Paludis exhausisse oportet ~ “The swamp must be drained.”

Around 150 BC, Cato, the grumpy Roman senator, ended every speech, no matter what the topic (grain allotments for the plebs, plans for a new aqueduct, whatever), with the injunction –

“Ceterum autem censeo Carthaginem esse delendam”

· translated: “And another thing, I think that Carthage ought to be destroyed.”

That refrain has come down to us as a lapidary which is defined as or characterized by an exactitude and extreme refinement that suggests gem cutting a three-word imperative.

“Carthago delenda est” ~ (“Carthage must be destroyed.”) Continue reading

The Terrorism of the Mind and the Military Industrial Complex

The Terrorism of the Mind – Some Strange Evils

It’s 2022 and there is a war currently being waged. Is it a war in eastern Europe? That would be too obvious to refer to. Naturally there is a war being waged behind the scenes of everything that is apparently real.

Eustace Mullins once said that he felt terrorized by the IRS and so he decided to sue the IRS for terrorism. This was a very wise idea. It was part of how Mullins was able to win his case in the tax court. Continue reading

But the DemoCraps just want the Invaders!

Americans’ views harden AGAINST immigration
Americans’ views have hardened against immigration, with 10 percent more people calling for lower migrant flows than did so two years ago — a sign of growing concern about chaos on the southern border.

Only 28 percent of Americans surveyed in 2020 wanted less immigration to the U.S. That rose to 38 percent in a poll released on Monday, suggesting frustration with the administration of President Joe Biden.

The polling reflects growing public concern over chaos at the southern border, caravans and deaths from cross-border trafficking, even as many business chiefs seek more migrant labor to build U.S. manufacturing and the technology sector…. (Continue to full article)

Democrats Could Alienate the One Voter Group They Cannot Afford to Lose
There is an array of voter groups that you shouldn’t infuriate. This guiding principle applies to both parties. Making middle-class women angry is not a recipe for success, nor is being opposed to anything they support, which has made the gun control fight interesting. For the past decade, it’s been women and nonwhites leading the charge regarding shooting sports participation and obtaining their concealed carry permits.

Then, there are partisan groups that neither party can lose. For Republicans, losing gun owners is usually an abysmal move, and blacks cannot lose black voters. Well, as we’re about to enter the final stages of the 2022 midterms, the latter group is making their dissatisfaction heard, but will it be a death knell more for Democrats?… (Continue to full article)

Smith: They Stood In The Gap, Fiercely Determined to Live Free

~ Foreword ~
The American society is gong crazy these days and the simplest and most innocent things are being twisted and manipulated to represent something supposedly evil. Only a true fool, a gibbering, blubbering idiot, could ever see the Betsy Ross Flag as something malevolent and to be considered a sign of extremism. This flag as well as the Gadsen Flag was a part of my best childhood years and they were always representative of true freedom and liberty in my young eyes. They still are today.

It all simply returns to the fact that just as a man cannot serve two masters, neither can a nation serve two ideologies, so different each one in its own right and diametrically opposed to the other as they strive for dominance. Only one can survive in the end. Only one must survive in the end, that one being the one followed by those who reject Big Government and love their own independence and truth, life, freedom and individual liberty more than Obama phones and other “Free Stuff” and government handouts.

I hope this is of some interest to many. Ruby Ridge and the Finicum murder have long been a sire spot for me. Perhaps in this context, it will be seen in a new light through new eyes and resonate with many of our fellow Americans. ~ J.O.S.
Continue reading

Juntti: Are we “Federal Children?

Are we “Federal Children,” owned by the Government?

In 1921, the federal Sheppard-Towner Maternity Act created the birth “registration” or what we now know as the “birth certificate.” It was known as the “Maternity Act” and was sold to the American people as a law that would reduce maternal and infant mortality, protect the health of mothers and infants, and for “other purposes.” One of those other purposes provided for the establishment of a federal bureau designed to cooperate with state agencies in the overseeing of its operations and expenditures.

What it really did was create a federal birth registry which exists today, creating “federal children.” This government, under the doctrine of “Parens Patriae,” now legislates for American children as if they are owned by the federal government. Through the public school enrollment process and continuing license requirements for most aspects of daily life, these children grow up to be adults indoctrinated into the process of asking for “permission” from Daddy government to do all those things necessary to carry out daily activities that exist in what is called a “free country.” Continue reading

Von Reitz: Operation Wet Back…

Back in the 1950’s, when Americans were not pre-programmed to be politically correct, General Dwight D. Eisenhower and his Staff conducted Operation Wet Back. They used US Army and Federal Agency personnel to sweep through the Southern and Western States and remove all undocumented aliens back to their countries of origin. If I recall correctly, more than a million people, mostly South American in origin, were ultimately returned home.

They were returned home and the home country got a stern warning: you are responsible for the care and conduct of your own people within the international community. We respect your borders. You respect ours. Continue reading


All kind of quiet on the western front – at least the neighborhood is finally quiet.

Saturday night, a significant thunderstorm dumped just under 2 inches of rain in 45 minutes. I was awake writing my last article. The streets flooded, and the downpour moved a tremendous amount of debris into the cul de sac where I live. Some of the rocks were too big to drive over. Let’s just say that living in a hillside community has advantages and disadvantages.

The neighborhood was a hive of activity for the past couple of days. The sound of gas-powered chainsaws, chippers, and power blowers shattered the quiet like an attack of pissed-off dirt bikers.

I hate power blowers. Their purpose is to move things from one place to another, usually from your yard to the neighbors. They shred the quiet with an obnoxious drone. They belch two-cycle exhaust – a combination of gasoline and oil – into the air, leaving a heady aroma of fumes hanging in the humidity. The funk lingers like cheap perfume after a cocktail party. Continue reading

MI City Decriminalizes Public Defecation and Urination in the Name of ‘Equity’

Nothing says equity quite like urinating in public.

Public urination, defecation, and trash were all removed off the city’s list of criminal offenses earlier this month in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

“People have to clean up where they have defecated right in front of your door of your business,” Becky Bil, a small business owner in the city said. “We can’t have that downtown.” Continue reading

New IDs for Immigrants are Sparking Concerns of Abuse

‘The Administration is now reportedly planning yet another reckless policy that will further exacerbate this ongoing crisis… ‘

Illegales Entrada en Nogales (AP Photo/Dario Lopez-Mills, File)

With immigration flooding America’s open borders under the Biden administration’s policies, U.S. authorities are planning to issue photo ID cards to immigrants in deportation proceedings in a bid to slash paper use and help people stay up-to-date on required meetings and court hearings, officials said. Continue reading

Gallatin: Yes, NIH Funded Gain-of-Function

Three experts testify the NIH was indeed engaged in funding gain-of-function research, calling Fauci’s claim “untruthful.”

The nature of a lie is that it never ends with just one. It has a tendency to snowball, getting bigger and bigger. But also like that snowball, it quickly starts to fall apart as it grows. This phenomenon appears to be what we are witnessing regarding Dr. Anthony Fauci’s claims about COVID-19’s origin and the potential role the National Institutes of Health played in it through gain-of-function research. Continue reading

Jackson: We’re NOT in Kansas Anymore

Ahead of Tuesday’s vote in Kansas on a constitutional amendment on abortion, polling showed the pro-life side ahead. So it was stunning to see the pro-life amendment defeated by a margin of 59-41 in a solidly red state. What happened?

Several things. The convoluted wording of the amendment itself combined with complicated messaging from both sides ended up yielding a status quo result and a lesson going forward.

Let’s rewind a bit further… Continue reading


“Indisposed to admit or accept that which is related as true”

“Incredulous”, of course, means disbelieving. Incredulity is a state of mind in which we find ourselves more and more. Our country is completely off its rocker, it seems, and we have a hard time believing it all.

We are confused and adrift because our moral guideposts have gone missing, ripped out from under us by the Marxists calling themselves the “Great Reset”. Every parameter of our morals and values, things we have learned in our churches, schools and at our parents’ knees – literally, everything we have held dear – is being destroyed. History is being rewritten. Our bedrock is crumbling into shifting sands, and we are responding with either anger or denial.

It’s no wonder we feel like we’re going nuts. Continue reading

BOMBSHELL: Experts Show Where Fauci Lied Under Oath

I don’t think anyone will be shocked to learn that the experts say that Dr. Anthony Fauci lied about the origins of the COVID-19 virus. Fauci claimed, under oath, that the virus was ‘naturally occurring.

Scientists testified before the Senate in a hearing Wednesday that it was an impossible claim. That wasn’t the only lie Fauci told.

Dr. Steven Quay, CEO of Atossa Therapeutics Inc., told the Gain Of Function panel that the scenario is highly unlikely, based on his research. Continue reading

They Call Him MISTER Jones!

He was always an arrogant ass-hole – in my humble opinion!

Alex Jones Ordered to Pay $45.2 Million in Punitive Damages to Sandy Hook Parents
Alex Jones was ordered by a jury to pay $45.2 million in punitive damages to the parents of a 6-year-old boy killed in the Sandy Hook school shooting, a judgment that recognizes that the popular conspiracy theorist went far beyond accepted norms in repeatedly calling the tragedy a hoax. (Wall Street Journal)

Jones’ company files for bankruptcy amid Texas trial to award damages to Sandy Hook families
Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ primary company filed for bankruptcy protection on Friday, an unexpected move that comes as a trial is underway in Texas to determine how much in damages he will have to pay the families of two Sandy Hook victims who sued and won a default judgment against him.

Jones’ decision to seek bankruptcy protection for his company, Free Speech Systems, which operates the right-wing conspiratorial outlet Infowars, also comes after he was found legally responsible in a separate defamation case in Connecticut… (Continue to full article)

It Looks Like Murder To Me

No, I’m not going to touch abortion, even though I have some definite opinions. This article concerns decisions that directly and indirectly cause the death of over 170,000 American Citizens, untold numbers of immigrants, and cost undisclosed billions of tax dollars to support a political agenda.

Yes, this is about America’s open border policy.

It’s early in the morning, and I’m enjoying my first of many cups of coffee. The incessant political driveling to place blame has nearly depleted my give-a-shit.

I’m worn out.

I suppose if I want good news, I should ignore the media feeds. Continue reading

Owens: I Worked for Alex Jones. I Regret It.

I dropped out of film school to edit video for the conspiracy theorist because I believed in his worldview. Then I saw what it did to people.

On Election Day 2016, I sat in the passenger seat of Alex Jones’s Dodge Hellcat as we swerved through traffic, making our way to a nearby polling place. As Jones punched the gas pedal to the floor, the smell of vodka, like paint thinner, wafted up from the white Dixie cup anchored in the console. My stomach churned as the phone I held streamed live video to Facebook: Jones rambling about voter fraud and rigged elections while I stared at the screen, holding the camera at an angle to hide his double chin. It rarely worked, but I didn’t want to be blamed when he watched the video later. Continue reading

Smith: Biden Policies Invite a Chinese Communist Attack On Taiwan

Many Americans may not be too concerned with what happens around the globe, because so many people take an overly simplistic view of international relations. What happens in Taiwan will in fact have an effect on all of us here in America and many people elsewhere in the world, in a litany of unexpected developments and consequences.

Instead of showing a strong, united front and a determined resolve in backing Speaker Pelosi’s Taiwan visit and sending a clear message the the U.S. government and the American people will not tolerate any intimidation or assault against any American by the Chinese leaders and the CCP, Biden and his own little band of good feckless commies are choosing to go the Chamberlain path of appeasement, forgetting all the lessons of history that exhibits this never ends well for those being assaulted. His regime’s weakness is enabling Xi and an belligerent Communist China to destroy Taiwan’s sovereignty and replace America has the top super-power in the world. Continue reading