DeWeese: The Continued Insanity

It’s getting crazy out there – and I am doing all I can to stop it!

More and more of the policy proposals put out by the Green activists reveal their movement is actually about forcing radical changes to our lifestyles and not about climate science or the environment.

It’s like a religion where infidels have to conform to their rites and rituals and heretics must be silenced.

Each day they are pushing harder and faster to implement it all. They are moving to eliminate cheap, reliable energy and gain control over our food supply, ability to travel, housing choices, available jobs, and our personal life-style choices. Continue reading

Wake up People!: We Won’t Be Fooled Again

“Good faith people are willing to be corrected (because the Truth is important); not so the liars of course (they know they are wrong) or the ideologues. So the ideologues therefore don’t act in good faith, though they think they do.” ~ Truman Verdun

Of all the vicious lies spun around the Covid-19 operation, among the most damaging was the campaign to demonize ivermectin, a Nobel Prize-winning true wonder-drug, among the safest known pharmaceuticals ever, effective against disease-causing parasites and also a potent anti-viral agent — which was exactly why the CDC and FDA turned on it. It very effectively subdued Covid-19 infections.

That is, it worked. And because of that, these agencies had to pretend that it was worthless and harmful, to protect the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the fabulous mRNA vaccines that didn’t work and ended up harming, disabling, and killing many people. Any treatment that proved effective would have invalidated the EUA and negated the liability shield that came with the EUA, protecting the vaccine manufacturers from lawsuits. Continue reading

Smith: The American Economy’s Final Hard Fall

As I look at the incredible numbers we see in our nation’s budget, it becomes readily apparent that this is a shipwreck looking for a reef to hit and unsustainable as all hell. It has to be in their plans to destroy the economy. There’s just no other sound or sane explanation for it.

Biden’s policies do make one’s mind go straight to Alinksky’s Rules for Radicals and the manner in which one can bring a nation to its knees, ripe for a Communist takeover. It’s more than possible that it would succeed in America today, given the weakness that has spread throughout our society. Driven into the depths of poverty, the most dependent and weak-minded people will immediately cry out for more and greater government.

I wonder how many will go it on their own and try to survive independently, despite the country’s hard push into communism. I’m in no rush to see who arises to the occasion, but still it’s an interesting thought in these intriguing, curious and dangerous times. ~ J.O.S. (Continue Reading…)

Dwyer: For the Democrat Party, Winning Is the ONLY Thing That Matters

Burn Baby – BURN!

August 24, 2023, was a sad day for all Americans who love their country and cherish their individual rights and liberties guaranteed by the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. For the first time in America’s history, a president has been arrested, fingerprinted, and had a mug mug shot taken in a county jail. All this was done to him because he dared to challenge the results of the 2020 presidential election that he believed was stolen from him, and with assistance of some of his staffers was seeking lawful remedies for this perceived or real theft.

Here is some wider perspective. Continue reading

August 24, 2023: Beaucoup Dien Cai Dau… The insanity will NOT end!

Taxpayer cash to be used to bankroll MORE Covid vaccines
Biden Administration will use $1.4BILLION to develop new virus drugs and shots

Officials said the funding – to be awarded in grants – will be used to develop ‘a new generation of tools and technologies to protect against COVID-19 for years to come’.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) – the branch of government tasked with bankrolling health initiatives – announced the move Tuesday as part of its ‘Project NextGen.’

This initiative adds to the $30 billion the government has already spent on Covid vaccines and $4.6trillion in overall Covid relief… (Continue to full article)

Source: AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

Mask mandates reemerge amid upturn in COVID-19 cases
The recent upturn in COVID-19 cases in some regions has spurred a handful of entities around the country to reinstate mask mandates, reigniting the debate over what place masking requirements have in an era of living with the coronavirus.

Earlier this week, Hollywood movie studio Lionsgate asked its employees to wear masks on certain floors of its facilities in Santa Monica, Calif., in response to a few staff members testing positive for COVID-19.

Kaiser Permanente began to require staff, patients and visitors to wear masks at its facility in Santa Rosa, Calif., this week in response to a spike in cases. Upstate Medical University in New York announced a similar decision last week for two of its hospitals… (Continue to full article)


Lockdowns and face masks ‘unequivocally’ cut spread of Covid – according to ONE report
Measures taken during the Covid pandemic such as social distancing and wearing face masks “unequivocally” reduced the spread of infections, a report has found.

Experts looked at the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) – not drugs or vaccines – when applied in packages that combine a number of measures that complement one another.

The report, called Covid-19: examining the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions, reviewed the evidence gathered during the pandemic for six groups of NPIs and their effectiveness in reducing transmission.

These included masks and face coverings, social distancing and lockdowns, test, trace and isolate, travel restrictions and controls across international borders, environmental controls, and communications.

Frankly – I am sick of this SHIT… (Continue to full article)

Schools Already Closing Due to COVID — Just Weeks After Starting
The BS begins. Go to school or stay home with your children’s cold. Jesus, they aren’t going to die from the flu or cold. So ridiculous. America will have the most uneducated kids. No chance to ever catch up. Parents should consider homeschooling.

Just two weeks into the start of their school year, officials in Kentucky have called off school for the rest of the week “due to student and staff illness.”

The district of Lee County announced on Tuesday, August 22 that in-person classes, extra-curricular practices and games in the district had been canceled for the remainder of the week.

Public Health Director for the Kentucky River District, Scott Lockard, told news outlets local to the area that there has been an increase in COVID-19 cases throughout the district.

But COVID was not the singular driving factor in the district’s decision to temporarily close their doors… (Continue to full article)

WTF?: Taxpayers Should Subsidize Trans Reproductive Surgeries???

A recent article in the American Medical Association’s AMA Journal of Ethics is suggesting taxpayers should pay the bill for biological men who choose to get a uterus transplant (UTx) from dead women.

Sounding more like something from a Frankenstein movie, the AMA paper says there are no moral or ethical reasons why you and I shouldn’t pony up our taxpayer dollars to help transgenders improve their “mental health.” Continue reading

The Fed: Harming the Economy for over a Century

Since its founding in 1913, the unelected central planning bureaucrats at the Federal Reserve have been given the incredible privilege of legally creating money out of thin air, which mere mortals like us are not allowed to do. They have also been given the tremendous responsibility of maintaining (1) maximum employment, (2) a stable price level, and (3) low interest rates.

How have they done so far?

Since 1913, the bureaucrats at the Fed have helped cause… Continue reading

The Great Phony Disinflation Enters Its Finale

La commedia è finita!” summarizes where the United States and Europe now stand in the Great Phony Postpandemic Disinflation. Why phony? Reported consumer price index (CPI) inflation has been falling in the US and Europe; but this has little to do with the advertised monetary tightening by the Federal Reserve, European Central Bank (ECB), and Bank of England.

Rather, the decline in reported CPI inflation is consistent with a natural downward rhythm of prices, reflecting fading pandemic restraints on supply. In a good money system, the essence of which is the absence of monetary inflation, average consumer prices (as represented by the CPI) would have long ago returned to their prepandemic levels. Continue reading

Clusterxxxx Nation ~ A Bumpy Ride

“This voter is not convinced by virtues or statistics. He is convinced by dreams, visions, stories and jokes.” ~ Curtis Yarvin

Draw back from the scene and understand that the sheer heaping-up of procedural legal bullshit in the various sham court cases against candidate Donald Trump is largely an attempt to confound, mystify, and preoccupy the public while the great scaffold of our national life collapses. The news — both legacy and alt — will be dominated day after day by analyses of every move and counter-move through endless thickets of courtroom minutiae while the US economy crashes and burns, residual wealth is confiscated, and the American social order turns into something like fiery goo. Continue reading

The Coming Collapse of the Global Ponzi Scheme

It won’t be long before governments around the world, including the one in Washington – self-destruct.

Strong words, but anything less would be naïve.

As economist Herbert Stein once said, “If something cannot go on forever, it has a tendency to stop.” Case in point: fiat money political regimes. Interventionist economies of the West are in a fatal downward spiral, comparable to that of the Roman Empire in the second century, burdened with unsustainable debt and the antiprosperity policies of governments, especially the Green New Deal. Continue reading

Covid Vaccines Are “Disproportionately” Harmful and Up to 98% of Injuries Are Being Missed

Covid vaccines have a “disproportionate” injury rate, with injuries including “strokes, blood clots, heart attacks, amputations and neurological conditions”, a senior Conservative MP has said.

Speaking to the Pandemic Response and Recovery All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG), former Government Minister and APPG Co-Chair Esther McVey said: “A reporting system that misses as many as 98 out of 100 adverse reactions, inevitably misses safety signals.” Continue reading

August 18, 2023: Beaucoup Dien Cai Dau… The insanity will not end

The New COVID-19 Vaccines for Fall 2023: What You Need to Know

The global battle against the COVID-19 pandemic continues, and as we approach the fall of 2023, there are new developments in the vaccine front. With the emergence of new strains and the need for updated vaccines, it’s crucial to stay informed. Here’s a comprehensive look at the new COVID-19 vaccines coming out in the fall of 2023.

More insanity comes our way… (Continue to full article)

Benson: Leftist Public Schools Think They Own Your Children

Recently someone sent me a copy of the Whistleblower magazine, which is published by World Net Daily (580 E Street, P.0. Box 100, Hawthorne, Nevada 89415-0100). I’d heard of this magazine but never seen it until now. The copy I was sent was the April, 2023 issue and all of it dealt with what goes on in public schools today and none of it is fun reading by any means. But then, what goes on in government schools in our day is not exactly fun reading either–not fun, but necessary to know. Continue reading

Garrison Team: RINO Excuses

As the Bolshevik Democrats destroy the American Republic directly in front of our eyes, the RINOs simply sit on their hands while making wimpy excuses about why they shouldn’t impeach an obvious criminal currently residing in the White House – Joe Biden.

When Pelosi was Speaker of the House, she had no problem impeaching President Trump not once, but twice on completely ridiculous charges. Now the Republican Speaker of The House, Kevin McCarthy, can’t find the backbone to impeach Biden – even though he is armed with ample and overwhelming evidence of Joe’s treasonous crimes. Continue reading

Benson: Why So Many Christian Kids In Anti-Christ Public Schools?

I recently got a tract from Frontline Ministries in Columbia, South Carolina that dealt with Christian pastors ignoring what goes on in government schools. The author of the tract, E. Ray Moore, Th. M. noted some interesting statistics regarding the attitudes of many Christian pastors regarding the mushrooming anti-Christian bias in what passes for education in public (government) schools. This is something I have noted in evangelical circles for almost five decades now. Many evangelicals, pastors included, if given their choice, will defend public education rather than expose its evils. Then they wonder why they have problems with their kids who went to public schools! Continue reading