Marquardt: As we watch people around the world demanding freedom, What Is happening to America?

Where are the American freedom fighters?

We are watching people around the world erupt. They see the writing on the wall and have decided that they aren’t going to take it anymore. In China, from The Economist:

“Under a road bridge in central Beijing, just before two o’clock in the morning on November 28th, one of that city’s most powerful men came face to face with youngsters driven to despair by China’s harsh “zero-covid” controls. The brief meeting was revealing in several ways. It offered a glimpse of the security machine built by China’s supreme leader, President Xi Jinping, and the Communist Party’s confidence in it. On the protesters’ side, it showed how, in today’s China, youthful idealism is tempered by a sober understanding of the party’s might.

“Overall, this is an alarming moment for Mr Xi and his regime. China’s covid-19 epidemic is raging and public frustration over the government’s virus controls is deep and broad. In recent days that has sparked protests in every corner of the country, binding angry workers, locked-down city residents and students. In the icy depths of that Beijing night, hundreds of young Chinese staged a rare demonstration in the capital. They lit candles for victims of lockdowns and called for an end to endless covid testing and the quarantining of every positive case. They sang the “Internationale” and a song of farewell for the dead, notably for families who died in an apartment-building blaze in the western region of Xinjiang, reportedly after fire exits were sealed. As social media spread word of this protest on the banks of the Liangma river, scores of cars drove past to sound horns in support. For five hours police in uniform and plain clothes had mingled with the crowd, filming every moment, without intervening”.

Even the workers who are paid to keep the Chinese people locked in their building are protesting – because they aren’t being paid. Nevertheless, the feel comfortable? strong? Enough to stand up to the powers that be in China. Continue reading

Benson: Goodbye First Amendment

That “goddamned piece of paper” – again

Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter, has released a batch of files showing that the democratic National Committee had conspired with Twitter to suppress information about Hunter Biden and his infamous laptop, the subject of a book called “Laptop From Hell” just before the 2020 election. After two years of the Biden Regime, is anyone really surprised?

Outside of the Clinton Regime in the 1990s, the Biden (really the Obama) Regime has got to be the most corrupt in our history–and yet this corrupt regime is what is running the country–right into the ground–and it is all on purpose. Continue reading

Naivete ~ Beaucoup Dien Cai Dau

It’s another day like every other – exactly the same but different. It began like every other day… except today, there was frost on everything.

Winter has finally snuck into the Valley of the Sun while no one was watching.

I can hear the sardonic sighs emanating from the north – poor baby… I feel the same when local temperatures break the century mark, everything is too hot to touch, and your car’s interior is 170 degrees.

It must be Global Warming… Maybe Al Gore and John Kerry are inconveniently correct… AND perhaps the DemoSocs are destroying America for our own good… Both are equally plausible in today’s parlance and are ironically preposterous.

What’s the world coming to… Continue reading

Smith: We Will See the End of America

Lock and Load – FIRE at Will!

It is plumb damned outrageous to me that the American people aren’t on the steps of the White House and the Capitol Building demanding that they immediately close down the border and start shipping all 30 to 40 million illegal aliens out of the country.

At this current rate of invasion, people need not complain when America is completely driven under and looks like a Third World Banana Republic. Their silence and complete inaction on this issue makes me believe that by and large, they just don’t care, or they’re fine with seeing the nation overrun by the barbarians.

Yes. Angry and disgusted are the only adjectives to describe how I feel whenever I bring myself to assess the situation. I’m plumb damned sick to my stomach and sad for the next generations that will have to suffer the full and final consequences of this despicable, reprehensible lawlessness and treasonous powerplay by the new amerikkan communists sitting in the White House and Congress. ~ J.O.S.
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Follow The White Rabbit

Elon Musk invited us all to tour the rabbit hole that was the inside operation at Twitter. It was not a pretty sight, but it confirmed what many of us suspected.

The Deep State, the White House, the corrupt legacy media, the security agencies, and Twitter insiders all conspired to shut down conservative voices. Their contempt for our First Amendment was obvious. Continue reading

Title 42 to remain in place for now as Chief Justice John Roberts temporarily freezes order meant to end it


Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts on Monday put a temporary hold on the termination of a controversial Trump-era immigration policy known as Title 42 that was set to end on December 21, leaving it in place for now.

But in a brief order Roberts signaled that the court wants to act quickly and asked the Biden administration to respond by 5 p.m. ET Tuesday to an emergency appeal filed by a group of Republican-led states.

The brief order from Roberts means the policy that allows officials to swiftly expel migrants at the US border will stay in effect at least until the justices decide the emergency application. The order does not necessarily reflect the final outcome of the case… (Continue to full article)

…and you think that you really need a title???

Whistleblower US scientist who worked with Wuhan lab claims COVID WAS genetically engineered and leaked from the site – and says ‘the US government is to blame’ because it funded the research
The pandemic swept across the globe and has so far claimed the lives of 6.64 million people after first being reported as a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, China in late 2019.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology, a high security lab specializing in coronaviruses, has been cast into the spotlight over the past two years, many questioning whether it could be the source of the highly contagious disease.

Both China and the lab have vehemently denied allegations, but evidence of a lab leak, have been gaining traction as scientists, researchers and governments hunt for answers… (Continue to full article)

Hospitals Are Overflowing With Patients As Multiple Pestilences Sweep Across America
Winter hasn’t even begun yet, but cold weather diseases are already spreading like wildfire all over the United States. The flu has returned in 2022 with a vengeance, new strains of COVID are reportedly starting to emerge, and RSV has hit some areas of the nation extremely hard.

I don’t ever remember seeing anything quite like this, and the weather is only going to get colder in the weeks ahead. Normally, most people would be able to fight off such diseases fairly easily, but at this point so many have weakened immune systems after everything that has transpired over the last few years. As a result, millions of Americans have been getting really sick, and CNN is reporting that U.S. hospitals “are more full than they’ve been throughout the Covid-19 pandemic”… (Continue to full article)

DEA declares war on social media fentanyl dealers
Agency reveals secret emoji ‘drug menu’ used to target young buyers — as figures show more Americans died to fentanyl last year than in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq COMBINED

Fentanyl has single-handedly fueled a new drug epidemic in the US. The synthetic opioid was responsible for 70 percent of the more than 100,000 overdose deaths in 2021 and the number of teens killed by the drug has tripled since the pandemic began… (Continue to full article)

Case cracked! Mexican cops find 700lbs of fentanyl worth $8million stashed inside dozens of COCONUTS bound for the US
The enormous drug haul, discovered by officials in the state of Sonora, northwest Mexico, could be valued up to $8million (£6.5).

Fentanyl, a type of opioid, is used in anaesthesia, but it is also used as an illegal recreational drug. It has become a serious problem for the US, with fentanyl flooding across the US border.

Under the leadership of the Federal Public Ministry’s (MPF) office in Sonora, the Federal Investigative Police (PFM) moved to highway section 26 in Puerto Libertad, where they completed the procedure and managed to arrest two people who were transporting the aforementioned substance.

‘The seized haul and the detainees were made available to the MPF, which is carrying out the corresponding investigation.’… (Continue to full article)

Drug overdoses among teens DOUBLED in past two years – fueled by fentanyl epidemic
Drug overdose deaths among US teens doubled from 2019 to 2021 – even as use of illicit substances declined – as fentanyl fueled a nationwide crisis.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported today that teenage overdoses increased 109 percent over the two years. Deaths caused by fentanyl alone increased 182 percent.

Officials warn that many US teens are dying after ingesting drugs like cocaine, Adderall or Xanax that are contaminated with fentanyl. They also warn that social media platforms have become a new marketplace for illicit drugs… (Continue to full article)

Smith: Destroying America In the Name of the “Sexual Revolution

The more things change the more they remain the same. And even tho’ the queer community has been with us since the earliest days of man, never before has it exerted such undue influence or held so much power over a majority of a society, as it now holds over American society. And anyone who sees this development and isn’t horrified by what is becoming commonplace by leaps and bounds in our country has something seriously wrong with their own minds.

The Queer America Movement is so far past “marriage rights” and ending discrimination now, that they have reversed the dynamics to exert their new found power in regular displays of discrimination against conservatives and Christians, just as we saw with the Christian baker in Colorado, and now the website designer in that same state. These sick bastards aren’t content with true “equality under the law”. They seek extra, non-existent rights only for their select group above all other Americans and validation of their lifestyle through the force of law and the full weight of the federal government.

It’s hard to believe that America has allowed this to get so out of hand (job) and out of control. It really does make one pray to awaken one day to the sight of salt pillars scattered across the countryside. ~ J.O.S.
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The border is the ‘biggest national security crisis since 9/11’

Republicans demand Mayorkas be impeached and fired for ‘abandoning’ his duty – after 16,000 migrants entered the U.S. at the weekend and with up to 6 MILLION expected this year.

‘What’s happening on the border right now is the biggest national security failure since 9/11. That should scare the hell out of everybody,’ he said.

Over the weekend, there were 16,000 unlawful migrant crossings at the southern border and $97 million worth of narcotics were seized. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) sources have said there have been already more than 500,000 encounters this fiscal year, which began in October.

‘If it’s not already abundantly clear Alejandro Mayorkas has forsaken his sworn oath to protect the southern border, I don’t know when it’s going to be more clear,’ said Rep. Brian Babin, R-Texas.

Next week with the end of the Covid-era Title 42 the number of migrants crossing at the southern border could swell up to 18,000 crossers per day, officials estimate. (Continue…)

BOHICA ~ Bend Over Here It Comes Again!

Countless acronyms float through the ether and are woven into our vernacular. This particular acronym is a favorite of mine. It captures and embodies the essence of being prepared for the inevitability of being boned.

BOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes Again!

It applies when you just know someone is about to ram something up your ass – you are about to be screwed!

Another of my pet acronym is BOAKYAG. It comes from my military background and our preparation for a nuclear attack. It also works well when you realize there is no viable solution. In that event, your only recourse is to BOAKYAG = Bend Over and Kiss Your Ass Goodbye.

It’s a fatalistic admission, but there are times when you recognize the futility of resistance.

Well, folks, is it time to BOAKYAG here in America? At least for us conservatives and the few remaining patriots. The DemoSoc contingent should be thrilled that they will maintain control of congress. Yes, these two congressional houses are split along partisan lines, but the socialist tendencies of several RINO – Republican In Name Only – senators will sway things in the DemoSoc direction. As for the house of Misrepresentatives, well, there is a chance they’ll follow through on their campaign assurances, but committees and hearings are like kissing your sister. It is a kiss, but it will lead to absolutely nothing of consequence. Continue reading

Shove it up their azzenholins!

NOTICE: As many of our regular readers and listeners know – this past year+ has been a veritable nightmare for us. From personal health related issues, to the insanity of the political foilbles (cornholes) of this nation and the nightmares which we have had to face with each of our four (or as two domain managers have stated – five) websites.

For starters – there are only four actual websites. The 5th will be eliminated soon (which is quite interesting, because it hasn’t existed in some years…). From that point on – we will begin to correct the existing errors within a weeks time.

We have fought the elimination of 20 year old emails (Federal Observer – which MAY be going through a MAJOR overhaul), an ongoing fight to establish new ones for and SierraMadrePreciousMetals, and apparent issues to be able to utilize (which possibly few of our readers seem to be aware of).

I have done this for far too many years and am sick and tired of what appears to be attempts to just flat shut us down. It does not help that two of the largest supposedly “most professional” domain hosts in the country have become the greediest, poor service operations that I have ever dealt with in all of these years – GoSlammy and BlueWhore.

So just stick with us a bit longer as we endeavor to get all of this overhauled.

Whitehead: The Constitution Has Already Been Terminated

“That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary.” ~ Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale

If there is one point on which there should be no political parsing, no legal jockeying, and no disagreement, it is this: for anyone to advocate terminating or suspending the Constitution is tantamount to a declaration of war against the founding principles of our representative government and the rule of law.

Then again, one could well make the case that the Constitution has already been terminated after years on life support, given the extent to which the safeguards enshrined in the Bill of Rights – adopted 231 years ago as a means of protecting the people against government overreach and abuse – have been steadily chipped away at, undermined, eroded, whittled down, and generally discarded with the support of Congress, the White House, and the courts.

Consider for yourself. Continue reading

Smith: A Dark Evil Rests In The Heart of America Today

The Tree of Liberty is rotting and dying where She once grew strong and vibrant, from a lack of care and watering with the blood of tyrants and patriots, while the American system has already grown rotten and corrupt to its very core, thanks to America’s enemies from within and a largely apathetic, complacent or complicit American population and a people who have become unimaginably corrupt. And, it surely leaves those of us who still love America wondering what is preventing millions of good and decent freedom-loving, liberty-loving conservative and independent Americans from taking to the streets in a furor of civil unrest, seeking out our country’s traitors with lengths of rope, piano wire and rifles in our hands. Continue reading

Garrison: Democrats Derail the Unions

The Senate passed an already House-approved bill that ends the rail strike by force. The rail workers will have to accept the results or quit their jobs.

They won’t be getting paid sick leave, even though rail work is among the most dangerous professions out there. The Democrats claim a strike would be disastrous to our economy. The economy seemed to be first and foremost in their minds, but they seem oblivious when it comes to them sending endless and unaccountable billions of taxpayer dollars to Ukraine, which fans the flames of inflation. They also refuse to drill for oil in order to lower prices at the pump. The Democrats have damaged the very economy they now claim to want to save by sticking it to the working class. Continue reading

The Bullsh*t continues…

1619 Project founder claims the Declaration of Independence is ‘not a liberty document’ and admits she finds patriotism hard ‘because of slavery”YOU will sit!’
‘This country would not be a democracy without us [black people]. We would not have the freedoms that you have without black people,’ she said at the event.

‘So yes, I believe in the patriotism that says we will fight our country to live up to its highest ideals.’

Hannah-Jones, a New York Times Magazine reporter, founded the 1619 Project with the outlet in 2019, arguing that America was founded the year a group of slaves arrived in the country and not when independence was granted in 1776… (Continue to full article)

School district with LGBTQ reading list for pre-K students refuses to recommend books on founding father Alexander Hamilton and SCOTUS Justice Amy Coney Barrett because they ‘promote American values’
A Maryland school district that recently unveiled a LGBTQ-inclusive book list for its elementary schools has pushed back on several children’s books that ‘promote American values.’

Bethany Mandel, editor of the Heroes of Liberty book series, told Fox News that the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) recently declined to recommend three non-fiction books donated to the school.

Mandel said that she created the book series to give parents and educators an alternative to progressive literature which she believes is being ‘forced onto primary school children’ in the district… (Continue to full article)

Why Is This History of Slavery Hidden in Schools?
Thomas Sowell observes that it fails to move the reparations narrative forward.

Air Force vet, 56, unwittingly buys Virginia home that was built on site of plantation where HIS ancestors were slaves throughout mid 1800s
An Air Force veteran has discovered that a home he bought in Virginia two years ago with his family used to be a plantation site where his ancestors were enslaved in the 19th century.

Fred Miller, 56, purchased the 10.5-acre property, known as Sharswood in the 1800s, for more than $220,000 after the sister of one of his former colleagues and friends Bill Thompson sold it to him in May 2020.

The home, which used to be 1,300-acre plantation, is located in Gretna, Pittsylvania County… (Continue to full article)

Who Were the Real Slave Owners at the Height of Slavery? – IT’S NOT WHO YOU THINK
Die-hard liberals want to try and accuse every white person for being a slave owner or a decent of a slave owner by virtue of simply being white. But is that really the case?

When you look at the 1860 Census data and take the averages you end up with about 1.3% of the population in the United States that actually owned slaves at the height of slavery.

This includes slave owners that were white, native American and black. All three peoples owned slaves.

Since the census data reflects that approximately 1.3% of the population owned slaves, I would feel safe saying that the majority of slaves were owned by big corporations, given the way that they are enslaving us and marketing social justice now… (Continue to full article)

A Matter of Perspective?

I genuinely like early morning, so I comfortably slip into my daily routine…

The midterm elections are behind us; as I predicted, not much has changed. The DemoSocs have stolen elections in too many states. Not enough for the sheeple to notice, but the DemoSocs’ surreptitious efforts ensured enough power to carry their agenda forward for the next several years. The mid-term elections effectively gave America another dose of Hopium.

Hopium is a portmanteau of the words “hope” and “opium” used to describe a fictional drug to help one stay hopeful in times when there is none. The fictional drug acts as a ‘protective barrier that shields the love and hopes you have for your region’s teams while suppressing realistic concerns.

The DemoSoc’s theatrical antics continue unacknowledged and unabated. Continue reading

And WHERE are her sisters, Blued and Tattooed?

Everything in the news cycle today seems like so much BullSHIT on the periphery as we see the nation being dismantled just as rapidly as the Biden regime and its apparatchiks can manage.

This is just some thoughts that came to me today after I heard someone speaking about the “need for Social Justice” and I just about puked. There’s nothing “fair” about my piece. It isn’t intended to be, since this is a war we’re in for the very survival of America. Neither did I write it as any attempt at a scholarly-type white paper. This is simply intended as an excoriating condemnation of all the anti-American useful-idiots out there promoting “SOCIAL JUSTICE” with every panting breath they take.

I hope it makes people think and awaken to what’s really taking place in America under these Commies who don’t even bother hiding who they are or what they’re really doing anymore.

SOCIAL JUSTICE Is the Law of the Jungle ~ J.O.S.
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This is the end…

It’s an INVASION and We’ve LOST the Country!

June 22, 2013, November 20, 2022 ~ What you are about to read, is a compilation of several short columns I wrote and published on the now defunct No Stinking Amnesty website. It is now officially gone, kaput, finis – just as this nation is doing – dying before our very eyes. (Ed.)

In the words of Jim Morrison of The Doors

My daughter called me in tears, late at night on November 6, 2012 – the night of the re-coronation of the Usurper. She could not understand why the people in this (once great) nation would lend themselves to the travesty perpetrated on America, such as was done on November 6, 2012. Continue reading