Two-Tier Justice and False Results of Elections

The Supreme Court of the U.S. just dismissed a State of Texas lawsuit that contested validity of the 2020 election results in four battleground states. The said dismissal was not based on facts, evidence, and valid judicial reasoning but on procedural technicalities. The plaintiffs, according the the Supreme Court, did not show that they had a “standing” and that they actually suffered damages as a result of various violations of the Constitution. Continue reading

To Kill A Free Nation, Take Over Public Education

“We begin with the child when he is three years old. As soon as he begins to think, he gets a little flag put into his hand. Then he follows the school, the Hitler Youth, the SA [SA= German Assault Division] and military training. We don’t let him go. And then when adolescence is passed, then comes the Arbeitsfront, [labor party] which takes him again and does not let him go until he dies, whether he likes it or not.” ~ Robert Ley, Nazi labour chief, 1938

In an article we penned a few years back entitled, “Our Little Black Box Theory”, we wrote: “The fact is, a freshly born human being is nothing more than a giant sponge that absorbs everything that it hears, sees, smells, tastes, or touches in its immediate environment and all that it absorbs is, for the most part, locked into its “Little Black Box” for the rest of its life. [including everything it learns and remembers from school] The person is a slave to it, but is not aware that they are a slave, because it defines who they are. They can be nothing else.

Essentially, it is very easy for a parent, a special interest group, or a government to literally manufacture any type of human being they want. The Chinese Communist Party has taken this one step further by manipulating the DNA molecule to create so-called “super” human beings, or in their case “super” soldiers. Babies and elementary and adolescent humans are soft and malleable and can be molded to possess certain characteristics containing the pre-determined attributes of its teachers, just like Hitler did.

Essentially, it is very easy for a parent, a special interest group, or a government to literally manufacture any type of human being they want. The Chinese Communist Party has taken this one step further by manipulating the DNA molecule to create so-called “super” human beings, or in their case “super” soldiers. Babies and elementary and adolescent humans are soft and malleable and can be molded to possess certain characteristics containing the pre-determined attributes of its teachers, just like Hitler did.

The forces that are influencing our public schools are global. Just the other day we received an e-mail from “Discovery Education”, a global entity that provides alleged educational curriculum in digital format to school systems all over the world. What do their curriculums contain? Who writes their curriculums? They don’t say and we could find no sources that would tell us. Nevertheless, “Discovery Education” has a huge presence in America’s public education. Have you heard of them?

We had never heard of “Discovery Education” before and decided to investigate further. No matter where we looked, we could not find the people or the money sources behind “Discovery Education.” The e-mail we received from them was celebrating Human Rights Day. The e-mail was laced with social justice and equity, both socialist-globalist terms. The e-mail also had a section on “unlocking the power of testimony to counter hate,” a program created by the USC Shoah Foundation centered around testimony from the Holocaust.

“Discovery Education” even has videos on “Social and Emotional Skills.” One such video allegedly “equips students with the skills necessary to reduce stress and create ‘Sustainable Happiness’ by providing curriculum and standards-aligned resources.” Ever heard of the word “sustainable” before? Of course you have. It is right out of United Nations Agenda 21. Liberals love this word.

We did learn that that “Discovery Education” just purchased “Mystery Science” for $140,000,000. Where did “Discovery Education” get $140,000,000? George Soros maybe? “Mystery Science” provides digital and video science information for K-5 children. Are the videos they provide totally science objective, or do they inject social biases into the information? Is Climate Change included in their videos? Of course it is. “Mystery Science” is also heavily represented in America’s public education system and provides science information to highly vulnerable elementary school children, a very good place to cement information, true or not, in their “Little Black Boxes.”

This doesn’t even include the socialist textbooks you will find in almost every classroom. That is a whole other subject in itself.

But then along came Common Core State Standards (CCSS). We received a math teaching document about CCSS a while back and what we read made the hairs on the back of our neck stand up.

Here are some excerpts from the document:

“All students are entitled to quality instruction within an equitable learning environment, designed to meet their specific learning needs.”

What stood out from this sentence was “….. an equitable learning environment”. We wondered, “what does that mean?” Reading further it became clear what it meant and it had nothing to do with math.

The document explained further:

“Promoting and supporting equitable practices for students is a complex process and is best supported when your collaborative team examines several factors. The National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics’ (2008) position statement on equity recommends that mathematics educators:” [NOTE: Only educated idiot psychologists and sociologists can make something a complex process]

• “Respond to equity as a meaningful process to address social justice issues of race, language, gender, and class bias.” [and they call this math!]

• “Embrace a mindset shift from a student deficit perspective of equity to a focus on creating opportunities for equal access to meaningful mathematics.” [what does “equity” have to do with math?]

• “Recognize underachievement not as a result of group membership but more likely a symptom of varying beliefs, opportunities and experiences to learn mathematics.” [more gibberish]

This so-called mathematics-teaching document finished with:

“Recognizing and responding to these important facets of equity will promote the rich conversations needed in your collaborative team to promote high-quality instruction and equitable classrooms. Use our discussion questions in your collaborative team to facilitate the conversation.”

So then we decided to look into the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM). We started with their mission statement, which reads:

“NCSM envisions a professional and diverse learning community of educational leaders that ensures every student in every classroom has access to effective mathematics teachers, relevant curricula, culturally responsive pedagogy, and current technology.”

One of the items contained in the mission statement was the continuing liberal theme of “equity”.

“Motivate mathematics leaders to maintain a life-long commitment to provide EQUITY and access for all learners.”

We had to look up “pedagogy” as it was a totally unfamiliar term. Pedagogy simply means the art, science, or profession of teaching. Digging a little further we found a description of modern pedagogy:

“Modern pedagogy has been strongly influenced by the cognitivism of Piaget, 1926, 1936/1975; the social-interactionist theories of Bruner, 1960, 1966, 1971, 1986; and the social and cultural theories of Vygotsky, 1962. These theorists have laid a foundation for pedagogy where sequential development of individual mental processes, such as recognize, recall, analyze, reflect, apply, create, understand, and evaluate, are scaffolded. Students learn as they internalize the procedures, organization, and structures encountered in social contexts as their own schema.” [brainwashing]

The words that caught our eye in the above Karl Marx-inspired mission statement and the definition of modern “pedagogy” are “social interactionist theories“, “social and cultural theories” , “social contexts” and “equity.” The words “social” and “equity” are recurrent themes in everything we read about Common Core State Standards. These words come right out of United Nations policies, parroted by liberals and you won’t find them in the U. S. Constitution.

Ladies and gentlemen, this Common Core Mathematics document for 3rd to 5th grades is not a teaching mathematics document. It is, without a doubt, a “social” and “equity” document. The emphasis is not on teaching mathematics, it is about teaching within an acceptable “social” and “equitable” environment. Who thinks up this gobbledygook?

Hidden deep within all this “mush” is covert pandering to Blacks, Latinos and the LGBTQ community who evidently have trouble keeping up, or don’t fit in well due to significant cultural differences. This “social-equity” plan is to bring everyone down to the lowest common denominator, lowering overall achievement standards. Could this be why American education ranks fourteenth out of forty countries?

It is obvious to an objective reader that public education has become socialist indoctrination, not what we used to know as reading, writing and arithmetic. If you are wondering why the kids of today lean heavily in a socialist direction, one never needs to go any farther than what they are learning in our public education system. It is no wonder that so many parents are choosing private schools for their children these days, if they can afford it.


If you are wondering why almost the entire 4th estate (journalism) has succumbed to this socialist mantra and will do everything in its power to stifle any other ideology, they are products of public school and college socialist indoctrination. If you wonder how the Deep State got started, most government employees are graduates of our liberal colleges where greater and deeper socialist indoctrination takes place.

Older Americans over 70 know what is happening because they have a perspective that spans the major socialist shift in public education. One fairly astute old timer responded to one of our articles with this:

“I am an 80-year old farmer. I have a B.A. degree in History. I have been watching for many years America’s decline into Socialism but never dreamed in just one fraudulent election that America would be taken over by Communist style Socialists.”

“Shortly after the election and the immediate coronation by the national media of Joe Biden, I wrote a letter to my children and grandchildren that the ‘Bolsheviks will be coming for your land, your savings, your Constitution, and your Bill of Rights.’ The letter was answered with gratuitous responses that were intended to assure me that everything would be just fine because their Universities, NBC, and CBS told them so.” [The result of public education socialist indoctrination]

“The average American citizen has no idea what plans are in store for them. They have given up their constitutional consent and sovereignty for the false narrative of collective egalitarianism. Your article was greatly appreciated but I’m afraid the American individual who values freedom is a relic of the past. Our forefathers would never put up with what’s going on today in the streets, the courts, or in the halls of Congress.”

“Many argue that an election was stolen but I submit that in doing so the left has stolen our Republic. The only true America is the America in my memory as a young man. Alexis de Tocqueville warned us, ‘The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money’” Thomas Sowell has written that if Biden/Harris are elected America will have crossed a line of no return.” [Sowell could very well be right]

“My only regret is that I am now too old to do anything about it.”

Millions of American old timers feel just like this one does but they are too old to get involved, or unable to articulate their concerns in one form or another. It is up to the young ones to save liberty, but the young ones have been brainwashed in a public education system that was pre-programmed to kill a free nation in just a few generations ….. by socialist Democrats.

If there is an answer to this national dilemma, it may be contained in the truly American story of Athens, TN. The fraudulent election of 2020 is reminiscent of what occurred in Athens, TN on August 1st, 1946.


December 12, 2020

© 2021 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

~ The Author ~
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property issues and author of his weekly column, “In Defense of Rural America“, is the President of the The National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State and dedicated to restoring, maintaining and defending property rights for urban and rural landowners. Mr. Ewart can be reached for comment at

Mr. Ewart has been a continuing contributor to the Kettle Moraine family of publications since May of 2007.

joo wan thee Eengleesh traanslation???

In Uruguay, there are many ignorant people wandering around wearing masks, so my friend created a t-shirt design which speaks and says all there needs to be said – about ignorant people.

He also has a small mailing list of people I’ve encountered to whom I send articles on the COVID fraud and the vaccine translated into Spanish. Just doing what little he can to raise awareness.

So… joo wan thee Eengleesh traanslation??? Continue reading

The Good, the Bad and the UGLY: The SCAM continues…

 … and yet ~ The Doctor Shall provide!

Is this the answer to needle phobia? Patients feel less pain when they SMILE during an injection, research suggests
New research suggests people smiling could make injections less painful. It comes as the new Covid jab is due to be rolled out. Smilers reported 40 per cent less pain than people pulling other expressions… (Continue to full article)

Head of U.S. vaccine program predicts the FDA panel WILL grant emergency approval to COVID-19 vaccine when it meets Thursday
Vaccine program head Moncef Slaoui is predicting FDA approval Thursday for the first U.S. coronavirus vaccine – but officials warn Christmas behavior could spread infections… (Continue to full article)

Dr. Shallenberger on the New Vaccines…

Continue reading

Hahn: Unmasking the Truth – a 3 Part Series

Unmasking the Truth: Part 1 ~ Do Masks Help?

I bring my car to a halt at the checkpoint. An obese young woman wearing a mask recites the obligatory incantation:

“Are you currently experiencing or have you experienced any of the following flu-like symptoms not attributable to another condition in the past fourteen days: fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, chills, head or muscle aches, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, or other unexplained flu-like symptoms?” Continue reading

Nothing Left to Lose… but Freedom!

The Marxists of America lucked into a single stroke of brilliance, by presenting an “enemy” in the guise of a microscopic virus so contagious that it invades every nook, cranny and aspect of our people’s lives, reducing the lesser men among us to the cowards they’ve always secretly been, emasculating them to the point they fear a simple manly handshake more than the thought of living under a communist regime.

We see people peering at one another as though they are viewing walking contagion factories. And in the meantime, the powers-that-be, the technocrats and their Marxist overlords, have set the narrative in motion, that this will always be with us. The virus supposedly will morph on a continuous basis, deadlier with each change and requiring stronger government action each time, as more lockdowns are ordered each time, ensuring a new population of totally dependent Americans, afraid to make a next move without a Commissar Fauci’s say so, while freedom and liberty are dealt one death blow after another, and our national sovereignty is subverted to the cause of globalism and a one world order that will be presented as mankind’s new savior. Continue reading

Orwell’s 1984 in 2020 ~ and beyond…

In this video we explore why Orwell believed totalitarianism was a great risk in the modern West, contrasting his ideas with those of Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World.

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Not that I am worried, but…

What follows includes a brief email which i sent to Justin Smith early this morning and his subsequent response to my comments. An interesting take on our feelings and opinions of the day – and all of our tomorrow’s. ~ Ed.

Good morning,

I see that either you are tired of sending me stuff, or it has all began to wear on you as well.

Just needed to catch up with you. I know that I have been quite tardy about recent posts. Please understand that it has noting to do with you.

I am overwhelmed with a number of issues – personal and otherwise – specifically with all of the ugliness in this nation.

I believe that we are going to witness far greater violence in this nation than we witnessed earlier this year – and it’s going to be more than ugly. I am having a very difficult time dealing with all of this. Continue reading

Your Conservative Vote Won’t Save America From Socialism

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the [socialist Democrat city] folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright [senile, corrupt, socialist] moron.” ~ Henry Louis Mencken, American journalist, essayist, satirist, cultural critic, (1880 – 1956)

SOCIALISM:Socialism is the doctrine that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that his life and his work do not belong to him, but belong to society, that the only justification of his existence is his service to society, and that society may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good. The essential characteristic of socialism is the denial of individual property rights; under socialism, the right to property (which is the right of use and disposal) is vested in “society as a whole,” i.e., in the collective, with production and distribution controlled by the state, i.e., by the government. The results have been a terrifying failure—terrifying, that is, if one’s motive is men’s welfare. Instead of prosperity, socialism has brought economic paralysis and/or collapse to every country that tried it. The degree of socialization has been the degree of disaster.” ~ Ayn Rand, Russian-American writer and philosopher Continue reading

Price: No Free Market in Gold ~ Constant State Intervention

Hugo Salinas Price

A logical analysis of daily action in the NY gold market reveals constant intervention by the US/British banking Mafia, to drive the price of gold down: a free-market price of gold would have the undesireable consequence of revealing the worthlessness of the US Dollar, which cannot be allowed to happen, as the US Dollar underpins the worth of the currencies of the rest of the World.

In an authentic free market, most buyers of gold want to obtain as much gold as possible, in exchange for the currency they tender in payment. Therefore, most rises in the price of gold take place slowly; however, some buyers of gold wish to obtain as much gold as possible, at any price and as soon as possible, and this causes swift, nearly vertical rises in the price of gold as registered on the graphs. Continue reading

Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage

Teacher’s, Parents and Students… WAKE UP!

The delusional madness of forcing children to wear face masks blatantly ignores expert warnings: “The child needs the brain to learn, and the brain needs oxygen to function. We don’t need a clinical study for that. This is simple, indisputable physiology.”

This well-known German neurologist and neurophysiologist, Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson, warns of a tsunami of dementia years down the road because of oxygen deprivation from wearing masks today. Are you willing to risk your brain to scientifically unfounded, politically-motivated mandates. ~ Editor

Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson MD, PhD is a Consultant Neurologist and Neurophysiologist with a PhD in Pharmacology, with special interest in neurotoxicology, environmental medicine, neuroregeneration and neuroplasticity. This is what she has to say about facemasks and their effects on our brains:

“The reinhalation of our exhaled air will without a doubt create oxygen deficiency and a flooding of carbon dioxide. We know that the human brain is very sensitive to oxygen deprivation. There are nerve cells for example in the hippocampus that can’t be longer than 3 minutes without oxygen – they cannot survive. Read full story…

A closer look at U.S. deaths due to Covid-19…

A few days ago Johns Hopkins published a study saying corona is ‘No Big Deal!’…  They then DELETED it.

Johns Hopkins published this study on Sunday which posits that Covid is nowhere near the disaster we’re being told it is. I would summarize it for you or offer pull-quotes but honestly you just have to read it yourself because it’s mind-blowing. The original article is now deleted from the Johns Hopkins website … for some reason. Luckily the internet is forever and it’s available via the Wayback Machine.

Read it here in its entirety…

After perusing that post I headed over to the twit and searched the term John Hopkins.

There I found this perspective:

America’s Pride In The Economy Is About To Be Greatly Shaken As Tens Of Millions Face Eviction In 2021

Unless there is emergency intervention, tens of millions of Americans could be facing eviction once the holiday season is over. We kicked the can down the road throughout 2020, but all of the rent that was originally owed to landlords all over the country is still due, and they are very eager to collect. Countless landlords are on the verge of financial ruin because of the rent moratoriums which were put in place, and kicking the can down the road even more would be absolutely disastrous for them. Of course it would also be absolutely disastrous if the moratoriums are not extended, because in some states more than half of all households are behind on their rent or mortgage payments, and most of them have no way to pay. Continue reading

Price: A Tale of Two Revolutions

Hugo Salinas Price

In March, 1861, the kind-hearted Czar of Russia, Alexander II, issued a proclamation which liberated the serfs of Russia. Up to that time, the serfs had not been allowed to leave the huge agricultural tracts of land owned by the aristocracy of Russia. The serfs were attached by law, to the place where they were born.

As an unintended consequence of Czar Alexander’s generosity, his action prompted millions of ex-serfs to leave the isolation of the Russian vastness and move to the cities, where they became a rootless proletariat. Continue reading

Answer the Call for Liberty… before it goes Dark

Each act, each occasion, is worse than the last, but only a little worse. You wait for the next and the next. You wait for one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join you in resisting somehow … But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join you, never comes.” ~ Milton Mayer, ‘They Thought They Were Free

America’s Constitutional pillars have slowly been chipped away and hammered into near oblivion, by the American hating Democratic Party “Progressive” Communists and those squishy, weak-kneed Republicans who prefer “business as usual” to actually making a stand for freedom and liberty. Our republic has been so diminished by Marxist and globalist efforts that it is now a failing republic, one that has actually been failing for the past five decades, as the sun sets on Her and freedom and an unspeakable darkness prepares to cover Her land.

It’s not completely dark yet, but it’s sure headed in that direction. Continue reading