Author Archives: The Publisher

About The Publisher

A veteran of Viet Nam, student of history (both American and film), Jeffrey Bennett has been broadcasting for over twenty-eight years as host of Perspectives on America, and later - 'Life, Liberty & All That Jazz.' Jeff is considered the voice of reason on the alternative media - providing a unique and distinctive broadcast style, including topics such as health and wellness, news, political satire - with a twist, education and editorial commentary on current events through the teaching of history. In addition, Jeff publishes The Federal Observer - a daily on-line publication, which co-authored and spear-headed a petition, which ultimately caused new legislation to be signed by President George W. Bush within 450 days of the events that rocked our world on September 11, 2001.

Ross: The Great Deception

Over the course of human history there is a category of criminals that have gone by many names. They are often referred to as shysters, grifters, flim-flam men, but in the end, they are all one form of con artist or another. The goal of these people is simple; to convince others to part with their money, or their property by promising them huge rewards, or unbelievable benefits, for doing so. The old snake oil salesmen, like the one in the film Josey Wales, is an example of one form of con artistry; albeit a not a very efficient one. Continue reading

The Left: 233 Years of Failure and Still Going Strong…

On the 1st of October 1791, the 755 freshly elected members of France’s brand-new Legislative Assembly took their seats for the first time in Paris’s famous Salle du Manege – an indoor horse-riding arena that had been converted into a giant meeting hall.

While there were numerous political parties in France at the time (and many of the members were independents), the legislators were ultimately divided into two ideological groups. Continue reading

Dickens: What Have We Done?

Dickens is ANGRY!

In early 2015, the Nationalist American Socialist Party (NASP) and the Make America Great Again party (MAGA) began stoking the fires of descent for the coming election cycles. This was not the first salvo or engagement; nor will it be their final offensive. This began a very long time ago in this republic.

This is the status quo – nothing new.

Merka has been on this self-destructive track from the very beginning of this commonwealth when we decided to begin the “Great Experiment” as George Washington called it. Our choice, ‘The Constitutional Republic,’ was our administrative management selection. It’s a double-edged sword, cutting both ways. It works well in consideration of moral and ethical goals, but it’s an equally effective tool of destruction when ethics and morals are ignored. Continue reading

Google No Longer World’s Largest Search Engine – But The World’s Largest PR Engine

Some day Google’s chokehold on the Web will come to a shameful end for the entire world to see!

Vhat a Joke!

It dawned on Canada Free Press when Canada Free Press savvy IT guy went looking for a suitable graphic to illustrate Neill Arnhar’s latest magnificent column that we wanted to post.

Instead of finding a graphic, we found a Google revelation. Continue reading

Statin Drugs Laid the Groundwork for COVID-19

“Statins are the biggest fraud in modern medicine!”

My hypothesis is that the massive, population-wide lowering of cholesterol among the American public leading up to 2019 set the stage for vulnerability to the novel pathogen SARS‑CoV‑2, the virus that causes COVID-19. This weakening of people’s defenses turned what could have and should have been a nuisance common cold into a very difficult and dangerous illness for those who were older, obese, or who suffered from multiple chronic illnesses. Continue reading

The Government Cartel paid BILLIONS to Walgreens and CVS NOT to fill Ivermectin ~ the Question is… WHY?

Former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, who pushed the government’s deadly COVID-19 narrative and shamed the unvaccinated, admitted he is taking Ivermectin for Long COVID – a condition affecting 17 million Americans which many believe could be caused by COVID-19 vaccines. Defending his use of Ivermectin, Cuomo – showing no remorse – stated, “Ivermectin was a boogeyman during COVID. That was wrong. We were given bad information about Ivermectin. The real question is, why?Continue reading

World Bank Demands END to FARMING by 2030 to Combat Climate Crisis

The World Bank has issued notice to western nations that they must abolish farming in order to achieve ‘net zero emissions’ by 2030

The World Bank has issued a directive to Western nations to completely abolish farming in order to achieve net zero emissions by 2030. The plan includes closing down farms globally and placing them under the control of a few World Economic Forum (WEF) Young Global Leaders, such as Bill Gates, who will then “radically alter the way food is grown.” Continue reading

WHO Concludes Annual Meeting With Clear Plan to Control NEXT Pandemic

Despite setbacks at its globalist meeting, the World Health Organization believes it can have a pandemic agreement in place within a year.

The health arm of the United Nations closed its annual meeting, known as the World Health Assembly, in Geneva on Saturday. It was unable to finalize, as it hoped, the pandemic agreement at this meeting but it was successful in amending the legally-binding International Health Regulations, or IHR.

The amendments include a definition of “pandemic emergency” and the addition of an administrative layer of WHO members – called the National IHR Authorities – who determine when emergency conditions exist. Continue reading

The History Of The Machine The University Of Alabama’s ‘Secret’ Society That Allegedly Controls Life On Campus

For over a century, the underground organization known as The Machine has been covertly influencing everything from student government to Greek life at the University of Alabama.

Fraternity Row at the University of Alabama in 1943.

The Machine at the University of Alabama is the school’s not-so-secret underground organization at the center of several shocking allegations. The society is reportedly made up of representatives from 28 of the university’s top sororities and fraternities.

Since its inception in the early 20th century, The Machine has been rumored to control nearly all of the university’s affairs, from student government to Greek life. Some allege that its power has even extended beyond campus on occasion, impacting the outcomes of local elections. Continue reading

As a Judge, I have Never Witnessed Such an Abuse of Judicial Authority

In my 57 years practicing law, 12 of them as a Judge, I have never witnessed such an abuse of judicial authority as is being imposed by Judge Juan Merchan. He is replacing competence and impartiality with incompetence and prejudice. As a result, he is dragging the entire New York State judicial system in the cluttered gutter of partisan politics.

With all due respect, I urge the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct to consider admonishing Judge Marchan and also consider removal from the Bench.

Hon. Martin J. Kerins,
former Acting State Supreme Court Judge,
County Court Judge, District Court Judge,
Counsel to Speaker of Assembly, and
Brookhaven Town Attorney.

Roberts: The Death of Truth Is at Hand

Day by day it is becoming more difficult and more risky to provide information that differs from the official narratives. Websites are finding that payment mechanisms, such as PayPal and Stripe, and banks refuse to process donations to their sites. Others, such as Vdare are being driven into bankruptcy by quota hire NY prosecutors. Alex Jones’ operation is again under assault. Tucker Carlson was driven from Fox News. Google increasingly hides unwelcome information.

And now we witness a former US Marine, intelligence officer, and UN weapons inspector pulled off an international flight and his passport stolen by police “on orders by the US Department of State.” Scott Ritter was on his way to Russia to speak at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Continue reading

The “OTHER” Hearing That Was BIGGER Than Fauci or Garland

Despite the absurd theatrics in Congress this week during the Tony Fauci and Merrick Garland hearings, there was actually another hearing that may have been even more important. It was about Social Security – probably the most obvious ticking time bomb that absolutely no one is doing anything about.]

This entire week has been full of eye-rolling – borderline eye-gouging – cowardice and deceit in the halls of Congress. Continue reading

Home is where the heart is…

Today is the 56th anniversary of my landing. Within a week and a half, I would be joining the 498th Medical Company (Dust Off), Lane Army Heliport, An Son, Republic of Vietnam.

I’ll see all of you boys again one day – at Sunset.

Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: How Sustainable Rule Took Over Your City

Solar and wind farms to eliminate gas and oil; 15 Minute Cities; eliminating single-family homes; eliminating gas-powered cars; stop eating beef; no more warm water showers; ban ice cubes and electric stoves; Sustainable! How did these radical ideas become official policies in our once great American cities, now on the verge of collapse? Here’s the story.

San Francisco is the birthplace of the United Nations. On June 5th, 2005, it was also the location for a major effort by the UN to circumvent national and state governments in order to reorganize human society. Coincidentally, the date was also World Environment Day. This time the UN was targeting mayors from all over the world to enlist them to be soldiers in the Sustainable war.

Like a scene from Michael Crichton’s landmark novel State of Fear, all the usual suspects, our self-appointed saviors, were there. There were UN bureaucrats seeking to increase their power and influence, NGOs with their private agendas, Hollywood celebrities acting like authorities on how Americans should rightly live, leaders of corporations seeking to help devise global regulations to kill their competition, and representatives from national and local news outlets that long ago had lost any pretense of delivering unbiased news. Continue reading

Freedom is NO MORE!

In the 1990s and 2000s, I predicted that yesterday would arrive. I was scoffed at, called crazy, and told “that would never happen.”

And here we are.

I’ve spent since before I graduated High School, fighting Marxism. In the 1990s, I knew exactly what I was looking at in education reform, ie, education transformation, bringing Marxist indoctrination to every school, in every state, in the United States.

And because I knew, in 1999/2000, I was prosecuted in the same manner as President Trump. But I did not quit, I did not give up. Continue reading

Smith: Down the Path of Past Banana Republics

   The Country Has Gone Bananas.

As odd as it seems for me to be forced to defend Donald Trump, this is one of those paradoxical times that demands it of me, given the egregious means used by the Democrats to subvert the rule of law and achieve their guilty verdict against Trump.

This isn’t so much about Trump as it is about what we all will face should this lawfare not be met, countered and put to an end, so that everyone will one day receive equal treatment from our legal system, regardless of who they are and what they believe and hold to be true. Continue reading