Smith: 2024 ~ America’s Horrific Dystopian Society

I was pondering my children’s and grandchildren’s futures in America today, as I considered what I wanted to write, and this was the result. They don’t have a future so long as so many people remain so ignorant in the country and demand every want and need for their existence to be met by the government, as if someone doesn’t actually have to pay for all of it – Yes AOC – taxpayers are real live people with their own bills to pay.

We have a problem with our people on the whole, because years of indoctrination and communist propaganda couched in the niceties of “for the good of the people” and “social justice” have done their damage and set the stage for the final downfall of America and the complete collapse of our system.

And in the meantime, traitor Joe and his minions are clubbing away at every federal and state institution, trying to break them apart sufficiently to be held impotent in any fight against this tyrannical Marxist-Maoist drive to destroy the republic.

We see just how important getting one’s kindred spirits and like-minded patriots in all elected offices, as we recently witnessed she-bitch Shenna Bellows, Maine Secretary of State, single-handedly and arbitrarily decide to remove Donald Trump from the ballot for the GOP primary. This is what the commies do. They make law fit their agenda or the make up “law” along the way, by way of commie activists within presidencies, agencies and the courts, just like Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Carter, Clinton, Obama and now Biden have done.

But what people continuously miss is the fact that only Congress can actually make laws under the Constitution.

The Marxist-Maoists of this country had well over a century to use our freedoms against us and to slowly change the Constitution and the system at large to favor their agenda, but conservatives and freedom-loving Americans won’t have this luxury – we don’t have time on our side to win back the country by way of reasoned arguments, cogent discussions and logic, since once these anti-American rat bastards get a lock on power, they will move forcefully and aggressively to squash any and all opposition, just as every other totalitarian communist regime has done in years past, even to the point of using the military and law enforcement agents to murder their opposition. And there will be those in such positions who will go along with the program.

I may yet be proven wrong, but I don’t think so. I truly believe we – however few or many – American patriots are going to have to pick up our weapons and fight our way out of this mess. We’re going to have to send these commies to hell the hard way and fight like hell to remain free – fight like hell so that our children and grandchildren and many generations beyond will be able to live free lives in a prosperous and thriving America. ~ J.O.S.

America: Struggling into 2024 and Beyond

“Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of men who can fabricate it.” ~ Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

This nation has experienced some of the most tumultuous years, since 1964, between 2008 and today, all of which were brought on by a subversive segment of our population and Marxist-Maoist radicals working diligently within every institution of our federal and state governments to destroy our founding. And today, as we prepare to usher out one of the worst years that saw the rule of law virtually eradicated, America’s future beyond 2024 is shaping up to be one huge mess of a horrific dystopian society.

We are witnessing a top-down driven anti-American Marxist-Maoist revolution led by Democratic Party “elites” and the intelligentsia, or at least what passes for academia today, as they whitewash their agenda by way of “social justice” and “equity” nonsense, destroying the rule of law as they go and making it up along the way. Oftentimes, they arrive at a conclusion and advance it as “a law” through an agency or executive order, simply because they think it should be law, no matter how it might contravene the U.S. Constitution.

One must realize the nation and many states are being led and ruled over – not actually governed – by true morons and idiots, when we see judges in Colorado and Maine’s Secretary of State casting aside any real due process of law and simply declaring that former President Donald Trump engaged in an “insurrection” on January 6th 2021. Neither parties involved seem to understand the legal definition of “insurrection” and the fact that January 6th met none of the parameters for an insurrection, but they really don’t care about what the U.S. code states, just as long as they can keep Trump off their ballots and deny a significant portion of America’s population its choice for President of these not so “united” States.

Since when does an ill-read, uninformed bureaucrat, who isn’t even a lawyer, get to unilaterally decide someone doesn’t get to be on any ballot, simply because she feels and believes he should not be allowed to run for president? That’s not how the law is written, that’s not legal and it’s not even founded on any fact-based precedent.

The chaos in our streets that was driven by Black Lives Matter and Antifa until the end of 2020 has now given way to the chaos generated by the lunatics of the transgender movement and the pro-Hamas Islamic fascists who think they are the only ones with rights in America. Trans-people constantly attack others who will not submit and validate their delusions that men can be women and even have babies, and they become absolutely unhinged at the suggestion that biological men shouldn’t be able to compete in sports against women. Not to be outdone, Muslims are apoplectic over the simple sight of a Jew going about his own business on a college campus or anywhere else in America, as they now attempt to blame Israel for Hamas’s vicious, deadly terrorist attack against Israel on October 7th 2023, and they have been rioting in every major U.S. city calling for a Jewish genocide, chanting “from the river to the sea”.

The first push towards the edge of the cliff was Chief Justice Roberts’ ruling in favor of Obamacare, as he practically rewrote the government’s brief for it, calling the act a “tax” rather than the penalty it actually was, identified by Obama as such. RINO Speaker Ryan did little to help combat it going forward and made it impossible to achieve the majority for repeal, even when Republicans held the majority. Then came the ruling that the term “marriage” and everything it legally entails could be applied to unions between homosexuals, which has sent the LGBTQ freaks into a feeding frenzy of lust as they now fight for all manner of immoral sick, twisted, delusional and deviant debauchery, and today, many fine and decent Americans are being threatened, intimidated and violently attacked, for refusing to validate these mentally ill people’s contention that men can be women and have babies or biological men have a right to participate in women’s sports.

And the Biden regime advocates for all of this madness emanating from the Far Left, going so far as to have its “Civil Rights” division of the DOJ back all Democrat States who are also pushing this mess. Make no mistake; the Republican states aren’t immune from the chaos, because many of their major cities are Marxist-Maoist bastions where this lunatic destructive drivel is the rule rather than the exception.

Try and present the truth and factual evidence on any hot issue of the day that flies in the face of the Democratic Party’s numerous lies and false narratives regarding law and order, Critical Race Theory, transgenderism and gender dysphoria, and climate change and you will be screamed down until you either stop talking or leave, or in some cases, punched, kicked and stomped to the ground as you are swarmed by the lunatics who love their mob antics and have no moral compass or shame.

HhMmmm … seems like if one doesn’t support today’s Democratic Party Marxist-Maoist agenda, one isn’t allowed to speak freely or truthfully. Free speech is only for communists, silly patriotic American.

America was making great leaps and bounds in repairing the horrific harm and destruction of slavery and Jim Crow laws in its early years by at least 1955, ending both. So many Americans took to heart the sound message from Martin Luther King, Jr. in the 1960s, to judge one another by the content of one’s character rather than the color of one’s skin, and in fact, many of us had been taught this in our own homes well before MLK put it to words.

However, from the earliest days of Barack Obama’s first term, his administration painted a bleak picture of race relations in America and did its utmost best to create further division among the races. And now, these divisions have been widened under a traitor to America’s founding – a man many of us have grown to hate who is of the lowest intellect and character – known as Joe Biden who claims “white supremacy” is a threat to the nation and has placed his regime’s imprimatur on discrimination against white “privileged” people, Christians and conservatives through the FBI and DOJ which have been heavily infiltrated over the decades by Democratic Party Communists.

One should make note of a recent movie, Leave the World Behind, that was produced by Barack and Michelle Obama. At one point in the movie, one of the main characters tells her dad, “you can’t trust whitey”.

Now, Biden’s regime is pushing the false narratives of Critical race Theory into every nook and cranny of our institutions and our society at large – suggesting white people are the problem in America today – as he floods the country with millions of Illegal Aliens from across the world and teaches American children and these illegal aliens as well, to hate America and Her founding, as the plan to destroy our republic and transform America into an authoritarian socialist state moves along at an extremely accelerated pace.

Biden’s policies are regressive and will make slaves of us all, dropped and downtrodden, made to submit, and reduced to “equality” under tyranny and the common denominator of poverty, made to bow to the Leviathan and beg the State for privilege rather than live by way of our Inalienable God-given Rights as Free Men and Women in a Free and Sovereign America.

Generally speaking, government should never attempt to force people do go against their conscience or impose the will of a minority over the majority, when that will actually does harm, just as seen with the insertion of men in women’s sports at the high school and university levels and the government protection of Muslim jihadists at universities and the tacit approval of their anti-Semitic attacks against Jewish students and Jews in every U.S. city. Since it is the federal government actually waging war against its own citizens, through an addendum to Title IX and pro-Islamic policies, it is left to the governors and legislatures of the states to combat such illiberal and destructive law and/or arbitrary “rules” enacted under the regime’s tyrannical policies.

The Biden regime still to this day insists that white people, especially Christian conservatives, are the biggest threat to America today – not China, not Russia, not over ten million illegal alien invaders.

Lyin’-Ass Mayorkas

but… but… But Department of Homeland Security [“homeland security?” – what a fucking joke] Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas assures all America, time and time again, that the U.S. borders are safe and secured and everything is proceeding well with halting this flood of illegal alien invaders, even as this month, December 2023, has just seen a record breaking 270,000 illegals cross our Southern Border.

Who are you going to believe? Your own eyes and good mind and all the news reels documenting this invasion or the Lyin’-Ass Mayorkas [?] – who simply chooses to act as if there isn’t any evidence to the contrary regarding his ongoing assertion.

Add to this mess the fact that our national debt is surpassing $34 trillion, home mortgages have nearly doubled in three years and high inflation and interest rates keep rising and people can barely afford rent and groceries, and one sees a nation in increasingly deep trouble, whose leaders just keep shoveling the people deeper into the shit and a whole lot of trouble that won’t be easily avoided, even should anyone make a course correction this very second.

No reasonable, sane person wants to see their children and grandchildren forced by any government entity to live under so many insane arbitrary rules and regulations and executive orders that violate every single principle America was founded upon. But going into 2024, so long as Biden, or someone like him, and the Marxist-Maoists are running the show, its going to be a pure hellscape and a year of new firestorms and riots across our land.

Once one considers that from October of last year to October of 2023 there were more babies born in America to non-citizen Illegal Aliens than babies born to Natural American Citizens, the future of America and the future for Her children and Her people as a whole truly does look bleak in 2024 and beyond.

January 1, 2024

Justin O. Smith ~ Author

~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.

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