You will listen, yet never understand…

So they show that what Isaiah said about them is true: ‘You people will listen and listen, but you will not understand. You will look and look, but you will not really see. Yes, the minds of these people are now closed. They have ears, but they don’t listen. They have eyes, but they refuse to see. If their minds were not closed, they might see with their eyes; they might hear with their ears; they might understand with their minds. Then they might turn back to me and be healed.’ But God has blessed you. You understand what you see with your eyes. And you understand what you hear with your ears. I can assure you, many prophets and godly people wanted to see what you now see. But they did not see it. And many prophets and godly people wanted to hear what you now hear. But they did not hear it. Continue reading

Florida’s Parents Re-Take Their School Boards

Governor Ron DeSantis played an active role in getting hard-left activists booted off school boards across the state.

It’s been a great week for the Free State of Florida — not only for Governor Ron DeSantis, but for concerned parents all around the state who simply want the best education for their children.

But, we think it’s safe to say, it’s been a less-than-great week for the winner of the Democrats’ gubernatorial primary, Chameleon Charlie Crist, and for those pinning their hopes on him to remove DeSantis from the governor’s mansion on November 8. It ain’t gonna happen!
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Baldwin: If The IRS Wants To Find Lost Tax Dollars, It Should Look In Ukraine

I’ll begin with a quote from my good friend Thomas DiLorenzo who wrote an outstanding column that appears on

The Biden administration’s “Inflation Reduction Act” will increase inflation with hundreds of billions in additional government spending and money creation by the Fed while making supply chain problems even worse with onerous new corporate taxes, especially on energy, and myriad new “Green New Deal” environmental regulations. Increased government spending and reduced production will cause higher prices, not lower.

To collect all the new taxes for this latest election-year spending binge the administration is proposing to spend some $80 billion to more than double the number of IRS agents, hiring 87,000 new ones, 70,000 of which are reported to be armed. The Democrat party wants a standing army of armed tax collectors to enforce its will.

Americans once fought a revolution over such acts of tyranny. Continue reading

The Seese Chronicles: The Revolution? It’s Over ~ The Rest is Just Enforcement

The cultural revolution is over. Without a shot being fired other than by government agents, America was changed, transformed, from a land of liberty to a nation of multicultural tolerance dolts with liberal educations and preemptive mindsets. There is still a bit of mop up work to do to clear out some radical free-thinkers (mostly pesky Christians and diehards of the Confederacy and its battle flag) but they will be eradicated within a decade. One way or another.

American heritage has been demeaned, despised and desecrated. It has also been revised by revisionists who have graduated from universities that inculcate principles of the cultural revolutionaries. The South was uniquely regional in its character, belief system, social behavior and pride. A new “reconstruction” is mopping up where new, lesser and quieter “Shermans” have come and taken over its cities, media, schools and political arenas. Continue reading

Ross: Let’s Talk About Kermit the Frog

In case you’re wondering, I haven’t gone off the deep end and started writing essays about the Muppets. Kermit the frog is the nickname I have given Bill Gates, due to the striking resemblance between the two of them; that’s all.

If one simply goes by what Wikipedia says, William Henry Gates III is an American business magnate, software developer, investor, author, and philanthropist. That is Bill Gate’s public face; the one he projects to hide his true self – his inner soul; and that’s assuming he has a soul! Serial killer Ted Bundy was charming and charismatic, yet he was still responsible for the murder of 30 young women; possibly even more.

If you want to know the real Bill Gates, or at least get an idea of who and what he is, you should watch the movie adaptation of the Dan Brown novel, Inferno. In that film there is a character named Bertrand Zobrist who believes that the Earth is heading towards a population crisis, and he comes up with a plan to unleash a virus that will kill half the world’s population; thereby saving the planet from destruction. Both the fictional Zobrist, and the real-life Gates, believe that the Earth’s population is heading towards a point where the planet will not be able to sustain life; they just differ slightly in how to go about slowing down, or reducing the population. Continue reading

The Cost… of the Broken Branch!

Va’ a farti fottere!

Many of my previous articles deal with problems and failures in America. Bungles the Clown’s administration is an easy target. Sure it’s low-hanging fruit or that which has already fallen to the ground. Still, I try to offer a different perspective or view as I see it but rarely discuss the other costs associated with the dilemmas.

Brother-in-law David sent me an article by Victor David Hanson. If you don’t know his work, I recommend you become familiar with him. This particular article deals with Gavin Newsom’s weird idea of freedom. It spurred the idea of the following commentary…

In my previous articles, I cover the financial costs of our political forays into the fantastic, but I rarely discuss the collateral, hidden, implied, or non-monetary associated damages.

That’s where I’m going today. Continue reading

In one way or the other…. America is getting SCREWED!

More than half of Americans say there is an ‘invasion’ at the southern border while more than one-third claim they are being ‘systematically replaced by immigrants’
More than half of Americans believe that the situation at the southern border amounts to an ‘invasion’ while another third of respondents in a new poll expressed worry over being replaced by illegal immigrants.

The new NPR/Ipsos poll released Thursday shows an overall decline in support for immigration as new images emerge every day of hundreds to thousands of migrants crossing illegally over the southern border.

Aerial video from the southern border on Thursday shared by Fox News showed yet another large group, this time of approximately 150 mostly single adults, arriving in Eagle Pass, Texas after illegally traversing the Rio Grande River from Mexico… (Continue to full article)

‘Unbelievable’! Border patrol agents OPEN the gates at a crossing point letting in illegal migrants at the southern border moments after Greg Abbott’s Texas National Guard had locked them: More than two million have crossed in 2022 – a 22-year high
This is the moment Border Patrol agents opened the gates at the southern border to let illegal migrants in – just after Texas National Guard officers had locked it.

Footage showed the armed agents – who work under the direction of the Biden administration – unbuckle the barb-wire fence before several asylum seekers – including men, women and children – walked through.

Agents then stood around chatting and finally shut the barrier between Mexico and the US after dozens had filed past them into the country, as the Texas National Guard watched on helplessly… (Continue to full article)

All of the Courtesy of…

1970s-era Senate report details dark history of corrupt FBI, CIA propaganda and political interference
While readers are well aware of what a corrupt, politicized federal ‘law enforcement’ agency the FBI has become, a new report published this week reminds us that the bureau has a history of such behavior.

Writing for LifeSite News, Robert L. Kinney III notes that the “agency previously engaged in ‘covert efforts to influence social policy and political action’ and at times used methods ‘reminiscent of the tactics of totalitarian regimes,’” as noted in an April 1976 Senate report called “Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans.”

The report is the work of the so-called “Church Committee,” which was chaired by Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho). The report details corruption and covert operations including the use of propaganda by the FBI and the broader U.S. intelligence community in order to effect certain political outcomes (sound familiar?)… (Continue to full article)

BIG Mac Attack: Apple security flaw threatens ‘everything we hold dear’
BILLIONS across globe scramble to update iPhones and Macs as tech giant reveals cyber crooks can take control of devices and access bank accounts, photos and more

Billions of Apple users were today urged to update their devices after the firm disclosed serious security vulnerabilities for iPhones, iPads and Macs that could potentially allow attackers to take complete control of them.

The US company said it is ‘aware of a report that this issue may have been actively exploited’ and released two security reports about the issue on Wednesday, but they have only now received more widespread attention… (Continue to full article)

Weaponizing the Bureaucracy: Who Will Protect Us from the Government’s Standing Army?

“A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty.” ~ James Madison

The IRS has stockpiled 4,500 guns and five million rounds of ammunition in recent years, including 621 shotguns, 539 long-barrel rifles and 15 submachine guns.

The Veterans Administration (VA) purchased 11 million rounds of ammunition (equivalent to 2,800 rounds for each of their officers), along with camouflage uniforms, riot helmets and shields, specialized image enhancement devices and tactical lighting.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) acquired 4 million rounds of ammunition, in addition to 1,300 guns, including five sub-machine guns and 189 automatic firearms for its Office of Inspector General.

According to an in-depth report on “The Militarization of the U.S. Executive Agencies,” the Social Security Administration secured 800,000 rounds of ammunition for their special agents, as well as armor and guns.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) owns 600 guns. And the Smithsonian now employs 620-armed “special agents.”

This is how it begins. Continue reading

America is Dead!

Yup, We Is Dead!

It’s early Thursday morning. I finished my morning tomato juice as I scanned the media feeds. I discovered some interesting opinion pieces (Op-eds) as I wade through the usual intellectual pablum that passes for insight.

Three cups of coffee in, and I’m amazed that the Op-eds are so consistently aligned along party lines. But why would I expect anything other than divisive rhetoric from a system broken by partisan politics?

Yes, America is dead…

We are not the country our founders intended. We’re not even the country our grandparents and parents fought to preserve. We are the country that lied to us about our interests in Korea, Viet Nam, Iraquistan, Ukraine, and all the wars started by the Military Industrial Congressional Complex.

We’ve crossed the Rubicon. Continue reading

Leibowitz: ‘Human torch’ killing has received muted reaction

You wake up before the sun rises and watch the video one more time, to be sure your eyes have not fooled you. The footage is grainy, shot by surveillance cameras, lit by street lamps. The hazy flash of fire takes your breath away.

At 4:30 a.m. July 3, 2022, at a bus stop near 58th and Olive avenues in Glendale, a human being was doused in gasoline and set on fire by a man wielding a butane torch. Continue reading

Barnes: Standing on Principles, Protecting Our Children

We’ve heard a lot about parents demanding the removal of inappropriate books from schools lately — particularly those depicting sex acts between minors and promoting hatred of police — a trend which will likely escalate as we get into the school year. And as that trend escalates, attacks on these same parents for being “intolerant” will likely escalate as well. Continue reading

Benson: The United Nations Promotes One World Sustainable Religion

In his book Freedom On The Alter the late William Norman Grigg went into the theological background of the United Nations. Yes, for those who don’t know, the UN does have a theological background, as do all organizations. Some will admit it, some won’t, but it’s there.

Mr. Grigg gave us some background. He wrote: “Referred to derisively as a “spiritual swap-meet’ by one commentator, the 1993 Parliament of World Religions was in some ways a homage to the first such event, which took place as an adjunct to the Columbian Exposition of 1893. According to The Quest, a quarterly journal published by the Theosophical Society, the 1993 Parliament has facilitated a ‘Theosophical revival’ in part because the event reminded religious scholars that the Theosophical Society had been a major participant in the first Parliament a hundred years before…” Continue reading

Benson: Schools For Gradual And Subtle Revolution

Get your children OUT of the System – NOW

One thing you have to admit about the Illuminists, communists, and the One World Government crowd, they are patient as well as enduring. If they have an agenda in a specific area they will diligently work to promote that agenda even if they realize they will not see results in their lifetime. This is one thing we could learn from them. Too often patriotic and conservative people just toss in the towel if they don’t see results on any given project in the first 90 days. Continue reading

Anghis: America’s Fight To Stay Free ~ The Series

I began to see the increased decline in America in the 1960s. With the protests against the Viet Nam War, the drug culture, free sex, and the general apathy of the boomers I knew it could only lead to what we have now running the country, people with the socialist/communist ideology. This ideology never made sense to me because you could see the results of it in the then USSR, China, and Cuba. It still baffles me because you never see people build rafts out of barrels and milk cartons and ‘escape’ to Cuba to get away from the repressive capitalist America. You never will either. Both Parties are at fault but the Democrats are the main drivers and have been since Woodrow Wilson. Continue reading

Smith: …a follow up!

NOTE: What I have chosen to publish below was originally left by the writer and author of his most recent column on the Federal Observer. ~ Editor

This isn’t an endorsement of President Donald J. Trump for president in 2024, because I believe he made several egregious mistakes that greatly harmed America in the long run, whether we speak of his own massive spending policies, the USMCA, his bumpstock ban, and most of all his going along with the Lockdowns and placing the reins of government in the hands of Dr Deborah Birx and Dr Anthony Fauci who were acting as agents of the globalists and American communists. Continue reading

Benson: Public School Revolutionaries At Work!

Just yesterday I read an article by Lee Duigon on News With Views about the continuing leftist revolution that goes on daily in those government indoctrination centers we refer to as public schools. He referred to two public school systems, one in Boston, the other in Sacramento, California.

Of the Boston school system he wrote: “An ‘academic dean’ in the Boston Public School system has pleaded guilty to racketeering. One Shaun Harrison, 63 years old, shot a student. It turns out Mr. Harrison belonged to the Kings street gang and was using his position in the schools to recruit more members for the gang.” Continue reading

Smith: Biden’s Politically Motivated Hit Job at Mar-a-Largo

For someone who said he’d unify the nation, he sure has done the exact opposite through his regime’s continuous attacks against conservative and traditional America. He and his minions simply cannot hide their contempt and disgust for the principles of freedom and liberty and those Americans who hold them so dear. And as he now places both of his regime’s hands on the scales of justice to favor his apparatchiks and political cronies, he now has a great percentage of America viewing the justice system with disdain and a disgust of our own, since nothing or no one in this current government can be trusted to do what’s right for all Americans.

These are troubled days and dangerous time indeed. ~ J.O.S.
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