Critical Race Theory Is A Classic Communist Divide-And-Conquer Tactic

Rather than serve help heal the nation, critical race theory has proven to be poisonous to liberty, true community, and our common humanity.

Of all the ways identity politics is used as a tool to sow hatred among people where there should be the potential for friendship, “critical race theory” is one of the gravest offenders. Every person of goodwill should know that judging people based on their physical characteristics is cruel and wrong. Continue reading

‘To Bear Arms’ Is Not a Right, Says Ninth Circuit

The court contradicts the Second Amendment and itself in a bizarre anti-gun ruling.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”~ Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

“There is no right to carry arms openly in public; nor is any such right within the scope of the Second Amendment.” ~ Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

Who are you going to believe, the Founders who wrote the Second Amendment or the lying despots seated on the Ninth Circuit? Continue reading

Evanston Goes for Reparations

The following struck me personally as I lived just a 1/4 mile from Evanston, Illinois in an apartment in Rogers Park shortly having left the Jungles of ‘Nam in 1970. From there, I was minutes away from my work – in what is now one of the most idiotic cities in America. Enact Reparations? HELL – the American taxpayer has been footing that bill for a very, VERY long time!

Cancel Culture? CANCEL Evanston! ~ Editor

A tony Midwestern college town with an abundance of white guilt leads the way toward reparations for slavery.

It was only a matter of time. As repulsive as the idea of reparations sounds, we knew that someday, some leftist college town somewhere — whether Ann Arbor, or Cambridge, or Madison, or Berkeley — would sign on to atone for America’s original sin. Never mind that it’s a sin that no living American was either guilty of or subject to.

The idea itself, as author David Horowitz put it in his 2002 book, Uncivil Wars: The Controversy Over Reparations for Slavery, is both morally questionable and racially incendiary. And the 10-point case he made against reparations nearly two decades ago has aged remarkably well. But since when did bullet-proof logic ever stop a gaggle of do-gooding leftists? Continue reading

Cancel Culture: We have met the enemy – our own government

“… we must prepare for total war!’

The last time or two that my home alarm system repairman was here, we were talking about Operation Paperclip, the secret, illegal ploy used to spirit Nazi scientists from facing charges at the Nuremburg Trials and bring them to the United States. Yesterday, he sent me a video of author Annie Jacobsen (an excellent writer, researcher and New York Times bestseller), giving a presentation on her new book Operation Paperclip. Continue reading

Ross: Can We Repair The Damage?

If you deny the truth, or seek to live your life in ignorance of it, then the truth is of no use to you!

I find it interesting that people can watch films like the Matrix and not see the analogical similarity to their own lives. When Morpheus first frees Neo from the Matrix and takes him aboard the Nebuchadnezzar Neo has difficulty coming to terms with the reality he finds himself in; yet he eventually accepts it and joins Morpheus in fighting against those who had kept him enslaved for the majority of his life. Continue reading

KILL Everything White In Sight

… and so the ‘conversation’ continues!

NOTE: The following is a continuation of comments made by Justin O. Smith to Mark Andrew Dwyer regarding their mutually respective columns. ~ Ed.

The fact that white America has been under attack for many decades now has been clear to myself and many others, especially for those who were paying attention when the Immigration Act of 1965 was passed, that has made it virtually impossible for any white person from Europe, or anywhere else, to immigrate to America. Senator Ted Kennedy, the flaming anti-American Democrat from Massachusetts and his fellow Travelers full well understood that this bill would give preference for people of color from all over the world, most usually who held to creeds and belief systems that were either at some odds to America’s Founding principles and virtues, or completely antithetical to them, i.e. Islam.

The shift in the Democratic Party through the years, from one that supported Jim Crow Laws and extreme social and economic sanctions aimed at black people to a party that supported the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s — entirely for political reasons, was by and large the result of the Great Migration of the black population. The massive numbers of blacks moving into cities like New York, Chicago and Detroit and the first wins by blacks in the political arena were pivotal moments in the Democratic Party and led to its change, solely for the purpose of using blacks to keep and hold power. Continue reading

Thank You, Mr. Dwyer…

I appreciate Your fine observations.

The fact that white America has been under attack for many decades now has been clear to myself and many others, especially for those who were paying attention when the Immigration Act of 1965 was passed, that has made it virtually impossible for any white person from Europe, or anywhere else, to immigrate to America. Senator Ted Kennedy, the flaming anti-American Democrat from Massachusetts and his fellow Travelers full well understood that this bill would give preference for people of color from all over the world, most usually who held to creeds and belief systems that were either at some odds to America’s Founding principles and virtues, or completely antithetical to them, i.e. Islam.

The shift in the Democratic Party through the years, from one that supported Jim Crow Laws and extreme social and economic sanctions aimed at black people to a party that supported the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s — entirely for political reasons, was by and large the result of the Great Migration of the black population. The massive numbers of blacks moving into cities like New York, Chicago and Detroit and the first wins by blacks in the political arena were pivotal moments in the Democratic Party and led to its change, solely for the purpose of using blacks to keep and hold power. Continue reading

Dear Mr. Smith…

In nearly twenty years of publishing this site – NEVER have I had the opportunity to do what I am about to do – share the back-and-forth conversation of two extremely talented writers – both frequent contributors to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications. And so, we begin. ~ Ed.

Thank you for a great article.

From the standpoint of modern science, it is all but certain (with the probability of almost 1) that the elections results were falsified, for the benefit of the now ruling party. So we ended up with false president who imposes on us laws and orders that lack validity due to a lack of validity of the said elections results.

But that is only a detail in a larger scheme of things. Continue reading

…a message from a Southern Sister!

Listen y’all I have struggled and still am struggling…

Every time I turn on the news or read the news, I get more pissed off by the minute. Our government would rather give handouts to illegals then American citizens who really need help.

I was just denied SSI and I really need it. But I can guarantee you one thing, these son of a bitches coming over across the border illegally, are going to get SSI welfare and every other kind of assistance known to man.

For those of you who say that I’m treasonous because I don’t like what’s going on with their government and I don’t trust our government and I support Southern secession – then you can kiss my ass. Continue reading

The Ever-Worsening Biden Border Crisis

DHS is now spending millions to house illegal migrants in hotels, while also flying others up to northern border states.

As the number of migrants illegally flowing across the U.S. southern border accelerates, the Biden administration is running out of facilities to house these illegals and has decided to charter flights to fly them up to states on the northern border. Read that again.  S – L  – O – W – L – Y ! 
Continue reading

A bit of human decency was once in the world!

While going through Facebook just moments ago, I came across this post of a story which I had never heard before. Today has been a rough day for me, and yet this brought tears of both joy and happiness to me. ~ JB

August 8, 1982 ~ A line drive foul ball hits a four year old boy in the head at Fenway. Jim Rice, realizing in a flash that it would take E.M.T.s too long to arrive and cut through the crowd, sprang from the dugout and scooped up the boy. He laid the boy gently on the dugout floor, where the Red Sox medical team began to treat him. When the boy arrived at the hospital 30 minutes later, doctors said, without a doubt that Jim’s prompt actions saved the boy’s life. Jim returned to the game in a blood-stained uniform. A real badge of courage. After visiting the boy in the hospital, and realizing the family was of modest means, he stopped by the business office and instructed that the bill be sent to him.

Dwyer:Why Do They Want to Turn Whites Into Minority?

When I watched the so-called “border crisis”, loads of illegal “immigrants” violating the sovereignty of my country as they pleased while Biden’s administration flatly denying that there was any “border crisis”, I begun seeing the method in this apparent madness. The national borders were left largely unprotected and laws against illegal “immigration” and its facilitators unenforced because those who run this show wanted millions of migrants a year to flood America in order to speed up the slow but steady process of turning white Americans into minority in the country that them and generations of their ancestors had built from scratch since Summer of 1776. The said realization was consistent with my all previous observations, and explained things from the past that looked as if they didn’t make sense, before. Now the pieces of this huge zig-saw puzzle begun to fit neatly with each other into a larger image, and that image was not pretty, at least not for the whites, that is. Continue reading

American Freedom: A Long and Arduous Road

I was at a loss as to whether I would try to write anything today.

As I thought about our country and all she faced today, rather than go deep into any specifics and details of any one major issue, I thought to explore the general health of freedom and liberty in this America we love so well. Needless to say, both are on life-support and failing fast, due largely to American ignorance, apathy and traitorous complicity.

I have to wonder at those who would suggest that I am the traitor, for not offering up my own blind allegiance to an illegitimate, criminal usurper to the seats of power and a traitor to America, but one must never give one’s most precious gifts to those so undeserving. By their own attacks upon all Americans’ Inalienable God-Given Rights, they have been found lacking and unworthy of the slightest bit of loyalty or allegiance from any true American Patriot, especially those of Us who have served this nation in many capacities over the decades and took our oaths to the Constitution and America, before God and Country, as something not to be taken lightly. Continue reading

Why On Earth Do Americans Put Up With It?

“Margaret Atwood’s novel, ‘The Handmaid’s Tale,’ described the horror of the authoritarian regime of Gilead. In this theocracy, self-preservation was the best people could hope for, being powerless to kick against the system. But her sequel, ‘The Testaments,’ raises the possibility that individuals, with suitable luck, bravery and cleverness, can fight back.”

“But can they? There are countless examples of past and present monstrous regimes in the real world. And they all raise the question of why people didn’t just rise up against their rulers. Some of us are quick to judge those who conform to such regimes as evil psychopaths – or at least morally inferior to ourselves. What are the chances that you would be a heroic rebel in such a scenario, refusing to be complicit in maintaining or even enforcing the system?
Continue reading

The Beat goes on…

CDC Ignores Inquiry Into Increasing Number of Deaths, Injuries Reported After COVID Vaccines
VAERS data released today showed 38,444 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 1,739 deaths and 6,286 serious injuries since Dec. 14, 2020. In the U.S., 98.2 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of March 11.

VAERS is the primary mechanism for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed. For the most part, today’s data reflect trends that have emerged since The Defender first began tracking VAERS reports related to COVID vaccines…. (Continue to full article)

Father facing jail for calling daughter ‘she’
A Canadian father has been jailed for referring to a 14-year-old daughter who believes she is a boy as “she” and “her.”

Robert Hoogland of Surrey, British Columbia, turned himself in to a Canadian court Tuesday and was jailed after the provincial attorney general issued an arrest warrant for contempt, The Federalist reported.

British Columbia’s Supreme Court in February 2019 had ordered that the girl receive testosterone injections despite the father’s objections. The court further declared that if either parent referred to the girl with female pronouns or by her birth name, the parent would be considered guilty of “family violence.”… (Continue to full article)

Judge limits evidence, refuses to move trial in Floyd death
A judge on Friday denied a defense request to delay or move the trial of a former Minneapolis police officer charged in George Floyd’s death after the announcement of a $27 million settlement for Floyd’s family raised concern about a tainted jury…. (Continue to full article)

Weaknesses in Immigration Vetting
A new report by from the Center for Immigration Studies examines the weaknesses in the current immigration vetting procedures utilized by the Department of Homeland Security, necessitating a change in biometrics collection practices and policies. Passing a background check or national security check does not mean an alien has a clean record or even that an alien is admissible under the immigration laws… (Continue to full article)

DeSantis: No Woke Racism in Florida Schools
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced during a press conference Wednesday that his state’s schools will “expressly exclude” teaching the Marxist-infused Critical Race Theory (CRT) in classrooms. “There’s no room in our classrooms for things like Critical Race Theory,” DeSantis contended. “Teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money.” Can we get an “amen”?

DeSantis explained, “Florida’s civics curriculum will incorporate foundational concepts with the best materials, and it will expressly exclude unsanctioned narratives like Critical Race Theory and other unsubstantiated theories.” In order to facilitate educating students in accurate American civics, DeSantis proposed a program to offer a $3,000 bonus to teachers who complete a civics education course that specifically focuses on “foundational concepts.” He added, “So we will invest in actual, solid, true curriculum, and we will be a leader in the development and implementation of a world-class civics curriculum.”… (Continue to full article)

Be Smarter than your Doctor. Be your own expert!
Your body, your immune system, was designed to respond to the messages from “germs”. Your terrain, something you have lots of control over, is the difference in your risk of illness. This is a long read, but better than most books…..and will leave you with more understanding than most all allopathic-trained medical professionals have… (Continue to full article)

Video: Doctors and Scientists Write to European Medicines Agency (EMA) Warning of COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers
A group of scientists and doctors has today issued an open letter calling on the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to answer urgent safety questions regarding COVID-19 vaccines, or withdraw the vaccines’ authorisation.

The letter describes serious potential consequences of COVID-19 vaccine technology, warning of possible autoimmune reactions, blood clotting abnormalities, stroke and internal bleeding, “including in the brain, spinal cord and heart”.

“Should all such evidence not be available”, the authors write, “we demand that approval for use of the gene-based vaccines be withdrawn until all the above issues have been properly addressed by the exercise of due diligence by the EMA.”… (Continue to full article)

…and the Beat goes on…

Benson: The Problems With Immigration

Back in 1986 I read a book by Sol Sanders called Mexico: Chaos on Our Doorstep. It went into many of the problems this country has had with Mexico over the decades. There was one particular chapter that dealt with the immigration problems with Mexico, chapter 7, entitled Mexicans for Export. This dealt with population problems in Mexico and why so many Mexicans end up in this country, although the problem back then pales into insignificance compared to what we deal with today on our Southern border. Continue reading

COVID Denialism Now Enshrined in Case Law

So-called COVID denialism was the deciding factor in a recent case where a judge denied a father custody rights due to this perspective that COVID was a hoax. Are we entering a world where you can lose your rights solely due to way you think?

COVID denialism – a broad term leveled at those who have seen through lies regarding the COVID scamdemic – has been enshrined in legal history and case law, at least in Canada. This is another horrendous yet sadly predictable step of the COVID agenda, which is none other than the agenda to steal your rights and freedom. MSM outlet CBC reported recently, that a judge stripped a man (who remains anonymous at this stage) of his custody rights in his divorce case with his ex-wife due to his belief that COVID was a hoax, and his subsequent decision to defy social distancing and mask wearing rules. In other words, he was stripped of some of his rights due to his COVID denialism. The case was heard in late 2020 in the Ontario Superior Court, however Justice George W. King delivered the written decision at the end of January 2021, and the story was just picked up by The Free Thought Project. Continue reading