Eyes Wide Shut

“It means a person refuses to see something in plain view because of preconceived notions of what this something should look like.”

BTW… It was a terrible film.

When you look around you, what do you see?

Do you see a country on the right track, or do you see an impending disaster?

Does this make sense to you?

Sure it depends on your point of view and, most notably, who and what you believe.

Yes, this is deeply personal, and everyone processes information differently. When it comes to more significant social issues, we join tribes. We’re drawn to people with similar likes and points of view.

I want you to understand my deliberate use of ‘tribes’ in this commentary. Tribes: a group or class of people with strong common traits, values, interests, or mindsets.

The psychological term for people that live in a fantasy world is Dreamers or Escapists. I like the term dreamer, but not the connotation used for illegal aliens. I refer to someone that cannot or refuses to distinguish fantasy from reality. More correctly, someone that creates their reality despite what truly exists.

I’ve searched the interweb for a more appropriate moniker and could not find anything that approaches the description of people that refuse to see reality. In my opinion, it is all too prevalent in American society.

It’s becoming a defining characteristic.

I am deeply concerned that we no longer recognize reality. We’ve been brainwashed and manipulated into thinking that if we believe it, it is real – and it exists because we think it does. This anemic argument reinforces the illusions we create to rationalize and justify our assertions.

This argument hinges on Descartes’s famous quote: “I think therefore I am,” which has nothing to do with our predilection to fool ourselves. We rationalize reality to justify what we want. That belief somehow manifests into what we follow; it becomes our self-fulfilling and circular illusion. Reality steps aside to allow fantasy to run wild. At this point, fantasy becomes their reality. Facts no longer matter – only this new religion.

I recently watched an astonishing movie titled “What is a Woman” by Matt Walsh. Mr. Walsh travels the globe asking that simple question. The responses trouble me profoundly. After investing my time in absorbing this documentary, I became even more concerned and perplexed that none of the dozens of clinical, academics, self-professed professionals, and experts he interviewed could answer the question. They gave non-answers or became indignant and defensive as he attempted to discuss it. A few even walked out of the dialog, insisting they were offended and accused him of being transphobic, anti-gay, and bigoted.

Obviously, the question of defining a woman challenged their delusion and shattered the glass bubble protecting it. I know it’s upsetting and disconcerting to have your illusions shattered – especially one so deeply rooted in our existence and self-image, but as a professional academic with a Ph.D. in Gender Studies, you should be able to define standard terms; like ‘Woman.’

Is academia a fraud, hypocrisy, or a farce? Are modern-day professors the equivalent of the Reconstruction’s Carpet Baggers?

I’m troubled that delusions are foundational to this country’s dreamer epidemic. It isn’t our inability to define being a woman but how easily we can rationalize and twist ignorance into acceptance and advocacy for self-satisfaction, gratification, and our doggedness to be right at all costs, even to the point of denying science and God.

Are we so intransigent that we can not even envisage mistakes?

Two quotes by Albert Einstein come to mind:

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”

“You don’t really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.”

Take any topic on your passion list. You know all that stuff you fight for and believe in deeply.

Now, explain your passion.

Think about how you would describe it to Granny.

What words can you use to convey your passion calmly and rationally so she would comprehend?

Why is this topic or subject so vital to you?

Do you think you could convince Granny to join your tribe?

Is it even remotely possible that you are wrong, that you’ve been deceived about this topic or subject, your passion?

Is this passion your dreamer construct?

Are you secure enough in your belief that you can question your faith?

Can you discuss your devotion calmly and rationally?

Will your conviction stand up to scrutiny?

I’m not trying to change your mind or convince you that your convictions are unfounded. I do want you to open your eyes and mind to alternate possibilities – maybe you bought some magic beans…

In the 1970s, there was a machine called a tape recorder that used a small format tape cartridge called a cassette. One of the largest cassette manufacturers was Memorex – their advertising used the tagline – Is it real, or is it Memorex?

I charge you to examine your passions, convictions, and views and examine their basis. Are these assertions fact-based, or has someone told you what to think, feel, and believe?

Is it real, or is it Memorex?

Can you describe this assertion to Granny?

Will she join your tribe?

Despite all attempts to avoid this intentional power schism, we have a two-party political system. They are so powerful that all other political leaning are excluded from debates and even some primary contests. Candidates that hope to make the ‘big leap’ into federal service are forced into one of the ‘BIG’ two tribes.

In 2021, 89% of voters were Republican or Democrat, leaving 11% for the other parties. Gallup tells us that there are 420 registered political parties in America – so 418 parties share this 11% of voters.

Interesting, no?

I chose this particular ideology because it is the most hotly contested belief in our country today. It is the construct that divides America. Politics comprises a majority of our news viewing time. In 2020 only 18% of Americans used social media for their news, meaning that 78% were indoctrinated by television. Less than 20% of that coverage was dedicated to conservative views.

I’ve written extensively about the impact of media programming. If the numbers above indicate reality, 78% of Americans were pummeled by the media persuasion, and it’s not just politics. Everything we believe comes from our exposure to media brainwashing. Our acceptance of fringe ideologies and tendencies like the LGBTQ+, BLM, Conservative, Liberal, Moderate, Racism, White Supremacy, ad Infinitum. They are all products of media persuasion.

Continued exposure is a technique used to ‘brainwash’ subjects. Our government pioneered processes to reprogram people using tactics like this. Of course, voluntary exposure takes longer than forced extreme duress, but it is no less compelling.

Look at what we accept as normal today.

Men can have babies, and gender is up to the whims of a five-year-old child?

You can be any gender you choose.

Everyone must choose a pronoun, and we must use it under the penalty of law.

The three distinct branches of government are now one under the executive branch’s control to police the other two branches. They’ve become weapons.

The media works for the government.

We have a two-class system with different legal strategies for each.

It is our new world of fantasy where the old is denied and broomed to make way for the ‘imaginary new world order.’ What was is no longer relevant or appropriate because that’s what we’re told to believe by the ministry of truth.

Biological distinctions like male and female are anti-gay and transphobic, hateful, and hurtful. There is no difference between the male and female bodies, and it is perfectly equitable for men to compete in women’s athletics – no harm, no foul.

All of these errant premises ignore reality.

Sexual preference is deeply personal. As a consulting adult, you are free to love as you choose, but the operative word here is adult – that being a person over 19 years old – an individual who has reached the age of consent. Children need not apply.

We’ve pushed the limits of credulity on almost every aspect of society and normalcy. Laws no longer apply equally, and money buys power and privilege.

My issue with this dreamer mentality is that eventually, you have to return to reality, or the words we use to moderate and discuss behaviors or choices break down.

Words like equal imply that things are proportioned and balanced.

How can that be true if the application of the law is subjective? If an action is appropriate or acceptable for one, it must be the same for everyone, or it isn’t equal.

Claiming that men can give birth to children is biologically impossible unless the man is a transgender woman. In this situation, is the transgender person male or female? Physically, they may have the appropriate external manifestations of both sexes, but psychologically, it is how they identify, or so we’re led to believe.

Why is this so important?

It isn’t to me. I don’t care one way or the other, but it’s their passion to them.

Can they explain that to Granny?

Will she join their tribe?

June 18, 2022

~ The Author ~
Charles R. Dickens was born in 1951, is a veteran of the Vietnam war, for which he volunteered, and the great-great grandson of the noted author, whose name he shares.

He is a fiercely proud American, who still believes this is the greatest country on the planet, with which we’ve lost control and certainly our direction. He grew up in moderate financial surrounding; were not rich by any stretch, but didn’t go hungry – his incredibly hard working father saw to that. As most from that era, he learned about life from his father, whose story would take too long to tell, other than to say that, he is also a fiercely proud American; a WWII and Korean war, veteran Marine.

Charlie was educated in the parochial system which, demanded that you actually learn something, and have capability to retain it before you advance. He attended several universities in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree, and chased the goose further to a master’s, and has retained some very definite ideas about education in this country.

In addition, Charlie is a retired blues guitar and vocalist – a musician. This was his therapy career. Nothing brings him as much joy as playing music, and he wishes that he could make a living at it… but alas… life goes on!

That’s Charlie… a proud, opinionated, and passionate American.

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