…and So!

Several hours ago I was laying back just trying to rest my head for a bit – it has been a long weekend for me… and then I came across this…

And let’s be honest – we have been fighting this damned battle for over 2 1/2 years – and it full of more crap and lies than anything I have witnessed in my life. Now they are selling us on the NEED to vaccinate 3 month old babies. What a crock! Continue reading

Smith ~ America: Death By Biden

This is the worse I have seen things in America in my 65 years, and unless the American people soon take things in their own hands and put an end to this administration’s folly, they’ll see America as they have known it all their life come to an end. I’m not suggesting all out rebellion, at least not yet; but some good ol’ fashioned civil disobedience is in order.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if some oil executive and a group of shareholders moved to extract oil offshore against Biden’s current ban and in violation of “federal law”? What if they told Biden, we’re going to do this because we need to make a living and this is our area of expertise? Just exactly what would Biden do, what could he do? Send out the Navy to stop them? Continue reading

STEELE: Modern Sense

The following is a lengthy but worthy read. It was submitted to the first edition Federal Observer by a good friend and contributing writer and Patriot – the late Edgar J. Steele. He is sadly missed. May he be resting in peace in a better place that we are living this day, for all that he wrote of has or is coming to pass… and few would listen. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor

With no apologies to Thomas Paine

“Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer.”Thomas Paine, Common Sense (February 1776)

Edgar J. Steele – American Patriot

~ Preface ~
There are a remarkable number of parallels between pre-revolutionary America and the America of today. It is downright spooky how, in their writings of that time, our founding fathers might have been speaking directly to this generation of Americans. Then again, I do not believe in coincidence so perhaps, in a sense, they were.

How appropriate that those of us who advocate a return to the ideals of those days are called “patriots,” a word which has taken on as derisive a meaning when mouthed by government agents today as those uttered about our forebears by King George’s men during the first American revolution.

Nor is it coincidence that those of us labeled as “patriots” wear the mark with respect and honor. I count myself proudly among their number and pray only that my work be worthy of inclusion. Continue reading

Benson: Are Public Schools Part Of The Radical Environment Movement?

In his book Law and Liberty the late Rev. R, J. Rushdoony noted, on page 171, that:

“Socialism and communism presuppose that their system represents the true order of the ages and is the answer to man’s problems. This assumption is one that assumes man’s problems to be not spiritual but material, not sin but environment. Change man’s environment and you will then remake man, it is held. The answer to man’s problems is therefore not the spiritual regeneration of man by Jesus Christ but the reorganization of society by the scientific socialist state.”

I submit that the public school system falls squarely into that catagory… Continue reading

Parent uncovers secret-keeping school policy in Show Me State

Citing secretive public school polices across Missouri, an education watchdog is warning parents in every state to wake up, pay attention, and save their children from far-left wokeness.

Andy Wells, who leads the Missouri chapter of No Left Turn in Education, is demanding answers after learning public schools are hiding behind a state-approved policy that allows teachers and counselors to hide private conversations with students from their nosy parents. Continue reading

Duigon: ‘I Wanna Be in the Deep State When I Grow Up!

Where do these people come from? Out from under a rotting log?

Uh – isn’t that the same thing?

What would you think if your child said this? “I wanna be in the Deep State when I grow up!” You might ask… why?

“Why? Are you kiddin’? When you’re in the Deep State, you can do anything you want to anybody and not get into any trouble for it! No one can touch you – most of the time they don’t even know who you are. You can spy on anyone you like; and if the president doesn’t like it, so what? You just take him down! Like they took down Trump.

“And even if you get caught doing something really bad, like cooking up a totally fake Russian conspiracy – so what? Ha, ha, ha! Then you just ‘resign’ and be on all the cable news shows and make piles and piles of money!” Continue reading

Hayworth: ‘Get acquainted’ exercise was like ‘The Twilight Zone

Rod Serling must have written this scene, the congressman thought to himself.

He and an aide sat in the rooftop suite of a downtown hotel, in serious disrepair. The worn, early ’60s decor only added to the sensation of life inside a “Twilight Zone” episode, compounded outdoors by the monsoonal conditions of a mid-August afternoon. Continue reading

Biden’s Königreich

Twenty Twenty-one – It was winter…

The rust-belt dealt with the ice and snow, and Texas always sees what it’s like “when hell freezes over,” and we had an unreasonably average weather in the Desert South West. Our previous encounter with snow was in December of 98, a fantastical thing to see Saguaro Cacti in the snow.

…and yet, the winter of awareness and sense rolled into America at a glacial pace. It took several decades for this apostasy’s seeds to germinate and bloom, but Socialism is here. What transpired over the past few months defies reason and leaves judgment in its wake. Our garden is now full of the weeds that consume but do not bear fruit, only seeds of dissent. Continue reading

Paugh: Young Generations, Hopeless Marxists

We have expensive college tuition in our rapidly transforming Marxist society but how much is it worth? And what folk tune is the dear leader forcing us today to dance to?

A famous acquaintance told me that our country is run and controlled by technocracy, control by those who own technology. Technological corporatism is enabling government control around the world, led by the U.N. and NGOs endowed by woke corporatists and member countries.

The west is controlled by globalist Marxism, more powerful than the former Soviet style Marxism. It is a 21st century technocratic Marxism on steroids with the addition of a powerful technocracy that did not exist in the former Iron Curtain countries. The former Soviet Marxists had to employ an army of informants who spied on their neighbors and their families. Continue reading

Duigon: Suing Your Schools


Why sue your local public school district? That’s what the superintendent of schools in Harrisonburg, VA, is wondering. Like, what’s the matter with you people?

Chuck Schumer once said “The government is the only thing we all belong to.” Apparently the superintendent takes that literally. The schools are government schools, therefore the kiddies belong to the school, not the parents. Continue reading

Gonzales: The Real Makers of Lethal Weapons Are in Our Schools

In 1999 I wrote an article I titled “The Real Makers of Lethal Weapons Are In Our Schools,” that was published in an Australian newspaper. Eight years later WorldNetDaily reproduced it, adding, “Editor’s note: This prophetic commentary was first published in June 1999.

“Guns they’ll never find, ‘cuz my lethal weapon’s my mind.” — Ice-T

Soon after the school shootings at Jonesboro, Arkansas and Springfield, Oregon, were reported, the American media began rounding up the usual suspects: guns and, by implication, the National Rifle Association and the parents who allow their children access to guns. Since then, school killings in the U.S. have become a common occurrence, and both the national media and gun control advocates keep chanting the mantra that access to firearms is the main reason for the killings. The killings, they claim, are a reminder of the terrible price we all pay for the lax gun control laws in our nation. Continue reading

I Wonder as I Wander

Have I learned from my great-great grandfather?

My life of late has been a blur of appointments and disappointments centered on infirmities and my questionable decisions to fix or repair self-inflicted and age-related damages.

If I’d known I would live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself… Not really… I’d do the same stupid shit that caused much of this.

At twenty years old, I was indestructible and lived that delusion. At seventy, I’m paying the price for my cavalier attitude. I can only imagine what the next twenty years will bring.

How interesting that my youth so closely parallels America. At least I’ve learned my lesson, some of them anyway. Continue reading

Hayworth: The sour stink of ‘success

You may have entertained this thought — perhaps in different words or at an earlier point — sometime over the past (soon to be) 18 months.

It appeared recently in the form of a question found in an email… but the fact that it was posed in “game-show friendly” form does nothing to detract from the genuine jeopardy we all now face: “Are there any examples of the Biden administration proposing policies that ‘might work’?”

In the tradition of Bill Clinton’s infamous utterance, “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”

If success is defined as decreeing by government edict and “cultural consciousness” that there are more than two genders, regardless of the principles of biology. Continue reading

Veteran war reporter Morton Dean hosts documentary at Branson IMAX Military Film Festival

A still image from Morton Dean’s report aboard a Dust Off chopper in Vietnam; Courtesy Morton Dean, CBS News, January 1971

One of America’s most legendary war correspondents visited Branson during Veteran’s Week, presenting his documentary “American Medevac” at the Branson IMAX Military Film Festival.

Morton Dean has been a journalist since 1957, starting his career at WVIP in Westchester County, New York. He went on to work in Boston and New York City, when he joined WCBS-TV, the flagship station of the CBS Television Network. He moved to the network in 1967, covering NASA, national politics, the Invasion of Grenada, the Falklands War, the Iran Hostage Crisis and the Vietnam War during a 20-year stint. In addition to his reporting work, Dean also anchored the CBS Sunday Night News, and CBS Sunday Evening News.

He also worked for ABC for 14 years, covering the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster, reporting from Kuwait during the first Gulf War, was on the ground during Operation Desert Storm in 1991, and was the only reporter to report from inside the parking garage at the World Trade Center in 1993 after terrorists detonated a truck bomb in the first WTC bombing.

Dean was reporting from Vietnam in 1971 when he and cameraman Greg Cooke were at an Army emergency aid station called Hawk Hill, where they discovered the story that later was the basis for the documentary film. Continue reading

Medal of Honor Recipient Patrick Henry Brady on Harrowing Combat Dust Off Missions

In January 1964 Brady volunteered for Vietnam and was assigned to the 57th Medical Detachment – Helicopter Ambulance, led by Major Charles Kelly. The unit’s call-sign was “Dust Off,” a cry for help that would become the most famous of all Vietnam call-signs.

On January 6, 1968, Brady was rousted from off duty to help with an extraordinary causality situation. Despite repeated warnings that the missions were impossible – due to weather, the enemy, or land mines – on three different missions Brady extracted patients from areas where other aircraft had failed. For these actions Brady was awarded the Medal of Honor. Continue reading

CIA Officer: How the Establishment Makes War Seem to Be Fun to Get Young People to Fight

John R. Stockwell (born 1937) is a former CIA officer who became a critic of United States government policies after serving seven tours of duty over thirteen years. Having managed American involvement in the Angolan Civil War as Chief of the Angola Task Force during its 1975 covert operations, he resigned and wrote In Search of Enemies.

The following lecture was given by Stockwell in 1883.

The West and the Soviet Union both used propaganda extensively during the Cold War. Both sides used film, television, and radio programming to influence their own citizens, each other, and Third World nations. Through a front organization called the Bedford Publishing Company, the CIA through a covert department called the Office of Policy Coordination disseminated over 1 million books to Soviet readers over the span of 15 years, including novels by George Orwell, Albert Camus, Vladimir Nabakov, James Joyce, and Pasternak in an attempt to promote anti-communist sentiment and sympathy of Western values. George Orwell’s contemporaneous novels Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four portray the use of propaganda in fictional dystopian societies. During the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro stressed the importance of propaganda. Propaganda was used extensively by Communist forces in the Vietnam War as means of controlling people’s opinions. Continue reading