Social Justice, Affordable Housing, and Government Tyranny

A young girl walks by an abandoned building and lot in Camden, New Jersey March 9, 2005. The city of just nine square miles ranked worst in murders (41), rapes (56), robberies (857), aggravated assaults (974), burglaries (1,459) and auto thefts (1,150), according to the most recent statistics compiled in 2003. PHOTO TAKEN MARCH 9 REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton SS – RTR6HMO

You are a poor minority living in a government housing project called “Affordable.” It’s all paid for by the tax dollars of mostly middle-income Americans. Included in still more government programs are monthly checks and coupons to supply food, free healthcare, free education, and let’s also throw in free cell phone.

Does that not make us a generous nation? Are not the poor well cared for and satisfied? Aren’t the taxpayers proud of their contribution to the common good? Continue reading

Hunter’s Happy Bag of Money!

We know politicians get fabulously rich by selling influence. They cannot do this directly. Some, like the Clintons and Obamas, set up ‘foundations.’ Billions of dollars are funneled into them in exchange for political favors. Currently Obama is getting paid back by the banksters using this method. All he has to do is conduct a few speaking engagements. Continue reading

Kristi Noem Vows to Fight Hateful Critical Race Theory

In May, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem became the first candidate nationwide to promise to combat action civics and the un-American ideology of critical race theory by signing the 1776 Pledge to Save Our Schools, a pledge drafted by a new patriotic education nonprofit.

Teaching our children & grandchildren to hate their own country & pitting them against one another on the basis of race or sex is shameful & must be stopped. I’m proud to be the 1st candidate in America to signThe 1776 Pledge to Save Our Schools,’” Noem wrote. Continue reading

Florida Gov. DeSantis Signs Bill Requiring ‘Moment of Silence’ for School Prayer

Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has signed a bill that would require at least one minute of silence, and possibly more, in public schools at the beginning of every day, so children can pray or meditate.

DeSantis signed HB 529 known as the “Moment of Silence in Public Schools” bill into law on Monday. Under the law, public-school principals will be required to direct first-period teachers to institute moments of silence. Continue reading

2021: The Invasion of America

America Must Secure Her Borders Soon…

People in border states are going to have to simply say “Damn the Federal Government and Damn Biden” and do what it takes to safeguard their communities and their respective states, as they dare the Biden administration to attempt to stop them. State militias are the answer, if any are left with any real backbone to stand and make themselves heard and understood, in as forceful a manner as proves necessary. Continue reading

What Is The Threshold At Which Self-Government Won’t Work?

“America is the only nation in the world based on an idea – freedom and self-government – so if we don’t understand that idea and what sacrifices were made to win that freedom and keep it for over two centuries, how can we possibly continue to keep it?” ~ Eric Metaxas, an American Christian author, speaker, and conservative radio host

The full question is, can a nation of 330,000,000 people having different nationalities and cultures, competing interests and wide divisions in thought and ideology, govern themselves through a series of government representatives that include an executive, legislative and judicial branches of government? It is becoming increasingly unlikely that “of the people, by the people and for the people” will work in the real world of today. Continue reading

There are still some living in this country…

Rural Coffee County, Alabama – A single gas pump and this teenager was filling up his Mustang when the older gentleman pulled up with his can for the mower and was patiently waiting. The teenager noticed, pulled the nozzle out and said “Sir will you please let me see your can?” He filled it up as the older gentleman objected but settled in to a story… Continue reading

CRT Is the Front Line of the Culture War

A majority of teachers who know CRT favor it, whereas a majority of parents reject it.

A recent report from the Heritage Foundation has found that a majority of teachers familiar with Critical Race Theory support it, while at the same time a majority of parents are unfamiliar with this ideology. However, of those parents who are familiar with CRT, the majority are either undecided or reject it. Continue reading

Elementary School Receives Backlash After Parents Learned What Teacher Did With Students

The liberals in positions of authority in the education system have proposed senseless, racist, Marxist, and really, just pure propaganda in the name of “diversity”.

For some reason, they feel that their radical ideology should be forced upon children in order to foster “inclusion”. So at what point do these radical ideas cross the line and violate the same rules they claim to uphold? Continue reading

IS America Worth the Sacrifice? I’ll Take Liberty Over Peace Every Time

“Young man, what we meant in going for those redcoats was this: we always had governed ourselves, and we always meant to. They didn’t mean we should.” ~ Levi Preston, Veteran of the American Revolution, 1842

Reasonable Americans and decent and sane humans in general naturally prefer peace over any violent environment in society, and although one should always strive to preserve the peace, peace isn’t worth a damn if it’s preserved at the expense of individual liberty, through the coercion and threats of retaliation and violence from the foot-soldiers of an opponent and a regime that governs and manipulates the mechanisms and processes of “the law”, through diktats and tyranny and outside the normal rules and understanding of established law. Continue reading

A Group Of Parents Sent Their Kids’ Face Masks to A Lab for Analysis. Here’s What They Found

Source: AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

We’ve been told for well over a year that widespread forced public masking should be implemented because, even if only moderately to slightly to negligibly effective at curbing the spread of COVID-19, there are ZERO drawbacks.

“What’s the harm?” they ask.

“It’s only a minor inconvenience,” they bleat.

“If it saves ONE LIFE, it’s worth it!” they implore. (Continue…)

Financial Takeover and Your Bank Account

Ever hear of Yodlee? Neither had I, until I discovered it was aggregating my data in my bank account, and likely selling it to third parties. This quickly became a personal dig, until I found staggering connections that I realized the public needs to be made aware of. Before you determine this has nothing to do with you, I urge you to review this article in its entirety and pay close attention to the timeline actions, because this affects ALL OF YOU, and it’s being rolled out in multiple countries. Continue reading

Oh how I just Love this so…

Roger Waters Tells “Little Pr**k” Zuckerberg To “F**k Off” Following Request To Use Iconic Pink Floyd Song For Ad
Songwriter warns of big tech’s “insidious movement… to take over absolutely everything.”

Pink Floyd song writer Roger Waters slammed Mark Zuckerberg during a press conference recently, announcing that the Facebook owner had offered a “huge, huge amount of money” to use the iconic song Another Brick In The Wall Part II in an advert for Instagram… (Continue to full article)

N.Y. shrink Aruna KhilaWhiteMan: A made-in-America monster

For convenience, I will call her Aruna KhilaWhiteMan. It’s apropos – and “white privilege” makes it hard for me to pronounce her name. (Mind you, my faithful anti-Semitic readers, whose loyalty I appreciate, assure me that as a Jew, I’m not Caucasian. My mother, a blond, blue-eyed Jew, calls it an olive skin. My editor’s wry quip takes the cake: “You’re at least as white as George Zimmerman.”) Continue reading