Fentanyl: A Problem That Runs Through the Fabric of American Society

Late in June, I watched a spot on Fox news that spotlighted the recent increase in fentanyl seizures and deaths in America and it prompted an online conversation that made me look further into the fentanyl and overall drug problem in America today. Increasingly they are going hand-in-hand and the situation gas become ever more deadly in Small Town America.

This is the result of that conversation. I think many fine and decent Conservative, Christian and Independent Americans will agree with my conclusion. I already know many right here in Middle Tennessee who believe the heads of massive drug operations should be executed. Treat them just as we finally did the Mafia crime organizations and Islamic terrorism in the manner we searched them out, infiltrated them and destroyed them, and each time the head is replaced, lop it off until no one else desires the job and the organization eventually falls apart for want of guidance. Continue reading

Smith: Find the Courage to Save America…

I have great memories of this majestic country of ours, and I’ve traveled most of it, meeting the best and the worst people one could ever imagine. With all its beauty and all its ugliness, it’s still the best country on the planet in my humble opinion. And it so sorely hurts my heart to see Her put upon and attacked by people who only desire to destroy Her and remake Her into something unrecognizable, evil and vile in their quest for global power.
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Misrepresentation is the act or state of being represented incorrectly, improperly, falsely, or unsatisfactorily.

In most cases, it is an intentional misstatement of or the avoidance of facts to support or strengthen an agenda or plan.

Do you understand collateral damage? We’ve all heard the phrase in the movies and thrown about flippantly in conversation, but do you know what it is? Are you aware that it defines incidental damage for an activity? And do you ever think that adhering to the principle of the Seven Ps would eliminate this problem? Continue reading

Whitehead: Declare Your Independence from Tyranny, America

Imagine living in a country where armed soldiers crash through doors to arrest and imprison citizens merely for criticizing government officials.

Imagine that in this very same country, you’re watched all the time, and if you look even a little bit suspicious, the police stop and frisk you or pull you over to search you on the off chance you’re doing something illegal.

Keep in mind that if you have a firearm of any kind (or anything that resembled a firearm) while in this country, it may get you arrested and, in some circumstances, shot by police.

If you’re thinking this sounds like America today, you wouldn’t be far wrong. Continue reading

58 Babies who Received COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Suffered Life-Threatening Injuries

RT Magazine conducted an analysis of the cases reported to CDC’s voluntary Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), on reactions among babies and toddlers up to 3 years old who received mRNA COVID-19 injections. The study revealed that at least 58 cases were reported of severe and life-threatening adverse events/ injuries. This information is in conflict with the FDA’s briefing document that claimed that the majority of adverse events in Pfizers’ clinical trial were non-serious. The VAERS reports were incomplete as it was unclear if the babies survived. It is also unclear whether they were part of the clinical trials. Continue reading

Ross: “Roe, Roe, Roe your boat…

A few quick thoughts on the Roe decision…

I knew, from the moment that internal memo from the SCOTUS was leaked, that they were going to overturn Roe v Wade. I also knew that the leaking of that memo was not accidental; it was designed to do exactly what it did; get people worked up over it before it even happened. Nothing in politics/government happens without a reason; it happens either to further a political agenda or to distract people from something else that is going on; but it is never just an accident.

From the protests outside the Supreme Court to the timelines on Facebook, the decision to overturn the Roe decision has had the desired effect; people are busy taking sides, arguing their positions; often without even knowing, or discussing, what actually happened. Continue reading

Feminist Writer Finally Says the Quiet Part Out Loud Regarding Abortion

Yeah, that’s a rather blunt headline, right? It’s something that we’ve known for decades. It’s why this issue is intense, emotional, and loaded with nuance. With the Dobbs decision, the Supreme Court wiped out Roe v. Wade yesterday. It did not ban abortion nationwide. Abortion is not illegal. The Court did what it should have done with this issue eons ago – return it to the legislative process. There is nothing in the Constitution about abortion. There is no constitutional right to an abortion – that’s left-wing propaganda. Continue reading

The Decline of the Old Right

“The idea of imposing universal peace on the world by force is a barbarian fantasy.” ~ Garet Garrett

After the death of Taft and as the Eisenhower foreign policy began to take on the frozen Dullesian lineaments of permanent mass armament and the threat of “massive nuclear retaliation” throughout the globe, I began to notice isolationist sentiment starting to fade away, even among old libertarian and isolationist compatriots who should have known better. Old friends who used to scoff at the “Russian threat” and had declared The Enemy to be Washington, DC now began to mutter about the “international Communist conspiracy.” I noticed that young libertarians coming into the ranks were increasingly infected with the Cold War mentality and had never even heard of the isolationist alternative. Young libertarians wondered how it was that I upheld a “Communist foreign policy.”

In this emerging atmosphere, novelist Louis Bromfield’s nonfiction work of 1954, A New Pattern for a Tired World, a hard-hitting tract on behalf of free-market capitalism and a peaceful foreign policy, began to seem anachronistic and had almost no impact on the right wing of the day. (Continue to full story…)

Everybody’s Guilty: To the Police State, We’re All Criminals Until We Prove Otherwise

“In a closed society where everybody’s guilty, the only crime is getting caught.” ~ Hunter S. Thompson

The burden of proof has been reversed.

No longer are we presumed innocent. Now we’re presumed guilty unless we can prove our innocence beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. Rarely, are we even given the opportunity to do so.

Although the Constitution requires the government to provide solid proof of criminal activity before it can deprive a citizen of life or liberty, the government has turned that fundamental assurance of due process on its head.

Each and every one of us is now seen as a potential suspect, terrorist and lawbreaker in the eyes of the government. Continue reading

VICTORY: Right’s of the 2nd Amendment

BREAKING: Supreme Court Announces Massive Second Amendment Ruling
The Supreme Court on Thursday handed down its opinion in a landmark Second Amendment rights case, the biggest win for gun rights since the court’s Heller ruling holding that “New York’s proper-cause requirement violates the Fourteenth Amendment by preventing law-abiding citizens with ordinary self-defense needs from exercising their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms in public for self-defense.”

The ruling came down 6-3, with Justice Clarence Thomas writing the majority opinion joined by Justices Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett — plus concurring opinions by Justice Alito and Justice Kavanaugh. Justices Breyer wrote the dissent joined by Sotomayor, and Kagan…. (Continue to full article)

Biden slams SCOTUS vote to overturn 108-year-old NY gun law requiring ‘proper cause’ to carry concealed weapon and says the decision ‘contradicts both common sense and the Constitution’
The Supreme Court has struck down a New York law that severely restricted licenses to carry a concealed weapon, in the high court’s biggest Second Amendment ruling in more than a decade.

President Joe Biden said he was ‘deeply disappointed’ in the ruling, saying in a statement that it ‘contradicts both common sense and the Constitution, and should deeply trouble us all.’

‘I think it’s a bad decision, I’m disappointed,’ Biden told reporters in brief comments at the White House. … (Continue to full article)

Harris Claims SCOTUS Decision in NY Gun Case ‘Defies’ the Constitution
The Supreme Court’s decision to strike down New York’s restrictive handgun law is drawing some interesting takes.

Vice President Kamala Harris reacted to the Supreme Court’s decision in the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen case.

Shortly after the ruling was announced, Harris said, “We, the president, myself, many of us are deeply concerned and troubled by the Supreme Court’s ruling today.”… (Continue to full article)

‘Ever been stung by a dead bee?’

Originally published, June 17, 2015

Eddie: “I have no memory of ever being bit by any kind of bee.”

Slim: [interjecting] “Were you?”

Over the past year as I have completed a nearly eleven month long project of home restoration, I began to note something I had never witnessed before – not to the degree I have seen now – dead bees laying on the ground. Sometimes there is just one, sometimes several – and even on one occasion – several dozen. Continue reading

Hayworth: Biden declares war – on himself!

In 1964, President Johnson declared “War on Poverty.”

In 1971, President Nixon announced a “War on Drugs.”

In 1977, President Carter said “the moral equivalent of war” was needed to combat the Energy Crisis.

In early April of this year, the current occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue called his wife of almost 45 years Barack Obama’s vice president.

No foolin’!

Despite the thick “brain fog” enveloping Joe Biden, the leftist cabinet officers and staffers surrounding him have a mission they are pursuing with crystal clarity.

Simply stated, it is an undeclared “War on the Law-Abiding.” Continue reading

Fourth Reich Rising: “Little Hitlers” Thesis – Part I

Das ist nicht Shiza!

Is there any truth in the idea that a Fourth Nazi Reich is on the rise? The answer is “Only if you can read and understand history.”

It’s high time we considered the unthinkable. What with so much unimaginable stuff confronting us all. Did you get the social media meme the other day about Russia buried under more sanctions than Iran, Venezuela, Myanmar, and Cuba combined? Look again. Reconsider. I know, I know, many of you are wondering too, how is that even possible? Well… Continue reading

Teens Reveal How They Feel After ‘Changing Genders’ And Losing Organs

The thing that always worries me about children transitioning to the opposite sex is the fact that many of them are doing it for reasons that have nothing to do with sexual orientation. And you can never go back if you discover you are wrong. That poor decision that they may well have been pushed into doing so early in life could haunt them for decades to come. Continue reading

New Teacher Licensing Requirement Include Demonstrating ‘Marxist” Views to Keep Job

Our public school system continues to be corrupted by liberalism and Marxism. Some states have taken steps to prevent it, while others have embraced it and are even attempting to mandate it.

By spreading radical liberal propaganda, the National School Board has already lost almost half of the country. Continue reading