Screwed, Blued, and Tattooed

The title is a curious military cliche that ricocheted through my consciousness as I sipped my morning coffee.

So I said to my self – self I said, this would make a dandy title for your next article.

Who am I to argue with myself?

I’d lose anyway…

Son of a gun – I was right!

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” ~ Mark Twain
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It has become obvious that our country is in decline and has turned into a third world “banana republic.” From Biden’s recent “Red Speech” to the raid on a former president’s home, America is being destroyed on purpose. The decline is accelerating and what was an energy independent country with 2% inflation has become no better than a dictatorship in South America.

Our freedoms and liberties are under assault by an illegitimate government that rigged the elections and installed a depends wearing, demented puppet as the figurehead of the third term of the Obama regime. Continue reading

Joe Biden: The Dark ‘Hole in the Nation’

Joe Biden may as well have been giving a campaign speech the other night, because his unity speech and all that concern over the soul of the nation sounded like a confused mishmash of pure grade “A” communist bullshit delivered solely for his base. He certainly wasn’t making any new friends in the ranks of any conservatives or Republicans, unless we include Liz Cheney and all the extremely liberal Republicans who were probably slobbering all over themselves in hopes of being granted an audience with America’s new Chancellor.

Matt Vespa, at Townhall, recently wrote:

“Biden is just a sick, angry old man who has had it that Republicans, who have no reason to side with him, aren’t buying into his account of events.”

As it stands, he’s an “angry old man” who sits in the most powerful position in the world, and given his lurch to the most extreme positions of the Far Left that makes him dangerous as all Hell as he rubber stamps whatever destructive missive is handed him by his handlers. It makes it dangerous for regular Americans who know nothing good comes from the path Biden has placed all America upon.  ~ J.O.S.
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Hayworth: ‘Lights… camera… Kyrsten…

NOTE: I am shocked… SHOCKED mind you. Never in my life did I ever believe that I would be posting another column about Kris T. Enema – I mean, I mean… Arizona’s Kyrsten Sinema. There was only one time… and it was on October 27, 2018. My – how things have changed… Or have they? The following has been written by a former U.S. Representative from Arizona (1995-2007) who I was privileged to meet twice – once in DC quite by accident at the FOX News studio, and the second time just two weeks later on Bell Road in Phoenix while we were getting ready to go to a hockey game that our son was playing in. As we walked into a store to pick up some drinks and snacks for the game, I heard a loud holler from across the store – “JEFF – how are you?” J.D. – what a guy!  ~ Editor
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Driessen: Biden Energy Policies: Incoherent, Incompetent, Intolerable

Incoherent, Incompetent, Intolerable

~ Forward ~
The Supreme Court’s decision in West Virginia v. EPA represents an important victory over the regulatory Deep State, because it applies not only to the Environmental Protection Agency and greenhouse gases – but to all major actions by all federal agencies. Many Americans certainly believe that is the case.

However, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Chairman Richard Glick claims the decision doesn’t apply to him, FERC or the energy-killing regulations he wants to impose on pipelines. He says those rules can remain in place or even be strengthened until the Supreme Court specifically overrules his agency’s actions, despite the threat those regulations pose to families’ ability to heat, air condition and electrify their homes. Continue reading

Hedges: The Myth of the Free Press

Sometimes there is more truth in something of age than that which is shoved down out throat today. ~ Editor

There is more truth about American journalism in the film “Kill the Messenger,” which chronicles the mainstream media’s discrediting of the work of the investigative journalist Gary Webb, than there is in the movie “All the President’s Men,” which celebrated the exploits of the reporters who uncovered the Watergate scandal.

The mass media blindly support the ideology of corporate capitalism. They laud and promote the myth of American democracy — even as we are stripped of civil liberties and money replaces the vote. They pay deference to the leaders on Wall Street and in Washington, no matter how perfidious their crimes. They slavishly venerate the military and law enforcement in the name of patriotism. They select the specialists and experts, almost always drawn from the centers of power, to interpret reality and explain policy. Continue reading

Hayworth: It’s ‘Mourning in America

The “Reagan Renaissance” is seldom heralded by today’s history scholars, and that’s a shame.

For those who do attempt to explain it, a one-liner is usually all they can spare from their considerable labors to revise the past so that they may pacify the “woke” among us.

And predictably, their minimalist assessment goes something like this: “Ronald Reagan’s boundless optimism induced his fellow countrymen into believing it was ‘Morning in America’ again.

That’s it. Continue reading

The Seese Chronicles: AMERICA’S GRAND FINALE ~ Under the Imperial Roman Eagle

The phrase “the Fall of America” suggests some cataclysmic event ended the American Empire which had stretched from Maine to California and Florida to Washington. But at the end, there was no straining at the gates, no barbarian horde that dispatched the Empire in one fell swoop. Rather, the Empire fell slowly, as a result of challenges from within and without, and changing over the course of hundreds of years until its form was unrecognizable.

There is no doubt that the rise and fall of the United States of America bears a close resemblance to the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, from its days as a representative republic to the final collapse in its own debauchery, too weak to fight even if inclined so to do. The imperial eagle is the emblem used by both Rome and the United States, a bird of freedom and power, but also a bird of prey. How fitting. Continue reading

It’s Official: FBI Ran Interference for Hunter Biden

Recent whistleblower allegations make it abundantly clear that the FBI sat on Hunter’s laptop and thereby helped rig the 2020 election in favor of his dad.

The more we learn from an ever-growing cadre of FBI whistleblowers, the more disgusted we are by what the bureau has become: a state security force for the Democrat Party.

“The FBI slow-walked its investigation into Hunter Biden’s laptop,” reports the Washington Examiner’s Jerry Dunleavy, “including telling some bureau employees not to look at the hard drive belonging to President Joe Biden’s son, according to reported whistleblower disclosures made public by a top Senate Republican.” Continue reading

New identity theft study says the U.S. has moved from Pandemic to Scamdemic

“If anyone sends you a code from their side and asks you to read/send it back, it is an immediate scam.”

In its latest trend report, the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) says that for victims of identity crimes and compromises, fraud and scams have reached levels that haven’t been seen in the last 20 years.

The ITRC said the biggest increases in the last year shook out like this:

* Reports from victims of non-financial account takeover (235% increase over 2020)

* Social media account takeover (1,044% increase over 2020)

* Identity misuse involving government credentials or accounts (154% increase from 2019-2020 and 7% increase from 2020 to 2021) Continue reading

DEA head: Mexican cartels are using FENTANYL to kill Americans in record numbers

The head of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) warned that Mexican cartels are using the opioid fentanyl to kill Americans in record numbers.

DEA Administrator Anne Milgram issued this warning during an Aug. 19 interview on “CBS Mornings.” She cited two major drug cartels as the main driving forces behind the majority of fentanyl-related deaths in the United States. Continue reading

It will NEVER end…

FDA set to authorize updated COVID-19 booster shots for newer Omicron strains without completed human tests
New COVID-19 booster shots are set to be authorized this week by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and will be available to most Americans before human testing has even been completed.

The shots have been modified to target the latest Omicron variant, but won’t have finished testing in humans when the FDA makes the decision. Instead, the FDA is relying on data from other sources – like research in mice and older vaccines, the Wall Street Journal reported… (Continue to full article)

Trifecta! Man Snags Bat Stew Flu, Monkeypox, and HIV in One Bromantic Weekend
The 36-year-old man told doctors he’d had two doses of the Pfizer “vaccine” (which we know doesn’t keep people from contracting the Honk Kong Fluey) and did not use condoms (which we know can prevent HIV) while enjoying a sex-fest in Spain June 16–20. The Journal of Infection reported that the “patient tested positive for HIV-1 and, given his preserved CD4+ lymphocyte count, we could assume that the infection was relatively recent.”

It was also the second time the double-vaxxed man had contracted COVID-19, the first being in January 2022. He tested negative for HIV in September 2021 and positive for syphilis in 2019.

I’ll Be Seeing You in All the Old, Familiar Places… (Continue to full article)

They will Vote Democratic – and they will take your Jobs!

America’s immigration crisis laid bare

An in-depth analysis reveals the impact of 4.9 MILLION illegal border crossings since Biden took office — as the U.S.’s WORST sanctuary cities are named and shamed.

Immigration watchdogs say nearly 4.9 million unauthorized immigrants have entered the U.S. since President Joe Biden took office last year, and have branded New York and Los Angeles as the country’s most dangerous sanctuary cities.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) says the record flow of people into the U.S. since Biden’s inauguration includes 3.4 million crossings at the southwest border and 900,000 others who slipped in there undetected… (Continue to full article)

Duigon: It’s Getting Confusing

Chinee Slo-Joe

While “teachers” are feeding children roasted crickets in the classroom, we have two alleged law professors in the New York Times calling for the abolition of the U.S. Constitution. And if that weren’t enough, suddenly we have these weird polls claiming a great “surge” for SloJo Biden and his handlers and a big win for Democrats in the midterms.

Confusing, isn’t it? Continue reading

Benson: More From The Public School Snakepit

There seems almost no end to the total weirdness now going on in public schools, or maybe depravity would be a more fitting term. I recently came across an article by a Ben Johnson who is a senior reporter at The Washington Stand. Mr. Johnson noted in an article on The Daily Signal for August 16th that: “State universities indoctrinate future teachers in controversial transgender, racial, and political theories – and instruct them to teach these principles to children beginning in preschool, a new report has found.”

And he quoted the report’s author, Will Flanders, when he said, in an interview, “There’s a huge amount of liberal indoctrination going on…We found it across every public university in the state that has an education program.” Continue reading

Roberts: Americans Are Brainwashed into Ignorance

White liberals have succeeded in brainwashing Americans into ignorance. White liberals have been so successful that schools are dedicated to erasing history instead of teaching it. For example, South Orange New Jersey has rid itself of association with Thomas Jefferson by renaming Jefferson Elementary school Delia Bolden Elementary School in honor of the first black woman from that area to graduate from high school. According to the school, both the students and faculty led the fight to disassociate from Thomas Jefferson. School board member Qawi Telesford said the reason is that Jefferson owned slaves.

Jefferson owned slaves because slaves comprised the agricultural labor force of his time. Slavery was an inherited institution. It was established in territory that later became the United States long before Jefferson was born and long before the United States existed or was even a thought in someone’s mind. Continue reading

A Difficult Day…

As some of you are aware, today has been a difficult day for my family and I, as we lost our son, our brother, uncle and a father one year ago today.

I thank my friend Gwyn Ruddy for sharing this with us. ~ Editor

“Today was a Difficult Day,” said Pooh.

There was a pause.

“Do you want to talk about it?” asked Piglet.

“No,” said Pooh after a bit. “No, I don’t think I do.”

“That’s okay,” said Piglet, and he came and sat beside his friend.

“What are you doing?” asked Pooh.

“Nothing, really,” said Piglet. “Only, I know what Difficult Days are like. I quite often don’t feel like talking about it on my Difficult Days either.

“But goodness,” continued Piglet, “Difficult Days are so much easier when you know you’ve got someone there for you. And I’ll always be here for you, Pooh.”

And as Pooh sat there, working through in his head his Difficult Day, while the solid, reliable Piglet sat next to him quietly, swinging his little legs… he thought that his best friend had never been more right.”

A.A. Milne

The FBI’s Gestapo Tactics: Hallmarks of an Authoritarian Regime

“We want no Gestapo or Secret Police. The FBI is tending in that direction..” ~ Harry Truman

With every passing day, the United States government borrows yet another leaf from Nazi Germany’s playbook: Secret police. Secret courts. Secret government agencies. Surveillance. Censorship. Intimidation. Harassment. Torture. Brutality. Widespread corruption. Entrapment. Indoctrination. Indefinite detention.

These are not tactics used by constitutional republics, where the rule of law and the rights of the citizenry reign supreme. Rather, they are the hallmarks of authoritarian regimes, where secret police control the populace through intimidation, fear and official lawlessness on the part of government agents.

That authoritarian danger is now posed by the FBI, whose love affair with totalitarianism began long ago. Continue reading

Guest Commentary: Time Is Running Out for America

God Damn Joe Biden. God Damn his regime. God DAMN the Democratic Party and the New American Communists at its core. And punctuate all of this with a 7.62 mm round for each, no apologies.

I cannot speak for any other American patriots, but I only know that the pain and anger I feel over what Joe Biden and the Establishment Shadow Government are doing to America has me seeing bright flashes like lightening bolts shooting across both eyes and grinding my teeth again – something I haven’t done in some years now, and I cannot help but wonder what in God’s name is preventing conservatives and independents from already taking to the streets.

The reality is that things just haven’t become bad enough to push anyone to act, and they probably won’t just as long as the Government Handouts are kept flowing their way. But just as soon as the Federal Reserve’s printing presses stop running and the Biden regime runs out of money and the ability to borrow more from China, all hell is going to break loose on multiple fronts in this country. Continue reading

Posting TRUTH

I’ve experienced a lot in my 70+ years on this planet. A lot of good things and bad but I never in my life have been exposed to the level of political tyranny I experienced yesterday afternoon!

Some foolish person espoused some very nasty and truly disgusting comments about former President Trump and anyone who supports him. He than posted prices for airline flights to Russia and suggested we all should go there.

I made a comment and I quote… Stupid Americans should read The Declaration of Independence.” Continue reading