Author Archives: The Publisher

About The Publisher

A veteran of Viet Nam, student of history (both American and film), Jeffrey Bennett has been broadcasting for over twenty-eight years as host of Perspectives on America, and later - 'Life, Liberty & All That Jazz.' Jeff is considered the voice of reason on the alternative media - providing a unique and distinctive broadcast style, including topics such as health and wellness, news, political satire - with a twist, education and editorial commentary on current events through the teaching of history. In addition, Jeff publishes The Federal Observer - a daily on-line publication, which co-authored and spear-headed a petition, which ultimately caused new legislation to be signed by President George W. Bush within 450 days of the events that rocked our world on September 11, 2001.

Terry: I’ve Been Diagnosed as Delusional!

I went to see my Doctor at the Hershey Medical Center. I proceeded to explain to him that there was no law requiring most people to pay Federal Income Taxes. Dr. Richard Levine got all upset and called the Emergency Room. He then asked me to go to the emergency room and talk to a psychiatrist. Dr. Levine said to me that he did not know if the Psychiatrist would Hospitalize me or not for stating that there was no law requiring most people to pay Income Taxes. He said that a few days in the Hospital might do me some good. I did not go to the Emergency Room I went home because I did not want to go to the Psychiatric Ward. When I returned to Dr. Levine’s office for a follow-up appointment, I told him that I did not go to the Emergency Room. Dr. Levine called my boyfriend into his office with us and told my boyfriend that I was having Delusional thoughts.

He then proceeded to ask me if I still thought that there was no law requiring most people to pay Income taxes. Continue reading

Wark: What’s so good about Good Friday?

                                      The Crucifixion by Gustave Doré

It’s Good Friday and I want to do something I’ve never done before. I want to talk about it.

Today we recognize that 2024 years ago Jesus Christ died on a cross.

But the significance of Jesus’ death doesn’t make sense until you understand Passover.

The story of Passover is found in Exodus chapter 12. The Israelites, who were slaves in Egypt, were instructed by God through Moses to sacrifice a spotless 1-year-old male lamb and put the blood of the lamb around their door frames.

That night, the Lord killed every firstborn child and every firstborn animal in Egypt, but the Lord passed over the houses with the blood of the lamb on the door. Continue reading

Benson: “Jesus Christ is King!”

Today being Maundy Thursday, the day before the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ, I felt it was a good time for this article. Andrew Torba, the CEO of, seems to have committed the “unpardonable (antisemitic) sin” because he has written “Jesus Christ is King” and he continues to do so. You just can’t have Christians running around stating obvious truths like that that rob the state of Israel of its desired grandeur. So what to do? Label such truths as “antisemitic.” That should shut those Christians up!

I did an article not too long ago noting that not all who have embraced the religion of Judaism are Semitic by birth. In fact, most today are not. Their ancestors came mostly from Western Russia and Eastern Europe and they have no more claim to being Semitic than the man in the moon! In fact, many of those they claim to be antisemitic are really Semites racially, while most Jews today are not.

Christians should have no problem proclaiming that Jesus Christ is King. Unfortunately, whether some Christians realize it or not, they are really busy stating that “the state of Israel is king–and don’t you forget it.” Looking at some Scripture on this Maundy Thursday, the Scripture is quite clear regarding the actions of Israel’s religious leaders during the Lord’s time on earth. Continue reading

Handle Hard Better: A Good Life Doesn’t Come Easy

I never thought I’d see the day when police officers would be forced to do nothing, while “youths”, [young?] black thugs from 15 to 55, and older, rip through stores taking whatever they want without laying the first nickel on the counter in payment. So much for “the rule of law” in America. So much for “work ethic” these days too, since it has been condemned as a mythological beast that may have once existed in a far away land that seems to have died a slow death at the hands of the Takers, the Marxist-Maoist Commies who tout the wonders of “Free Stuff“, courtesy of Uncle Sam.

Sure. Life in the real world often isn’t fun for any of us. Many live a plain, no-frills life, in basic, cramped, meager conditions. But at least it’s real and it’s ours, complain as we will, not some delusional, fantastical utopian wonderland where death and destruction are the rule, once the curtains fall away.

And for whatever effort they put forth, the Takers greatest efforts seen in their nihilistic destruction of all around them, simply because they don’t have the same quality of goods, a large bank account and nice things that more driven, capable people have acquired for themselves. They tread water working menial jobs; they listen to songs created by others, while they create nothing, and they indulge in drugs and alcohol to alter their minds and make their meaningless lives more tolerable. ~ J.O.S.
Continue reading

Kunstler: Wake-up Call…

“Those who organized the disaster will take advantage of the inevitable discontent arising from efforts to overcome it, for if there is one thing that they are skilled in, it is demagoguery.” ~ Theodore Dalrymple

Can you feel it? The tension rising to the red-line? It runs clear through all of Western Civ. We are ruled by governments of fiends. But now, the sun rides higher in the sky. The sap is rising in the northern forests. The earth heaves. The buds swell and blush. Something is in the air. The animals are waking from their long winter sleep. The natives are restless.

The two traditional political divisions, liberal and conservative died with Covid. Now there are simply the sane versus the insane. The sane have had enough of being pushed around by the insane. The insane don’t register much of what reality tries to tell them. They have a body of insane ideas to comfort and protect them from reality’s rigors. To call that body of ideas an “ideology” is way too polite. Continue reading

The Program – Programmed by the Programmers – Programming…

“Don’t worry, we’ll tell you what you think…”

While my wife and I watched a particularly engaging action movie, she remarked…

I wonder how many people see this as reality. Do you think they know this is just entertainment, or do they think this is real?

Her perspective is spot on and the impetus for this opinion piece.

The episode portrayed Russia in a particularly antagonistic light and America as the Knights in shining armor… as one would expect. The program gave rise to an intriguing conversation about what we see and believe. Continue reading

Benson: Are The Pornographic Textbook Chickens Finally Coming Home To Roost In Kanawha County?

The headline for the article on the West Virgina News that I took this material from read: “Kanawha County schools faces budget shortfall and jobs loss due to enrollment decline.” It seems as if it has taken quite awhile, decades in fact, since the Textbook Protest in Kanawha County, West Virginia in the mid-1970s over what can only be called pornographic textbooks, for this to happen. But even delayed justice is better than no justice at all.

The article stated, in part: “Over the past decade the school system has lost around 5,000 students, leading to a funding loss for 72 positions.” Continue reading

March 25, 2024: The Continued American INSANITY Will NOT End

Kamala Harris Fell to Her Knees…

When She Found Out Who Her Replacement Might Be!

Why of course she did – How do you think that she got her start?

Even though Joe Biden’s approval numbers are a total dumpster fire, somehow Kamala Harris’ job approval is even worse in the eyes of the majority of the American public.

Joe Biden’s approval ratings sit anywhere between the high 20s and the low 40s, depending on who you ask. It averages out to around the mid-30s when you take all the polls into consideration.

Kamala Harris, on the other hand, usually sits about three to ten points behind Joe Bidens’ – much slower pace, and it calls attention to ambitious EV targets set for the years ahead… (Continue to full article)

Shocking moment TikToker tells followers how to ‘invade’ American homes and invoke squatter’s rights

A Faggoty-Ass Fruitcake is just hollering out his ass-(ets)!

A TikTok influencer is advising his followers on how to ‘invade’ American homes and invoke squatter’s rights, making it difficult for them to be removed from properties.

Leonel Moreno, who goes by @leitooficial_25 online and appears to be a Venezuelan migrant, has told his followers that under US law, ‘if a house is not inhabited, we can seize it’.

He is referring to squatter’s rights, or adverse possession laws – a common law principle that allows an illegal inhabitant to acquire ownership of a property based on continuous occupation without the legal owner’s consent.

Moreno, alleging he has friends who ‘have already taken about seven homes’, argued the only way for migrants to not live in the streets or be a ‘public burden’ is to ‘seize’ and ‘invade’ abandoned properties… (Continue to full article)

What Will the Job of the American Military Be

Riding Herd on American Citizens?

How many have noticed of late that they seem to be calling out the National Guard more and more often? A prime example of this is the National Guard being used in New York City to keep the subway safe.

Perhaps if the city of New York worked a little harder at combatting crime it would not have come to this–but it has. Defunding the police and the growing number of soft-on-crime district attorneys, many of them George Soros wannabees, is somehow not solving the crime problem in America. It was never intended to. It was intended to make the problem worse–and it has.

In the same way, the situation at the border was intentional. The Biden regime wants these illegal aliens (and I will continue to call them that) here because it has certain purposes for them to fulfil, which will become more obvious as time passes. Awhile back Donald Trump made a statement which was probably even more accurate than he realized at the time… (Continue to full article)

Large Migrant Group Pushes Past Texas Military at El Paso Border

A large group of migrants appeared to push their way past Texas National Guard soldiers and razor-wire barriers in an attempt to enter the United States near El Paso on Thursday illegally. The migrants appeared to be stopped by a permanent border barrier after assaulting several guardsmen.

A video posted on X by New York Post journalist Jennie Taer shows a large group of migrants shoving and assaulting members of the Texas National Guard who are defending the border under Governor Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star border security mission. The migrant group eventually broke through the border wire and rushed a permanent border barrier, also manned by guardsmen.

That was the moment when TX National Guard became overrun by migrants rioting to get across the border here in El Paso today… (Continue to full article)

Bill Gates Has Teamed Up With A Fellow Well Named Billionaire…

In Hopes of Ending the Meat Industry

The emergence of lab-grown meat raises intriguing questions in a world that’s becoming increasingly health-conscious and eco-aware. The likes of Bill Gates and Richard Branson have joined forces, touting lab-grown meat as a solution to transform the conventional meat industry. However, we face profound ethical dilemmas as we peer into this scientific endeavor. Is lab-grown meat truly a more ethical or sustainable choice for our diets?

As we navigate the intricate web of lab-grown meat production, we invite you to question whether this approach holds up to scrutiny in pursuing a better, healthier world – but in the scheme of things – Bill Gates doesn’t really care!!! (Continue to full article)

Republicans Livid as Chaos Threatens to Cannibalize House Majority

House Republicans have skipped town for Easter recess with their base enraged, their majority in tatters — and their speaker facing the prospect of a humiliating ouster at the hands of his own MAGA allies.

Why it matters: Dysfunction doesn’t even begin to cover it. The Senate’s passage of a $1.2 trillion spending bill at 2 am ET — narrowly averting a government shutdown — was perhaps the least dramatic development in a historic day on Capitol Hill.

The Republican-led House passed the spending bill just before noon Friday and sent it to the Senate — with more than half the House GOP conference, including many furious hardliners, voting against it.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) — one of those hardliners angry at Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) for helping push the bill — introduced a motion to vacate the chair, calling for Johnson’s removal. Her move threatens to trigger the same type of vote that ended the career of his predecessor, Kevin McCarthy… (Continue to full article)

Truth IS Stranger Than Fiction: The Racist Roots of Gun Control

He’s been with us from the beginning!

~ Foreword ~
March 23, 2024 ~ Every so often, we are inclined to go back to the ‘roots’ of the Federal Observer, and with today’s posting, and due to the overwhelming controversy over the next generation of gun-grab attempts, the time has come to repost this lengthy column once again. It has now been just over ten years since we brought the following back to the Front Page, yet given what is going on in Virginia and other states today – it’s time for review is past due.

Once again, due to the age of this column (November 2002) some or all of the embedded links may no longer be active. Due your own due-diligence.

To straighten out the un-enlighted reader – Mr. Whitley is not the author of “The Racist Roots of Gun Control”. He is however the author of the introduction and the closing comments. Our thanks to Mr. Clayton E. Cramer – the author of the main body of this text. We suggest that the NAACP (an organization who seems to have no intention of allowing their ‘people’ to be advanced for anything) – read and study – and then know their own history. (NOTE: Some of the embedded links within this publication may no longer be active.)

It would seem, the NAACP is willing to sellout the black race by withholding the truth in exchange for a few bucks in a civil case – and may even be willing to go so far as to threaten others of their own race if they try to reveal historical facts dealing with racism if it interferes with their cash-flow. The path the NAACP has taken is…well, as they say, “follow the money” (and the truth be damned).

Jeffrey Bennett, Publisher
Continue reading

Benson: What Will They Do When the Goodies Are Gone?

Legal Immigrants, Illegal Immigrant, Refuge there is a difference. ( Photo by Metin Ozer on Unsplash

We’ve had problems with illegal immigration on our Southern border for decades. This problem is not new, but it is surely different and worse now than it ever was before. For a lot of years we had immigrants, mostly from Mexico and Central America, coming across the border to find work, mostly because their own countries couldn’t, or wouldn’t, give them enough work to support their families.

When they got here and somehow managed to find work they worked hard. When their children were born here they were citizens and many of them contributed to the country. They worked, joined the military, their children got an education that enabled them to contribute to society. This is not a picture of many of the current illegal immigrants this country is being inundated with thanks to China Joe Biden. Continue reading

The Great Election Fraud: Manufactured Choices Make a Mockery of Our Republic

“Dictators are not in the business of allowing elections that could remove them from their thrones.” ~ Gene Sharp, political science professor

The U.S. Supreme Court was right to keep President Trump’s name on the ballot.

The high court’s decree that the power to remove a federal candidate from the ballot under the Constitution’s “insurrectionist ban” rests with Congress, not the states, underscores the fact that in a representative democracy, the citizenry – not the courts, not the corporations, and not the contrived electoral colleges – should be the ones to elect their representatives.

Unfortunately, what is being staged is not an election. It is a mockery of an election. Continue reading

Blow it Out Cher (G)-Ass! Chapter II

OH – do you find the title of today’s post offensive? Then it is past time to WAKE UP! It’s not the title that one should be offended by – it should be the subject matter.

“Pal” Joey and Company are at the bottom of this crap for one reason or another and many of his cohorts are more than likely on the receiving end of some heavy ‘moolah‘!

Hey folks – it’s the ‘Green New Deal’. Let’s save the Planet by forcing EV autos down people’s throats. Let’s outlaw the sales of BBQ’s and gas stoves.

But tonight, I drove by numerous gas stations that had tried to “Pump me UP!” for a .40-cent hike in less than 24 hours. Who in the hell iz zooming who? I will not waste my time trying to share other reasons for all of this crap. It is time that America WAKE UP and smell the coffee being heated up on your GAS stoves. Follow the headlines below – and then READ ‘EM and WEEP! How about, “Getcher head out of your ASS!” ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor

What Does Biden’s Bid to Phase Out Gas Cars by 2032 Mean For YOU?

Take-up of electric cars has stalled in many parts of America – with just 3 percent of new sales an EV in some states

Drastic new rules that limit the sale of gas-powered vehicles by 2032 were unveiled by the Biden administration …

The news come as take-up of electric cars has stalled in many parts of America – with just 3 percent of new sales an EV in some states.

EV owners report far more problems with their cars and trucks than owners of gas-powered vehicles, according to a new survey.

Vehicles in the burgeoning electric vehicle segment, from model year 2021 through 2023, encountered 79 percent more problems than those with combustion engines…

HEY Joey – Blow it out your a… (Continue to full article)

‘That makes no sense’!

Rage Drivers About Gas Tax Hike and New $250 EV Fee to Be Rolled Out in Major US State

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, along with key state lawmakers, is spearheading a plan to gradually increase the gasoline tax by nearly 1.9 cents per gallon each year.

A new bill would implement the gas tax hike each year for the next five years until drivers spend $.10 a gallon more, according to

The bill would also apply surcharges of $250 to $290 on electric vehicle drivers in the state… (Continue to full article)

Biden Admin Set to Finalize Major Gas Car Crackdown Over Warnings From Automakers, Energy Industry

Joey Doo Fuss

The Biden administration is expected this week to finalize highly anticipated regulations targeting gas-powered vehicle tailpipe emissions, considered the tip of the spear in its efforts to electrify the transportation sector.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is slated to issue the final rulemaking — which officials have boasted will incentivize greater adoption of electric vehicles (EV), but which opponents have criticized as a de facto mandate — as soon as Wednesday, industry sources told Fox News Digital. The regulations, a key part of President Biden’s climate agenda, would ultimately force automakers to more rapidly expand electric options in their fleets beginning in a matter of years.

“It certainly won’t do anything to improve human health. It won’t do anything to reduce pollution,” American Energy Institute president and CEO Jason Isaac, who has researched the EV market, told Fox News Digital in an interview. “We’ve proven in this country that we’re already a world leader in clean air. All it’s going to continue to do is push the costs of electric vehicles on to purchasers of internal combustion engine vehicles.”

‘This policy is bad for consumers, the economy and national security’… (Continue to full article)

EV euphoria is DEAD!

The buzz around electric vehicles is wearing off. Automakers are scaling back or delaying their electric vehicle plans.

Automakers from Ford Motor and General Motors to Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Jaguar Land Rover and Aston Martin are scaling back or delaying their electric vehicle plans.

Though consumer demand for EVs hasn’t shown up in the way executives had expected, sales of the vehicles are still predicted to increase in the years to come.

A broad return to a more mixed offering of vehicles — with lineups of gas-powered vehicles alongside hybrids and fully electric options — assumes an all-electric future at a much slower pace, and it calls attention to ambitious EV targets set for the years ahead… (Continue to full article)

Tesla Owner Locked Out Until Paying $26,000 for New Electric Car Battery

Life often surprises us with unexpected twists, and sometimes, it’s the challenges that lead us down a path we never imagined.

In this captivating narrative, we invite you to embark on an electric adventure, where Mario Zelaya, a Tesla owner hailing from Canada, found himself entangled in an extraordinary conundrum. His beloved $140,000 Tesla, a symbol of innovation, underwent a remarkable transformation after its battery met its match in time. What unfolded next is a tale of unyielding determination, an eye-popping price tag, and a peek behind the curtains of electric vehicle ownership.

This perplexing situation was far more than just an inconvenience; it was an unexpected revelation about the intricacies of owning an electric car. While conventional vehicles offer a straightforward solution to a locked car, Tesla’s advanced automation threw Mario into a modern-day riddle. With no power to unlock the doors, the vehicle’s digital prowess transformed into a formidable puzzle. Join us as we dive into this electric odyssey, where the promise of a sustainable future meets the practical challenges of the present.

A new battery, a vital organ for electric vehicles, demanded a staggering $26,000. This jaw-dropping cost illuminated the complexities of owning an electric car.. (Continue to full article)

Footing the Bill: Border Crisis Costs U.S. Billions

The ongoing crisis at the southern border is not just a security concern, but a major economic one. A recent report from the House Homeland Security Committee put the total annual cost of illegal immigration in the U.S. at as much as $451 billion. That includes direct costs like funding border patrol, along with indirect costs like law enforcement, housing, healthcare, and education. Continue reading

Leibowitz: ‘We’ doesn’t seem to exist anymore in America

Taste is a funny thing. It changes so incrementally, we barely notice, except looking backward over time. Take my falling out of love with going to the movies. For decades, it used to be a weekly thing, sometimes more. I’d see the big blockbusters, plus whatever indie flicks looked interesting.

Now it’s Academy Awards time. Ten films have been nominated for Best Picture. I’ve seen precisely one. Barbie. Let me save you an hour and 54 minutes: It’s a movie about a doll who wears a lot of pink. She hangs out with a diverse group of fellow dolls. The men are dolts, or oppressive. The patriarchy sucks.

The movie ends – spoiler alert! – with Barbie being dropped off at the gynecologist.

Driving Miss Daisy it ain’t. Continue reading

Bennett: No More Time for This Bull-S#*t!

You had better find the time – cause it’s getting short!

~ Foreword ~

Bennett: Jeffrey Bennett

On the first day, which this article was posted (Oct. 16, 2002), for the first time – The Federal Observer shut down every column unrelated to protecting YOUR 2nd Amendment rights as a statement of anger and frustration. I’m still angry and I’m still frustrated. Although the visitation to this article has been greater than any we have ever posted, I am concerned that few truly understand the ramifications of that, which lays before us.

I’ve had just about enough of the garbage-that-passes-for-news eminating from the anti-gun networks. Do you think that I jest? For over one week – FOX News Channel has reported nothing but the sniper shootings in D.C. (That’s District of Criminals’ for those of you who don’t understand initials.) We’ve gone from the unknown sniper to a person of possible ‘olive complextion‘. Continue reading

DeWeese: Radical Greens Launch a Massive Attack

The radical environmental movement has just launched a massive attack on those of us who are fighting to stop their attacks on our farmers, our property rights, and our free market system.

They have especially focused on our efforts to expose the disastrous results of massive wind and solar farms, which cover thousands of acres of vital farmland with solar panels. The growing danger is that nothing can grow to feed us.

Worse, solar and wind farms are producing little of the vital energy we desperately need to live.

We are fighting the battle to expose and stop this mess. Obviously, we are having an impact. Continue reading

March 19, 2024: The Continued INVASION of America… The Insanity Will NOT End

Frankly – as one who has been fighting this issue for many decades – enough is ENOUGH. I am tired of using the valuable space on Federal Observer to post headline after headline after MORE headlines on this topic. Biden and the rest of the CROOKED Polly-Ticians  – ALL need to get – shall we say – HUNG Out to HANG! – All the while – it is WE the American People who are footing the bill for all of this BULLSHIT!

OH – and by the way – if interested in any of the preview articles below – click on the TITLE to connect to the complete articles.

As for the Elected or the Illegal Invader – just get ready to ‘Hang ‘Em High’! ~ Editor


Florida Braces for Influx of Haitian Refugees as US Coast Guard Sends Boat With 65 Back to Live Under Rule of Crime Boss Barbecue

Florida is braced for an influx of desperate refugees fleeing violence-stricken Haiti as the country inches closer to a civil war.

Gang violence has left the dead piling up in the streets of the capital Port-au-Prince and so far displaced more than 15,000 people. The US State Department has not indicated how many Americans its estimates are among those caught up in the chaos.

Haiti Gets Millions More from U.S. after Armed Gangs Take Over, Billions in Aid Perish

Rife with fraud and corruption, the U.S. government’s multi-billion-dollar Haiti aid program has failed miserably to help citizens of the impoverished island, yet the Biden administration is sending more money as violence and lawlessness grip the country. Armed gangs have overrun most of the capital of Port-au-Prince and political instability has plateaued, but the American taxpayer dollars keep flowing with no oversight though billions in assistance have vanished since an earthquake struck Haiti nearly a decade and a half ago… More of U.S. Taxpayer’s $$$ getting picked from OUR pockets.

Americans Warned to Brace for SECOND Wave of Venezuelan Gangsters Coming Over the Border as Country’s Prisons as at Least 100 Inmates Are RELEASED: ‘These are KILLERS’

A second wave of Venezuela’s worst criminals could soon be rushing over the US border after being released from prison in their home country. was first to report on the first wave of Venezuelan gangsters to cross the border and filter into American cities – including henchmen for dictator Nicolas Maduro and members of the notorious Tren de Aragua gang. Now, more gang bangers and thugs who had been locked away are being released, according to a government official.

Staggering 48,610 Migrant Children Have Crossed the Border ALONE Since October

In that same period, 1.2 million people have crossed the US border illegally, statistics from US Customs and Border Protection show.

In the El Paso Sector of the border, 5,800 unaccompanied children have been found near the international boundary, El Paso Border Patrol Chief Anthony Good tweeted Monday.

The shocking figure was posted alongside the photo of a young boy arriving on the border near El Paso, Texas. The system appears to be struggling to cope with the rapid numbers of migrants flowing across the border, which reached an all-time high of 302,000 monthly crossings in December.

The backlog has left millions of migrants who are currently residing in the U.S., unsure of whether they will be permitted to stay or simply be deported.

More Than 8 MILLION Asylum Seekers Will Soon Live in The U.S.

The United States is expected to be grappling with more than 8 million asylum seekers and migrants who will have crossed over the southern border by September. The staggering figure represents a 167 percent surge in five years and underscores the challenges faced by what is both an underfunded and antiquated immigration system.

The vast majority of the 8 million are now free to roam US streets, including 2 million ‘high-priority’ cases of career criminals seeking asylum.

The system appears to be struggling to cope with the rapid numbers of migrants flowing across the border, which reached an all-time high of 302,000 monthly crossings in December.

The backlog has left millions of migrants who are currently residing in the U.S., unsure of whether they will be permitted to stay or simply be deported.

New California Bill Would Make Illegal Immigrants Eligible for First Time Homebuyer Loans

A California Democratic assembly member’s new bill states that an individual’s immigration status can’t disqualify an applicant from the program. Joaquin Arambula, a Democratic assemblyman from California, introduced Assembly Bill 1840 earlier this year, which could create an alternative way for illegal immigrants to achieve homeownership.

The bill is set to expand eligibility criteria for a state loan program to expand these loans to include undocumented migrants that are first-time buyers. Arambula’s update to the bill states, “an applicant under the program shall not be disqualified solely based on the applicant’s immigration status.”

Concerns continue to rise across the country as the migrant crisis continues to grow and overpower different states’ available resources.

Illegal Immigrant Crime Wave

Well, Biden went to the border, the safest part of the border currently, for his election photo-op. However, it isn’t only the border area that feels the brunt of the illegal alien crime wave in this country, not that Biden gives a hoot. It would seem that Biden is currently in the “replacement” mode–replacing American citizens with foreign illegal aliens.

There have been several news reports displaying the outworking of Biden’s replacement agenda (really it’s Obama’s agenda, but Biden is a willing puppet). Illegal immigrants are involved in all manner of crimes, but that’s okay with China Joe as long as the victims are Americans and/or their children.

For instance, one episode happened right here in Louisiana. In Kenner, Louisiana, a 19 year old Illegal immigrant has been arrested following a series of violent crimes. The police have stated that this guy is in this country illegally.

Texas “Won’t Back Down” After Biden Immigration Law Ruling

As seen from an aerial view a U.S. Border Patrol agent supervises as immigrants walk into the United States after crossing the Rio Grande from Mexico on September 30, 2023 in Eagle Pass, Texas. John Moore/Getty Images

Texas “will not back down” – Governor Greg Abbott vows – after a U.S. judge sided with a legal challenge by the Biden Administration against a tough new state immigration law that was to take effect next week.

When Governor Abbott signed SB 4 into law in December, it was hailed by The National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) as a weapon to help regain control of the border:

“Border Patrol agents nationwide, not just in Texas, are grateful for Governor Abbott’s leadership and willingness to recognize that it is the rule of law that keeps all Americans safe,” – NBPC President Brandon Judd

The law would make it a state crime to cross the Texas-Mexico border unlawfully.

Texas Judge Orders Joe Biden to Continue Building Border Wall

A federal judge has ordered  Joe Biden to continue building border wall along the United States-Mexico border with funds allocated under former President Donald Trump.

Hickman: Boots on the Ground from Russia

You may not like to read about the Enemy – but you need to understand the difference between it and Joe Buy Deng’s ‘merica!  There is good and bad in every nation – but at the present time – America is on the loosing side of LIFE! ~ Editor

Today in Russia, there is unmistakable tension in the air.

A series of busts of Russia’s rulers, including Vladimir Lenin, second right, and Josef Stalin, third right, are on display in Moscow, Russia

You definitely don’t want to speak out against the war or the current regime — it’s an almost guaranteed way to lose your job or end up in a prison.

That’s why everyone is so careful about what they say, and to whom they say it. Unless you know someone really, really well, you have to avoid any potentially controversial topics.

The TV blasts propaganda on a daily basis, effectively brainwashing millions of people. It’s surprising how many Russians seems to believe the news… or at least pretend to believe it.

The national elections took place this past weekend. Despite the official numbers reporting 77% voter turnout, most people I spoke to didn’t plan on voting since, “the result will be the same anyway.”

This is all eerily reminiscent of the Soviet Union. Continue reading