My Body, My Choice, My Ass!

Isn’t it funny how Marxist democrats who have spent 48-years fighting for a mother’s “right” to murder her own children in the womb, are the same maniacal nut-jobs fighting tooth and nail for their “right” to inject anything they want into YOUR body, claiming you have “no right” to decline?

It would be funny if it weren’t so damned sickening and deadly! It takes some real moral misfits and socialist morons to think up such insanity, and some real tyrants to force it on the country and the world.

Clearly, according to the ruling class elite in our government of, by and for themselves, we don’t have even the most basic of Rights in this country anymore – and they are entirely unbridled in their power. They can do anything they want to the people, because nothing they have done to the people so far has caused any backlash or consequences from the people. Continue reading

Who Wins? ~ The Complete Series

NOTE: The Federal Observer published the first 5 entries to this series in late June of 2021. As of this evening, the author has completed the series and Part Six – And the winner is??? has now been added at the bottom of this post. ~ Ed.

Part I – The Big Question

Is this all real, is there a problem or is what we see manufactured by the people who profit from the chaos they create? Both sides of this conflict – yes, it is a conflict – claim the other side is wholly to blame.

So stop for a moment and think. Ask yourself – who really wins in this situation? It certainly isn’t the people involved in this violence or hatred or conflict, and it certainly isn’t the citizens of this country. Continue reading

An Uncertain New Phase of the Pandemic, in Which Cases Surge but Deaths Do Not

With the Delta variant, people now have to make different calculations about personal risk. The problem is that the parameters are not yet fully known.

Transit passengers wear face masks at a metro station in Los Angeles, earlier this month. Photograph by Patrick T. Fallon / AFP / Getty

So many things have gone wrong in the American response to the pandemic, but two important things have gone right: scientists have developed a vaccine, and older Americans have got it. Seventy-six per cent of Americans between the ages of fifty and sixty-four have received at least one dose, according to the Mayo Clinic’s vaccination tracker. Between the ages of sixty-five and seventy-four, it’s ninety-one per cent, and among those over the age of seventy-five it’s eighty-seven. (Slightly smaller numbers have received a full, two-dose vaccination.) Continue reading

The Edge of Darkness: Subject Topics of July 29, 2021

The following is the basis for my nightly broadcast from this date. ~ Ed.

~ Opening Commentary ~
As I put on my makeup I see a dent, yes a literal dent in my forehead. I’m puzzled then I realize, months of N95 masks, I look down at my hands, they are so worn, old looking. I think of my dreams, all the death in the past year. More than a career for most.

I recall being told I had to take the flu vaccine, or I was fired. Giving in because I couldn’t loose my job, but that feeling of not being able to breath after a severe allergic reaction is in the back of my mind.

The facts are this:

* This is America we have a choice, or we are supposed to.

* Don’t anyone lecture me on Covid, don’t you dare. If you have worked in it I’ll listen – but if you have not seen it first hand then I respectfully decline your advice.

* I am not anti-vax never have been. But let’s not pretend this is the same type vaccine as a flu shot or others. It is one of a kind that is new. No long term studies.

* Don’t tell me I’m not educated, I can assure you I am, however when people post things about people being ignorant for not taking it, maybe they have done their own research. There are many many educated people that are ignorant.

* It should be a personal choice, if you want to take it, go for it!

If you don’t that should be ok also.

But how dare anyone Force healthcare workers to take it! After the trauma, death, depression and things we have dealt with the past year. You sit at desks and site literature, numbers and statistics, doctor the results, and try to require people to blindly follow and trust you ? When most of you making the rules have never laid one finger on a Covid patient, let alone code them them for hours, clean them up after death, be the only people they see or talk to for days?

* How dare you put on the news that people vaccinated aren’t getting sick or dieing ! That is a lie! and the problem is that the nurses and healthcare workers know that. But the general public for some reason believe the news and social media.

Let me be clear – I am not against the vaccine, I just think it’s a personal choice. From the perspective of someone forced to take a vaccine in the past, and spending a week in ICU from it, it’s a choice!!

We all deserve the freedom to make that choice!

Lisa Mathis FNP
Healthcare Heroes for FREEDOM
July 29, 2021

NOTE: As of today – Facebook SHUT DOWN Healthcare Heroes for FREEDOM. – BASTARDS!

~ Program Commentary ~

Fauci: Phantom of His Own Opera

Johns Hopkins Doctor Shreds Latest COVID Madness Peddled by CDC and Fauci
Fear is contagious. It’s almost as bad as the Delta variant. Again, is the new variant more transmissible? Yes. Is it deadlier? No. Does it make you sicker? No. Are those being impacted primarily the unvaccinated? Most definitely. So, when you want to increase vaccination rates, the government did what it did best: screw things up.

Fully vaccinated people now must wear masks again in high-case areas. What constitutes a highly infectious area? Well, that’s not clear yet, but I’m sure the CDC and Dr. Anthony Fauci will make up some science fiction to justify this new mask mandate. The mandates are coming too. Not nationwide, Biden can’t do that yet due to the midterms, but federal agencies are one-by-one mandating it for workers who risk the loss of pay or their jobs if they refuse… (Continue to full article)

A city-operated mobile pharmacy advertises the COVID-19 vaccine in Brooklyn. Source Spencer Platt / Getty

A Tool for Opposing Employers’ Covid-Jab Mandates: “Section 7” Protections of the National Labor Relations Act
All COVID-19 vaccines are merely authorized, not approved or licensed, by the federal government; they are Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) only …

EUA products are by definition experimental and thus require the right to refuse. Under the Nuremberg Code, the foundation of ethical medicine, no one may be coerced to participate in a medical experiment. Consent of the individual is “absolutely essential.” A federal court held that the U.S. military could not mandate EUA vaccines to soldiers. Doe #1 v. Rumsfeld, 297 F.Supp.2d 119 (2003). The court held: “…the United States cannot demand that members of the armed forces also serve as guinea pigs for experimental drugs.” Id. at 135. No court has ever upheld a mandate for an EUA vaccine.

The liability for forced participation in a medical experiment, including injury or death, may be incalculable. Medical and religious exemptions will be insufficient to overcome the illegality of EUA vaccine mandates…. (Continue to full article)

The Right to Be Let Alone: What to Do When COVID Strike Force Teams Come Knocking
Experience teaches us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government’s purposes are beneficent.” ~ Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis

A federal COVID-19 vaccination strike force may soon be knocking on your door, especially if you live in a community with low vaccination rates. Will you let them in?

Indeed, you don’t even need to answer or open the door in response to knocking/ringing by a government agent, and if you do answer the knock, you can stop speaking at any time. You also have the right to demand that government agents leave the property once the purpose of the visit is established. Government officials would not be enforcing any law or warrant in this context, and so they don’t have the authority of law to remain on the property after a homeowner or resident specifically revokes the implied license to come onto the property… (Continue to full article)

Keep A-Knockin’ (but You Can’t Come In)

MORE which we did not share…

Continue reading

Life in a Half-Vaccinated Country

A public-health expert discusses breakthrough infections, mask and vaccine mandates, and what the Delta variant means for Americans….

Or is this just more New Yawk-ese B.S.?

A city-operated mobile pharmacy advertises the COVID-19 vaccine in Brooklyn.Source photograph by Spencer Platt / Getty

The last time I spoke with the physician Ashish Jha, the dean of the School of Public Health at Brown University and a leading expert on COVID-19, Americans were just beginning to get their shots. Now, more than half the country has been vaccinated, but the Delta variant of the virus has caused a surge in infections and hospitalizations—largely among the unvaccinated—and renewed debates about what reopening should look like. I recently called Jha to discuss breakthrough infections, mask and vaccine mandates, and how vaccinated people should think about COVID safety. Our conversation, edited for length and clarity, is below. Continue reading

Ross: How Important Is Freedom To You?

How many of you have seen the Mel Gibson movie, Braveheart? If you have, you probably remember the horrific torture that his character, William Wallace, underwent at the hands of the British when he refused to pledge fealty to the King. Since I was not there amongst the crowd, there is no telling how accurate that scene was, but nonetheless, in the movie Wallace remained true to his cause; regardless of how much suffering he underwent at the hands of his tormentors.

I have often wondered if I would have the courage to stand up to that kind of torture without sacrificing my principles; it’s something I hope I never have to put to the test, that’s for sure. Yet, it does make me wonder how much I’d be willing to give up to hold dear to the principles I claim to hold. Would I have the courage of a Patrick Henry, and say Give me liberty or give me death; and mean it? Would you; which is the point of this essay; how much would you be willing to sacrifice to defend your liberty? Continue reading

Health Freedom Is the Hottest Political Issue on the Entire Globe

Our World Will Never Be the Same After This!

We live at a time of incredible stupidity, and our stupidity is going to end up getting a whole lot of people killed.

We are witnessing an epic global struggle for freedom, and the outcome of that struggle is going to greatly shape what our world is going to look like in the years ahead. Ultimately, one of the most fundamental rights that we have is the right to make our own health decisions. If someone else has the authority to make those decisions for you, then you aren’t really free. (Continue to full commentary… )

Born to Breathe and Live Free: Let Us Engage the Enemy ~ NOW

The more things change the more they stay the same. Just as we were in the middle of the COVID tyrannies last July, it appears this is a fight that will be ongoing, each time the elitist oligarchs behind those currently controlling the American system of governance believes their grasp on power has slipped a bit too much. They’ll simply roll out a new “Variant” whenever they want to snap the American people back in line with whatever the agenda of the day may be. Continue reading

July 26, 2021: The Good, the Bad and the UGLY!

The MSM is echoing with cries of “The Delta Variant is more contagious!” This is somehow supposed to bring us to the needle on our knees, weeping for our insensitive, snowflake triggering refusal to get the shot sooner. We should have realized that our questions about the safety of the shot are actually “violence.” Certainly we don’t wish to be violent?… (Continue to full article)

De-CRT Your School
The recent uprisings at local school board meetings across the country against critical race theory curricula have emboldened parents who are fed up with destructive, demoralizing educational approaches from our government-run, taxpayer-funded schools.

We rightly reject the idea that this divisive worldview should be the centerpiece of daily instruction for our children beginning at the Kindergarten level and the battle to prohibit this Marxist drivel is a righteous one… (Continue to full article)

PCR Test To Be Withdrawn – Its Emergency Use Authorization Has Been REVOKED…
The FDA announced today that the CDC PCR test for COVID-19 has failed its full review…

After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives… (Continue to full article)

Predictions by Rudolf STEINER 100 Years Ago

Latest leftist to demand Trump supporters be forcibly re-educated
A blog posting that offers support to President Trump warns that “deprogrammed” and “re-educated” are words that almost always are connected to violence. “Can you think of a single time in history where these words were used WITHOUT being deadly?”

The issue has come up – again – because leftists have returned to their insistence that anyone who disagrees with them must face that deprogramming, or re-educating.

Now it’s MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski who is demanding an indoctrination program, apparently forced or otherwise, for those who don’t agree with her ideology and politics.

“People who support Trump are mentally defective, so they must be deprogrammed. What does that mean? Sounds Stalinist in the extreme. It also reeks of Chinese Cultural Revolution underpinnings. Those who do not believe what we believe are off to the camps… (Continue to full article)

Doctor: Heart Failure From MRNA Jabs “Will Kill Most People”
Dr Charles Hoffe MD, in his latest update of July 6, 2021 is reporting on the disturbing findings in his patients. He says the mRNA vaccines are plugging up thousands of tiny capillaries in the blood of those who took the ‘vaccine.’ Most will die in a few short years from heart failure.

The spike proteins injected, which are designed to be mass produced in the bodies of the vaccinated, are the cause of the clotting, which is having adverse effects on no fewer than 60 percent of people injected… (Continue to full article)

‘People are just walking out in the middle of shifts’: What it’s like to work in a restaurant right now
Going out to eat might feel a little different these days. Maybe you’re waiting longer for a table, even though the restaurant doesn’t appear full. Or maybe your service is slower, and your server seems anxious.

That’s because restaurants across the United States are understaffed, and jobs that were already stressful have gotten even more difficult.

Workers interviewed by CNN Business said they’re struggling in the short-staffed environment. Servers are stepping into other roles as overworked back-of-the-house employees quit, and sometimes seeing their tips ebb as they scramble to keep up with the new responsibilities. Fed-up colleagues sometimes quit in the middle of their shifts… (Continue to full article)

Thanks to the government, traditional work ethic taking a beating
America’s unemployment rate continues to tick down as the economy recovers from the shutdowns. But scores of jobs remain unfilled as people take advantage of free income from the government instead of going back to work.

Countless “Now Hiring” signs are appearing in towns all across America. Yet patrons of thousands of restaurants in the U.S. are likely to see empty tables at which they cannot be seated because there aren’t enough servers to wait on them. Some argue it’s because the federal government continues to shell out a $300-a-week federal unemployment benefit, which comes on top of state jobless aid, causing many people to opt for the money and sit at home rather than go back to work… (Continue to full article)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Warns: DO NOT Take A COVID-19 Vaccine
The nephew of former president John F. Kennedy recently issued a public statement urging people everywhere to avoid the COVID-19 jab at all costs because it contains an untested new technology known as mRNA, the long-term side effects of which are completely unknown.

mRNA directly alters the genetic material of those who receive it, much like what happens when “scientists” genetically engineer (GMO) food crops like soybeans or corn to make them resistant to bugs or drought. “This intervention can be compared to genetically modified foods, which are also very controversial… (Continue to full article)

‘Patriot’ Is the New ‘Nazi’
For decades now — or at least since the leftist hordes were shouting “Dissent is patriotic!” during the George W. Bush years — the word “patriot” and all its permutations have been off limits to the Left. Not because it’s been forbidden from adopting these terms, but because their meaning is utterly at odds with everything the Left stands for.

“What is happening to our country is a cultural genocide, Leftist elites are attacking and tearing down every symbol of the American Republic. Why? Because … the American Republic is an impediment to the Marxist state they’re trying to force on us… (Continue to full article)

Will Biden’s Immigration Policies Speed Communization of America?
Radical members of the Democrat Party have not called out Cuba’s communist regime as the reason for massive anti-government demonstration in that Island nation, just 90 miles off America’s coast, but insist that it is the embargo imposed on Cuba by the Trump administration, which remains in place, as the reason for massive discontent of Cuban citizens.

Clearly, these radical Democrats do not oppose Communism, but embrace it – likely seeing it as the form of government they would love to impose on our historically free nation!… (Continue to full article)

and the Beat goes on…

Joe Biden’s Word Salad… Quite the Mouthful

The tosser* in chief served up a big bowl of word salad for everyone to enjoy at his CNN town hall recently.

We were treated to 40 seconds of rambling nonsense as he tried to answer a question about when children under 12 should be vaccinated. That idea is abhorrent in its own right as science proves children do not need to be jabbed with the experimental vaccine. But I digress… Continue reading

Will Historians Call Us Cowards?

If there is one thing that studying history has taught me, it is that nothing lasts forever. The mightiest of empires eventually fall, and as individuals, we all go through the cycle birth-life-death; that’s just a cycle we cannot escape. I truly believe that it is what we do in that short period between our first and last breaths that define us.

Not a single one of us has any say as to the conditions we are born into; each of us has to make the best out of the hand we are dealt with. Since none of us can choose the kind of life we’re born into, we can choose to either try and improve our lot in life, or sit around whining and complaining about how screwed we are; how society owes it to us to improve our situation. I think, and this is only me speaking, that how we handle the shit storms that life throws at us says a lot about our character.

Most people, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, go through their lives simply trying to do their best to provide for their wants and needs, and those of their family; most live their entire lives barely making a splash, so to speak. However, sometimes there are individuals, or groups of individuals, who do things that make the world stand up and take notice. I’m not talking about a performer, or an athlete who was born with skills that set them apart from their counterparts; I’m talking about people whose deeds were of such a nature that their names are written down in the annals of history. Continue reading

FASCIST FACEBOOK – Champion of the Phuocht Cheggers

Well now … just making it back after a 24 Hour Ban from Facebook over posting some hard truth in a video about the dangers posed by the COVID-19 “vaccine” that is an EXPERIMENTAL MEDICAL TREATMENT And NOT A TRUE VACCINE. And it was allowed to be distributed under an “Emergency Authorization“.


Juntti: Are we “Federal Children“?

Fall 2002 ~ While doing some searching on how we are TRACKED by the government (cell phones, etc.) I came across this item I wrote in 2002 that provides more info on how the government goal of TRACKING and controlling American citizens really got started. I had forgotten I had written this but in finding it today and reading it over I thought some on WGEN might like to review the history of how the *massa’s* devised ways to track us and how to use us as collateral for that national debt – mostly owed to China. When China calls in the debt we owe to them how many of us will then be placed in Chinese custody to do their bidding? ~ Jackie Juntti (Granny)

Are we “Federal Children,” owned by the Government?

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