →
War Tensions: “Army of God” Convoy Heads To Southern Border
The war tensions are expanding. The “army of God” convoy is heading to the southern border as tensions elevate between President Joe Biden and Texas Governor Greg Abbott.
The “army of God” is a convoy of truckers siding with Greg Abbott. They have decided to embark on a journey from several locations across the Lower 48 to the southern border as tensions soar between the state of Texas and the Biden administration.
“Fellow citizens and compatriots … I call on you in the name of liberty, of patriotism and everything dear to the American character to come to our aid with all dispatch,” Pete Chambers, one of the coalition’s leaders, wrote. “If this call is neglected, we are determined to sustain ourselves as long as possible and act like soldiers who never forget what is due to our own honor and that of our country.”
The convoy plans to “send a message” to all levels of the ruling class about the need to secure the board amid the multi-year invasion of millions of illegals. Chambers believes Americans are “besieged on all sides” by evil “dark forces.”… (Continue to full article)
HALF of all US governors side with Texas in border dispute over security and say he is leaving country open to ‘invasion’ from illegal migrants
Over half of America’s governors are backing Texas’ Greg Abbott in his bitter standoff with President Joe Biden over who should have the authority to apprehend migrants at the border.
Abbott reasserted the state’s right to protect its own border after the Supreme Court ruled the Biden administration could take down razor wire Texas had installed along high-traffic areas of the border. Meanwhile Texas Border Czar Mike Banks told ranchers Wednesday the state could install razor wire on their private property free of charge, the state official told a packed room of ranchers who met just outside of Eagle Pass, Texas.
Abbott said the federal government failed at its duty to enforce laws and states had every right to step in to protect their borders… (Continue to full article)
‘Terrifying’ video of border crosser saying ‘you are going to know who I am’ is another reminder that Biden’s policies are letting terrorists come into the U.S.
A shocking viral video of a migrant crossing illegally into the U.S. and issuing an eery warning displays the ‘terrifying’ reality of Biden’s border policies, says a top Republican.
The video shows what appears to be a Middle Eastern migrant giving an ominous warning to a reporter after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border into Arizona.
‘If you were smart enough, you’d know who I am,’ the migrant says. ‘But you are really not smart enough to know who I am.’… (Continue to full article)
OPINION:Texas’ Border Stunt A clash between Texas and the Biden administration over who controls the Texas-Mexico border continues to escalate
This comes in response to a recent Supreme Court decision , where the court allowed federal officials to dismantle a wire barrier along the border, prompting a legal battle initiated by Texas. Texas argued that this action, aimed at aiding migrants, infringes on state sovereignty and damages Texas security measures.
In response to this decision, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott released a letter arguing that Texas has a right to control the border and that it supersedes federal government control. Abbott’s accusation that the federal government has breached the Constitution by having “broken the compact between the United States and the States” is almost identical to South Carolina’s 1860 declaration of secession… (Continue to full article)
Rulers Send Troops To Texas Amid “Civil War” Fears
Members of the ruling class of certain states have sent troops to Texas in case a civil war breaks out with the federal ruling class. Lines have been drawn and the naive slaves are already siding with which master they want to be ruled by.
The rulers of multiple states began sending personnel and resources months ago to combat increased migrant encounters at the United States-Mexico border, with one state saying “nothing is off the table” as tensions threaten to boil over between Texas Governor Greg Abbott and the Biden administration.
Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt, one of the 25 who signed the letter, told Newsmax on Thursday: “I mean right now you’ve got the federal agents who are cutting the wire and then you’ve got the Texas National Guard on orders to put up wire, this is a powder keg worth of tension. It’s a very weird situation, we certainly stand with Texas on the right to defend themselves.”… (Continue to full article)
It never ceases to amaze me at how little so many people in this country have done to train their minds to critically analyze information. They have eyes to see and ears to see, and yet, somehow the truth of any major issue still seems to evade them, or they simply refuse to recognize the truth with it standing right in front of them, slapping them in the face.
So many things are currently plumb damned fouled up by this Biden regime and going awry on their own through the dynamics set in motion by this anti-American, lawless regime, that it’s nearly impossible to properly address them all in a single commentary. But I’ve tried to give the Reader as comprehensive an assessment as I possibly can with this piece.
Michael Savage, a longtime renown radio host, was fond of noting that “liberalism is a mental disease” and we’re witnessing the result of its heavy utilization for far too many years without being grounded in common sense and a certain amount of pragmatic realism. And so here we are, on the cusp of the final fall of America, short of a miracle from God or true patriots taking a firm stand with rifles in hand and refusing to give an inch of ground and any further movement towards the new world order desired by our amerikkan commies.
It might sound quaint and out of touch with what some have now accepted as “the new normal”, but I say we should all wrap ourselves in the American Flag and send out the clarion call for a rush of strong, capable men to come to the aid of their country, in a manner as never before. ~ J.O.S. Continue reading →
Biden Blackmail Intensifies: Won’t Shut Border Until Congress Coughs Up Ukraine, Israel Funds
As Republican governors circle the wagon around Texas, President Biden on Saturday doubled down on a reluctant agreement to secure the southern US border – but only if if Congress passes a bipartisan bill that would also allocate funds for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, and would still allow as many as 150,000 illegal crossings per month!
“If that bill were the law today I’d shut down the border right now and fix it quickly and bring a bipartisan bill that would be good for America and help fix our broken immigration system and allow speedy access for those who deserve to be here,” Biden said, according to Fox News’
Except, as many have pointed out, Biden doesn’t need Congress, or the bill, to do that right now… (Continue to full article)
Biden Sets Deadline as Half US Governors Support Texas
Biden has given Texas Governor Greg Abbott a 24-hour deadline to allow federal agents to clear out Eagle Pass or “face consequences,” according to Texas Congressman Wesley Hunt.
Half of US governors, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis are siding with Texas in the border dispute saying, “Biden is leaving country ‘vulnerable’ to illegal immigration.”… (Continue to full article)
Protest Convoy Headed to Southern Border Is Calling Itself an ‘Army of God’
A trucker convoy of “patriots” is heading to the U.S. border with Mexico next week, as the standoff between Texas and the federal government intensifies.
The organizers of the “Take Our Border Back” convoy have called themselves “God’s army” and say they’re on a mission to stand up against the “globalists” who they claim are conspiring to keep U.S. borders open and destroy the country.
“This is a biblical, monumental moment that’s been put together by God” … (Continue to full article)
Feds Back Down, Won’t Remove Razor Wire at Border
Border Patrol has “no plans” to remove razor wire placed by Texas along the southern border, a senior Customs and Border Protection (CBP) official told Fox News on Friday, stressing a “strong” relationship with Texas despite an ongoing legal battle between the state and the administration.
The MAGA Truckers Are Back — And Heading to the Border
A convoy of Jesus-loving truckers will converge on the southern border next week in a battle to stop what they say is a migrant “invasion,” as Texas remains locked in a standoff with the feds over razor wire it installed along the Rio Grande in Eagle Pass.
But the event—called the “Take Our Border Back Convoy” and promoted by far-right media — is advertised as a “peaceful assembly” of active and former law enforcement, military, ranchers, bikers, business owners, and “Mama Bears.”… (Continue to full article)
GOP Governors Have Already Sent Troops to Texas Amid ‘Civil War’ Fears
A Texas Parks and Wildlife Warden stands next to a 30 caliber rifle as he patrols the Rio Grand on the U.S.-Mexico border. (AP Photo/Eric Gay, Pool)
Multiple Republican-led states began sending personnel and resources months ago to combat increased migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border, with one state saying “nothing is off the table” as tensions bubble between Texas Governor Greg Abbott and the Biden administration.
Abbott has voiced displeasure over Monday’s 5-4 Supreme Court decision, which vacated an injunction from an appeals court and allowed federal Border Patrol agents to remove razor wire installed at the border by Texas officials under Abbott’s direction. It does not prevent Texas from erecting new wire… (Continue to full article)
Supreme Court not done with border issue while Texas vows to ‘hold the line’
Monday’s decision in which the U.S. Supreme Court sided with the Biden administration against Texas efforts to secure a lengthy section of southern border won’t change those efforts in the short term, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott vowed.
It’s a topic the nine justices could face again with deciding if President Joe Biden’s refusal to stem to flow of illegals crossing the border constitutes an invasion or is a question of immigration.
For now, the Supremes reversal of an appellate ruling means federal Border Patrol agents can cut concertina wire, installed by the the State of Texas to stop illegal immigrants, while litigation continues… (Continue to full article)
Biden endorses emerging deal to give US new power to clamp down on border crossings
Senate negotiators have agreed to empower the US to significantly restrict illegal migrant crossings at the southern border, according to sources familiar with the matter, a move aimed at ending the migrant surge that has overrun federal authorities over the past several months.
Under the soon-to-be-released package, the Department of Homeland Security would be granted new emergency authority to shut down the border if daily average migrant encounters reach 4,000 over a one-week span… (Continue to full article)
A city of 710,000 struggles to cope with 40,000 migrant arrivals
Nearly 40,000 migrants have arrived in Denver over the past year, making a city with a population of just over 710,000 the top destination per capita for newly arrived migrants crossing the U.S. southern border and traveling north in buses from Texas.
The influx is taking a toll on the city’s public safety net. Starting Feb. 5, Denver will limit the number of days migrants can stay in shelters and send those who exceed their stay out onto the streets… (Continue to full article)
Denver Officials Conduct Two Sweeps of Migrant Encampment in One Week
Denver city officials have conducted two sweeps of a migrant encampment located at 51st and Emerson streets within a span of just one week. This move is part of efforts to enforce the camping ban on Denver-owned park property. The actions have sparked discussions about the challenges posed by increasing migrant arrivals in the city.
The initial sweep took place last week, and on Monday, Denver Parks rangers discovered unattended items, including tents, still occupying park property. In response, a 48-hour notice of removal was issued to address the presence of these items… (Continue to full article)
As seen from an aerial view a U.S. Border Patrol agent supervises as immigrants walk into the United States after crossing the Rio Grande from Mexico on September 30, 2023 in Eagle Pass, Texas. John Moore/Getty Images
Ex-FBI officials warn Congress of ‘new and imminent’ border danger: ‘The country has been invaded‘
A coalition of former FBI officials has issued a warning about a “new and imminent danger” for the U.S. at the southern border, suggesting the country has “been invaded” by military-age foreign nationals.
In a letter sent last week to congressional leaders in the House and Senate, the retired officials “express our concern about a current, specific threat that may be one of the most pernicious ever to menace the United States.”
The letter warns “the United States is facing a new and imminent danger”… (Continue to full article)
Many Fear We’re on the Brink of Civil War as GOP Governors of 25 States Stand with Gov. Abbott
The border policy standoff between Texas Governor Greg Abbott and the Biden administration has reached a new level of intensity, drawing support from a coalition of 25 Republican governors who back Abbott’s efforts to secure the state’s border.
The joint statement by these conservative leaders emphasizes Texas’ “constitutional authority to defend and protect itself” against what Governor Abbott has labeled a migrant “invasion.” The situation has sparked concerns among some observers who fear that it may be escalating towards a civil war (Continue to full article)
After Landing on the Beach in San Diego, Illegal Immigrants Vanish
(Photo by PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP via Getty Images)
Before officials could capture them, more than 20 illegal immigrants were seen on camera entering a San Diego beach by boat early on Thursday morning and then fleeing into the streets of La Jolla.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reports that at around 5:30 a.m., the Joint Harbor Operations Center alerted CBP law enforcement agents about “two suspicious vessels” bringing suspected illegal migrants towards Ocean Beach, and about two hours later, Windansea Beach.
However, when CBP Air and Marine and U.S. Border Patrol agents arrived, all they discovered were the abandoned boats… (Continue to full article)
I know about too many things that no longer matter, antiquated ideals like honor, and commitment.
I understand what words actually mean; I use them carefully.
I defend the need for police, law, and order; I embrace the intent of our laws and the Constitution.
I know right from wrong; I learned it from my parents, church, and school.
I know that lying is wrong and I cannot rationalize it as free speech or freedom of expression the way our government or mainstream media does. Claiming that a lie is protected by ‘freedom of the press’ does NOT make it true or acceptable. Continue reading →
Biden Admin Has Released 6.2 Million Illegal Migrants into U.S. in 3 Years, Often Through ‘Parole’ Loophole‘I’m quite offended’
The 2023 inflow included 900,000 migrants who were released after they walked up to official border gates plus 1.1 million migrants who were released after they crossed through gaps in the border wall, said the CBO agency, which acts as an advisor to Capitol Hill legislators.
Roughly half of those migrants — 1.1 million — were let into the country by October 1, via Biden’s use of the “parole” loophole in border law, the CBO reported. Biden and his Democrat allies are now trying to expand the parole doorway… (Continue to full article)
‘This is not over,’ Texas says after Supreme Court lets Biden administration remove razor wire at US-Mexico border
Razor wire is still up along a contested section of the US-Mexico border a day after the US Supreme Court voted to let federal Border Patrol agents remove the barrier installed there as part of Texas’ Republican governor’s security initiative while the state’s legal challenge to the wire-cutting plays out.
A CNN team in Eagle Pass, Texas – recently the epicenter of the migrant crisis and near where three migrants drowned this month – spotted the razor wire Tuesday morning. The high court ruled 5-4 on Monday in a victory for President Joe Biden in the ongoing dispute with Texas over whether Border Patrol has the legal authority to cut concertina wire installed by Texas on the banks of the Rio Grande… (Continue to full article)
The Texas National Guard responds to the Supreme Court’s order to remove the razor wire in Eagle Pass by installing even more.
Governor Abbott has said “Texas will not back down” as it defends its border.
The recent actions of the Texas National Guard in response to the Supreme Court’s order have sparked a heated debate among the public. The Guard’s decision to install even more razor wire in Eagle Pass, despite the court’s order to remove it, has raised several questions about the state’s authority and its conflict with federal laws.
One reader pointed out that it might not be the National Guard, but the Texas Guard that is responsible for the action. This highlights the complexity of the situation and the potential confusion over the roles of different state agencies… (Continue to full article)
Stand-off on the Rio Grande: Texas National Guard faces off against the federal government in a fight over razor wire
A tense standoff between Texas National Guard troops and the federal government escalated on Tuesday after the state’s military said it would “hold the line” in a battle for control of a stretch of the border with Mexico.
The long-running power struggle between the once-independent state and the Biden administration was sparked by Texas authorities placing razor wire at a park on the banks of the Rio Grande that has seen high numbers of illegal crossings. Last week, the Texas National Guard blocked federal border patrol troops from entering the area in the town of Eagle Pass, accusing them of destroying the fortifications… (Continue to full article)
51st Texas county declares invasion at southern border
One day after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the state of Texas in a legal battle with the federal government over wire barriers at the border, Montgomery County officials unanimously passed a resolution declaring an invasion and expressing support for Gov. Greg Abbott’s border security mission, Operation Lone Star.
After the vote Tuesday, Montgomery County Judge Mark Keough said he wanted to say something “in response to the Supreme Court ruling yesterday to allow Border Patrol agents to remove Texas barriers. I believe it is time for Texas to show some civil disobedience… (Continue to full article)
Supreme Court not done with border issue while Texas vows to ‘hold the line’
Monday’s decision in which the U.S. Supreme Court sided with the Biden administration against Texas efforts to secure a lengthy section of southern border won’t change those efforts in the short term, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott vowed.
It’s a topic the nine justices could face again with deciding if President Joe Biden’s refusal to stem to flow of illegals crossing the border constitutes an invasion or is a question of immigration.
For now, the Supremes reversal of an appellate ruling means federal Border Patrol agents can cut concertina wire, installed by the the State of Texas to stop illegal immigrants, while litigation continues… (Continue to full article)
As seen from an aerial view a U.S. Border Patrol agent supervises as immigrants walk into the United States after crossing the Rio Grande from Mexico on September 30, 2023 in Eagle Pass, Texas. John Moore/Getty Images
BORDER SHOWDOWN: Texas Defies Feds — ‘We Will Continue to Deploy Razor Wire’
The Texas Military Department says it will continue to “hold the line in Shelby Park” in their efforts to “deter and prevent unlawful entry into the State of Texas.” Under Operation Lone Star orders from Governor Greg Abbott, the Texas National Guard’s actions continue despite a second demand letter from the Department of Homeland Security to release control of the park seized by the State earlier this month. Governor Abbott pledged to continue deploying razor wire along the Rio Grande border with Mexico.
Shortly after DHS officials issued a second letter to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton demanding accesses to Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, Texas, a defiant Governor Abbott posted, “We will continue to deploy this razor wire to repel illegal immigration.”… (Continue to full article)
…and THEN:
California’s $3.1B program to provide healthcare for undocumented migrants will be paid by taxpayers
California began the New Year by becoming the first state to expand its state healthcare program eligibility to include all undocumented immigrants.
Roughly 700,000 immigrants illegally residing in California will now be provided healthcare coverage by the Golden State.
The program is estimated to cost taxpayers $3.1 billion and inches California closer to its goal of providing universal health care to its roughly 39 million residents…. (Continue to full article)
If I were the Prince of Darkness, I’d want to engulf the whole world in darkness. And I’d have a third of its real estate, and four-fifths of its population, but I wouldn’t be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree — Thee. So I’d set about however necessary to take over the United States. I’d subvert the churches first — I’d begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: ‘Do as you please.’ Continue reading →
I awoke this morning from another fitful night. I can’t say I slept; I didn’t; I haven’t rested in quite some time. I’m usually a sound sleeper due mostly to mental exhaustion and fatigue, but the restful days are gone since I caught a glimpse of the puzzle many years ago.
I have several afflictions that cause my restlessness; there’s the inevitable onset of age and all the things ricocheting around in my brain. There are external stimuli like; where we’re headed as a republic and our out-of-control government, to name a few. I recall historical examples and the outcomes of other inattentive republics, replete with slumbering, inattentive, and distracted sheeple.
There’s the fall of the Roman Empire, the collapse of Russia, and the rise of the Third Reich, to name just a few. These, and too many more, ought to serve as cause-and-effect examples of our present direction, yet we hire misrepresentatives who choose to ignore them. I am astounded that our system provides opportunities to correct mistakes, yet we fail to make that choice.
It is said that we learn from our mistakes, but apparently, America has a learning disability; we don’t learn SHIT! We make the same mistakes repeatedly and foolishly celebrate them! Continue reading →
February 7, 2019 ~ Over the past few years I have been reaching further back into my personal history specifically with memories of my youth and my time spent in Country while flying over the rice-paddies and picking up wounded soldiers, civilians and enemy combatants.
Recently I realized that a song which I had considered to be my theme song from those 21 months ~ Inna-Gadda-Da-Vida was released within days of my arrival for the Adventure of a lifetime. You’ll note that it is also a permanent audio fixture of this site in the right-hand column. Some additional thoughts on the song I have also penned as part of the description of our category, ‘Nam – Some Came Home: Continue reading →
How does it feel to have the largest government that the planet has ever seen? When I was growing up, I was taught that we had a capitalist system and that we had a limited federal government. Of course neither of those things has been true for a very long time. Today, the United States has the biggest government in the history of the world, and it gets even bigger with each passing year. Running that gigantic government requires more money than we actually have, and so we are going into staggering amounts of debt.
But there is no way that our politicians will ever agree to reduce the size of the federal government to an appropriate size. So we are stuck with this system until the day when it finally collapses.
We have reached a stage where most U.S. households are at least partially dependent on the federal government.
We very much prefer not to call ourselves “socialists”, but that is precisely what we are. Sadly, if we attempted to go back to the way things were 100 years ago, most Americans would not know how to survive.
Let me give you some numbers that illustrate what I am talking about…Continue reading →