Frankly – as one who has been fighting this issue for many decades – enough is ENOUGH. I am tired of using the valuable space on Federal Observer to post headline after headline after MORE headlines on this topic. Biden and the rest of the CROOKED Polly-Ticians – ALL need to get – shall we say – HUNG Out to HANG! – All the while – it is WE the American People who are footing the bill for all of this BULLSHIT!
OH – and by the way – if interested in any of the preview articles below – click on the TITLE to connect to the complete articles.
As for the Elected or the Illegal Invader – just get ready to ‘Hang ‘Em High’! ~ Editor

Florida is braced for an influx of desperate refugees fleeing violence-stricken Haiti as the country inches closer to a civil war.
Gang violence has left the dead piling up in the streets of the capital Port-au-Prince and so far displaced more than 15,000 people. The US State Department has not indicated how many Americans its estimates are among those caught up in the chaos.
Rife with fraud and corruption, the U.S. government’s multi-billion-dollar Haiti aid program has failed miserably to help citizens of the impoverished island, yet the Biden administration is sending more money as violence and lawlessness grip the country. Armed gangs have overrun most of the capital of Port-au-Prince and political instability has plateaued, but the American taxpayer dollars keep flowing with no oversight though billions in assistance have vanished since an earthquake struck Haiti nearly a decade and a half ago… More of U.S. Taxpayer’s $$$ getting picked from OUR pockets.
A second wave of Venezuela’s worst criminals could soon be rushing over the US border after being released from prison in their home country. was first to report on the first wave of Venezuelan gangsters to cross the border and filter into American cities – including henchmen for dictator Nicolas Maduro and members of the notorious Tren de Aragua gang. Now, more gang bangers and thugs who had been locked away are being released, according to a government official.
In that same period, 1.2 million people have crossed the US border illegally, statistics from US Customs and Border Protection show.
In the El Paso Sector of the border, 5,800 unaccompanied children have been found near the international boundary, El Paso Border Patrol Chief Anthony Good tweeted Monday.
The shocking figure was posted alongside the photo of a young boy arriving on the border near El Paso, Texas. The system appears to be struggling to cope with the rapid numbers of migrants flowing across the border, which reached an all-time high of 302,000 monthly crossings in December.
The backlog has left millions of migrants who are currently residing in the U.S., unsure of whether they will be permitted to stay or simply be deported.
The United States is expected to be grappling with more than 8 million asylum seekers and migrants who will have crossed over the southern border by September. The staggering figure represents a 167 percent surge in five years and underscores the challenges faced by what is both an underfunded and antiquated immigration system.
The vast majority of the 8 million are now free to roam US streets, including 2 million ‘high-priority’ cases of career criminals seeking asylum.
The system appears to be struggling to cope with the rapid numbers of migrants flowing across the border, which reached an all-time high of 302,000 monthly crossings in December.
The backlog has left millions of migrants who are currently residing in the U.S., unsure of whether they will be permitted to stay or simply be deported.

A California Democratic assembly member’s new bill states that an individual’s immigration status can’t disqualify an applicant from the program. Joaquin Arambula, a Democratic assemblyman from California, introduced Assembly Bill 1840 earlier this year, which could create an alternative way for illegal immigrants to achieve homeownership.
The bill is set to expand eligibility criteria for a state loan program to expand these loans to include undocumented migrants that are first-time buyers. Arambula’s update to the bill states, “an applicant under the program shall not be disqualified solely based on the applicant’s immigration status.”
Concerns continue to rise across the country as the migrant crisis continues to grow and overpower different states’ available resources.
Well, Biden went to the border, the safest part of the border currently, for his election photo-op. However, it isn’t only the border area that feels the brunt of the illegal alien crime wave in this country, not that Biden gives a hoot. It would seem that Biden is currently in the “replacement” mode–replacing American citizens with foreign illegal aliens.
There have been several news reports displaying the outworking of Biden’s replacement agenda (really it’s Obama’s agenda, but Biden is a willing puppet). Illegal immigrants are involved in all manner of crimes, but that’s okay with China Joe as long as the victims are Americans and/or their children.
For instance, one episode happened right here in Louisiana. In Kenner, Louisiana, a 19 year old Illegal immigrant has been arrested following a series of violent crimes. The police have stated that this guy is in this country illegally.

As seen from an aerial view a U.S. Border Patrol agent supervises as immigrants walk into the United States after crossing the Rio Grande from Mexico on September 30, 2023 in Eagle Pass, Texas. John Moore/Getty Images
Texas “will not back down” – Governor Greg Abbott vows – after a U.S. judge sided with a legal challenge by the Biden Administration against a tough new state immigration law that was to take effect next week.
When Governor Abbott signed SB 4 into law in December, it was hailed by The National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) as a weapon to help regain control of the border:
“Border Patrol agents nationwide, not just in Texas, are grateful for Governor Abbott’s leadership and willingness to recognize that it is the rule of law that keeps all Americans safe,” – NBPC President Brandon Judd
The law would make it a state crime to cross the Texas-Mexico border unlawfully.
A federal judge has ordered Joe Biden to continue building border wall along the United States-Mexico border with funds allocated under former President Donald Trump.