The End of the End is only the Beginning!

~ Foreword ~
What you are about to read – is the MOST INTENSE investigation of this wretched fiasco that you will be damned to ever read ~ and you about to learn what it is REALLY all about.

For over 20 years I have chosen to copy, fully prepare and post nearly every column (now exceeding over 200,000 columns and publications on Federal Observer alone). THIS one would be an intense project and undertaking – hence – an introduction and a link to each part of this monstrous task – and now it is up to you! Read it, Pray and profusely thank one Corey Lynn. ~

Jeffrey Bennett, Editor and Publisher

PART 1: The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports – Where It’s Headed
Who would have thought just a couple years ago that we would be facing this level of unconstitutional surveillance, whereby your health is on full display and entry into civilization is thwarted by a little thing called “vaccine id passports?”

Well, the fact is, many of us saw this coming, and have been warning of it for quite some time. One big tip off was ID2020, which was launched in 2016 by none other than Bill Gates’ Gavi, Microsoft, The Rockefeller Foundation, Accenture, and How prophetic of them to nail down the year ‘2020’ as a need for a “digital ID solution,” and launch their “certification mark” approval for stakeholders to get to work on technology apps as early as January 2019… ahead of schedule… (Continue to Part 1)

PART 2: The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports – How Your Digital Identity is Moving to The Blockchain for Full Control Over Humans
The battle for digital identities is well underway, and vaccine id passports is only one entry point they are utilizing to move everyone onto the Blockchain. This isn’t about a virus or a vaccine passport, it is a means to create everyone’s digital identity.

Some people are aware of the “digital identity” future that central banks and corrupt organizations are implementing, to connect everyone into the smart grid, smart cities, and digital currency, for full power and control over everyone’s lives, but few understand their full intentions and just how large this operation is, while they create other distractions in the world. This multi-part report will break down the operation of creating the digital identities and reveal specifics as to who is carrying out which portion, how far along they are, and where it is headed, so that people won’t be blindly led into their traps, can make educated choices, and collaborate to build strategies to circumvent it… (Continue to Part 2)

PART 3: The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports – The Key Implementers of Your Digital Identity onto The Blockchain
The goal of coercing the world’s population into obtaining a Digital ID is one with many arms, expanding the field of players and implementers to a degree that would take a year to trace down. Yet, the key implementers that are steering and/or directly overseeing many of the smaller outfits tend to stand out due to their connections, funding, and girth of power.

This report breaks down some of those bigger implementers that are at the top of the food chain, gobbling up everyone’s data, and building the framework to roll up all human beings into a Digital Identity and put them on the Blockchain. According to ResearchAndMarkets, the post-Covid-19 identity verification market is forecasted to grow from $7.6 billion in 2020 to $15.8 billion by 2025. According to the UN, artificial intelligence (AI) is forecasted to generate nearly $4 trillion in “added value” for global markets by 2022. As with all of their manufactured crisis industries, the manufacturers stand to make trillions, and their new industry is human enslavement… (Continue to Part 3)

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