WHO and WEF Globalists Coordinate Their Global ‘Reset

Each year, the world’s elite hop into their private jets and descend upon Davos, Switzerland, the location of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual Davos Forum. Here, the self-proclaimed ruling class spend the week discussing their visions of the future and how to impose their ambitions on the rest of the world.(1)

As explained by Fox News anchor Jesse Watters, participants are divided into clear classes even there. Not only must you receive a personal invitation to attend, but once you’re there, your name badge will clearly illustrate which “elite class” or “subclass” you belong to. Continue reading

Hayworth: Disagreement now discredited as ‘disinformation

Robert J. Samuelson

Through the mists of memory comes this observation from the now-retired Washington Post columnist Robert J. Samuelson: “When one side deliberately distorts and misstates the arguments of the other, the intent is not to debate, but to destroy.”

Samuelson’s mid-1990s assertion came to mind following the recent announcement that the Department of Homeland Security is establishing a “Disinformation Governing Board,” or DGB.

Talk about a “pot-meet-kettle” moment! Continue reading

Gonzalez: How the Anti-Gun Conspirators Miscalculated

There is a saying in the military, “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times enemy action.” But intelligence, and particularly counterintelligence officers, leave no room for happenstance or coincidences. To them just once is enemy action, and all coincidences are potentially deceptive.

So, for a counterintelligence officer, it would be highly suspicious that on May 17, just ten days before the National Rifle Association Convention was to take place on May 27-29, in Houston, Texas, there was a mass shooting at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York. He would be even more suspicious that again, on May 24, just three days before the opening of the NRA Convention, there was a similar mass shooting at a school in Uvalde, Texas.

As if on cue, our President, who after several decades of silence surprisingly recalled God during his visit to Catholic Poland, mentioned God again: Continue reading

The Great Reset: Will You Submit Or Stop It?

The Great Reset is a massive plan to completely reorganize the entire structure of the planet – economically, socially, environmentally, and politically. Nothing will be untouched by the plan. Global Governance is the goal.

Here is a small taste of the background leading up to the Great Reset. The first step was to create a diabolical plan for control that would get us all to fall in line – preferably voluntarily… Continue reading

What the End of Roe v. Wade Will Mean for the Next Generation of Obstetricians

An aspiring ob-gyn’s views on abortion might determine what training she seeks out, which specialities she pursues, and where she chooses to live. In a post-Roe world, that self-sorting process would grow even more intense.

For a long time, Cara Buskmiller has known two things about herself: she wants to deliver babies, and she is called by her faith to a lifetime of virginity. Growing up in nineteen-nineties Dallas with six younger siblings, Buskmiller knew a little about pregnancy and birth, and was interested in medicine. But she truly decided on obstetrics in the seventh grade, after touring an ob-gyn’s office with her Girl Scout troop. She saw posters promoting contraception on every wall – something her parents, devout Catholics, had taught her was wrong – and she thought, Oh, my gosh, I have to become an OB to combat this! Continue reading

Benson: The Name Of The Game Is Confiscation

Ever since the false flag shootings during the Obama Regime there has been a sporadic, yet ongoing debate over gun control. It ranges all the way from the socialists who want extensive gun control (for everyone except themselves and/or their bodyguards) to those who want no gun control whatever. I have to admit that I lean more toward the latter than the former. Now, after the shootings in Uvalde, Texas, the debate has broken out again, like a broken record that keeps playing one part of the tune again and again.

I read an article just last evening where a man said the problem is not with guns, it is really with broken and disintegrating families–families with no father around and a mother that is struggling with problems of her own and cannot adequately watch out for her children, and so she doesn’t. In which cases the kids are left to their own devices. Not the ideal situation. This man may have something. But, then, the leftist politicians don’t want to go there because that scenario doesn’t fit their gun confiscation agenda. Continue reading

If Someone Is Trying to Disarm You, That Means They Consider You an Enemy.


The illegitimate Resident, Joe Biden, took to his green-screened White House podium and called for drastic gun control to be passed by Congress. Earlier Biden claimed the second amendment was “not absolute.” Both the constitution and the second amendment ARE absolute, while the Biden regime is not. Continue reading

The “Great Reset” Ain’t Going As They Hoped It Would

Courtesy Jon McNaughton

Today’s globalist political and religious establishment has been pushing what it’s devotees call “the Great Reset” for some time now. This is supposed to “reset” our culture, history, and heritage in a whole new light and enable us to do away with all those old, outmoded concepts that most of us live by daily. It is all supposed to be “new and innovative” and we are all supposed to rush forward and eagerly embrace it. Actually, there is nothing “new” about it. It is as old as the French Revolution, and, quite probably, can be traced all the way back to Genesis 3, verses 1-5, in Holy Scripture. Continue reading

The story continues to unfold: A Parade of Cowards

Many will fault me for “Monday morning quarterbacking” on this one, but I know of that which I describe, having a life full of experiences that too often could have ended with me wrapped in a blanket and thrown in a dark hole, or left to rot in the woods somewhere … Hahaha.

I just wish those Uvalde police officers could been trained by Howard Ross, an “old school officer” who served the City of LaVergne, Tennessee back in the day, or Lt Gary Whitehouse from the Nashville Metropolitan Police Dept, or even A.C. Wintermeyer who served as a lone police officer for LaVergne, before it incorporated, and dealt with a huge criminal element along the longtime lawless border of Rutherford and Davidson Counties; these were tough, hardened no-nonsense men who went up against some of the most hardened criminals of their day and lived to tell the tale. Buford Pusser didn’t have anything over them. Continue reading

Leibowitz: Only the victim deserves our sympathy

The man who raped and murdered Deana Bowdoin was put to death by the state of Arizona on May 11 at 10:30 a.m. This was 44 years, four months and four days after the homicide in question — or about 44 years too long by my reckoning.

Even so, this column has little to do with Deana’s killer. This piece is about a 21-year-old girl subtracted from the world decades too soon, a young woman for whom there were no candlelight vigils this week, no protesters, no legal motions long enough to deforest the state. Continue reading

Mass Shootings: The Vicious Cycle Fueled By America’s Toxic Cult of Violence

“Mass shootings have become routine in the United States and speak to a society that relies on violence to feed the coffers of the merchants of death. Given the profits made by arms manufacturers, the defense industry, gun dealers and the lobbyists who represent them in Congress, it comes as no surprise that the culture of violence cannot be abstracted from either the culture of business or the corruption of politics.” ~ Professor Henry A. Giroux

We are caught in a vicious cycle. Continue reading

For What It’s Worth

A jumble of incongruities brought about by media noise and nonsense fragmented last night’s sleep. On the surface, it seems innocuous, but I’m perplexed by an annoying undercurrent that defies naming.

“There’s something happening here.
    What it is ain’t exactly clear…”

I read the news today; oh, boy, about the latest spate of new mandates, revised government positions, and fresh allegations of government malfeasance. WTFO? Continue reading

Benson: Does Big Brother Want To Outlaw Homeschooling?

Get your children OUT of the System – NOW

Well, yes, as a matter of fact he does. Way too many children are now being homeschooled and thereby deprived of the leftist indoctrination offered as standard fare in their local public schools. Such an occurrence has dire ramifications for the leftist throng among us. These homeschooled children, if their parents homeschool them long enough, may grow up to think independently and thereby ask embarrassing questions Big Brother’s Educrat minions don’t want asked – and we just can’t have that. So homeschooling has to go and the kids involved in it need to be forced back into public schools where they can be taught to embrace the tenets of leftist thought for 6-7 hours each day – in all subjects. Nothing else will suffice. Continue reading