The Covid “Pandemic”: Destroying People’s Lives. Engineered Economic Depression. Global “Coup d’Etat“?

~ Introduction ~

Red Zones, the facemask, social distancing, the closing down of schools, colleges and universities, no more family gatherings, no birthday celebrations, music, the arts: no more cultural events, sport events are suspended, no more weddings, “love and life” is banned outright.

…and in several countries, Christmas is on hold …

It’s the destruction of people’s lives. It is the destabilization of civil society. And for What?

The Lies are sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. 24/7, Incessant and repetitive “Covid alerts” for the last ten months. … It is a process of social engineering.

The March 11, 2020 (simultaneous) closing down of the national economies of 190 member states of the UN is diabolical and unprecedented. Millions of people have lost their jobs, and their lifelong savings. In developing countries, poverty, famine and despair prevail.

While this model of “global intervention” is unprecedented, it has certain features reminiscent of the country-level macro-economic reforms including the imposition of strong “economic medicine” by the IMF… (Continue to full article)

The Massive Election Fraud of 2020 Can NOT Stand

Editor’s NOTE: This is it! The following is the final piece that I will publish on this horrific BULLSHIT! I am done. I hold my belief as to the outcome of it all – and while I am not happy about the final direction of this once Great Republic – I am closing the book on all of it. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor

No Republican will ever win another election if things stay as they are now.

Democrats have discovered the perfect way to “win” every election from now on.

They don’t need to pack the Supreme Court.

They don’t need to make Puerto Rico and DC states.

They don’t need to open the southern border.

They don’t even need Antifa and Black Lives Matter in the street.

All they have to do is what they are doing right this minute: Continue with massive mail-in voting. Then make it permanent. Continue reading

The Good, the Bad and the UGLY!: November 19, 2020

…although all I see here is Bad and Ugly!

“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” H.L. Mencken

It’s now almost two weeks since the most crooked, rigged, fraudulent election in U.S. history. The engineered elevation of a handsy, sniffy, senile, empty portal, trojan horse by billionaire oligarchs, their Silicon Valley techno-geek social media censorship police, and the corporate media propaganda mouthpieces looks like it might succeed. Republican cucks like Romney and even the pliable Fox News talking heads have acquiesced to this third attempt during this ongoing coup like obedient lapdogs positioning themselves to profit from doing the bidding of their global oligarch masters.

Make no mistake. There was a master plan implemented by dark forces to steal this election, overriding the will of the American people. The anger of 70 million Americans is perfectly captured in the above quote from Mencken… (Continue to full article)

The Law Is There’s No Presidential Transition Until Congress Certifies The Election
Even though the votes are still being counted, Joe Biden declared that he is the President-Elect, a shadow government office invented by Obama and invested with a pseudo-government seal, and he has been holding fake briefings and taking phone calls with foreign leaders.

The United States only has one president at a time. Maintaining a fake shadow presidency undermines the sitting administration to the American people and to foreign governments.

It’s illegal and inappropriate. So the Democrats are doing it anyway… (Continue to full article)

Don’t Let The Fed Go “Full Retard”
Most countries today (more than 50%, according to the IMF) follow the basic principles of Stable Money. Usually, they link their currencies to an external standard of value, most commonly the dollar or euro. The most rigorous expression of this principle is the currency board. In doing so, they give up hopes of domestic macroeconomic management via currency jiggering by central banks. They can’t “print money” willy-nilly to fund domestic spending ambitions. Many of these governments have already gone down that road, and they don’t like it. Today, they just want Stable Money. Their monetary policy has become essentially passive.

Just as the euro serves as an external standard of value for dozens of countries today, gold served that role in the past, for the whole world. This was the World Gold Standard system, which defined the nineteenth century before 1914, was recreated in the 1920s, and recreated again at the Bretton Woods convention in 1944. This led to the two most prosperous decades for the global economy — the 1950s and 1960s… (Continue to full article)

The Beginning Of The End Is Near
Although many of my conservative colleagues, who take pen in hand, (and, of course, the reportedly ultra-corrupt GOP-Never-Trumpers) are now attempting to offer their ‘expert opinions’ on our current and near-term political future, not only by joining in the media-controlled-outcome with the President-elect Joe Biden crowd, but also using the nihilistic phrase, ‘now in Donald Trump’s final days in office.’ STOP! NO MORE BS!

When we finally get on to the other side of this national crisis, we will come to realize that the massive voter fraud that gave Sleepy Joe his flash-in-the-pan-victory was a necessary factor in order to bring forth and identify all the deep state players, by name, organizations, and their individual contribution to this massive, international criminal conspiracy… (Continue to full article)

The Edge is heard at 8:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), each Monday through Friday on Republic Broadcasting Network. Jeffrey Bennett, host of the program will be sharing over 60 years of his personal experience in the precious metals markets. In addition, Bennett will cover a wide range of issues including political, educational, economic and health related issues – and HEY – he plays great tunes too! See ya’ there.

Kettle Moraine, Ltd.
P.O. Box 579
Litchfield Park, AZ 85340
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“Unauthorized accessing of election infrastructure”

The following was the major direction of my program, “The Edge” on the night of November 16, 2020. READ IT ALL – and follow the few – but very important links embedded – and watch the video’s as well. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Publisher

BOMBSHELL: The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared “National Emergency” that set an Election Day trap for the “unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure”
We have another major bombshell for you here, regarding the 2020 election. Despite the intense, malicious censorship of Big Tech, we’re really becoming known for in-depth analysis and research of current events, so thank you for your support as we continue to fight for the very survival of America, our constitutional republic. This story begins with the little-known executive order signed into existence on September 12, 2018, by President Donald J. Trump. That order … is entitled, “Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.” In that executive order, which almost no one has covered since the day it was signed, President Trump declares a national emergency. That emergency is still in play to this day, and the 2020 election was conducted under this state of emergency, which is a crucial point to understand what’s coming next. (Continue to full article)

Peak Corruption: Who’s Zoomin’ Who?

This from a comment on Zero Hedge (which I’ve checked as far as possible) shows the almost inextricable pervasiveness of the Swamp/Deep State hydra. What hope have ordinary patriotic Americans?

Dominion (voting machines) serves 40% of the US market. It is in 30 states.

– The state of Texas rejected the machines.

– Smartmatic entered into an agreement with Dominion in 2009

– Smartmatic is connected to Philippine voter fraud

– Smartmatic is run by Lord Mark Malloch Brown who works for George Soros.

– Brown chairs the Boards of a number of non-profit boards including the Open Society Foundation,

– Brown chairs the Centre for Global Development.

– Open society of course is owned by George Soros… Continue reading

Unity Joe? Hell No! Obstruction, Defiance, Resistance, You Bet!

“Republicans and Democrats are engaging in cynical, destructive combat and have for at least a Century. Until the Democrats retreat from their headlong advance into Progressive socialism, radical environmentalism and their attempts to destroy the foundation of individual freedom along with the Constitution itself, the combat will continue unabated. There will be no unity. There will only be division, vitriol, contempt, hostility, acrimony, disdain and quite possibly, civil war. Joe Biden’s call for unity is not only hypocritical, it is a hollow attempt at reconciliation after waging a relentless, 4-year coup d’etat on a duly elected president of the United States!” ~ Ron Ewart Continue reading

I talked to a man today…

I talked with a man today, an 80+ year old man. I asked him if there was anything I can get him while this Coronavirus scare was gripping America.

He simply smiled, looked away and said:

“Let me tell you what I need! I need to believe, at some point, this country my generation fought for… I need to believe this nation we handed safely to our children and their children… Continue reading

The Demise of the City Cafe: The Death of America!

The City Cafe in Murfreesboro, TN just closed, “due to Covid”, after 120 years in operation. I can’t feel sorry for anyone who committed economic suicide upon the illegal commands of executives in government.

It’s similar to being in a war and watching people die from enemy bullets in the surrounding countryside, and so You say, “well … an enemy bullet might get me, so I may as well shoot myself now.” And So, you pull your .44 and shoot yourself in the head… Continue reading

The Hidden Mob: A Tale of Two States

…and they are right out in the open!

New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo is an Italian Fascist Mafia Mob Boss and has been from the days of his father Mario Cuomo’s Regime as Governor.

Do you know anything at all about the Italian Mob? Of the New York City, Poughkeepsie/Highland, Albany, and Buffalo, Regions of New York State.

I grew up in the midst of Little Italy and know them very well indeed, how they operate, and what they do to enforce their Regimes, Region to Region.

Heroin/Drug Trafficking and Pornography, Prostitution, Extortion, Coercion, Graft and Corruption, are all at their Core of The Glorified American Godfather. Continue reading

The Final Word!

It’s hard to imagine just how this is viewed by so many of our countrymen, who like me are damned good sick and tired of the Democrat Communists of this country. They think we’re supposed to remain meek and silent as they call us “deplorables, bitter-clingers, racist, xenophobe, chump, ugly folk” and every kind of “white-trash mutherfucker” one can name under the sun and God’s blue skies, while they accuse me of having “white privilege” and an inherent bias because I am white. They want me to believe that I’m part of a patriarchy based society that is somehow so horrible and evil. And not one damned bit of what they say is true, and everything they have promoted around this fake candidacy of Joe Biden’s is based on one lie after another, from the racist nature of America to climate change and the evil of wealthy Americans. Continue reading

A Veteran’s Reflections

Grateful for a life spared, and thankful for those who paid the ultimate price.

It was as hot as I remembered, nearly 120 degrees under cloudless skies. It was 1989 and 23 years had passed since I last stood on this spot. Twenty-three years earlier we often came into this little fishing village on the Perfume River five kilometers south of the Imperial City of Hue, South Vietnam. My squad of Marines almost always took enemy fire as we approached this village. Continue reading

It ain’t over ’til it’s Over!

Here’s the Latest on Litigation Over Election Results
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ordered county election boards in Pennsylvania to comply with guidance requiring them to keep ballots received after 8 p.m. Election Day “in a safe, secure, and sealed container separate from other voted ballots,” as Newsweek and other outlets reported Friday. How could Alito’s directive affect returns for the presidential election? (Continue to full article)

The Last Chance for Us to Reform the Corrupt Election System
An election is literally being stolen right in front of our eyes, and if we allow them to get away with this there won’t be any limits to what they think they can get away with in the future. I have been writing about election fraud for many, many years, but in the past it was always more subtle. Unfortunately, they were not so subtle this time around… (Continue to full article)

‘Transition is not occurring’
Unyielding Trump creates ‘hiccup’ for Biden… (Continue to full article)

Giuliani presents evidence for Trump’s legal battle
Former Mayor of New York City and current personal attorney to President Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani joins Newsmax TV’s Bob Sellers to present the evidence he plans to showcase in upcoming legal battles by the president’s team to gain numeric favor in the 2020 Presidential Election… (Continue to full article)

Kimberly Guilfoyle: Trump will not stop
National Chair of the Trump Victory Finance Committee and Senior Advisor to Donald J. Trump for President, Kimberly Guilfoyle joins Newsmax TV’s Bob Sellers to discuss the latest in the president’s legal efforts to turn voting results around in his favor… (Continue to full article)

Oh… Don’t stop now – there is so much more! Continue reading