Benson: Safety LAST for Americans

Saw an item on Fox News this morning about someone on the terror watchlist having been caught. You might be tempted to think that this is an example of the government doing its job and protecting American citizens. If you thought that you’d be dead wrong. Turns out, this particular individual on the terror watchlist had already been caught twice before.

So what happened those first two times? It would seem that this sterling character must have been released into the general population, either that or he had been caught and turned back at the border and decided to make one more try. Continue reading

Smith: My Legitimate, Dutiful and RIGHTFUL War

I’m about the same as always – mad at the world and shaking my fist at the sky!

~ Introduction ~
Quite often Americans hear that the U.S. has a “melting-pot” environment that encourages the assimilation of Muslims. However, more often the facts show an entirely different situation. New immigrants and second generation Muslims are becoming more isolated, largely due to the multi-culturalist policies and agendas put in place by the Marxist-Maoists of the Obama administration that continued through Trump’s term and into the Biden regime. An increasing number of young Muslims are attending Islamic schools and lectures sponsored by mosques with a “radical” fundamental Islamic agenda, or U.S. universities with radical professors who actually encourage Islamic anti-American activities and terrorism against America.

There exists an entire group of people in all echelons of our government, from the local and state to the federal, some citizens and some not, who have been educated and lived much of their lives abroad. From the “president” on down, many of these people have little connection and even less love for the traditional American culture and principles upon which the U.S. was founded. These collaborators and traitors continue to tolerate the abuses and acts of terrorism those sons of Mohammed commit. And due to their own cowardice or complicity, they still to this day cannot seem to name the enemy. The enemy is Islam and the Sharia doctrine that accompanies it. Continue reading

Ross: Perceptions

“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” ~ Matthew 5:48

The human mind is a fascinating organ. Aside from being the control center for the body that houses it, it is because of our ability to think that we have cars, airplanes, computers, and all the other gadgets and gizmos that make our day-to-day lives easier. That is why I find it so bewildering that people are not able to look at the issues that face us with the same critical thinking skills that have given us all these technological advancements. The thing is, I shouldn’t find it bewildering; I too was just like that; until I freed my mind of the shackles of its ignorance and taught it how to think critically. Continue reading

Yes, We Still Need the First Amendment

NOTE: Last week, on April the sixth, we published an article entitled, America ABANDONS The First Amendment. What you are about to read picks up where the original column left off and posts its own discussion – POINT BLANK. It would appear that the current bunch of scum in the U.S. Congress (collectively) are doing their utmost to attack the entirety of the Bill of Rights. ~ Editor

Government censorship has shifted to the forefront of American conversation with the recent passing of H.R. 752, which would essentially ban TikTok; this development, which has passed the House and is on its way to the Senate, is igniting debating on how much involvement the government should have in social media.

This debate is not new, considering the government has been intervening in social media for years. For example, this is not the first time the federal government has tried to ban TikTok. In 2020, then-President Trump famously attempted to ban the uprising app but was challenged and ultimately blocked by the courts. Continue reading

The Day of Nuclear Armageddon

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb!

Newly declassified documents reveal in macabre minute-by-minute detail what the end of the world would like. And why those vaporized instantly by an atomic bomb will be the lucky ones…

This story, of what the moments after a nuclear missile launch could look like, is based on facts sourced from exclusive interviews with presidential advisers, cabinet members, nuclear weapons engineers, scientists, soldiers, airmen, special operators, Secret Service, emergency management experts, intelligence analysts, civil servants and others who have worked on these macabre scenarios over decades.

As the plans for General Nuclear War are among the most classified secrets held by the US government, the scenario postulated here takes the reader up to the razor’s edge of what can legally be known. Declassified documents, obfuscated for decades, fill in the details with terrifying clarity. Continue reading

Saving the Gas-Powered Car and Making Money on Carbon

A week after the Biden administration’s March 20 edict on auto emissions – a proclamation heralded by some as the death knell for the internal combustion engine in the next decade – a disquiet has insinuated itself into the corridors of commentary. Even Washington Post columnists are worrying that the Biden administration may have gone too far.

In a March 25 opinion piece, the Post’s Megan McArdle – whose political leanings cannot by the even most imaginative stretch be construed as sympathetic to Donald Trump – observed that the administration “risks a political backlash” as it seeks to force out gasoline-powered cars and force in electric vehicles (EVs). In McArdle’s words of warning, “consumers revolt against a technology that’s not ready for prime time.” Continue reading

U.S. ‘Breaking Apart‘ With 25 States ‘Ready’ to LEAVE

Texas’ state flag. In hypothetical referendums, 25 states would vote for full independence from the U.S., according to a leading Texas nationalist. ~ AARON M. SPRECHER/GETTY

A leading Texas independence campaigner has said the United States is “breaking apart,” with over 50 percent of the population in 25 states ready to secede based on his interpretation of two recent surveys by the polling company YouGov. Continue reading

April 7, 2024: The Continued INVASION of America… The Insanity Will NOT End

Illegal Immigrant From Haiti Accused in Stabbing Deaths of 2 People in NY

Haitian migrant, Kenol Baptiste

An illegal immigrant from Haiti has been charged with killing two of his acquaintances, a crime he is alleged to have committed prior to deportation hearings.

The incident took place on April 1 afternoon in the area of 33 Ruth Court in Middletown, New York. “The initial report indicated that a male subject had been stabbed,” the City of Middletown Police Department said in an April 2 press release. When officers arrived at the scene, “they located two male subjects that had sustained multiple stab wounds.” One of the subjects was located inside 33 Ruth Court and was determined to have died. The other person, found on the sidewalk outside of 33 Ruth Court, was determined to have suffered serious injuries and transported to a hospital, where he succumbed during surgery.

The immigrant has been placed in Orange County jail on deportation hold… (Continue to full article)

Fermin Garcia-Gutierrez

Illegal Migrant, 46, Who Has Been Arrested ELEVEN Times and Deported EIGHT Is Charged With Murder After Man’s Body Is Discovered in Ohio
Fermin Garcia-Gutierrez, 46, has been arrested for shooting and killing another man in Hamilton on Monday.

Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones said Garcia-Gutierrez has arrests dating back to 2001 and has allegedly used at least seven different names and three different birthdates.

Before he was charged with the murder, police had arrested Garcia-Gutierrez for carrying a concealed weapon, having a weapon while intoxicated and obstruction, reported WCPO. ‘It just so happens we ran into him and had an encounter with him. Unbeknownst to us he had committed this murder,’ said Hamilton Police Chief Craig Bucheit said.

Now he is facing an aggravated murder charge that could see him sentence to 30-years in prison or get the death penalty. Garcia-Guiterrez is being held without bail at the Butler County jail on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement holder.

Since Biden took office, the total number of southwest land border encounters hit a staggering 7,740,747… (Continue to full article)

NYC Migrant Squatters Prove AGAIN Biden’s Border Policy Is Utterly Broken

Yoessy Pino Castillo

If you need any more evidence of how badly Open Borders Joe has broken US immigration enforcement, consider the posse of illegal-migrant squatters busted in The Bronx on gun and drug charges: Several turned out to be fugitives from ICE.

Border Patrol grabbed up Yoessy Pino Castillo, Yojairo Martinez, Javier Alborno, and Yerbin Lozado-Munoz in Texas between 2022 and 2023; all got cut loose to report later for processing — but instead went on the run and reached New York.

Castillo and Alborno both have lengthy rap sheets for crimes in New York, including shoplifting and weapons possession.

And so the nation faces a humanitarian catastrophe at the southern border, with tiny towns utterly overwhelmed by inflows. Mobs of migrants breaking through fences and bum-rushing border agents — then getting let go by lefty judges…. (Continue to full article)

200,000 Deportation Cases Dismissed

About 200,000 deportation cases have been thrown out by immigration judges, according to a new report published by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse.

TRAC researchers evaluated data from January 2021 to February 2024 and found that 200,000 asylum or other immigration cases were dismissed because the Department of Homeland Security didn’t file paperwork with the courts in time for scheduled hearings.

One of the policies implemented by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for which he was impeached relates to changing the detention and removal process. This included mass releasing illegal foreign nationals into the country who were given a Notice to Appear before an immigration court at a future date and location.

In response to its findings, two U.S. House committees launched an investigation… (Continue to full article)

Biden Makes a War Announcement That Americans Can’t Believe Is Real

This is what everyone was worried would happen. War just seems inevitable.

And now Americans can’t believe that this Biden admin war announcement is actually happening.

For more than two years now, the war between Russia and Ukraine has been raging on with seemingly no end in sight. The Democrats have been promising Americans for two years that all that has to happen is give Ukraine more money and more military support in their defensive effort against Russia. The war will surely be over soon, they say.

Surveys suggest that the majority of Americans are tired of their taxpayer dollars being counted on as an infinite resource to be sent over to Ukraine when there’s plenty of Americans who need help in the homeland. Continue reading

Benson: If You Want Truth, Government Is the LAST Place to Get It

OH – how RARE – NOT!

Has anyone noticed lately how often someone in a government position has been shown to be lying to us? With the Biden/Obama regime the amount of political BS has proliferated astronomically. Just about anyone from this regime that gets a ten second spot on the news, from Biden’s press secretary to the man “who does more work in an hour than most people do all day” himself has been caught in egregious falsehoods, to the point where they don’t even try to convince you they are telling the truth anymore. They just spin their horrendous political windys and almost dare anyone to contradict them. Continue reading

“Education” In Oregon Schools

Oregon students don’t need to prove mastery of reading, writing or math to graduate, citing harm to students of color


Oregon high school students won’t have to prove basic mastery of reading, writing or math to graduate from high school until at least 2029, the state Board of Education decided unanimously on Thursday, extending the pause on the controversial graduation requirement that began in 2020.

The vote went against the desires of dozens of Oregonians who submitted public comments insisting the standards should be reinstated, including former Republican gubernatorial candidate Christine Drazan. Backlash against the lowered standard had already delayed the vote, originally slated to take place in September (of 2023). Continue reading

Inspired Idiots: Guess Which 1920s Technology Congress is Mandating?

Monkey’s – It is what they have become!

This is hilarious. Rather than tackle the actual problems plaguing the country, Congress wants to ensure we’re all still using a century-old technology. James is right, it’s hard to think that these people are capable of turning things around. But there are solutions that each of us can rely on to reduce the consequences of their debt, inflation, and more.]

Did you hear about the newest vehicle safety feature that Congress wants to mandate?

It’s not some AI sensor system, or even a newfangled airbag…. Nope! Continue reading

Benson: Biden’s Replacement Theology

The website noted, back in March of 2023, that: “In President Biden’s first two years, the administration requested and received significant funding to further its open borders agenda. The Biden administration (used) hundreds of billions of federal dollars to shift federal agencies and personnel further away from enforcing the nation’s immigration laws and toward processing and accommodating millions more illegal aliens. This policy agenda defies federal law and abuses American taxpayer dollars and Congress should act to halt it.”

But it won’t!

Continue reading

Dickens: They’re Transplants?

“They come here to live and bring their baggage with them, transforming their new home into the place they just left.”

                      The Amalgamated Heavy

April 4, 2024 ~ I’m genuinely amazed by the source of my inspiration. Sometimes, it is a book or story, and often, it is a simple word that triggers my creative thoughts, so it is with this commentary.

My wife and I began watching the TV series Yellowstone again. We enjoyed it the first time, but I wanted to watch it again from a different perspective. It had been a couple of years since our previous encounter with the series, and I have a deeper understanding of the use of color and music in films, especially in advertising. But art and color are more overt in advertising – they’re more in your face because they only have a short time to hook, coerce, and program you.

Film is a different medium because they have more time to develop the story and the supporting programming elements. They can take you on an expedition of indoctrination using color, location, and music to enhance the message. Continue reading

Whitehead – We Failed the Freedom Test

“The remedy is worse than the disease. ~ Francis Bacon

…das ist Auschwitz!

The government never cedes power willingly.

Neither should we.

If the Covid-19 debacle taught us one thing it is that, as Justice Neil Gorsuch acknowledged, “Rule by indefinite emergency edict risks leaving all of us with a shell of a democracy and civil liberties just as hollow.”

Unfortunately, we still haven’t learned. Continue reading

Terry: I’ve Been Diagnosed as Delusional!

I went to see my Doctor at the Hershey Medical Center. I proceeded to explain to him that there was no law requiring most people to pay Federal Income Taxes. Dr. Richard Levine got all upset and called the Emergency Room. He then asked me to go to the emergency room and talk to a psychiatrist. Dr. Levine said to me that he did not know if the Psychiatrist would Hospitalize me or not for stating that there was no law requiring most people to pay Income Taxes. He said that a few days in the Hospital might do me some good. I did not go to the Emergency Room I went home because I did not want to go to the Psychiatric Ward. When I returned to Dr. Levine’s office for a follow-up appointment, I told him that I did not go to the Emergency Room. Dr. Levine called my boyfriend into his office with us and told my boyfriend that I was having Delusional thoughts.

He then proceeded to ask me if I still thought that there was no law requiring most people to pay Income taxes. Continue reading

Wark: What’s so good about Good Friday?

                                      The Crucifixion by Gustave Doré

It’s Good Friday and I want to do something I’ve never done before. I want to talk about it.

Today we recognize that 2024 years ago Jesus Christ died on a cross.

But the significance of Jesus’ death doesn’t make sense until you understand Passover.

The story of Passover is found in Exodus chapter 12. The Israelites, who were slaves in Egypt, were instructed by God through Moses to sacrifice a spotless 1-year-old male lamb and put the blood of the lamb around their door frames.

That night, the Lord killed every firstborn child and every firstborn animal in Egypt, but the Lord passed over the houses with the blood of the lamb on the door. Continue reading