Border Crossings Reported Up as Migrants Head Toward U.S.

A Customs and Border Protection vehicle patrols along a new section of the U.S.-Mexico border wall in El Paso, Texas, August 27, 2020. (Jose Luis Gonzalez/Reuter)

Border crossings from Mexico into the U.S. have begun to climb in recent weeks as thousands of migrant families have made their way to the area, The New York Times reported on Saturday. Continue reading

None of Us Are Perfect: A Betrayal Most Foul

There currently isn’t any group, any people, more vile and evil than the Democratic Party Communists who hate God, hate life and hate all freedom and liberty, except their own. ~ J.O.S.

“I think it’s important for all of us to remember, none of us are perfect.” ~ Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene

Not one to normally defend others. especially politicians, when their own words come back to haunt them, it seems someone needs to stand in defense of Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG). She has held up in a commendable manner, strong, true and righteous in her own recent statements, under a blistering attack from the Democratic Party communists, who have done considerably worse things in their past, than what they’ve accused her of doing; however, even worse, eleven Republican Congressmen actually joined the Democrats on February 4th 2021 to remove MTG from her committee positions, in a betrayal most foul. Continue reading

That’s All folks…

May 24, 2019 ~ This has been the democratic party’s (progressives) agenda since Roosevelt started the nanny state. “Just sign here…ISM (Uncle Sam) promises to take care of you forever…” Then Joe Citizen clearly explains why capitalism works and Progressives are wrong. “Welcome to our ranks number 1313” says the unions. The farmer says “what’ll I do about seed next year?” “Don’t worry about seed, the state will do your planning from now on”. And now the govt controls crops. Property rights eroded, etc…

That’s All Folks… Chapter II

As they used to say at the end of all those wacky Looney Tunes cartoons, That’s ALL Folks!

The show is over. Literal Russian-Asset Hitler, the Latest Greatest Threat to Western Democracy, the Monster of Mar-a-Lago, Trumpzilla, Trumpenstein, the Ayatollah of Orange Shinola, has finally been humiliated and given the bum-rush out of Washington by the heroic forces of the GloboCap “Resistance,” with a little help from the US military. The whole thing went exactly to script. Continue reading

The Racial Marxism of BLM

The revolution is the point.

Nobel Peace Prize???

A history that should never have been forgotten has long since been lost. It is time to refresh our memories. Black Lives Matter (BLM) does not represent the old Civil Rights Movement. It does not seek equality under the law. And it does not intend to stop until it overthrows the very idea and structure of America as we’ve known it. Under increasing pressure to acknowledge the dawning reality to which Americans are increasingly waking up, Joe Biden has finally said that looting and arson are, in fact, bad. But Pandora’s box has already been opened. The Vice-President, Kamala Harris, put us on notice in June: “everyone beware—because they’re not gonna stop…everyone should take note of that…they’re not gonna let up, and they should not—and we should not.” Continue reading

The Left wants unconditional surrender, NOT unity

“We are better people than you. We have higher standards.”

© Provided by Washington Examiner

About two years ago, one of my wife’s best friends began to turn down invitations to get together. Then, out of the blue, she unfriended my wife on Facebook.

That’s a rude way to brush off someone, so my wife finally asked her: What gives? Have I offended you? Her terse text response was full of self-righteousness: “John and I are so appalled by the things that Steve writes that we don’t want to associate with you anymore.” I wasn’t offended that they disagreed with my positions or even felt our political disagreements are so vast that we probably shouldn’t hang out together anymore. After all, we are two Americas today. Continue reading

Police allowed to seize guns in home without a warrant

‘A blatant attempt by law enforcement to create gaping holes in the 4th Amendment’

In an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, a civil-liberties legal group contends lower-court rulings in a Rhode Island case have set a dangerous precedent that allows police officers in some instances to enter the homes of citizens without a warrant and confiscate legal firearms.

The Rutherford Institute, in a friend-of-the-court brief in the case of Caniglia v. Strom, asserts the lower courts wrongly invoked the “community caretaking” exemption in the Fourth Amendment.

“This case represents a blatant attempt by law enforcement to create gaping holes in the Fourth Amendment force field that is supposed to protect homeowners and their homes against warrantless invasions by the government,” said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute. Continue reading

Everything to do with your Life!

Preparing for the WORST of times?

What follows is a mixed bag of health, thrift and self sufficiency related thoughts and commentary – much of which might have to do with your ability to provide your own healthy food for cooking, storing and of course – eating.

Other items could bring you general piece of mind with the ability just to prepare for uncertain times. HEY besides all of that – look at the enjoyment and ability to interact with other members of your family – MOST of which should bring some enjoyment and once again – peace – ALL of which will contribute to YOUR good health! ~ Ed.

Thrift stores, yard sales, and army surplus stores can be rich hunting grounds for preppers. Often, you can find items that are normally unattainable, such as out of print books and well-maintained hand tools at surprisingly cheap prices. Just be careful of overpaying for items considered collectibles or antique.

It is important to arm yourself with knowledge before purchasing items at yard sales and thrift stores. Not every item is a bargain: important parts may be missing, or prices may be too high for a used and abused item. Look for quality items that will give years of use. Fortunately, the internet makes research easy, even on the go. ~ L.S.F.
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Seven Days in January…

“What am I signing?”

“Just sign it!” ~ K. Harris, V.P.

NOTE: Pablum from NBC (nothing but communists). Credit to this intern from Dartmouth College who probably doesn’t realize the character traits of the person she is writing about. ~ Ed.

For those of you playing at home, here is the list of the Executive orders passed in the week past:

I won’t link, but you can Google this to see the list and images:

“Here’s the full list of Biden’s executive actions so far”

Ready? Continue reading

Common Sense in a Senseless World

Common Sense in a Senseless World traces Sowell’s journey from humble beginnings to the Hoover Institution, becoming one of this era’s greatest economists, political philosophers, and prolific authors. Hosted by Jason Riley, a member of “The Wall Street Journal” editorial board, this one-hour program features insights from Sowell and interviews with his close friends and associates, revealing why the intensely private Thomas Sowell is considered by many to be “one of the greatest minds of the past half-century” and “the smartest person in the room.”

The Antithesis of the Beacon of Liberty: America’s New Realm of Tyranny

As a not-so-new dissident, if I’m ever arrested, I think I’ll ask them to designate me as “Prisoner 282” after the fashion of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn … HahaHaHaHa … but any of us who resist these new age Communists must maintain the greatest pressure possible upon them. As counter-intuitive as it may seem and as ugly as it looks, the soldiers, barricades and razor wire inside Washington, D.C. works to the advantage of those of us who love this country, since the Commies inside this newly formed armed camp will eventually burn through their emotional and political capital and begin to make bigger mistakes. They fear Conservative America, and the longer they hide behind soldiers and barriers, the easier it becomes for Us to become ungovernable, so long as any government seeks to abrogate our Bill of Rights and our Inalienable God-Given Rights. Continue reading

1984” (Keeping in Mind that I’ve Never Read It)

I’ve never actually read “1984” myself, but by scouring Twitter I was able to piece this together. So please enjoy what I assume is the classic novel “1984.”

It was a really bad time. The place? America. The year? 1984. Everything was, like, very bad. Only one man dared to defy the establishment. His name was Orwell. Orwell Jones. And this is his really dark story about how bad things can get in America. Yes, that’s right, the very same America you live in. You see, in 1984, free thought was banned – and Orwell had learned that lesson the hard way. Continue reading

Welcome To The Dark Winter Of Democrat Rule

Biden promised us a ‘dark winter’ if elected, and he’s delivering. We patriots who voted for Trump are left out in the cold as China Joe’s regime labels us ‘domestic terrorists.’ Biden immediately issued executive orders to dismantle many of Trump’s accomplishments. Biden wants America to be masked, injected, distanced, impoverished, and rendered quiescent.

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