Dwyer: Is Biden Following the Hindenburg’s Path?

Is Biden following the Hindenburg’s path? Let’s see…

Hindenburg facilitated turning Germany from the most liberal Western republic that it was in late 1800s into a national-socialist dictatorship of 1930s and 40s that later transformed itself onto a monster responsible for genocide of unprecedented proportions.

Both Biden and Hindenburg were both old (Biden, 79 years-old, is one-year older than Hindenburg was in 1925 when the latter won mere plurality of the vote in divided Germany’s Chancellor’s elections) and both showed some signs of deteriorating cognitive function. Both lacked a clear electoral success. Hindenburg won by taking advantage of vulnerability of Germany’s election system that allowed him to become the nation’s leader without actually securing the majority of votes of the German electorate. Biden’s election abounded with wide-spread and unresolved “irregularities”, examples of which included: statistical anomalies and impossibilities of the vote counting process, wide-spread cheating and voter fraud, a lack of adequate transparency of vote counting and tabulation, a lack of adequate voter eligibility and identity verification, and serious and wide-spread breaches in the chain of custody of the cast votes that left ample opportunities to remove a large number of valid votes and to inject a large number of invalid ones.

It appears that some of those who have been able to impact the American political process are fixated on early-to-mid 1900s Germany to the point at which said fixation drives (some of) their tactics and provides (some of) the motivations of their actions. Although extensively borrowing form Soviet and Marxist ideologies and methods, and still horrified by the atrocities committed by Hitler’s executioners, they do not appear ignorant of Hitler and his collaborator’s political plots that delivered to them a monopoly on the Third Reich’s political power. As of this early stage of D-party’s grab of power in today’s America, the similarities between political machinations in Germany some 80 to 100 years ago and in the U.S., today, are striking. From the Reichstag’s burning in 1933 and the “insurrection” in the Capitol Building in 2021, to appointment of an easy-to-be-manipulated and less-than-popular stooge as a national leader, the events in both nations followed paths that are way too similar to each other to be considered just randomly co-incidental.

I am trying to verify a thesis that the cabal that has orchestrated the above processes in America is trying to replicate the Germany’s transformation of a century ago as a means of retaliation against the West for the atrocities that Hitler’s regime brought about. Except that in this case, if my thesis is correct, the perpetrators and the victims, or their contemporary heirs and surrogates, will be trading places.

But whether my thesis is correct or not, the worst is yet to come. A power grab is hardly ever the goal; it usually is merely a prerequisite for something far more sinister that the grabbers have in their plans. As a nation, we are well beyond the point when “raising eyebrows” or expressing “concerns” with policies and trends that threaten the survival of our Constitutional Republic were enough to fend off America’s political threats. We are facing a very powerful, well-funded, and extremely clever enemy that is determined to exploit every vulnerability of the Republic in order to turn us into its helpless subjects. That enemy does not hesitate to use against us the force of weaponized institutions and agencies of the federal government whenever it can. Therefore, we need to strengthen our resistance and resort to means and ways that match those employed by our enemy, and are fully capable of stopping any transformation of our nation onto a socialistic dictatorship with a ruling class perpetually parasitizing on the rest of it.

To all those good Americans who have any power over anything, I plead: please, stop talking and start fighting, with whatever means that are necessary, against well-orchestrated attempts of the hostile takeover of America. Remember that what happened in Germany in 1930s and 40s can also happen in America. Gracefully losing the Republic to a neo-Soviet soft revolution with its national-socialistic tactical enhancements is not an option. So, please, do not retreat and do not ask yourself if the Constitution has vested in you the power to defend the Republic but do whatever you can to spare its defeat, and do it now. We need all hands on the deck of the ship that we are defending. For if we lose, we have nowhere else to fly.

April 9, 2021

~ The Author ~
dwyer_thumbMr. Dwyer has been a continuing contributor to the Federal Observer. Mark Andrew Dwyer’s recent columns are posted at:
Links to his other commentaries can be found here: http://www.oocities.org/readerswrite/List_date.htm

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