Elementary School Children Invited to LGBT Clubs, Shown Pornographic Images in Class

The ‘slippery slope’ theory has been used frequently to explain the rapid rise in licentiousness and decline of sexual morality in American society. Many Americans point to the radical change in societal norms over the course of just the past few years, to prove the theory is anything but a fallacy.

Just a short time ago, even former President Barack Obama publicly opposed gay marriage — as did the majority of Americans — which is likely why political strategists advised Obama to take the position he did.

When Obama made his first public comments indicating his support for gay couples to marry in 2012, it was viewed as a pretty controversial political stand. Today, the media outlets like the Washington Post are advocating for more ‘kink’ at pride parades so children can see it, and drag queens are twerking in front of kindergarteners.

Within just a few years it has become ‘controversial’ to not only oppose same-sex marriage but everything else sexual liberation has led to. Continue reading

Hideous CRT Experiment at an Elementary School Forces Children to Watch Graphic Video

Almost everyone has heard at least a little news about the liberal left’s crazy emphasis on our children’s education. There is new strategy to teach racism based on what they call Critical Race Theory (CRT). CRT instills a sense of guilt in young children because of their skin color.

It tries to inherently convince impressionable minds that our nation is bad, that they are bad. The core tenet of this radical theory is that people are either oppressed or oppressors. The entire foundation of this insane belief is based on the color of a person’s skin.

There is no middle ground. This is an attempt by the liberal left to brainwash our children. This is a sickening ambition that has many parents furious. However, in one elementary school in San Antonio, Texas, their methods became abusive. Continue reading

The Cafeteria

Please read the paragraphs so marked ** with a broken Russian accent in mind – it’ll make more sense.

** Silly Capitalist Pigs… You know nothing about world or how it really works. You do not get to pick and choose the parts of ideology that you like or dislike. You can not choose only what you think is benefits and discard harsh reality of the bad.

Is package deal.

Oh, so you know, is no benefits.

Unless, of course, you like standing in line.

This idea emerged from a conversation with a long-time friend in the PRC – Peoples Republic of California. He’s a cafeteria socialist, like most American Socialists. The same way many Americans are cafeteria Christians, or Republicans, or god forbid, Democrats, they assert selective belief. I refer to this as the impetus of programming. Continue reading

Government of the People vs Party Politics

Dear Editor:

When it comes to political parties (i.e., party for party sake), I wouldn’t give five cents for today’s Democrat OR Republican brand.

A Mr. Bill King, writing for National Politics on March 22, 2018, echoes so well my own take on the matter of political parties monopolizing and dictating our supposed “representative government” affairs, that I simply quote him here:

“The current ruling two-party duopoly is so ubiquitous that we take it as a given. We teach the ‘two-party system’ in government classes. Taxpayers pay for their primary elections, notwithstanding that, legally, parties are private associations. We have allowed the two ruling parties to institutionalize themselves in our political and governing systems. They get preferential ballot access and legislative committee assignments, and campaign finance laws are rigged in their favor, just to name a few of the advantages they are afforded.
Continue reading

Facebook: Expose of the Devil

My husband has said from day one that Facebook should be fun and that the moment that it stops being fun, that’s the time to stop. For me, the time to stop has arrived; it’s been a long time coming, and the train has finally arrived at the station.

The times are such that there is censorship by social media and by governments throughout the world. They impose fines and even jail for people who don’t comply with their versions in all matters. If you post something as a joke and they don’t like it, you are in danger. If you post something with pictures of people you don’t know, you are breaking their rules. By now, you know where I stand on issues, and I’ve posted many thousands of images that you can enjoy. Continue reading

McCutchen: The Death of a Nation Coming Soon…

U N L E S S …

Is it me or thee who whispers while running from the truth?

Those who view their surroundings and find them unsatisfactory, the fear and whispering begins.

In the well of the U.S. Senate recently claimed a bloodcurdling statement offered by a U.S. Senator. Surely there must be a response focusing on the Senator’s wild-eyed statement in his last address and condemning the Republican Senator.

Our Founding Fathers from the onset feared political parties. Time, as usual, found them soundly right.

The two major parties in our nation are the cowardly, warmongering Republicans and the Democrat Marxists who want to destroy everything “American”. Between the two, our once preeminent Republic is perched on the precipice of annihilation! Continue reading


When I heard that President Trump was suing Hillary Clinton over her Russia conspiracy lies, I didn’t think he had much of a chance to win his case. After all, the Deep State Swamp has Hillary’s back. Trump was unable to completely drain the swamp during his term, but at least he proved that it existed. Most of our government institutions and security agencies have become politicized. They do the bidding of the Democrat party, which in turn is controlled by the central bankers. You know, the New World Order Joe Biden likes to promote. Continue reading

Ross: Our Foundation Has Rotted Away

But O, good Lord! What strange phenomenon is this? What name shall we give it? What is the nature of this misfortune? What vice is it, or, rather, what degradation? To see an endless multitude of people not merely obeying, but driven to servility? Not ruled, but tyrannized over? These wretches have no wealth, no kin, nor wife nor children, not even life itself that they can call their own.” ~ Etienne de la Boetie

If you want your home to last, one of the first things you need to do is to build a strong foundation for it to sit upon. If that foundation is weak, or if it becomes eroded over time, the house will eventually suffer; possibly to the point of collapsing. If you’ve been reading my essays for any length of time, you should, by now, recognize that I’m speaking metaphorically; that there is a point to all this.

Before I get to the meat and potatoes of this essay, there is a quote I’d like for you to ponder, “A house divided cannot stand.” I believe that quote originates from the Bible, the Book of Mark, Chapter 3, Verse 25 if I’m not mistaken. Now, let’s get started…

What are we? Are we a country, a nation, or simply a people occupying a geographical location on a map? When the first European (British) settlers came to this land, did they constitute a nation; a country? No, they were merely a handful of Colonists who had sought an existence in a land that was separated geographically from their home country, but bound politically to that country. Continue reading

The Wilderness

Titles are introductory pitches that coax you to discover the writer’s intent buried in their text. The idea for this series occurred to me after reading several articles and opinions in an internet information feed. It’s apparent to me that America has no direction. We appear lost in a world of bigger, better, faster efficiency – The Wilderness. We’re at the mercy of our own devices.

We have more but appreciate it less. Which makes us want even more. Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

We need direction. Continue reading

The Great Reset: The Erasure of America

“I don’t know exactly what is holding the American people back, especially when one considers the ongoing flood of illegals across the border, but they better get out in front of this Great Reset Bullshit immediately, or they will forever regret it for whatever time they have left on earth.” ~ Justin O. Smith

Our poor, poor country… this America we love so well. How horribly She is being mangled and hacked to death, bit by bit, by slugs unworthy of any respect, much less being called “men” or “women”, who hate traditional America and Her virtues and principles and mean to see Her die, never to be mentioned again in the Old Ways and held high to be cherished and loved for all She has given of Herself across the span of time for so many people, both at home and abroad.

Freedom-loving Americans must not abandon Her at any point in Her time of need, to be done with as the immoral and corrupt would have done, none of it for anyone’s good or betterment, even if it means picking up a rifle and fighting to our deaths. Continue reading

Stoopid is as Stoopid Does!

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” ~ Albert Einstein

“Two things are infinite. The universe and human stupidity. … and I’m not sure about the universe.”

“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without saying anything.”

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”

How long will we make the same mistakes with our government before realizing that our approach is not working? That where we are right now, where we’re going is in the wrong direction.

America, what else do you need to see, to realize that we are being bamboozled? Continue reading

More countries set to dump dollar holdings following U.S. “theft” of Russian reserves after Ukraine invasion

The Biden regime’s foreign policy team is filled with amateurs and half-wits whose heads are filled with Ivy League nonsense about how the world is supposed to work, as evidenced by the administration’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

As part of the regime’s economic sanctions package, the Biden administration seized hundreds of billions in Russian currency reserves, which is going to have the unintended effect of knocking the U.S. dollar off its long-held status of being the world’s reserve currency. That will mean disaster for Americans and the U.S. economy in general. Continue reading

Public Schools – “for the salvation of the state”

Often public school officials brag loudly that “they do it all for the kids.” Some of them may honestly believe that. It’s what they have been taught to say and if they just say it long enough it becomes fact in their minds and they just parrot the line to (they hope) believing parents and they come off sounding like paragons of self-sacrificing virtue. If you have ever witnessed striking public school teachers in Chicago marching in the streets asking for more money just a few days before school starts in the Fall you know it’s a lot of horse puckey. If you have ever seen the wage scales of teachers in some cities you realize self-sacrifice has nothing whatever to do with it in many cases.

Samuel Blumenfeld, in his book “NEA–Trojan Horse in American Education” has lowered the boom on all this self-sacrifice twaddle. He has told us, on page 13, that “It was in 1829 that Josiah Holbrook launched the Lyceum Movement to organize the educators of America into a powerful lobby for public education. Was Holbrook a covert Owenite (disciple of socialist Robert Owen)? Circumstantial evidence seems to indicate that he was. And if the socialists decided to further their cause by working through the instrument of public education, we can then understand why the system had such appeal to socialist bias for as long as anyone can remember. Indeed, public education was to become the socialists primary instrument for promoting socialism.”

Did you get that? Public education was a major vehicle for promoting socialism. Chew on that one awhile and you find that all this self-sacrifice stuff ain’t worth doodly-squat! Continue reading

The Kids Are NOT Alright

A drastic increase in anxiety and depression is itself worrisome, but we’re not without hope.

Be afraid of everyone around you. In a grossly simplified nutshell, that sums up the message adults have been giving to children over the last two years of COVID-19. Social distancing, quarantines, masking, and vaccination — not to mention harshly judging people who come to different conclusions — are all things forced upon kids who just want to see faces and play with their friends. No wonder there’s a drastic uptick in anxiety disorders in American children. Continue reading

Too many lies…

Unfortunately, what history we can actually know with any accuracy, has revealed to us humanity has suffered throughout, no matter when the period is. There is never a lack of suffering humanity due to the actions of twisted minds.

People follow religions that place the blame solely upon humans…giving their gods an excuse from any liability, citing nonsense such as “free will”, etc. Humanity has always been subject to frailty, literal futility, and hence had no “free will”. They were simply blamed and accused based upon the actions of a few, which is like accusing ALL airline pilots of being murderers because of one plane crash caused by faulty judgement. Continue reading

Longstreet: Madam Speaker Unmasks the Ugly Face of Socialism

A lesson from the past that WE have not learned from. You are sadly missed J.D. ~ Ed.

August 23, 2010 ~ Back in the 1950’s, while still a lad in high School, I delivered a speech at the University of South Carolina. I don’t remember a great deal of what I said in that particular speech, but I remember I called notice to the dangers of socialism and communism — and the danger of an all powerful government they both demand.

I remember, too, that I mentioned how socialist governments, such as the one in the socialist Soviet Union used the power of the government to keep their citizens in check, in line, if you will. I mentioned how the secret police of the Soviet Union would come knocking at the doors of their citizen’s homes at the “dead hour” (3 AM), smash it in and drag the would be dissident off to the Lubyanka Prison – and if he/she lived through the interrogation, would, quite likely, wind up in a gulag prison somewhere in the frigid climes of Siberia, there to work for the state while valiantly trying to remain alive. Continue reading

Zibrem: The Police State We Didn’t Need

If young people can be deceived into believing in the dream of utopian socialism without considering the consequences, then there may be more future revolutions for socialism.

If one would care to look, it would be plain to see. There are many reasons not to look. There are many games and sideshows popping up every moment, but are they real? In the most part they are not. There are labyrinthine corridors carved out through the internet which the sheeple are steered into. They are guided into hallways with dead ends. They are made to lie down and watch and listen as the Great Speaker explains it all to them. In the end these are dead souls being spoken to by machine men.

There is a sense of strangeness which arises from living under a police state. Malcolm Muggeridge described the political figures of the Soviet Union in his memoirs, “I thought of the men in the Kremlin as I remembered them; the grey, hard faces grouped around Stalin, the greyest and hardest of all.” (The Infernal Grove p114). The basis of Communism in the Soviet Union was theoretically to liberate the workers. Eventually Marxist-Leninism turned to a battle between Stalin and Trotsky. Stalin eventually defeated Trotsky, forcing him to be exiled and later he was murdered on Stalin’s orders. Stalin’s belief in the police state won out in the USSR over Trotsky’s belief in the eternal revolution. Continue reading

The Life and Times of Augustine McCaughan

~ Foreward ~
When we see so-called educators and Commissioners on the Board of Education in out-of-control Commie-Operated Cities placing sick, twisted, demented and depraved gender poison into the curriculum of Kindergarten through 3rd Grade, placing RACIST Critical Race Theory throughout all Kindergarten through 12th Grade and facilitating the continuation of FALSE SCIENCE & Climate Change in all grades and universities and across society, in fact, we know we are living in a Dead Society, void of any real love, common sense or respect for people and their families, speaking holistically.

Many of Us love fiercely and passionately, whether we speak of the familial love we hold for our children and the familial and romantic love with which we embrace our spouses or significant others, the girlfriends and boyfriends one may have, or the strong friendship love we might have for people we have bonded with in some significant fashion, and last but not least, for Christian Conservatives and Independents, there is our love of God. Continue reading