Letter from a Listener

Dear Mr. Bennett,

I look forward to hearing you speak on your program. I felt that yesterday you were hitting upon some important points. This has inspired me to write to you today.

I am a young man, I began college early in the 2010’s. What I saw then was the tail end of sexual liberation on the college campuses. As Dr. E. Michael Jones says, sexual liberation is political control. I spent many years in these colleges, and what I saw during this decade was a descent into madness. Sexual liberation turned into fear of being raped, and so less men attended college, more women, meaning more feminists, more fear of men. It goes without saying that these colleges, the large ones in Manitoba, Canada, have no use for Christian ethics, but seek to uphold secular humanism, the religion of the UN. Continue reading

Beaman: A Problem With Law Making

When a law is crafted, there is no discussion as to its constitutionality. A law is simply debated in it house of origin and then sent to the other house for its consideration and then the two houses reconcile their versions with each other. Finally, if it passes both houses, it is sent to the president for his approval or veto. At no point is there a discussion of its constitutionality and for anyone to challenge it, he must show injury as a result of it, a formidable task, and after its passage. Continue reading

Living in the Pigeon Hole

There were two Roman statues standing, facing each other, to the entrance of a huge flower garden. A statue of a nude male & nude female. One day a fairy godmother appeared and had to do a good deed to keep her wings. She took out her magic wand and brought both the statues to life. She told them they could live any wish they wanted to for 10 minutes but then they had to go back being statues again. Continue reading

The Road to Insurrection: Where are we going?

The Talking Heads said – We’re on the Road to Nowhere…

Do we know?

I can’t shake the suspicion that all these moronic mandates and irrational, deluded decisions are parts of the master plan to plunge ‘merica into another civil war – insurrection, revolt, or violent rejection of the lunacy from the DC Swamp.

Bungles the Clown did not hatch this plot; it’s the product of nearly seventy-five years of over-accommodation, inclusion, diversification, and hesitancy to call bullshit as socialists infiltrated our systems. Most of us slept through this class, and the few who passed the pop-quiz were called racists, xenophobes, bigots, and nationalists. Continue reading

Amnesty Provisions in ‘Build Back Better’ Will Cost $483 Billion

CBO Estimates Huge Net Fiscal Drain in First 20 years After Passage

As the Senate debates the Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376), a little-noticed part of the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) cost estimates show the bill’s amnesty provisions create an enormous net fiscal burden (taxes paid minus costs) that starts out large and grows even larger over time — $124 billion in the first decade after passage and $359 billion in the second. The total net fiscal cost of the bill’s amnesty provisions over 20 years is $483 billion. The CBO also states that the bill would increase the deficit “by larger amounts in the subsequent decade.” A brief Center for Immigration Studies analysis of the CBO estimates can be found here. Continue reading

Pregnant Women in a Post-Roe World

Can we as a society reduce the “need” for abortion?

What might have to occur in the U.S. to reach a point in which abortion would not be “needed” in the framework in which it’s currently available and so profitable today? The arguments have been presented before the Supreme Court. Conservatives are hoping, praying, and working toward overturning Roe v. Wade, which impacts the availability of abortion on demand in America. But from a broader cultural standpoint, how would it be that abortion just wasn’t needed, regardless of the availability? Continue reading

Abortion: Don’t Discard the UnBorn Children

Some days events just make one want to turn their television and computer off forever and just go out on the back forty to enjoy the sunshine. December 1st was one of those days, but I forced myself to listen to the audio of the final arguments on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.

It turned my stomach to hear Justice Sonia Sotomayor speaking of the “stench” she believes any challenge to abortion places on the legitimacy of the Court, as she asked: “Will this institution survive the stench that this creates in the public perception that the Constitution and its reading are just political acts?”

Hell. What was Roe v. Wade, other than a political act that created a right that doesn’t exist, as they pulled it from their own dark imagination? And that’s me being nice.

Sotomayor is a poster child for the very politics she protests. Every ruling she has made, from her earliest days as a federal judge in 1991 sitting on the bench of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, has been nothing less than the application of the Leftist politics of the day to the Court’s rulings. If there’s a stench, she should sniff her own robes. ~ J.O.S.
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The Supreme Court Looks Ready to Overturn Roe v. Wade

Lawyers and Justices on both sides—with the possible exception of John Roberts—appeared to be past pretending that the Mississippi case is about anything less.

Protesters demonstrate in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, which on Tuesday heard oral arguments on a case pertaining to a Mississippi abortion law. Photograph by Chip Somodevilla / Getty

During the Supreme Court oral arguments on Tuesday in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, involving a Mississippi ban on most abortions after fifteen weeks, Justice Brett Kavanaugh began to rhapsodize about the history-making power the Court has. He began listing major cases—“there’s a string of them”—that, he said, had overturned earlier precedents: Brown v. Board of Education; Baker v. Carr; West Coast Hotel v. Parrish; Miranda v. Arizona, Lawrence v. Texas; Mapp v. Ohio; Gideon v. Wainwright; Obergefell v. Hodges. “And I could go on, and those are some of the most consequential and important in the Court’s history,” he said. If the Court, in the Dobbs case, thinks “that the prior precedents are seriously wrong,” can’t it pursue “the right answer” instead? If it never overturned precedents, he said, “the country would be a much different place.” Continue reading

E Pluribus Unum

In 2021 it seems we have forgotten the official motto of the United States of America: “E pluribus unum,” out of many, one. Up through January 21, 2009, America had achieved a society where our culture accepted fully the concept of e pluribus unum. America had evolved into a true melting pot where people from anywhere in the world could arrive legally and be blended into America as a citizen with all the rights associated therewith. Continue reading

A Question Of Morality

Although it may not seem like it at times, everyone has a set of principles they live by, a moral code that guides them in their lives. Even the vilest of criminals have them; although their standards may be much lower than those they prey upon.

Before I move forward, let us define the word principle. A principle is a moral rule, or belief, that helps us know what is right or wrong, and influences our decisions and actions. A person whose standards for right and wrong are high is said to be virtuous; have integrity. The lower a person’s standards are and we begin calling them, dishonest, corrupt.

The problem with standards is that there is an Overton Window that dictates what is considered morally acceptable. What is morally acceptable today would not have been considered acceptable when I was a kid, and what was morally acceptable when I was a kid, probably wouldn’t have been acceptable by the previous generation; and most certainly would have been considered immoral by those who lived in the era when our founding documents were written. Continue reading

Smith: Stand Against the Rulers of Darkness

Occasionally, I delve into religion and politics, because unlike far too many who suggest the two don’t mix, I’m of the mind that Jesus wouldn’t have told them the same. Our faith is and integral part of who we are as a people and a nation, and although Christianity is currently waning in America, our nation was in fact built upon the Christian faith, despite anything historical revisionists care to argue.

It’s beyond troubling to see so many Church leaders urging their congregations to abide by the Covid Vaccine Mandates and Passports, as if any real safety concerns over the Vaccine’s chemical and biological make-up are somehow irrelevant and to be dismissed as hysteria or unfounded, when the opposite is true. And of late, at too many opportunities, we see Church leaders submitting to tyranny when Freedom and Liberty are hanging in the balance.

Submitting to evil and tyranny isn’t God’s plan for mankind, not if one knows and believes their Bible, the Word of God. Even though most of us Faithful understand that Satan and the minions of Hell don’t prevail against the Bride of Christ in the end — witnessed by way of Matthew 16:17-19, that doesn’t mean we are to do nothing and simply wring our hands as the world is thrown into chaos and the size of real and tangible casualties grows to mammoth proportions from our inaction. Continue reading

Fuck the Country – Save the Planet

Never before have I seen a president so willing to abandon, no – fuck an entire country to follow his deluded crusade to secure his legacy. His Don Quixotesque quest to correct Mother Nature borders on lunacy and religious zealotry. He is a danger to himself and America. He should be confined.

In January of 2021, someone appointed Bungles the Clown and Giggles to front for the cabal. The Bungles the Clown and Giggles shit-show began entertaining America and the world eleven months ago with their ludicrous political decisions and idiotic ideas.

Even though expectations for the duo were dizzying, their performances so far leave the world and America wondering, WTF? Their pairing would be perfect if not for their narcissism, but that describes nearly everyone in the DC Swamp. Continue reading

Dwyer: The Evil Left and Its Useful Dupes

The evil left derives itself mostly from the Evil Empire, a.k.a. the Soviet Union. The evil left is trying to unite all the evil forces it can against the United States and the good American people who wish to preserve the republic for themselves and their posterity. The evil left and its useful dupes, who – unfortunately – come in droves these days, pose an existential threat to this America. The Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial and the aftermath of his acquittal made the evil left reveal its evil inner ego in front of our eyes, and what we saw was ugly, to say the least.

From the left-leaning media pundits to entertainment and sports celebrities to Democrats elected to their positions of power, they unloaded their disappointment and disgust with the verdict without slightest consideration of the damage that their venomous rhetoric might or did inflict to the exonerated Kyle Rittenhouse, his emotionally battered mother, and the due process of law with its presumption of innocence and Constitutionally-guaranteed rights of the accused. They mocked Kyle’s emotional breakdowns and tears as “one of the worst acting jobs that [some of them] have ever seen”, and characterized his crying on the witness stand and while listening to the verdict as “fake” or “white tears” – alleged props that he used in order to invoke his “white privilege”. Some went as far as to declare that Kyle’s defenders cynically “put the mother right in that courtroom and said ‘Bring plenty of tissues’, because the jury is looking at the mother crying.” Continue reading

Trust NO ONE

In 1983, the former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, (William Casey), told President Ronald Reagan: We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false. There are two questions I have regarding that statement. First off is, if Casey said that almost 40 years ago, how long prior to that have they been feeding us disinformation? Secondly, if they are feeding us false information, how are we supposed to know when we’re being lied to? If you want my honest opinion, the answer to that second question is; all of the time.

In any case, I suppose the first thing I should do is establish a working definition for the word disinformation. Your definition might differ somewhat than the one I use, but I would venture to guess that whatever your definition is, it is somewhat similar to mine: the purposeful spreading of false, or misleading, information for the purpose of shaping, or shifting public opinion. So, any information that is used to shape your opinion is a prime candidate for disinformation. Continue reading

As Morpheus Said: I Only Offer You The Truth

Have you ever told a lie so many times that you begin to believe it yourself? If so, you’ll know that there is a gradual transition that takes place. First, you recognize that you are lying; second, you begin to question whether you are actually lying or telling the truth; then finally, the lie becomes your truth. Unless those you’ve lied to dig into the lie, investigate the facts for themselves, the lie will be accepted by them as the truth as well.

The problem with lies is that, over time, it becomes increasingly more difficult to get people to accept that they’ve been lied to. Continue reading

Please Lord, Give Americans the Strength to Remain Free

After nearly two-hundred and fifty years of existence as a flourishing and free country, for the most part — and noting the stain of slavery upon our heritage — it really appears more likely with each passing week that we are actually going to destroy ourselves. And all for the lack of vigilance in jealously guarding those principles and virtues that have acted as the cement to the foundation of freedom and liberty in America, as generation after generation placed too much trust in their elected officials, ever increasingly infiltrated through the decades by those criminals and scoundrels who loved America not, only loving themselves and the evil they could work. Continue reading

Hide the Sheep and Goats

America has sunken just about as low as it can, or at least I think it has. I’ll wait for the other shoe to drop.

I don’t really care that people may choose to be homosexual or transgendered or anything else, but I do care that the majority of this subculture is so insistent on forcing all the rest of America to accept it as “normal” when they only represent approximately four percent of the population, except in DC where they comprise 9.8 percent. And I do care that they are also so insistent on indoctrinating elementary age children to the notion that this is a normal lifestyle, while they set up grooming programs that even provide puberty blockers and hormone treatments — and that angers me more than I have words to properly express.

I truly get sick of seeing government officials and institutions and now even our military acting as if every other person in the nation is LGBTQ and giving their groups free rein over the rest of the nation, discounting and eradicating our rights at will as though they’re nothing. Continue reading