“If we have to fight them, now is the time. From now on we will get weaker and they stronger.” ~ General George S. Patton, May 20th 1945
Many in our country, even people in Europe, are under the mistaken impression that Ukraine’s crisis does not really affect or concern them, and they cannot see it’s in their vital interest to see Ukraine emerge free of Russian coercion and compulsion to do Russia’s bidding, especially since Ukrainian crops and natural resources are in an extremely high demand globally. Ukraine’s resources are the jewel Putin desires to seize, a jewel that will reinvigorate Russia and set it back on track to being a more formidable economic and geopolitical opponent and enemy.
In reality, Ukraine is most likely lost, given the fact that America hasn’t any real leaders in places that count today and Europe is fine with the abandonment of Ukraine, so long as their cushy little cozy Nanny-state lives aren’t disrupted and the Russian gas keeps flowing. Putin has Europe and America right where he wants them, boxed in tight and wondering what the hell just happened; they would have known if they’d been paying attention. ~ J.O.S.
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