Granny: The TIES that BIND America

The following is a timely reach-back to our archives of November 7, 2009 as was originally published on the Federal Observer. We do not know which category it was published in at that time – but it really does not matter. “Granny” (Jackie Juntti) has been a daily reader and frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications almost since our inception two decades ago, in addition to becoming a very close friend and confidant.

Over the past several years, Granny has been dealing with on and off health issues which have finally caught up with her. Some weeks go I was informed that she was being forced to “retire” from her life on-line, as the hours daily being spent in a chair working on computer, studying, reading and writing has finally taken it’s toll on her physical condition. As she closed her email she reminded all of us exactly WHY we are here – and what lies ahead when our job is finished…

Ain’t gonna need this house no longer
Ain’t gonna need this house no more
Ain’t got time to fix the shingles
Ain’t got time to fix the floor
Ain’t got time to oil the hinges
Nor to mend the window pane
Ain’t gonna need this house no longer
I’m getting ready to meet the saints

And so we once again share the words of this Godly woman – with her warnings for our future if we do not heed the warnings, ACT now – and Prepare for the final Journey.

 Jeffrey Bennett, Publisher
July 31, 2023
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Mystery group buying land near Air Force base sues farmers

* Flannery Associates invested more than $800 million on agricultural land

* Flannery is suing farmers who sold them land, accusing them of conspiracy

* Congressman: Flannery buying land near Air Force base raises questions

While questions remain about a mystery company buying 52,000 acres of land near an Air Force base, a congressman says farmers in the area are being targeted in a lawsuit from the group. Continue reading

Kroger and Mark Cuban join forces to spread the availability of low cost prescription drugs

The partnership could be bad news for pharmacy benefit managers

Little by little, pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) are getting their comeuppance and American consumers are getting their due when it comes to the cost of prescription drugs.

Mark Cuban’s Cost Plus Drugs has cut a deal with Kroger that will give consumers in 35 states the power to find the lowest price for a prescription drug.

Anyone who’s watched ‘Shark Tank’ knows that Cuban is a take-no-prisoners kind of guy and he apparently sees an opportunity when it comes to high-priced drugs.

The Cost Plus business model is simple. It marks up each drug by 15% and adds a $3 pharmacy fee where applicable. The company makes a profit and customers can finally get their prescriptions filled without taking out a loan. (Continue to full column…)

Smith ~ Mourning for America

Well… here we are, and Biden and Company are full throttle on their way to damning America and Her people to a miserable existence in the worst imaginable world of all possibilities and poverty, if we fail to stop them with a fiercely driven and motivated decisive victory, that ends the question forever of which path America will take into the rest of this century and beyond. Continue reading

Benson: “Little Red Classrooms

A group called “Parents Defending Education” has released a report showing how Communist China has indoctrinated students in public schools in this country through a K-12 programming project called “Confucious Classrooms.” This is a program that teaches “Chinese language and culture” and if we understand Communist China, just a wee bit of Communist propaganda thrown in for good measure.

Confucious programming “creates a partnership between K-12 schools, universities or non-profits, and a Chinese government entity.” And if you still think there is no Communist propaganda in a setup like that, I’ve got a bridge for sale in the Arizona desert to sell you, made of 100% genuine imitation gold bricks!

Parents Defending Education has done research and found contracts showing that Confucious Classrooms and/or other Chinese government programming is operating in Minnesota public schools, in Tulsa public schools in Oklahoma, in Seattle public schools in Washington, in the Highland Park Independent School District in Texas, and there are others. The Chinese Communist Party has had ties to school districts near 20 U.S. military bases. Coincidence, no doubt! Continue reading

The Fight Against Worldwide Child Slavery & the Sex Trade

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson discusses the new film “Sound of Freedom,” with star Jim Caviezel and real life inspiration Tim Ballard. The film details Ballard’s work as a Special Agent to fight against sex trafficking and the child sex trade. They go into depth on the psychology of pedophilia, the nature of good and evil, and how a steady faith in God has guided all three.

Tim Ballard is the founder and CEO of Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.), which locates and rescues endangered children victimized by sex trafficking rings. Previously, he accrued a decade of experience as a Special Agent in the Dept. of Homeland Security, working as an undercover op for the U.S. Child Sex Tourism Jump Team.

Jim Caviezel is a prominent American actor and household name in no small part for his portrayal of Jesus Christ in “The Passion of the Christ,” (sequel coming in 2024). He has had a decades long career both on and off screen, and is an advocate for faith in the modern world.

A Cold Border War Breaks Out Between Abbott’s Texas and Biden’s White House

A new Center for Immigration Studies video report highlights Texas Governor Abbott’s “Operation Hold the Line”, which has state police and National Guard block immigrants at the Rio Grande River’s edge, and President Biden’s undermining of the state’s efforts to enforce the laws.

Todd Bensman, the Center for Immigration Studies’ senior national security fellow, captures the border war, showing many of the initiatives undertaken by the state in and around Eagle Pass, Texas, a hot spot for illegal immigrant crossings. Bensman speaks with several illegal immigrants who successfully entered the country and with others who were discouraged and returned to Mexico. They told Bensman of their plans to go around the Texas border blockade and to search for U.S. Border Patrol officers, who the migrants feel are certain to admit them into the U.S. Continue reading

Ross: Don’t Let Them Control Your Mind

In the preface for Abel Upshur’s book, A Brief Enquiry Into the True Nature and Character of Our Federal Government, the author states, “I know that the actual practice of the federal government for many years past, and the strong tendencies of public opinion in favor of federal power, forbid me to hope for a favorable reception, except from the very few who still cherish the principles which I have endeavored to re-establish.”

Well, I can certainly relate to that!

The sad thing about it is, that book was written in 1840; which means that we have had nearly two centuries of shifting values take place since; meaning the principles he was endeavoring to re-establish have become even less popular today than they were back then. Continue reading

Benson: “Bad Day At Black Rock

The title for this article was taken from an old 1950s movie starring Spencer Tracy which maybe some of you have seen. Regarding what this article is about I felt it was appropriate. Awhile back I read an article on the net that mentioned that BlackRock was a “woke” company. I didn’t know much about BlackRock except that I had seen it advertised on Fox News quite a bit. Now I’m beginning to understand why.

It seems that BlackRock owns a chunk of Fox News – 45.7 million shares of Fox News stock. Continue reading

Whether You Live in a Small Town or a Big City, the Government Is Still Out to Get You

“I can’t remember what all Frank had fighting in the jar that day, but I can remember other bug fights we staged later on: one stag beetle against a hundred red ants, one centipede against three spiders, red ants against black ants. They won’t fight unless you keep shaking the jar. And that’s what Frank was doing, shaking, shaking the jar.” ~ Kurt Vonnegut, Cat’s Cradle

There’s a meme that circulated on social media a while back that perfectly sums up the polarized, manipulated mayhem, madness and tyranny that is life in the American police state today:

“If you catch 100 red fire ants as well as 100 large black ants, and put them in a jar, at first, nothing will happen. However, if you violently shake the jar and dump them back on the ground the ants will fight until they eventually kill each other. The thing is, the red ants think the black ants are the enemy and vice versa, when in reality, the real enemy is the person who shook the jar. This is exactly what’s happening in society today. Liberal vs. Conservative. Black vs. White. Pro Mask vs. Anti Mask. The real question we need to be asking ourselves is who’s shaking the jar … and why?” Continue reading

DeWeese: The Left’s Arrogance Backfires On Them!

As you know, I’ve been traveling the country, sounding the alarm about dangerous “Sustainable” policies. Most importantly, I’ve been encouraging local citizens to stand up and fight these attacks on property rights, farming, energy, transportation, and so many other issues that are destroying our way of life.

Build those Freedom Pods, I’ve said. Take local action to stand up for your rights!

One of the worst attacks has been from PRIVATE corporations intent on taking PRIVATE farmland to build their PRIVATE Carbon Capture Pipeline.

Farmers have been caught in the path of this idiotic plan to grab thousands of acres of vital farmland and bury CO2 underground under the excuse of Climate Change. These farmers have been standing virtually alone. Continue reading


“I look at life from Both Sides Now!” ~ Judy Collins

I have to wonder about people who still throw their full support behind Trump. What their support tells me is that they don’t stand for limited or conservative government, U.S. sovereignty, actual fiscal responsibility, or true freedom & individual liberty in any real form or fashion.

People would do well to recall that Trump often stated “I love debt”, later adding “I’m the King of Debt“.

With Trump, You don’t get Full Blown Socialism, but you still get expanded, growing government and socialism, just a few steps shy of the sort one finds in past communist states and the current ideology of the Democratic Party Communists. Continue reading

A personal message from Justin O. Smith

          Wa. Wal, wal – I am about fed UP with all of this!

I’ve been trying to spend more time with friends and family, myself, if just to keep away from the TV and all the trash we have to deal with on a daily basis. Some days it’s just too, too much and it sucks the life right out of you.

But Ol’ Sweet Mutt keeps me laughing everyday with some new antic of his. The other day we were way off in the woods, and I had to pee rather urgently. So I told Mutt to “wait”, and normally he will automatically come to a halt and wait for me to say “O.K.”. This day, for some reason, just as I started, Sweet Mutt started my way; I didn’t think much about it, because I thought he’d stop. But he ran up to take a look and ran his nose right up under the stream of pee. Oh My, how I laughed at him as I said, “Uh, huh … serves You right, Big Nosey”. Of course I washed his face real good for him, when we got back home. Continue reading

The Federal Debt Trap: Issues and Possible Solutions

“Rather than collecting taxes from the wealthy, the government is paying the wealthy to borrow their money.” ~ New York Times, July 7, 2023

Titled “America Is Living on Borrowed Money,” the editorial observes that over the next decade, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), annual federal budget deficits will average around $2 trillion per year. By 2029, just the interest on the debt is projected to exceed the national defense budget, which currently eats up over half of the federal discretionary budget. In 2029, net interest on the debt is projected to total $1.07 trillion, while defense spending is projected at $1.04 trillion. By 2033, says the CBO, interest payments will reach a sum equal to 3.6 percent of the nation’s economic output.

The debt ceiling compromise did little to alleviate that situation. Before the deal, the CBO projected the federal debt would reach roughly $46.7 trillion in 2033. After the deal, it projected the total at $45.2 trillion, only slightly less – and still equal to 115% of the nation’s annual economic output, the highest level on record.

Acknowledging that the legislation achieved little, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said after the vote that he intended to form a bipartisan commission “so we can find the waste and we can make the real decisions to really take care of this debt.” The NYT Editorial Board concluded:

Any substantive deal will eventually require a combination of increased revenue and reduced spending …. Both parties will have to compromise: Republicans must accept the necessity of collecting what the government is owed and of imposing taxes on the wealthy. Democrats must recognize that changes to Social Security and Medicare, the major drivers of expected federal spending growth, should be on the table. Anything less will prove fiscally unsustainable. (Continue to full column…)

The Seven Pillars of the Matrix

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Contemporary baptized, corporatized and sanitized man rarely has the occasion to question his identity, and when he does a typical response might be, “I am product manager for a large retail chain, married to Betty, father of Johnny, a Democrat, Steelers fan and a Lutheran.”

His answers imply not only his beliefs but the many responsibilities, rules and restrictions he is subjected to. Few if any of these were ever negotiated- they were imposed on him yet he still considers himself free. Continue reading

IRS whistleblower NAMES attorney who ‘refused to charge Hunter for tax evasion’ as he reveals he also donated to Joe Biden’s presidential run

Second informant claims felony charges were BLOCKED due to ‘political pressure’

The House Oversight probe is looking into whether Hunter Biden received preferential treatment in the investigation into his wrongdoings because of his father’s position

An IRS whistleblower claimed the U.S. attorney who ‘refused to bring charges’ against Hunter Biden for tax evasion donated to Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign.

Special Agent Gary Shapley made the allegation about U.S. Attorney for D.C. Matthew Graves on Wednesday during a congressional hearing.

‘The Justice Department allowed the president’s political appointees to weigh in on whether to charge the president’s son,’ Shapley told the panel.

‘After U.S. Attorney for D.C. Matthew Graves, appointed by President Biden, refused to bring charges in March 2022, I watched U.S. Attorney [David] Weiss tell a room full of senior FBI and IRS senior leaders on October 7, 2022, that he was not the deciding person on whether charges were filed,’ he told the committee looking into allegations the DOJ politically interfered with the investigation. Continue reading

Great Expectations

I usually have two or three commentaries, essays, or a chapter for my book in progress at any given time and switch between them as my muse abets.

As I shifted gears from business mode to my alter-ego today, preparing to work on an existing project, a dear friend called with an enthralling idea for an article.

My dear friend Jeffrey Bennett called to propose a title fitting for this intriguing moment in America. As we discussed my current project, the appeal of his compelling recommendation took flight. Jeff piqued my interest with “Great Expectations,” and as the possibilities unfolded, the outline and theme materialized… Continue reading