Author Archives: The Publisher

About The Publisher

A veteran of Viet Nam, student of history (both American and film), Jeffrey Bennett has been broadcasting for over twenty-eight years as host of Perspectives on America, and later - 'Life, Liberty & All That Jazz.' Jeff is considered the voice of reason on the alternative media - providing a unique and distinctive broadcast style, including topics such as health and wellness, news, political satire - with a twist, education and editorial commentary on current events through the teaching of history. In addition, Jeff publishes The Federal Observer - a daily on-line publication, which co-authored and spear-headed a petition, which ultimately caused new legislation to be signed by President George W. Bush within 450 days of the events that rocked our world on September 11, 2001.

Hellbent: Leftists Are Dying From Their Own Destructive but Non-Stop Ideology

Bad news for those hoping the spate of recent headlines revealing how the corrosive consequences of leftist social policies are now blowing back upon those who have promulgated them might trigger meaningful change: progressive globalists are more than happy to sacrifice their own in pursuit of their larger destructive agenda. Continue reading

Holmquist: Effeminacy Is Not Working for the Christian Church

Sitting in a pew last summer, waiting for a small funeral service to start, I saw a young woman walk to the podium and begin to speak. To my surprise, she introduced herself as the minister who would be conducting the service, and then she began to lead those gathered to remember the departed through the songs, prayers, and eulogizing typical of funerals.

While the presence of this female minister initially came as a surprise, further consideration led me to realize that her presence was simply a natural consequence of the women’s liberation movement and the heightened emphasis on empathetic feelings in today’s society. Continue reading

Centrist GOP Effort to Reinstate McCarthy Picks Up Steam After Israel Attacks

Reinstalling the Californian, the thinking goes, is the only way to quickly deliver aid to Israel.

The attacks in Israel and demand for U.S. aid are injecting new urgency into recent talks among centrist House Republicans to attempt to reinstate Kevin McCarthy as House speaker, with scores of Republican lawmakers now discussing the effort.

Calls and texts among GOP members picked up dramatically after news of the attacks reached the U.S. overnight Friday. The message, per one House Republican lawmaker involved in the long-shot effort: “We need to bring back Kevin, immediately.” Continue reading

McCutchen: Rebuttal to Little Rock Newspaper

I am a 92 years old, full of mind, full of fight and certainly aware of the self-serving collection of criminal buffoons that are posing as leaders in our Republican form of government.

Evidence of the aforementioned can be demonstrated by the removal of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy who represents the ongoing irresponsible spending, i.e. Ukraine while refusing to secure our national borders from an invading throng of illegal, uncivilized invaders resulting in the creation of an international dumping ground. Incidentally re Ukraine, compounding the corruption with no accounting of monies and armor sent to Ukraine.

Not a word from the Republican Ogres about the laws contained in 8USC that covers every aspect of illegal immigration and not one challenge made against the arrogant Joe Biden by the 535! Continue reading

Don’t Tread On Me!

Nearly 60% of Americans want big business to stay out of politics.

The majority of Americans want big businesses to stay out of politics, according to a new poll conducted by Gallup and Bentley University.

Its survey has revealed up to 60 percent of Americans believe that companies should not take a public stance on social or political issues.

Despite the increasing trend of corporate activism, Americans appear to be growing weary of business injecting politics into their messaging, particularly when it is regarding divisive issues. Continue reading

Biden’s ‘Decision‘ (HAHAHAHA) on Border Wall Described as ‘About 9 Million Crossings Too Late’

An immigration border enforcement organization says after more than two years arguing a border wall is “bad policy,” the Biden administration is finally getting it. But an immigration attorney says the administration really didn’t have any choice but to restart the wall’s construction.

On Thursday, Biden defended his administration’s decision to waive 26 federal laws in South Texas to allow for construction of roughly 20 miles of additional border wall – then said flatly that he didn’t think such walls work. (NOTE: Many of the same ‘laws’ that he signed Executive Orders for – about 3 hours after he was sworn in replacing Trump. ~ Editor)
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Matt Gaetz Explodes On House Republican Colleagues ‘Who Have Hollowed Out This Town!

We’re in the midst of Matt Gaetz’s “Falling Down” moment. He’s taking a bat to the entire House GOP!

Carl Sagan Saw US Schools Were Ruining Kids Decades Ago: ‘Something Terrible Has Happened

Despite the extravagant spending, our schools are failing our kids. Carl Sagan saw it. John Taylor Gatto saw it. And we all see it today.

My wife and I recently met with the principal of the school our daughter attends to discuss her education future.

My daughter, who turns 12 in a few days, wants to go to a different school in the fall, largely because many of her friends – who are a year ahead of her – are graduating to new schools. (And also because her teacher, whom she adored, took a job in a different district.)

When we stepped into the principal’s office, she offered us chairs. She was warm, knowledgeable, and helpful, and I got the feeling she knows my daughter and wants what is best for her. I suspect my daughter will return to the school for one more year, but it’s a conversation we’ll have together. Continue reading

School Kids Are So Violent Coming Out of the Pandemic That They’re Sending Teachers to the Hospital

… but an expert says to resist ‘get tough’ approaches!

There’s a lot of evidence that schools and students are more violent places after the pandemic. Getty images

The 2022-23 school year was a particularly violent year for educators.

In Florida, a high school student beat a paraprofessional unconscious. A 15-year-old in Georgia left her teacher with difficulty walking. And a group of students in Texas sent their assistant principal to the hospital after an assault.

Recent headlines suggest the 2023-24 school year may not be much different. Continue reading

An Open Border Coalition Is Tearing Law Enforcement Apart

This article was provided by an active U.S. Border Patrol agent who is stationed on the Texas-Mexico border. The agent’s name has been withheld.

This week, a supervisor in the U.S. Border Patrol cut boundary wires that hold the line on illegal migrations from Mexico. His actions opened a floodgate to thousands of daily illegal border crossings. The Texas National Guard immediately directed its own agents to fix the wire in an effort to stop the flood.

These acts in a single day at a single location perfectly display the opposing views of our state and the federal governments about the border crisis.

On one hand, Texas’ mission is to secure the border with all available state, county and local resources. Texas’ efforts are coordinated to protect the state’s forces, populations, and infrastructure.

On the other hand, Washington’s mission is to facilitate a safe, orderly and humane environment for the migration of millions of “refugees” and asylum seekers. Continue reading

Time To End The Fed And Its Mismanagement Of Our Economy

Every major economic downturn of the last 110 years bears the mark of the Federal Reserve.

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

In fact, as long as the Fed has been around, it has swung the economy between inflation and recession. Yet Americans, surprisingly, have tolerated it.

But we shouldn’t expect that to go on forever. We had three central banks before the Fed, and confined each to the ash heap of history.

The problems inherent to central banking are cause to scrap the Fed as well.
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The Open Plot to Dismantle the Federal Government

Of the many targets Donald Trump has attacked over the years, few engender less public sympathy than the career workforce of the federal government – the faceless mass of civil servants that the former president and his allies deride as the “deep state.”

Federal employees have long been an easy mark for politicians of both parties, who occasionally hail their nonpartisan public service but far more frequently blame “Washington bureaucrats” for stifling your business, auditing your taxes, and taking too long to renew your passport. Denigrating the government’s performance is a tradition as old as the republic, but Trump assigned these shortcomings a sinister new motive, accusing the civilian workforce of thwarting his agenda before he even took office. Continue reading

New Records Show Biden’s DHS Accepting 99.7 Percent of Recent Aliens Applying for Entry Using CBP One

Biden’s DHS is either importing perfect angels over the southern border or breaching promise of security vetting

Haitians in Reynosa, Mexico, check their CBP One applications for their invitations to cross a U.S. port of entry for parole processing into the United States. 76,000 have been let in this way at land ports since January 2023. Photo by Todd Bensman in May 2023.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — For all of 2023, top Biden administration officials have repeatedly assured Americans that aspiring illegal border crossers would undergo “rigorous security vetting” and eligibility checks when they use the CBP One appointment system to fly or walk by government invitation over the border for quick parole into the United States.

More than 225,000 aspiring border-jumpers from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela have gained entry, apparently by flying or walking over the border, from January through September 5, 2023. Continue reading


“Sold! To The Asian Man Who Looks Like Winnie The Pooh”

As a long time-Senator, Joe Biden was allowed to scoop up kickbacks as long as it didn’t interfere with the interests of his masters—the globalist central bankers and Delaware credit card companies. As long he carried out their bidding in the Senate, Joe was relatively safe to pursue his ‘side hustles.’

“Lunch bucket Joe” always pretended to care about the middle class (while crushing them). What Joe really wanted was money—and plenty of it. He also wanted to rub shoulders with the east coast elites and go to their parties. Joe’s ‘I’m a regular guy’ schtick was just a cover for his real motive: Doing whatever it took to gain fame and easy money.

Joe has always been a con artist and grifter, but the media (also controlled by those same bankers) did not allow investigative journalists to plumb the Biden cesspool too deeply.
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Americans Are Being Led By a Lying Media and Corrupt Political Class

Is a Gadarene Swine moment coming for many of us?

Each morning I do a quick scan of the headlines coming over the wire services, clear my emails and Facebook entries, and then take a closer look at The New York Times online, paying particular attention to the opinion pages. I usually am not disappointed in my belief that the President Joe Biden Administration as well as ex-President Donald Trump, have been and continue to be collectively destroying what was once an admirable nation, something like flushing us repeatedly down the toilets of their ambition and greed. Continue reading

The Flood…

I’ve been distracted for the past few weeks dealing with personal issues; however, I’ve maintained my routine of morning coffee and the usual unhealthy dose of corporate media’s prevarications (bullshit). I’ve discovered that some of my issues stem from the dissonance between what I’m expected to believe and what I experience.

It’s this dichotomy that created the schism. Continue reading