I’m about the same as always – mad at the world and shaking my fist at the sky!
~ Introduction ~
Quite often Americans hear that the U.S. has a “melting-pot” environment that encourages the assimilation of Muslims. However, more often the facts show an entirely different situation. New immigrants and second generation Muslims are becoming more isolated, largely due to the multi-culturalist policies and agendas put in place by the Marxist-Maoists of the Obama administration that continued through Trump’s term and into the Biden regime. An increasing number of young Muslims are attending Islamic schools and lectures sponsored by mosques with a “radical” fundamental Islamic agenda, or U.S. universities with radical professors who actually encourage Islamic anti-American activities and terrorism against America.
There exists an entire group of people in all echelons of our government, from the local and state to the federal, some citizens and some not, who have been educated and lived much of their lives abroad. From the “president” on down, many of these people have little connection and even less love for the traditional American culture and principles upon which the U.S. was founded. These collaborators and traitors continue to tolerate the abuses and acts of terrorism those sons of Mohammed commit. And due to their own cowardice or complicity, they still to this day cannot seem to name the enemy. The enemy is Islam and the Sharia doctrine that accompanies it.
Many people seem to hate the Jews today, often for reasons that are found in misunderstandings of history and the acceptance of fallacious or totally erroneous reports. Much like the Muslims, the Jews like to stick to themselves and create Jewish neighborhoods and compounds somewhat isolated to themselves, but I have yet to see Jews rioting in the streets and committing acts of terror in America, no matter what else they may have done or stand accused of doing.
I hope many will see much of the common sense stuff herein and at least think on ways to stop Islam from being such a disruptive force in America, even if they believe they have good reason to hate the Jews of Israel too. Whatever has brought about their anti-Israel, anti-Jew sentiments, they need to understand that Islam is the greater enemy to all mankind. It has been so since the seventh century. ~ J.O.S.
Is the End Near for America?
America is devolving from the greatest nation on earth into a third world cesspool comprised of the worst elements of many foreign nations, where their inhabitants have little or no love for America and yet still strive to enter only to reap the benefits while remaining apart from the ideas and traditions that built Her. And most of this has come to be as a direct result of the 1965 Immigration Act, signed on October 3rd before an entirely white audience on Liberty Island, with Ellis Island in the background, after extensive promises that it wouldn’t alter America’s demographic, political or cultural sectors.
And yet, it has since proven to be a revolutionary bill that has gutted our immigration quota system, by blocking the efforts of most Europeans to immigrate to America, a contrived ploy by “progressive Democrats” of the day, such as Senator Ted Kennedy, who claimed our system was “discriminatory”, and it has currently paved the way for millions of Muslims to live here, so they may implement scores of terrorist attacks on our soil, since September 11th 2001, from New York to California, Florida, Boston and on to Tennessee, and riot and protest U.S. policies in support of Israel across the land and chant “Death to America“.
Islam is not a meek, loving, beautiful and merciful ideology or religion as the many collaborationists and traitors to America depict it to be. Islam is more dangerous and repressive than Stalin’s communism or Hitler’s National Socialism, and the Koran is the ‘Mein Kampf‘ of a “religion” that seeks to destroy all others, as so ably noted by the late, great Oriana Fallaci [died 2006 – may God rest her beautiful soul].
RELATED: Hamas Defector Slams Pro-Palestine Activists, Says ‘Hamas Would Torture Them and Massacre Them With No Mercy’
Islam hears the word “democracy” and does not readily see a constitutional representative democracy or a republic, as we have in the U.S. Islam views democratic governance in the context of majority mob rule, because this works to its benefit in order to establish the theocracy it demands on a world-wide scale, which is why one always hears the likes of Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) – mouthpieces for the “palestinians” of Gaza – always screaming “our democracy”. Islam represents an evil, incarnate, totalitarian ideology that excludes free thought and choice for individuals.
It was enough to make a freedom loving American’s head explode to see and hear thousands of Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan chanting “Death to America” on April 7th 2024, while they waved “palestinian” flags at the urging of Islamic activist, Tarek Bazzi, who later stated that “the entire system has to go” adding a quote from Malcolm X, that “[the U.S. is] one of the rottennest countries that has ever existed on this Earth”, as seen at Fox News. This was happened on the last day of the Islamic holy day of Ramadan and the day Iranian leadership marked to be celebrated as International Al Quds Day by Ayatollah Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini over twenty years ago, and it was in response to the Biden regime’s support of Israel, however tenuous that support may be.
I have been ringing the clarion bell warning on the existential threat of Islam for decades now — since 1979 — and it is only in the last few recent years, even after the horrors of September 11th 2001, that Americans still seem barely able to fully understand the methodology and machinations within Islam and its Sharia law doctrine and all that is demanded of its adherents and all non-Muslims they engage. Over this time period, I strongly advocated for a halt to all Muslim immigration to the U.S., still seeing it as a necessary thing today. But, under the current state of our national political arena, with all the Muslims, their sympathizers and traitors to America in the Democrat Party, no one should look for this to happen anytime soon, unless Conservative candidates of honor and integrity manage to take a majority in both houses of Congress this year. Maybe then we will see Muslim immigration brought to a screeching halt, as well as the expulsion of all non-U.S. citizen Muslims and Muslims holding only green cards; from such a day as this, no Muslim should ever again be granted U.S. citizenship.
Yes. Rotten America, so rotten that She allowed millions of Muslims to enter Her domain, who have never fully assimilated or given their full allegiance and loyalty to America. They remain Muslim first and American second, loyal to the worldwide Ummah [Islamic community]. They are here to grow their ranks and eventually make Islam reign supreme over America, erasing and eradication our own traditional virtues and principles – using our freedoms and liberties against us to subvert and conquer us.
This is what Islam has done across the ages. It infiltrates and conquers through political Islam, unless it has the strength at any given point to conquer a nation by force.
Over ten million Muslims lived in America in 2011, and as our borders became increasingly porous through both illegal and legal immigration under the Obama administration and now stand wide open under the Biden regime, it can be expected that this number is exponentially higher, especially with the known influx of Somalian and Senegal Muslims, along with hundreds of Muslims with known terrorist ties paroled into the country. In 1970, there was only 100,000 Muslims in America, supposedly, but if the current trajectory holds true, we will see 50 million Muslims spread across the country by 2035.

The Darkness at the Crucifixion (Gustave Doré)
Behind our culture is Homer, Socrates, Plato, Archimedes and Aristotle. There is Jesus who died on the cross so that we would learn love and justice. What has Islam given the world besides murder, conquest and the destruction of knowledge and any movement towards renaissance? Islam is the enemy of critical thinking and reason.
However one views the sovereign Jewish state of Israel, the historical record proves without a doubt that it has an absolute right to exist, no matter how long it lived under Roman and Muslim occupation, since the Jews never abandoned the land in totality and never relinquished their righteous claim to the land, They were there thousands of years before Mohammed dreamed up his “religion” of Islam, which was more of a cult of people who joined together and claimed a right to fall on all those outside the cult, to murder, rape and steal all within their sight, all they could take by might, in the name of their false “prophet”, Mohammed, a figment of Mohammed’s drug-filled delusions.
One must note that the Arab Muslim “palestinian” never was a serious age-old or even century old identity. The word “palestini” was used by Roman conquerors when speaking of the people of the region, with the intention of obliterating its Jewish identity, after the Jewish revolt of Bar-Kokhba in 135 AD, but as late as the 4th century, Epiphanus, a Christian author was writing about the Jewish land of Judea. The term “palestinian” was introduced as a tool after the 1967 Six day War, and as Rosemary Sayigh wrote in the ‘Journal of Palestine Studies’, “a strongly defined Palestinian identity did not emerge until 1968, two decades after the expulsion”, two decades after Israel rightfully declared itself a free, independent and sovereign nation.
There has never been a “palestinian” language, culture, political system or government in all history. In the thirteen centuries from the Islamic conquest to 1948 and Israel’s independence, in the realm of thought, science or in letters, “palestine” made no contribution to modern civilization, according to the British Palestine Royal Commission Report. Hamas and the descendents of the so-called “palestinians” are ethnic Arab Muslims.
Most of the Arab Muslims that attacked Israel in 1948 were from the surrounding Islamic nations, along with those inside the Israeli homeland area, who joined in the fight. Upon the emergence of the Sovereign Jewish State of Israel in 1948, there were no more than 430,00 genuine Arab refugees, although the UN asserted 500,000 officially. In turn, it was found that 750,000 Jews were dispossessed and forcibly expelled from the Islamic nations where they had been living, during this same period.
President Truman’s International Development Advisory Board [March 7th 1951] and the Arab sponsored Institute for Palestine Studies in Beirut agreed that sixty-eight percent of Arab Muslim refugees left in 1948 at the urging of Arab leaders and Islamic imams, rather than any expulsion by the Israeli military. As some Arab leaders demanded the “return of the expelled” refugees, Emile Ghoury, Secretary of the Arab Higher Command, told the ‘Beirut Telegraph’ on August 6th 1948:
“It is inconceivable that the refugees should be sent back to their homes while they are occupied by Jews … It would serve as a first step toward Arab recognition of the state of Israel and partition”.
From Khaled Al-Azym’s 1972 memoirs [Syrian Prime Minister, 1948]:
“Since 1948 it is we who demanded the return of refugees … while it is we who made them leave … We brought disaster upon … Arab refugees by … bringing pressure upon them to leave … We have rendered them dispossessed … Then we exploited them in executing crimes of murder, arson and throwing bombs upon … men, women and children — all this in the service of political purpose”.
And this same “political purpose” has continued to this day, with Hamas seeking and receiving military armaments and a steady flow of rifles, rockets, grenade launchers and missiles and supplies from Iran, while also using USAID and other funds from NGOs to build tunnels and military installations throughout Gaza, to the great detriment of those who live there and continue to throw their full support to Hamas, so stoked with anti-Jewish hate as they are.
The more things change the more they remain the same; and just as the Islamic nations didn’t want to solve the problem way back in the 1940s and 1950s, they still want to keep the Gaza situation as an open sore and a weapon against Israel. Essentially, when one gets right down to the brass tacks of the issue, the leaders of the Islamic world do not give a damn whether or not Hamas and the “palestinians” live or die.
In looking at Gaza today and the bloody, murderous attack on Israel that killed over 1500 Jewish men, women, and children – many of which were mere babies – and Israel’s fast, hard violent counterattack that has decimated much of Gaza today, the words Albert Memmi, a Tunisian born writer, delivered in response to a Libyan official’s invitation for Libyan Jews to return to Libya, reveals what Israel has faced for centuries. This in essence is why the Israeli Defense Forces and Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu are so reluctant to halt their attack on the Hamas brigades still standing, even tho’ they are currently withdrawing due to pressure placed on them by Joe Biden, who has been wrong on every major issue during the last fifty years.
After the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Memmi asked a couple of questions and stated:
“Is it true that you have said that the Jews have always lived at peace in Arab countries? And that you have nothing against Jews, only Zionists? … The erro which may have been made at Deir Yassine (Palestinian Jewish Irgun and Stern troops inadvertently killed 250 Arab civilians in 1948) is constantly thrown in our faces. Ah, but we have undergone a hundred Deir Yassines, a thousand Deir Yassines~ And not only in Russia, Germany or Poland, but also at the hand of the Arab people; yet the world has never been upset over it! … if you really wanted to avoid having us come together on this particular bit of land … Israel … then why did you hound us and expel us from the regions over which your power extends?”
Isn’t this what the world is seeing even today? Hasn’t Israel done everything humanly possible to make numerous peace treaties with the “palestinians” only to have the “peace” used as cover ’til the next vicious and bloody attack? Even now, Hamas continues to openly state that given the opportunity, they will commit October 7th-style attacks over and over again until Israel is no more, until every Jew is subjugated or murdered where they stand and Israel is absorbed and once more conquered by Muslims to be an Islamic nation, “from the river to the sea“.
America has had a strong and committed bond with Israel from its beginning, and much of that comes from Christianity’s historical ties to Judaism. Jesus was born a Jew, and most of the first people who embraced his teachings and the New Covenant he espoused were Jews, along with many gentiles of Jerusalem, Israel, and its surrounding areas. And these ties have grown stronger since 1948, by way of numerous treaties and agreements regarding mutual defense, trade and a litany of other interests commonly shared by civilized people, who seek to live in peace with everyone, given the chance, unlike the Islamic countries of the Middle East.
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Many in America are currently questioning our longstanding relationship and alliance with Israel, as they push Joe Biden and his regime to abandon Israel to her enemies. It isn’t any coincidence that this coincides with the large growth of anti-American and anti-Israeli foaming-at-the-mouth, rabid Muslims in the U.S. who would love nothing better to see these two allies split in a way that would actually serve to weaken them both, while emboldening, strengthening and enabling their shared enemies, especially Iran and Russia.
There exist many sound reasons for standing strong alongside Israel at this juncture in time, that are too elaborate to fully address in this piece. It is an entirely different topic all to its own.
The U.S. may not wish to antagonize Islamic nations, but any “friendship” with any Islamic nation cannot hinge on our willingness to abandon Israel or any further appeasement of Islamic nations, that have a historically bad habit of using peace treaties as rearming, strategizing periods for the next war against the West and Israel. Even Trump’s Abram Accords should give no one any real comfort or peace of mind, especially given recent events that have seen Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran form closer ties with Russia, while Qatar, supposedly “a U.S. major non-NATO ally”, harbors the top leaders of Hamas.

The Fool…
However, now that the U.S. is guided by a fool or whoever is pulling the strings behind the curtain, Israel may find it necessary to be reticent to willingly accede to any demands, such as withdrawing from Gaza and making “peace”. No peace would stand for long, and it would serve only to further compromise Israel’s security, and Israel will foolishly compromise her sovereignty, if the IDF doesn’t get promptly back to the battlefield and kill every last man of the remaining five Hamas battalions in Rafah.
Are innocents being killed? Yes. It happens in each and every war. Ask about the Allied firebombing of Dresden during WWII. At the time, it was seen as a necessary evil to stop a greater evil that threatened the entire world.
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But there’s no genocide going on in Gaza. If Hamas were to stop fighting today and agree to have Gaza demilitarized, they and their precious “palestinians” could live out their days peacefully to thrive and flourish generation after generation, unlike the Jews who were peaceful from the start but still targeted and made the scape-goat for Germany’s troubles by Hitler’s Nazis, enduring a real genocide as six million of them were gas, shot or murdered in a variety of hideously evil ways by the psychopaths of Germany. It’s worth noting that 24,000 Bosnian Muslims helped the Nazis carry out the genocide at the behest of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.

They’re HERE!
Let’s not forget, on October 7th 2023, it was Hamas who attacked Israel, which was simply minding its own business and leaving Gaza to its own devices, since 2005, and now they are paying the price. Israel is right to annex Gaza, if they ultimately do so, and deport all “palestinians” to any other nation stupid enough to take them. This creates both redress and the restoration of Israel’s national security in no small way.
And let’s not forget that those supporters of Hamas jihadist terrorists in New York and elsewhere across America are brethren sworn by blood and their bonds sworn on the name of Allah, Mohammed, the Koran and the Hadith, which makes them every bit as dangerous to U.S. security as Hamas is to Israel’s security. They all hold tight to the Koranic verse [Sahih al Bukhari 4:52:220] that reads, “I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror…”
One must wonder how the Council on American Islamic Relations is even allowed to still operate in the U.S., since it is a part of the Hamas terrorist organization and listed by the Palestine Committee as fourth in the organization’s power structure. And yet, CAIR still functions in America, even in spite of the fact that our own government stated in December 2007 in the U.S. vs Sabri Benkhala appeal, that “CAIR conspired with other affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorists”; and in the March 8th 2004 document, ‘Proposed Muslim Platform’, CAIR calls for “supporting Islamic groups including Mr. bin Laden and his associates“.
But then again, perhaps it isn’t such a big mystery once one discovers that President George W. Bush’s administration was rife with Muslim appointees to high offices in the federal government, and President Barack Obama’s administration had even more, such as Arif Alikhan, who had a heavy hand in policy direction at the Department of Homeland Security of all the places, and Daria Mogahed, a pro-Sharia law Muslim who was Obama’s chief advisor.
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And in looking at the notion of “moderate Muslims” who are more peaceful than the rest, Wafa Sultan, a Syrian psychologist who left the Alawite sect of Islam, bluntly asks, “What is this ‘moderate’, this ‘extremist’ Islam? I never heard such a thing in Syria growing up. Islam is Islam.” Ms. Sultan has made the point in numerous writings that “moderates” and “extremists” are purely a western invention, a myth, not unlike the fact that the “palestinian people” are a myth.
Whether or not anyone wants to believe it, along with facing a growing enemy in both China and Russia, America is still in the fight of Her life against Islam, because Islam has never stopped waging the war against Her, that we saw manifest itself in the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1996. Not only does Islam seek our deaths, it wants to strike our souls. Its leaders want to destroy our way of life, our philosophy of life and our entire culture. They demand the death of our freedom and our Western civilization’s concepts of democracy, which made the natural allies of the Democrat Party Marxist-Maoists, until recently with Biden’s initial statements of support for Israel’s war against Hamas.
In 1972, a rival of Yassir Arafat, George Habash, the man responsible for the bloodiest terror attacks in Europe, stated, “… the entire Arab Nation [Islamic Ummah] must go to war against Europe and America.” Habash concluded with, “To advance step by step, millimeter by millimeter, year after year, decade after decade … determined, stubborn, patient. This is our strategy – a strategy that we shall expand throughout the whole planet.” Habash was speaking of more terrorism and massacres; he also meant the cultural war, the demographic war, and a religious war waged by stealing a nation from its citizens.
In America today, whether it is Nashville, TN or Minneapolis, MN and all across our country, there exists a second city, a state within the state, and a government within the government, an Islamic city ruled by the Koran and Sharia law; and, while “no go zones” aren’t quite as prevalent or easily enforced by Muslims in America, such as seen in Eurasia, nevertheless, they still exist here in closed communities like Islamberg, New York, Fargo, North Dakota, Willmar, Minnesota and the Cedar Riverside are of Minneapolis and many other locations.

One of the Men Obama Claims We Were “Repaying Debt To”
Look north to Bowling Green, KY and we find Islamic terrorism in our own backyard; look south to Shelbyville, TN and one sees Somali Muslims, immigrants from a terror sponsoring nation with deep connections to Al Qaeda, who have little respect for our laws or culture. Since 2000 the Muslim population in the U.S. has increased by at least 200%, quite possibly 300% or more, depending on whose stats one uses. The current Islamic invasion of America is nothing more than the revival of Islam’s centuries old expansionism, imperialism and colonialism.
And now they are riling themselves up again and preparing to make America pay a price in more blood through a new spate of Islamic terrorism that will soon be visited upon us.
Just as Hamas has blamed its murder of over 1500 Jews on Israel, so too can we expect to see America’s “palestinian” terrorists blame future attacks on America Herself for having the audacity and the hubris to continue to stand with Israel.
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I suspect that Muslim appeasers, such as Biden and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, the collaborationists and traitors to America would somehow find a way to blame the victims of the slaughter in Constantinople in 1453. The Ottoman troops beheaded everyone in the cathedral, even babies; the massacre continued from dawn until afternoon, and four thousand nuns were raped and butchered in just a few hours. The murder abated only when the Grand Vizier spoke these words to the butchers from the pulpit of St. Sophia: “Rest. Now this temple belongs to Allah.” Not much has changed over the last six hundred years, has it?
Our own memories, once clearly searched, reveal the true nature of Islam. I close my eyes and I see mosques from Cologne and Turin to Miami and Falls Church overflowing with terrorists. I see those sons of Mohammed destroying the Catholic Churches, burning Crucifixes and urinating on the statues of the Madonna, Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ in Beirut in 1982; I see the Bamiyan Valley Buddhas from the Third Century dynamited as the Taliban rejected anything artistic, historic or not of Islam’s making, Finally, I recall the Twin Towers collapsing and the chill that crept down my spine as tears streamed down my cheeks.
To all the men and women capable of using their own ability to reason: Show me just exactly what Mohammed brought that was new and I’ll show you those things were only evil and inhuman; such was his command to spread this Islamic ideology and the so-called “faith” – this so-called “religion of peace” – he delivered by the sword and mayhem, kidnappings and slavery, chaos, rape and murder.
At a time when the gates of our borders are flung wide-open and an assortment of unfriendly nations are dumping their own dissidents and criminals into America by the millions, America cannot bear the added burden and misery that will arrive with an untold number of Muslims who have nothing to do with us and very little in common. In our culture, there isn’t any room for muezzins, the minarets, the humiliating chador or the abasing burqa. And, even should the room exist, I would not relinquish it to them; it would be like erasing our identity and abrogating our accomplishments as a people and society – like spitting on the freedom we have earned and the civilization we have established. It would be like surrendering and giving America away.
As Muslims increasingly press for concessions to Islamic norms in America, seeking to superimpose Sharia law doctrine over Western principles, the U.S. Congress must halt all Islamic immigration [it should actually place a ten year moratorium on all immigration] in a sensible, self-preserving measure for America. And common-sense dictates that the U.S. must also stop the ideological subversion by Saudi Arabia, Iran and the Council on American and Islamic Relations lobby groups that place spies in our military and upper echelons of U.S. government and terror recruiters in our prisons, as they bribe our State Department officials and national security advisors; close your eyes and Anthony Blinken sounds just like a Taliban jihadi terrorist or an Iranian ayatollah.
Americans remember the more than three thousand dead or missing and the countless more lives devastated, as pregnant widows were left behind and two thousand children lost parents on September 11th 2001. Americans recall the images of our Ambassador Chris Stevens dragged through the streets of Benghazi on September 11th 2012.
Most of the current unrest, civil upheaval and uproar against Israel and America, too, is steeped in the Islamic hatred for both Jews and Christians and the Islamic nations’ desire to wipe Israel from the face of the earth. Muslim Arabs cannot and never will accept a Sovereign Jewish State in the middle of a region that they have claimed for Islam and Allah, and since Israel was under the occupation of the Muslim hordes of the Ottoman Empire for so many centuries, today’s Muslims across the globe believe this conquest makes Israel theirs and Allah’s until the end of days.
It is right and proper that America stands with Israel.
I will not tolerate the intolerant, those keffiyeh garbed “palestinians” or Al Qaeda flag waving terrorist wannabes. I will not tolerate the abuse and terrorism these Islamo-Fascists are committing in this America I love so well, as I reject and despise the Islamic culture that exhibits such a contempt for ours. I will not be silenced or intimidated by the politically correct, multi-culturalist, Democrat Party communist apologist for Islam or any son of Mohammed, because I am always going to defend my culture and America first.
My war is legitimate, dutiful and right.
April 9, 2024

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.