Fuck the Country – Save the Planet

Never before have I seen a president so willing to abandon, no – fuck an entire country to follow his deluded crusade to secure his legacy. His Don Quixotesque quest to correct Mother Nature borders on lunacy and religious zealotry. He is a danger to himself and America. He should be confined.

In January of 2021, someone appointed Bungles the Clown and Giggles to front for the cabal. The Bungles the Clown and Giggles shit-show began entertaining America and the world eleven months ago with their ludicrous political decisions and idiotic ideas.

Even though expectations for the duo were dizzying, their performances so far leave the world and America wondering, WTF? Their pairing would be perfect if not for their narcissism, but that describes nearly everyone in the DC Swamp.

There is usually a synergy or at least a loose partnership between the POTUS and VPOTUS, but these two resemble the amalgam of oil and water having the collective attraction of a cesspool. They do not work together naturally, typically, or even moderately well without vigorous agitation. Even then, they quickly separate into their obnoxious, unpleasant, disparate parts to slither back into the DC swamp.

That’s no way to run the country, but they don’t, do they?

I firmly believe that the issue of climate change or global warming or the going green or whatever advertising-like cliche catch-phrase you attach to it is nothing more than a cult with a misguided following of sheeple.

At issue is the pseudo-science supported by contrived data to substantiate the catastrophic assertions that “The End of The World” will occur in a few years unless we arrest our cataclysmic impact on the planet. Of course, life on Earth will end. Nothing lasts forever, although these last eleven months do seem like an eternity. The Sun will stop shining, and life on Earth will end in between 4.5 and 5.5 billion years. I think we still have some time…

Bungles the Clown’s mantra is Build Back Better, which translates to a more extensive, more expensive, and more invasive government in every facet of our lives. Put more simply: This is a palpable ploy to extort money and power to fortify the Military-Industrial Complex. Consider who reaps the financial, bureaucratic, and manipulative power from any such grandiose fabrication of this complexity? Now, think about who loses.

You and I are certainly NOT the winners.

Just making sure you understand…

Honestly, there is no doubt that the human life-forms that inhabit this orb have a deleterious effect. As Agent Smith said in the Matrix…”I’d like to share a revelation that I’ve had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species, and I realized that you’re not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area, and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed, and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You’re a plague…”

So, short of extinguishing all human life, there is little that we can do except to recognize our faults and become better stewards of our homeworld. We also must acknowledge that the climatic changes evident are natural phenomena that real science corroborates – everything in nature follows a cycle, like the seasons.

Yes, humankind has adversely impacted the planet, but we can right our wrongs and continue to enjoy this pale blue pearl in the cosmos with careful and thoughtful changes. Making knee-jerk decisions to stop using oil and shutting down supply lines is recklessly and diabolically idiotic.

Yet the religion of “Climate Change” rages on unimpeded and unfettered by the urgings of celebrities and popular talking heads belching their pedantic rhetoric in concert with their paid accomplices, the Lame Stream Media. Their rantings to immediately alter our lives to curtail the natural fluctuations inherent in this several billion-year-old ecosystem are asinine.

We’re jaded and confused by the lame-stream media and their bias toward anything profitable. Their ambition is to keep us captivated, enchanted, fascinated, and hooked by the glitz and passionate appeals. The longer we are enthralled, the more money they make from advertising. They DO NOT care about the message, only about the money.

Practical changes suggest adopting a more efficient use of natural resources and replacing coal-burning electric generation with sustainable nuclear power generation as a start. Electricity drives our nation, as does oil, but it is insanely myopic to continue using fossil fuel to power the country. If we’re looking to make significant changes, we need to look to science and not politics to create them.

Politics does only one thing exceptionally well. It makes people subservient to the government. It does not free them or liberate them or improve their lives. It makes them slaves to itself; that it is its sole purpose. Politics is about rapacious, covetous power and nothing more.

“Emergencies’ have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.” ~ Friedrich Hayek

I’m not an anarchist; I am a realist. When governments serve the people, there is liberty. When the people serve the government, like today, there is tyranny. Consider the Wuhan virus vaccination mandates and the lies that created and stoked the fear of this American-funded worldwide pandemic. Think about the economic havoc created. Contemplate the devastation to so many lives and businesses. These mandates are incontrovertible governmental over-reach.

And as Bungles the Clown often whispers… “follow the science…” It leads us to the indisputable conclusion that America is partially responsible for creating this virus. China is liable for its negligence in releasing it, but we paid them to weaponize it. We also called the cadence for lock-downs and vaccine mandates – Thank the all-knowing and all-powerful Oz of medicine, Flip-Flop-Fauci.

Bungles the Clown is on a crusade to secure his legacy as the person who finally conquered the windmill of global warming. Don Quixote couldn’t do it, but Bungles the Clown with his trusty Sidekick Giggles will finally defeat that dreaded windmill or spend several trillion more dollars trying. His unrelenting quest will cripple and possibly destroy America. He is and should be committed – (I hope you catch my double meaning here.)

These draconian and sardonic policies that deny us the opportunities to prosper and function are deranged. How is crippling the economy going to Build Back anything Better? No products are flowing in or out of what remains of manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, or retail. Everything comes from Asia, which by the way, is where Bungles the Clown’s family has significant financial holdings and investments.

He gave our most terrifying and persistent sworn enemies $85 billion in weaponry, abandoned thousands of American loyalists and citizens in the middle east. Bungles the Clown plans to buy oil from these leaders to replace the supply that President Trump’s energy independence policies created. Bungles the Clown obliterated that and other effective policies in his first few days as The Emperor of America.

Bungles the Clown is the dupe for the radical left. We get a glimpse of the real octogenarian when he goes off-script and begins rambling about ‘Corn-Pop’ or traveling by train for thirty years, visiting the border, or driving a truck. His mind is a dusty closet of misfiled, fragmented, quixotic recollections. The tragic part of this is that Dummycrat Party uses the shell of this propped-up cardboard cutout to manipulate America into a socialist desert. This is pure elder abuse.

I have stated many times that the alternatives to removing Bungles the Clown from office, offer America precious few viable options for a successor. First in line is the Kackeling Krone Kamala, a frightening possibility. Like Bungles the Clown, she enjoys a particularly vapid, vacuous, virtueless, vindictive, valueless career. The others in line are lessers if you can imagine that, sharing equally lackluster service. Where does this leave our country – A rudderless ship in the hands of the corrupt radical left.

Where we go from here is anyone’s guess. We’re near the bottom of the barrel. The heavy coal-powered digging equipment is rolling up to excavate deeper financial holes and drive the country into insolvency as our debt crests above $30 Trillion. Let’s place a bugout order if it hit $50 Trillion.

Our legacy is insurmountable fiscal malfeasance.

H.L. Mencken said: “Every election is a sort of advanced sale.”

We’re drawing three cards to fill an inside-straight as we look to the mid-term elections in Congress. The irregularities and shenanigans of the 2020 election are a foreshadowing of what’s to come. Do you honestly believe that the mechanisms used to manipulate the last presidential election are not fully prepared for the 2021 mid-term congressional contests? The Dummycrats have too much power to lose.

If you actually think that we will see a fair and honest mid-term congressional election, I have several bridges and acres of prime farmland in Skidoo, California, for sale.

Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time.

November 24, 2021

~ The Author ~
Charles R. Dickens was born in 1951, is a veteran of the Vietnam, for which he volunteered, and the great-great grandson of the noted author, whose name he shares.

He is a fiercely proud American, who still believes this is the greatest country on the planet, with which we’ve lost control and certainly our direction. He grew up in moderate financial surrounding; were not rich by any stretch, but didn’t go hungry – his incredibly hard working father saw to that. As most from that era, he learned about life from his father, whose story would take too long to tell, other than to say that, he is also a fiercely proud American; a WWII and Korean war, veteran Marine.

Charlie was educated in the parochial system which, demanded that you actually learn something, and have capability to retain it before you advance. He attended several universities in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree, and chased the goose further to a master’s, and has retained some very definite ideas about education in this country.

In addition, Charlie is a professional (struggling) blues guitar and vocalist – a musician. This is his therapy career. Nothing brings him as much joy as playing music, and he wishes that he could make a living at it… maybe some day!

That’s Charlie… a proud, opinionated, and passionate American.

4 thoughts on “Fuck the Country – Save the Planet

  1. Wolfgang Rauh

    Everything I read here is absolutely correct, with one exception…. I cannot blame anything wrong with the world today on the obvious imposter Biden. I have not seen the real Biden for a couple of years now. Has anyone? I’m not sure if the real JoJo is still alive.

    My finger is pointing directly at the Khazarian mafia to blame for all the destruction in our midst…. as has been the case for hundreds of years now. They may have changed names and places many times, but their behavior has been a constant. They destroy all that is good no matter where you find them.

    The only optimism I personally find today comes from history…. and history has taught me that time and again these freak “lifeforms” always go too far and over play their hand. They totally expose themselves as completely intolerable and are run out of town…. and at this point, they may finally have run out of towns to start over.

    I’m hoping they continue pushing this insane plandemic nonsense to the Nth degree…. and demand we all crawl on our hands and knees next to “stay below the virus”. Then finally, a tipping point of people will scream FRACK THIS NOISE! and remove the vermin from Planet Earth once and for all.


  2. veteran

    to the global elite. my message to you is. enjoy your stupid little party. it will end soon and then you will face judgement. your status, power and money will not save you then. it will be eternal torment in hell for you.
    how sad an ending.

  3. Larry Cooper

    Wolfie my boy,

    While you raise some interesting points, I fear you are misguided to a substantial extent. Let’s talk about Biden for a moment. This is not an imposter, this is merely the feeble, brain damaged version of the boob that has been in our government for decades. He is real, and he is a puppet. Either he is genuinely mentally deficient, or he is the most brilliant “actor” ever. He is alive, as to whether or not he knows it, that may be a topic of serious debate. He is the purest form of politician, a leech, a parasite, a crook, and a person of no real moral value. Take that to the bank … Your man JoJo certainly has for all his adult life in politics.

    You also raise the topic of the Khazarian mafia. I know a bit of this from history. I can lend creedence to some of it. From the perspective of the evil involved and the cultish nature and religious fervor of the followers or influencers. I am well aware of the chosen religious affiliation of this group and their global persecution over an extended period of time. Threatened nearly everywhere throughout history by many people in every country they occupied, while denied a country of their own until rather recently.
    I am reminded of the old saying, something along the lines of “the whole world can’t be wrong” when it comes to this issue. I MAY BE WRONG, but I think there is more at play in all that is happening.

    I share your optimism. Though in the case at hand they were triggered to expose themselves by election of an individual that threatened to purge them from our government. He failed miserably in his plan to purge them from government, but he was extremely successful in prompting them to be exposed to all of us. Yes, historically they have been prompted to vastly overplay their hand in the game and are poised to take a fall. Though only if the awakening continues. America may be the last best hope for this to happen. I believe the world is watching and hoping that we can crush this insanity once and for all…

    With regard to this pandemic, it appears to have been foist upon us by people in our world that hold no good place among us. They belong with others in our history like Mao, Stalin, and Hitler. They are among
    the most unforgiveable insane tyrants to ever breath. The idea that they would imagine to develop any fatal disease upon humanity is the most egregious offense conceivable. Millions have and will yet come to die from this experiment in evil. The people responsible in any way for this should be removed from this world in the most painful way possible as quickly as can be. There is some shit you just don’t do …

    My fellow Americans are late to the game, but they are coming to realize the threat we face from within. We have been too trusting, too complacent, and to accepting of our government. We whipped a tyrants ass and formed a nation like no other. Then we rested on our laurels and trusted it to persevere without our attention. Corruption and evil seized the opportunities during our long lapse. Now we pay the price.
    We face a new enemy, and it is us …

  4. Wolfgang Rauh


    You (and anyone else reading here) can easily repeat what I had done a while back…. which took me less than 30 minutes. Just find archived photo’s and videos of Biden going back to the 80’s, 90’s, etc, and compare those images to the man now being presented as Joe Biden. People simply do not lose ear lobes, change eye color, or have so many other facial features and behaviors suddenly change.

    Although I do not tune into Webster Tarpley these days because of some of his radical (IMO) ideas, the man is still an accurate historian….. he does very thorough research. During a very interesting interview (on InfoWars as I recall) he described the history of the Khazars going back hundreds of years. This was a repeat and affirmation of what my own research had already revealed, but Tarpley went into much more detail. Yes, this band of marauders never had a “home” because they were chased out of town over 120 times in Europe BECAUSE OF THEIR BEHAVIOR, and eventually adopted Judaism to hide behind. I would not describe this as persecution….. my description would be closer to admonished, and rightfully so.

    If I go out bar hopping on my birthday and get kicked out of a dozen bars, I am not being persecuted, and no, I didn’t just happen to encounter 12 dick head bartenders…… I am the dickhead.


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