Independence Day? Half of America Doesn’t Even Know the Meaning of the Word.

I didn’t much feel like celebrating anything this year, and I especially don’t feel like celebrating this national holiday that really means next to nothing today, as I see it. I don’t know … You may see it differently for reasons I’m missing, but the overall situation of America today has just sickened me, and I find it hard to believe that this is where we’ve come, despite all the checks and balances provided for in the Constitution.

But then again, our downfall can be explained through the Founders’ own words. They oft stated that our Constitution was designed to be exerted and applied by a moral people and society, and short of staying close to our Christian and Western principles and God, they noted it would fail. Continue reading


A Newly produced film which lasts for over an hour and a half – but you WILL understand it all. This film producer has finally awoken!

THIS is what we are dealing with – and the end is forthcoming – UNLESS we WAKE UP – NOW

Traitor to the Constitution: The U.S. Government Is the REAL Criminal

The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable.” ~ H.L. Mencken

And so it continues…

This entire fiasco – indicting Donald Trump for allegedly violating both the Espionage Act and obstructing justice by improperly handling classified records – is merely the latest in a never-ending series of distractions, distortions, and political theater aimed at diverting the public’s attention from the sinister advances of the American Deep State.

Don’t allow yourselves to be distracted, diverted or mesmerized by the cheap theater tricks.

This indictment spectacle is Shakespearean in its scope: full of sound and fury, signifying NOTHING. Continue reading

Dragnet – The Big Departure Speech

Officers Joe Friday (Jack Webb) and Bill Gannon (Harry Morgan) discuss politics and social issues in this 1968 Dragnet clip that has everyone talking. The detectives never lose their cool, but they come close to it as you’re about to see.

The famous clip aired on March 7, 1968, and revolves around Sergeant Joe Friday and Officer Bill Gannon, his partner. They face daily challenges at work and deal with critical questions, such as race riots, LSD, you name it. Continue reading

The End Justifies the Means

If there were ever an argument for why decisions are so far off the moral and ethical target, and that supports the statement that America has no moral compass, this title says it in five words.

These five words explain every unconstitutional, unethical, and immoral decision in our republic. These five words mask any implication of impropriety because, from a particular perspective, it’s for the greater good, the good of the republic, because… “The End Justifies the Means!

When the exception becomes the rule, there is no need for reason. When everything becomes an excuse, there are no more pretexts. When a republic rationalizes everything as critical to its existence, it eventually fails, and there is no need for morality.

America is that republic. Continue reading

They Stood Up To Schools Over Special Ed Concerns…

Then Child Protective Services Arrived!

When their 7-year-old son, Tristan, who has autism and is nonverbal, arrived home from school with bruises and a lump on his head, Bronx parents Luis and Michelle Diaz began to worry.

They asked the school to look into the 2021 incident and requested a new paraeducator for their child. The classroom aid hadn’t mentioned the injury, despite messaging them throughout the day, the parents said, erasing their trust in her.

But the family’s search for answers and solutions brought them head-on into a problem they hadn’t anticipated: The school pointed the finger back at the Diaz parents, alleging neglect and inadequate supervision of their child. Soon, a caseworker with the Administration for Children’s Services, known as ACS, the New York City agency responsible for investigating suspected child abuse, showed up at their door.

“We were just trying to advocate for our son and find out what happened like any parent would,” Michelle Diaz said. “This is where the retaliation started.” Continue reading

Smith: A Legacy for America’s Children

If there’s ever been a thing that could end America, it’s this climate change lunacy that seems to have wormed its way into the brains of all the fools of the country, which are surprising large in number, and just enough to give the Biden regime its justification for pursuing national suicide in this manner.

Yes Toto, we ain’t in Kansas no mo’!

Continue reading

Dwyer: On the 100TH Anniversary of Bolshevik Revolution in Russia

Is it Going to Repeat Itself in the U.S.?

The following was written by Mark Andrew Dwyer and published on the Federal Observer on September 10, 2017. ~ Editor

Many political dysfunctionalities, anomalies, and pathologies that have been proliferating across the West for a few decades now are the results of a metastasis of the Soviet Bolshevism that had been carried on with mass emigration of the so-called “intelligentsia” from Russia, former Soviet Union, and its satellites. Some of the emigrants went straight to the U.S. while others settled and procreated elsewhere, with many of their progeny finding their way, legally or otherwise, to America. A brief analysis of the political trends and structure of the Soviet Union reveals certain disturbingly close similarities between them and some of their counterparts in the U.S. and the European Union. These similarities and the presence of the striving “intelligentsia” of the Russian-Soviet extraction in the U.S. move our country closer to a point where the necessary conditions for the neo-Bolshevik revolution are met. The above described process seem to follow directions how to impose socialism that were given to the Soviets by the Frankfurt School’s Institute for Social Research in the 1920s. Continue reading

A Vietnam War Combat Nurse Recounts Her Memories of War

Welcome Home, Sister!

In 1968, Cheryl Feala of North Bend, Nebraska was a nursing graduate and a 2nd Lieutenant in the United State Army stationed at Chu Lai Airbase located just 55 miles from the DMZ during the Vietnam War. Cheryl reflects on her memories as a combat nurse in the year of the Tet Offensive.

The Emergence of a New Global Order: Reshaping the World Stage

The world is witnessing a profound transformation in the global order, characterized by a shifting balance of power, evolving alliances, and emerging challenges. This paradigm shift, often referred to as the “New Global Order,” encompasses a wide range of political, economic, and social changes that are redefining the dynamics of international relations. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of this new order and examine its implications for the future. Continue reading

Invasión: June 20, 2023The insanity will not end!

Biden Celebrates 11 Years of DACA Program: Illegal Aliens ‘Are Americans’
Biden is celebrating the 11th anniversary of former President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that has allowed nearly 800,000 illegal aliens to evade arrest and deportation.

In a statement on Thursday, Biden commemorated the program by saying that the millions of illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for DACA “are Americans” despite their not having United States citizenship and flouting federal immigration law.

An illegal alien was reportedly shielded from deportation by former President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program before he allegedly killed three retired officers this month… (Continue to full article)

Which “Refugees” Are We Welcoming?
The Welcome Corps, a new program introduced by the Biden administration in January 2023, hands over the control of part of the resettlement process to refugee advocates in the United States (whether private individuals or organizations) and allows them to select their own refugees and future American citizens.

Per U.S. immigration law, resettled refugees are required to apply for a green card one year after arrival and can apply for citizenship four years later (not five, as the five-year count for refugees starts on the day of arrival)…. (Continue to full article)

Biden hides the truth at the border — he’s letting in thousands
Illegal border crossings are down from the eye-watering levels during the rush before the end of Title 42.

Some House Democrats visited the border last week and called it “much improved.”

President Biden responded to a reporter’s question about the border a couple weeks ago saying it was “much better than you all expected.”

So the border crisis is over, right?… (Continue to full article)

AMLO and Biden: Agents of Immigration Chaos
As Biden’s initiative played out over months, President Lopez Obrador, for once, issued no protest, apparently as oblivious as his American counterpart to the looming unintended consequences.

Blinded by his own open-border ideology, the stubborn AMLO seems never to have analyzed the impact of Washington’s unilateral migrant policies on Mexico’s national sovereignty. Much more subtle than previous Yanqui strong-arm tactics, President Biden was nevertheless blithely unleashing powerful outside forces that would trample Mexico…. (Continue to full article)

The Other Half of Our Immigration Crisis
Visa abuse, which begins as legal entry, doesn’t get nearly as much attention as illegal border crossings

Foreigners can arrive here on tourist visas and then legally adjust their visa status if they marry an American. It’s also legal for foreign “tourists” to come here and interview for jobs. If they find one, their employer can file an adjustment-of-visa-status request for them.

The bottom line is that the U.S. is likely the only Western country where one can arrive as a tourist and never go home—all legally… (Continue to full article)

Something’s Screwy with Immigration Court Border Cases
The immigration courts are a component of the Department of Justice (DOJ), and a review of DOJ statistics on decision filing rates in border asylum cases reveals that something screwy is going on — asylum grants are down, but so are asylum denials, while the percentage of “other” determinations are way up. What gives?

“Asylum Decision and Filing Rates in Cases Originating with a Credible Fear Claim”. The statistics, issued by DOJ’s Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) — the agency that oversees the immigration courts and the appellate Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) — are formally captioned “Asylum Decision and Filing Rates in Cases Originating with a Credible Fear Claim” (see a screenshot from the pdf file at the end of this post, from item 10 here). The title requires some brief explanation

Both Border Patrol apprehensions of illegal entrants and aliens deemed inadmissible by CBP officers at the ports of entry are referred to as “encounters”, and when CBP encounters either an illegal entrant or an alien who has presented fraudulent admission documents or no admission documents at all, it has a choice… (Continue to full article)

Suspected Migrant Smuggler Leads Texas Cops on 115 MPH Pursuit Near Border

A suspected migrant smuggler led Texas Department of Public Safety Highway Patrol troopers on a high-speed pursuit that began on June 13 in the small community of Brackettville, Texas. When troopers attempted to stop the suspicious vehicle within the incorporated area of the city, the driver allegedly chose to flee. The vehicle left the city limits on a rural farm-to-market road and reportedly reached speeds in excess of 115 miles per hour. Continue reading

Smith: Plain, Naked Human Evil

“Ask yourself why totalitarian dictatorships find it necessary to pour money and effort into propaganda for their own helpless, chained, gagged slaves, who have no means of protest or defense. The answer is that even the humblest peasant or the lowest savage would rise in blind rebellion, were he to realize that he is being immolated, not to some incomprehensible noble purpose, but to plain, naked human evil.” ~ Ayn Rand

One has to wonder when all of this political madness and the drive towards national suicide will end, that is if one is sane. The surreal world these communists are attempting to create results in nothing less than a massive death count nationwide, no matter that they haven’t fully succeeded yet. Their successes in the short term are getting the job started, and anyone with half a brain sees where this is going, while everyone, brain or no brain, can already feel the pain in many sectors of America.

The Biden regime is advancing this destructive, death-dealing New Green Deal through legal and illegal means in pursuit of the Marxist-Maoist vision of a Green Utopia that will never be, that can never be – that must not be allowed to ever come close to fruition or becoming our new reality. Continue reading

The intent of the Biden Administration is to allow as many foreign nationals into the United States as possible, regardless of the law or consequences for the American people.

The Biden Administration is abusing the asylum system in order to circumvent legal limits on immigration. They certainly aren’t doing this for humanitarian purposes, which has become transparent as the corporate media and mass immigration apologists (including those who favor mass illegal immigration) are no longer trying to deny that the “asylum seekers” pouring into the United States aren’t overwhelmingly economic migrants. Continue reading

Biden and Gomorrah ~ White House Takes Pride in Degeneracy

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil” ~ Isaiah 5:20

Picture a rainbow colored jackboot stomping on your face for the rest of time – that’s what’s coming if we fail to fight back.

The White House was intentionally defiled when Pedo Joe Biden held a ‘Pride’ celebration on the front lawn. Deviants mentally ill people were invited to cavort on the grass while Biden praised them for being ‘brave.’ Rainbows were everywhere and Biden was in full virtue signaling mode. Continue reading

The Consequences of Stupidity While Thinking of the Coming Day of Reckoning

Whoa – Demz Dark Days Ahead!

Juneteenth is the new holiday that came out of black American culture, that grew out of some black slaves in Galveston, TX who didn’t know the Union had won the Civil War and that they were free until June 19th 1865. It made me think the word “dumbasses“, because even as slow as news traveled in those days, it didn’t travel that slow; telegraphs went out, towns people got the word and you know the house slaves got it too and passed it on to the rest of the slaves, which makes me believe to some large degree, this is just another myth that sounded like a good story and now it’s a part of history and another factor in traditional America’s destruction.

If those dumb bastards didn’t know they were free for two months after the war ended, they deserved to be slaves; they needed to stay slaves, because they were too stupid to function in normal society … just sayin’. Continue reading