I can’t honestly tell you when this started happening, but I have found that I’ve been giving a great deal of thought to subjects that would never have crossed my mind 10 years ago. I don’t know if this is simply one of the things that happens when you get old, or if it is due to the fact that my mind has much more free time since I retired a few years back. Maybe its a little bit of both, who knows.
Sometimes, when I least expect it, a random thought will pop into my head; something so out of the ordinary that I ask myself, ‘Where the hell did that come from?’ Then there are times that I will be reading something, and a single word sets off a rapid fire chain reaction of thoughts that is so intense that I can no longer focus my mind on what I was reading; or writing for that matter. Whichever the case may be, there is one thing that is common; I find that my mind refuses to let go of that thought until I have given it a thorough examination; looked at it from every conceivable angle.
The latest thought that has taken up so much of my mind’s free time is…well…time. Just to be clear, I’m not talking about what time it is, or how much more of it I have left before I return to the dust from whence I came, but time itself; what it is and how we go about measuring it. Continue reading