The American Descent into MADNESS

America went from the freest country in the world in December 2019 to a repressive and frightening place by July 2021. How did that happen?

Nations have often gone mad in a matter of months. The French abandoned their supposedly idealistic revolutionary project and turned it into a monstrous hell for a year between July 1793 and 1794. After the election of November 1860, in a matter of weeks, Americans went from thinking secession was taboo to visions of killing the greatest number of their fellow citizens on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line. Mao’s China went from a failed communist state to the ninth circle of Dante’s Inferno, when he unleashed the Cultural Revolution in 1966.

In the last six months, we have seen absurdities never quite witnessed in modern America. Madness, not politics, defines it. There are three characteristics of all these upheavals. One, the events are unsustainable. They will either cease or they will destroy the nation, at least as we know it. Two, the law has largely been rendered meaningless. Three, left-wing political agendas justify any means necessary to achieve them. Continue reading

America: Down But Not Out – …or are we?

No one should really be surprised, not when Biden himself said he would be “the most progressive U.S. president in history” and knowing that AOC and Bernie would be pushing him even more Hard Left. But to hear them be so brazen about their violations of our rights is a bit astounding, and it certainly left a bad taste in my mouth and a bad feeling in my stomach to hear Psaki speak of the Biden regime’s push for censorship of “misinformation” through Big Tech.

That these fools are still able to navigate the country freely and keep their teeth is a testament to the goodness of most Americans and their tolerance for opposing worldviews, or their ignorance, apathy and sheer stupidity. Why anyone ever even began giving Marx and Mao a place at the table of ideas in America, when their worldview was diametrically opposed to our Founding Principles is beyond me, especially in the knowledge that they aimed to destroy our system as soon as they were able. Continue reading

Loosen Technology’s Grip on Your Mind

NOTE: What you are about to READ and STUDY was the basis for my Broadcast on the evening of July 19, 2021. The general read is one thing… but it is loaded with links, a one hour plus video interview (by Catherine Austin Fitts) with the author and an intense complete listing via pdf – ALL of which should be paid close and vital attention to. You will NOT complete this all in one single sitting. Prepare to take control of your privacy, security and your LIFE. ~ Ed.

Isn’t it funny how industry leaders believe that turning off lights, finding a channel on the TV, or turning on the radio constitutes as something being “smart.” Are these difficult tasks for human beings? When did humanity get so lazy? Nowadays, everything is “smart,” except for you of course. They want you to believe you are incapable and need their help, while they turn on the mic, the camera, implant subliminal messaging or frequencies, and spy on you through constant surveillance systems running across the entire grid.

Most people don’t even realize the damage that is being done to them, the mind control they are sipping in, and the constant energy-sucking distractions that are steadily stealing their lives. Continue reading

NFL announce they will play the ‘black national anthem’ BEFORE the Star Spangled Banner

… during EVERY Week 1 game and players may feature names of police brutality victims on their helmets

Phuock the NFL

The NFL plans to perform or play the black national anthem before games this season, ESPN reports. ‘Lift Ev’ry Voice And Sing,’ traditionally referred to as the black national anthem, will be performed before ‘The Star-Spangled Banner,’ during the season opener on September 10, when the Kansas City Chiefs host the Houston Texans.

The NFL, in collaboration with the NFL Players Association, is also considering featuring names of victims who suffered police brutality on uniforms, helmets or patches on jerseys. Continue reading

Almost a MILLION migrants have apprehended at the border since January

Staggering projections show more than the population of San Francisco has already crossed and there could be 2 MILLION by end of 2021 – BUT JOEY DOESN’T WANT THE CUBANOS!

Projections reveal at least 1 million illegal immigrants will have been encounter by Customs and Border Protection by the end of July. Numbers for June have not yet been released, but a knowledgable source revealed CBP will show they encountered 188,000 illegal immigrants last month

From January to May, 711,784 migrants were encountered by Customs and Border Protection at the southern border – five times the amount during the same period in 2020 – and the Biden administration is on track to encounter 1 million by the end of July.

CBP’s latest data, released in June, show that there were 180,034 encounters with illegal crossers in May, the highest of any month in the last 20 years. The spike in migration under President Joe Biden’s administration continues to grow with no signs of it coming to a stop any time soon. Continue reading

July 15, 2021: The Good, the Bad and the UGLY!

It ALL Gets Worse… by the DAY!

Jen-Sucki Buttugly

BREAKING: White House Just Confirmed Facebook Works as a Government Censorship Tool
Speaking to reporters at the White House Thursday afternoon, Press Secretary Jen Psaki explained how the White House and the federal government are working to flag posts on Facebook which they see as “problematic.”

“We’re flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation,” Psaki said, referring to information about the Wuhan coronavirus vaccine. … (Continue to full article)

The Biden Administration Says Cubans Are Not Welcome. Where’s the Outrage?
In November of 2020, Joe Biden’s Havana-born nominee for Department of Homeland Security secretary, Ali Mayorkas, promised to “oversee the protection of all Americans and those who flee persecution in search of a better life for themselves and their loved ones.”

Less than a year later, amid a popular uprising in Cuba, Mayorkas made a volte-face, telling those seeking refuge from Haiti and the communist nation, “You will not come to the United States. . . . Again, I repeat, do not risk your life attempting to enter the United States illegally. You will not come to the United States.”… (Continue to full article)

Cuban Solidarity Resolution Garners No Dem Support
House Republicans officially voice their support for Cuban protestors calling for freedom.

On Tuesday, Florida Republican Representative Mario Diaz-Balart introduced a resolution to explicitly support the Cuban people and their demand for freedom from “the brutal oppression of the Communist dictatorship in Cuba.”

In introducing his resolution, Diaz-Balart notes that “for 62 years, the Cuban people have struggled for freedom and human rights under a brutal, repressive dictatorship.” The resolution… (Continue to full article)

Cubans who braved beatings witnessing ‘wink and a nod’
Cubans risked beatings and arrest to march in the streets for freedom only to witness the Biden administration mostly shrug in response, and a Hispanic pastor suspects why: Cubans are persona non grata to the far-left Democratic Party.

Since protests broke out Saturday, Americans have witnessed thousands of Cubans flood the streets of Havana and other cities to demand an end to a Communist regime that has enriched itself while most Cubans scrounge for food and medicine, and many days can’t find either, in their authoritarian and poor island nation… (Continue to full article)

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America Has Been Taken by Force

“And from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of God has suffered violence and the violent take it by force.” ~ Matt: 11:12

Coercion Restraint, check, particularly by law or authority; compulsion; force.

Violence Injury; infringement.

Force Power exerted against will or consent, compulsory power.

We live in a day and a time like no other in American history. Because of the advancement of technology, the world has gotten smaller and the ability to get information around the world has become almost instantaneous. With one push of a button, it is possible to have a face-to-face conversation with a person anywhere across the globe.

What if Jesus and the 1st Century believers had the ability to “log on” to the internet? What if Adam and Eve could have “fact-checked” the information that the serpent was feeding to them? What if Noah had the ability to show everyone the weather radar? What if they had produced a Facebook-LIVE video of the crucifixion? What if there had been cameras monitoring the Garden Tomb? Continue reading

Cuba: Libertad! Libertad! Libertad!

The American people have so much to be thankful for even today as we struggle with the manufactured economic collapses and assaults on our own freedom. We still retain much more freedom than most across the globe, and America appears as Heaven on Earth to those opponents of communism trying to stay alive in Cuba today.

Anti-Batista mural in Museo de la Revolucion, Havana, Cuba

Americans should consider what might have been had not so many come to Her aid as the Colonists fought the War of Independence. So often, in their own arrogance, too many fail to understand “There but for the Grace of God go I” as they flippantly say, “Let the Cubans fight for their freedom like we did.” Like we did? As if we didn’t have some critical points where outside help saved the day. Continue reading

Facing the Hardest Truth on Public Education

John Dewey

April 3, 2013 ~ There are several major obstacles to overcome if there is to be any hope of saving civilization from the grip of the authoritarian pre-education camps we call “public schools.” The most stubborn obstacle of all, however, is perhaps the one embedded in our own hearts, namely the all too human instinct to comfort ourselves with the thought that the soul-deforming corruptions of public education began in earnest only after our own school days, and hence that we ourselves escaped the harm we so easily recognize in others.

This instinct forms the rationale for the many objections I get to my calls for the complete abolition of public schooling, from people who claim that if the schools just got back to the methods of the good old days, all would be well. In other words, these people are unwilling to see the problem as anything deeper than the superimposition of some bad textbooks or teaching methods on an essentially noble system, because to admit that the problem is more fundamental than this is to admit that one’s own education was harmful, which is to concede that one was indeed harmed — that you are less than you might have been. Continue reading

Benson: Kindergarten’s Socialist Origins

Horace Mann

November 25, 2011 ~ Most schools today, both public and private have kindergartens. They have become an accepted part of educational life in this country and others as well.

This was not always so. When I first attended public school, way back in the mid-1940s, there was no kindergarten where I went. Although some schools undoubtedly had them, all schools did not. They had not become totally entrenched, although their promoters had been working on that project with much zeal. Their efforts seem to have paid off. Kindergarten is now as much a part of school life as the seventh grade.

I have, in the past, written articles and even a couple booklets, dealing with the origins of public, or government, schools in this country. These “institutions of learning” have a history that is never quite openly discussed in all of its ramifications. We often see the names of founders and promoters of public education mentioned in articles or essays, but we are seldom told all that much about these people and what they really believed. Most educators don’t want us to go there. Continue reading


January 30, 2006 ~ I have a copy of the Tennessee Constitution and The Constitution of our Country. Nowhere – NOWHERE – do I see any mention of *Lobbyists*.

I did find this:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
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Has America Lost The Will To Fight For Liberty?

The importance of republishing the following can not be emphasized enough! ~ Ed.

November 27, 2020 ~ Every evening roughly 5.3 million households sit down and turn on the television to watch the network news. Add to that another 8.6 million who get their news from the cable news services, (FOX, CNN and MSNBC), and you have a whopping 13.9 million people who are being brainwashed every night by the government controlled media. George Orwell must be rolling over in his grave, thinking his book 1984 was supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual! Imagine what would happen if you could pull the plug on all 13.9 million of them; wake them up. Imagine what a powerful force they could become for liberty and limited government if only they’d stop letting others spoon feed their thoughts and beliefs to them via the Boob Tube. Continue reading

The Series ~ Agenda Driven School Boards Ignore Parents

NOTE: This complete series has been previously published on Metropolis Café, yet as of today with the completion of the author’s series, it is being published i full on this site. It is now a part of our transition to portions of that site back to where Village of the Damned began nearly 20 years ago. ~ Ed.

Part 1 ~ Agenda Driven School Boards Ignore Parents

I have for the last twenty years have been calling for the schools to be put back into the control of the states and the parents. We have seen the federal government take over control of the schools ever since Jimmy Carter established a full federal office for a Department of Education. Up until 1979, the Department of Education was hidden in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The only problem with that is there is no constitutional provision for the federal government to be in control of education. None! The Democrats lie about controlling education by stating that the federal government doesn’t set any curriculum and they are right about that however, Democrats do set the testing standards, and that sets the curriculum. Democrats think we are all as dumb as their base voters. Most of us can see through their lies. Continue reading

Citizens, NOT the State, Will Enforce New Abortion Law in Texas

The measure bans abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy. And it effectively deputizes ordinary citizens to sue people involved in the process.

Anti-abortion protesters stand near the gate of the Texas State Capitol after Gov. Greg Abbott signed a bill outlawing abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected in May in Austin, Texas.Credit…Sergio Flores/Getty Images

People across the country may soon be able to sue abortion clinics, doctors and anyone helping a woman get an abortion in Texas, under a new state law that contains a legal innovation with broad implications for the American court system.

The provision passed the State Legislature as part of a bill that bans abortion after a doctor detects a fetal heartbeat, usually at about six weeks of pregnancy. Many states have passed such bans, but the law in Texas is different… Continue reading