What’s In YOUR Jab?

If people really knew the ingredients in vaccines they’d reject the poisoned needles.

Of course, the ingredients listed in my cartoon are not concise – there are far more noxious substances I could have added – and I realize each vaccine has different variants. The mRNA jab can’t really be called a vaccine at all – it’s experimental gene therapy. Continue reading

Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’

‘Look out the window, and think, “why is my government lying to me about something so fundamental?” Because, I think the answer is, they are going to kill you using this method. They’re going to kill you and your family.’

Dr. Mike Yeadon Arshad Ebrahim / YouTube

Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory who spent 32 years in the industry leading new medicines research and retired from the pharmaceutical giant with “the most senior research position” in his field.

He addressed the “demonstrably false” propaganda from governments in response to COVID-19, including the “lie” of dangerous variants, the totalitarian potential for “vaccine passports,” and the strong possibility we are dealing with a “conspiracy” which could lead to something far beyond the carnage experienced in the wars and massacres of the 20th century. (Continue to Dr. Kelley… )

Biden’s Border Crisis Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near YOU

The situation along the United States-Mexico border worsens as the Biden Administration continues to hold up a vacancy sign to the world. The humanitarian crisis that is happening because of President Biden’s dereliction of duty is coming to a neighborhood near you.

It is Biden’s invitation to “surge to the border” that has brought more human, sex, and drug trafficking than ever before. A group of 112 individuals recently entered the U.S. illegally and surrendered to Border Patrol agents. In today’s world that isn’t so unusual. Continue reading

Biden, You’re Not A President. You’re Just An Old Fool!

“No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we’re looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn’t test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed, [senility] and love of power.” ~P. J. O’Rourke, a contemporary American political satirist and journalist

Somehow the people manage to elect the dimmest Democrat politicians to public office who seem to be disconnected from reality, devoid of logic and reason and without a lick of common sense. The electorate is so stupid it votes for party over substance, it votes for government dependence instead of independence and self-reliance, it votes for race over character and it votes for socialism over constitutional freedom. Now just how smart is that?

But Americans get what they vote for and they are about to get a nasty taste of what they voted for in President Joe “Jim Crow Obsessed” Biden; Kamala “Socialist hair brain” Harris; Chuck “I want my mommy” Schumer and Nancy, “I sure got a big freezer” Pelosi. Continue reading

Dwyer: Is Biden Following the Hindenburg’s Path?

Is Biden following the Hindenburg’s path? Let’s see…

Hindenburg facilitated turning Germany from the most liberal Western republic that it was in late 1800s into a national-socialist dictatorship of 1930s and 40s that later transformed itself onto a monster responsible for genocide of unprecedented proportions.

Both Biden and Hindenburg were both old (Biden, 79 years-old, is one-year older than Hindenburg was in 1925 when the latter won mere plurality of the vote in divided Germany’s Chancellor’s elections) and both showed some signs of deteriorating cognitive function. Both lacked a clear electoral success. Hindenburg won by taking advantage of vulnerability of Germany’s election system that allowed him to become the nation’s leader without actually securing the majority of votes of the German electorate. Biden’s election abounded with wide-spread and unresolved “irregularities”, examples of which included: statistical anomalies and impossibilities of the vote counting process, wide-spread cheating and voter fraud, a lack of adequate transparency of vote counting and tabulation, a lack of adequate voter eligibility and identity verification, and serious and wide-spread breaches in the chain of custody of the cast votes that left ample opportunities to remove a large number of valid votes and to inject a large number of invalid ones. Continue reading

Garrison: Shall NOT be Infringed

China Joe Biden’s pen has been busy lately. He has signed new Executive Orders that will begin to dismantle our Second Amendment.

Sleepy Joe said it himself. He’s doing it to ‘keep the American people safe.’ How will we be safer if we can’t defend ourselves? Oh, I almost forgot. Biden’s big government will do that for us. Just like Stalin and Pol Pot did when they confiscated the guns in their countries. Continue reading

Benson: Taking a Stand

April is Confederate History Month and we need to proclaim that without hesitation or apology. When leftist thugs howl about the South seceding so she could keep all her slaves we need to start asking them about those slave states that remained part of the Union all the way up until the 13th Amendment was enacted, months after “honest” Abe was dead and gone. Having never learned any real history most of them won’t know anything about that. You will need to remind them–not that it will shut them up–but it might slow them down a bit if someone has an accurate answer to their tomfoolishness. Continue reading

The Odds Are Never In Your Favor

For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society saying to our citizens, “As long as you obey the law – we will leave you alone.”

~ Forewords ~
How many years ago was the following written and posted? Does it really matter? One can change a few of the embedded names, but the story has remained the same – or has it all worsened? I believe that it has. During the week of April 5th, 2021 – I covered numerous stories from the past – two from October and early November of 2001 – just weeks after 9/11 – which dealt specifically with Anthrax, potential quarantine and the possibility of Masks – in other words – CONTROL of the minds and the bodies of the people. To me – it was the experimental game leading up to much of what we have dealt with in 2020 and continuing into this year – and Fauci was already involved with the games that many years ago.

Since that time, we have survived through the Shrub Bush years and those of the Kenyan, leading into a single term of Trump – and now we are faced with controls which are deep into the darkness of the Biden ‘administration’ – and believe that it will be short-lived. What follows below was republished with permission by the author – on it’s original day of publication and has remained within the pages of Kettle Moraine Publications ever since – and continues to hold such great importance today – maybe more-so that when it was written over five years ago – thus – it became the background for my nightly program today.

~ Jeffrey Bennett, April 9, 2021
Continue reading

Conservatives Had Better Learn How To Start Saying No!

“Eventually, after years of in-effective peaceful protests or civil disobedience, Americans will have to say NO! But history has shown us that the people will have waited so long that their NO! will have to come out of the barrel of a gun in open revolution.”

God knows government and special interests that have aligned with government, have given millions of Americans many reasons to engage in civil disobedience. In fact, civil disobedience is long past due. Unfortunately, the passiveness of the American people seems to know no bounds and they will bow down to anything that government demands. (See: “Why On Earth Do Americans Put Up With It”) Continue reading

An Open Letter to the Democratic Party…

I am a long-time resident of Arizona and a combat veteran of Vietnam. I volunteered to serve our country during the 1970s when the convenient and popular sentiment was to protest all things American, especially the war.

I am conservative. I derive my values from our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and my morals from my belief in a higher power. What is right for our state and our country should not be influenced by political party leanings or affiliations. And it certainly must not be controlled by an oligarchy. Continue reading

‘Who’s racist?’ Lawyer mom takes on Maryland school district’s woke racism claims

‘It’s totalitarian, what they’re doing, so I know it”, lawyer Gordana Schifanelli says

Picking fights with lawyers and Green Berets can be a bit risky, and that is doubly true when one of them has extensive experience with totalitarian tactics.

Gordana Schifanelli is a lawyer married to a former Army special forces officer, and what’s more, she grew up in a Communist household in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. All of which makes for a powerful opponent in what has shaped up as a battle on Maryland’s Eastern Shore between forces of wokeness in Queen Anne’s County Public Schools and some concerned parents. Continue reading

Me and Facebook…

I chose to post the following on Facebook today (suspecting only too well what would happen). And so Ii did – and BANG! – they rejected it and of course made acknowledge that I was supporting (their) enemy… and all of that good happy ca-ca.

It was a test. it was only a test – and I was correct – BUT – maybe I will be allowed back on tomorrow – maybe not. We shall see…

He has Risen ~ Do you know my King?

The Resurrection of Jesus – Gustave Doré

My Dear God, how hard life is, how easy life is, how great life is for Us, sinners one and all. Our blessings great and small come to us by Your hand, and our punishments too. You are great and we are small.

Men, women and children all revel in the wonders that abound in this magnificent creation of Yours, and we rejoice in the miracle of our salvation that we have received through the Blood of the Lamb and the sacrifice Jesus performed upon the Cross. Continue reading