Author Archives: The Publisher

About The Publisher

A veteran of Viet Nam, student of history (both American and film), Jeffrey Bennett has been broadcasting for over twenty-eight years as host of Perspectives on America, and later - 'Life, Liberty & All That Jazz.' Jeff is considered the voice of reason on the alternative media - providing a unique and distinctive broadcast style, including topics such as health and wellness, news, political satire - with a twist, education and editorial commentary on current events through the teaching of history. In addition, Jeff publishes The Federal Observer - a daily on-line publication, which co-authored and spear-headed a petition, which ultimately caused new legislation to be signed by President George W. Bush within 450 days of the events that rocked our world on September 11, 2001.

About Those Books…

The left and their media allies are well on their way to establishing “book banning” as a major issue in 2024.

An openly homosexual school board member in Fairfax County, Virginia, was just sworn into office on a stack of sexually explicit books that many leftists insist are being banned.

I’ve seen this done before, so I assume this is some new progressive trend. The left loves theatrics, so here we go. Continue reading

South Park: Not Suitable for Children

They don’t mind ruffling a few feathers, so it’s only fair that South Park’s latest episode is set to embrace a hot topic – OnlyFans.

South Park: Not Suitable for Children, is an episode that makes fun of the reactions surrounding OnlyFans, the adult online subscription service used by many adult content creators.

The episode will highlight the parents’ concern after a certain teacher’s online presence is discovered, which is apparently ‘not suitable for children.’

The official synopsis for the special, steaming on Paramount+, reads: ‘After it’s discovered that a teacher at South Park Elementary has an OnlyFans page, Randy is compelled to take a closer look at the seedy underbelly of the world of on-line influencers.’

The episode is a tongue-in-cheek reference to the stories of teachers living double lives as both educators and OnlyFans creators, and who have been pressured to quit when their profiles were discovered…. (Continue to full article)

December 21, 2023: The Continued INVASION of America… The insanity will not end

US-Mexico Border at Eagle Pass Faces ‘Absolute Collapse’

NO Border Patrol agents are patrolling large areas of border as 14,000 migrants enter city in a single day and agents are reassigned to guard them

In the last week, the number of migrants illegally entering the US through Eagle Pass and then claiming asylum – which legally forces the Border Patrol to give them paperwork allowing them to stay in the US while their asylum case is heard – has been climbing.

But starting Monday, the numbers exploded.

In the last 24 hours, 14,000 migrants rushed the popular migrant crossing spot that is home to just 30,000 Texans.

‘Christmas Day will be WORSE. President Biden has abandoned border communities … (Continue to full article)

Kunstler: In the Game of Strip Poker, Someone Ends Up Naked

Time for Us to wake up. The choice could not be more clear. If you want a Fascist Dictatorship, choose Trump. If you want to preserve American Democracy, choose President Biden.”Hollywood pundit Rob Reiner on X

“Joe Biden” is only the most obviously weak device in the feckless and misbegotten regime installed via the blob’s US color revolution of 2020. This sort of coup d’état, you understand, was well-rehearsed by our combined intel, 4-gen war, and propaganda units over prior decades in fractious foreign places like Kyrgyzstan (2005), Egypt (2011), and Ukraine (2014). So, it was only a matter of time before these geniuses turned their political black magic on the home front, against their own citizens. But wasn’t it ol’ Karl Marx himself who observed that tragic history repeats as farce?

Thus, the farcical pageant, in a land of fake everything, of America’s fake government attempting to rescue itself from the web of lies and subterfuge it so cleverly spun for itself to keep all its sundry rackets going. For instance: the preposterous idea that “Joe Biden” is running for reelection. Does anybody over age seven, even in Beverly Hills, believe this whopper? I doubt it. But the absurd meme is repeated endlessly in the relic newspapers and floundering cable news channels, and for one reason: elite members in the party behind all this mischief – that is, the Democratic Party of Chaos – are desperate to avoid prosecution for things like seditious conspiracy to defraud the electorate, bribery, and treason. Continue reading

Concern About Border Violence Grows Across Southern Arizona

Rancher in Arivaca says she heard gun battle across border

TUCSON, Ariz. – Border security and stability are on the front door of southern Arizona ranchers who are being warned about cartel fighting on the other side.

One rancher described the gunbattle south of Arivaca on Wednesday that ended when the Mexican military showed up.

She said Border Patrol keeps her informed about situations like this and keeps people from running onto her property.

But she is watching for elected officials to come up with a plan to not just protect her but to address the thousands of migrants showing up each day, with some of them asking her for help. Continue reading

We had an unexpected visitor at the door Friday night…

Our neighbor, a little girl age 10, is moving away. She wanted to tell us that she won’t be around anymore to play or sleepover because she is moving two days before Christmas Eve.

While telling us this difficult situation, she broke out in tears because her mom said Christmas will be canceled this year due to the effort and stress of moving. She is also a Christmas Eve baby (her birthday is the 24th) which means zero birthday presents either.

My girlfriend and I just stared at each other in shock. How can a mom do this to her only child? We invited her in to help put up the last Christmas decorations around the house and asked her more about this sad situation.

Due to her mom’s legal issues, she does not have a car or a license to drive. On top of that, her mom can not afford their apartment anymore and that they (mom and our neighborhood little girl) are moving in with their aunt. Continue reading

Garrison: The Biden Family’s Sleight of Hand

Yesterday Hunter Biden put forth a “woe is me, I am the victim” performance at a press conference. He defied the House Republicans’ request for a closed-door deposition. Hunter said he would only answer questions at a public hearing. He refused to comply with a congressional subpoena. Will Hunter be held accountable

When conservatives defy a subpoena they usually get raided by the FBI and led away in handcuffs. Continue reading

Millennial Women in US Are Facing the First ‘Active Decline‘ in Well-Being Since WWII – with Suicides, Debt and Cost of Living All Skyrocketing

For decades, young women have seen steep improvements in their well-being and future prospects – but that appears to be coming to an end

A report by a Washington DC-based think-tank revealed progress for the group has reversed — for the first time since the 1930s.

Researchers at the Population Reference Bureau found the well-being index for millennial women declined to 94 out of 100 for Millennials – a six percent drop from the previous group and the first since the Silent Generation reported a score of 45.

he previous age group – Generation X – reported a well-being score of 100 and Baby Boomers sat at 84.

The report attributed the decline among millennials aged 25 to 34 years old to several factors, including the high maternal mortality rate, which is three times higher than that of their parents — and were the first in the last century to record rising suicide rates.

The report defined millennial women as those born between 1981 and 1999 — and it specifically looked at those who are now between 25 to 34 years old. Continue reading

Seattle High Schooler FAILS Quiz Where He Marked Only Women Can Get Pregnant and That All Men Have Penises

A Seattle high school with a recent history of activism is facing outrage from a parent after her 10th grader was marked wrong for saying only men have penises and only women get pregnant.

The parent and her student, who remained anonymous out of fear of backlash, said the answers were given on a true-false test in an Ethic Studies World History class at Chief Sealth International High School.

The student put that it is ‘true’ that only men have penises and only women can get pregnant on his ‘Understanding Gender vs. Sex’ quiz.

His mother claims the student failed the portion of the quiz as a result of his answers, which led her to speak out.

‘I keep trying to wrap my head around how it is legal to teach inaccurate information and force students to answer against their beliefs or receive negative scores,’ she said. Continue reading

The Mexican Maid…

The Mexican maid asked for a pay increase…

The wife was very upset about this, and decided to talk to her about the raise. She asked: “Now Maria, why do you want a pay increase?”

Maria:Well, Señora, there are tree reasons why I wanna increaze. The first eez that I iron better than jou.

Wife: “Who said you iron better than me?”

Maria:Jor hozban he say so.Continue reading

Voters Admit to Mail Ballot Fraud in 2020 Election

The way to secure our elections is simple: Voting should be in person with photo ID on Election Day

One-in-Five Mail-In Voters Admit They Cheated in 2020 Election.” That’s the five-alarm headline for a new survey by Rasmussen Reports and The Heartland Institute.

According to another Rasmussen/Heartland poll, nearly one in five Democrats also want Donald Trump to be imprisoned for life, permanently exiled, or executed if convicted for his claims of election fraud. Executed? Sheesh.

Do you know what the difference is here? Trump failed in his legal and sometimes cockamamie attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The voters who committed fraud succeeded.
Continue reading

Americans Must Choose Between Civilization — or Its Destroyers

The old politics of right versus left have now given way to a new existential struggle.

Nihilism is the religion of the Left. Anarchy is now at the core of the new Democratic Party.

If the Left wished radically to alter the demography of the U.S., it could have expanded legal immigration through legislation or the courts.

Instead, it simply erased the border and dynamited federal immigration law.

By fiat, nihilists ended the wall, and stopped detaining and deporting illegal aliens altogether. Continue reading

The Numbers Game: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Socialists

The sniper news/gun-grab talk continues. What’s new?

October 19, 2002 ~ The opinions and commentary are still coming in from every corner of our debauched society, and while The Federal Observer continues it’s coverage of the debate from both sides of the aisle – we find that other stories of importance are being ignored – and depending on the length of this column – we may be choose to ignore them as well.

But first – to the topic of gun-control: A column (once published on the now-defunct) Armed Females of America web-site was indicative of just how hot the subjects of gun-ownership, safety of our families and the “…right to keep and bear arms…” has become once again. Continue reading

Abolishing Freedom Under the Guise of ‘Woke’ Hollywood

I recently wrote about one of my favorite movies – “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”­ – noting that its message seems more relevant to our times than when it was first released. After penning that article, I pulled the movie out for a re-watch and found that yes, “Mr. Smith” rings even more true for our time than I remembered.

When the movie was over, one of my family members gave a little laugh and asked, “Can you imagine Hollywood doing a remake of that movie?

That rhetorical question underscored the idea that anything Hollywood touches these days turns into some type of “woke” monstrosity, well diversified and obscuring the original meaning of the story. Yet perhaps this was the plan all along: to confuse and control our minds to such an extent that even our entertainment sends subliminal messaging about the political course of our daily lives.

Taki Theodoracopulos examines this idea in the November issue of Chronicles Magazine, traveling down woke Hollywood lane, imagining what some of these classic movies would look like if remade today. It isn’t pretty. Continue reading