These 5 states will be the first to kick residents off Medicaid starting in April

Millions of Americans are at risk of losing their Medicaid coverage in coming months, but residents in Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, New Hampshire and South Dakota will be the first to bear the brunt of the terminations.

States have been barred by Congress from winnowing their Medicaid rolls since the Covid-19 pandemic began. That prohibition ends on Saturday, and some states are moving much more swiftly than others to kick off those deemed ineligible for the public health insurance program for low-income Americans. Continue reading

America’s New Norm: Transgendered Inspired Terrorist Attacks

“The ‘Trans Day of Vengeance‘ protest scheduled for Washington, D.C., for Saturday has been canceled by organizers, who cited a ‘threat to life and safety.’

Our Rights DC, the co-organizer of the event, issued a Twitter thread announcing the cancellation. The event was to take place at the U.S. Supreme Court.

‘This action will not be taking place Saturday due to a credible threat to life and safety,” the organization tweeted. “The safety of our trans community is first priority. This threat is the direct result of the flood of raw hatred directed toward the trans community after the Tennessee shooting.'”

I guess their little queer asses are quivering in their crocks. This smacks of more sensationalism aimed at painting conservative Christians as the real threat and just another political ploy to gain sympathy and momentum for their movement, once again playing the victim despite Three Little Beautiful Children Laying Cold in the Grave. ~ J.O.S.
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Another school shooting has occurred and this time it was carried out by a ‘trans’ person.

Apparently this person had a lot of anger about how trans people have been treated including many using her ‘dead’ name. The anger may have combined with hormone treatments, which might have led to mental illness. After all, what sane person can execute children? Continue reading

Biden’s Growing Border Crisis: Death, Drugs, and Disorder on the Northern Border

Washington, D.C. (March 28, 2023) – Lost amidst the chaos at the Southwest border is a burgeoning surge of migrants at the Northern border—the international boundary between the United States and Canada. While the number of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Northern border encounters is low compared to the Southwest border, what is happening at the Northern border is still troubling — particularly in the Border Patrol’s Swanton (Vt.) Sector. Continue reading

It’s Not a Lie if YOU Believe It

“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.”George Orwell, 1984

I wish I could go through a day without having to reference Orwell and Huxley when observing how the ruling class is able to manipulate, subjugate, and propagandize the willfully ignorant masses through lies, deceptions, disinformation, and fear. But here we are, living through a dystopian nightmare blending the worst aspects of Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World.

It’s as if O’Brien and Mustapha Mond are running the show, using behavioral conditioning, restricting freedom of speech, adhering to a strict caste system, surveilling everything we say or do, using our fears to control us, utilizing propaganda to produce false narratives, and ultimately threatening to stomp a boot on our faces forever if we do not obey and conform. Virtually everything we are told by politicians, government bureaucrats, military brass, “esteemed” journalists, medical “experts”, bankers, and corporate executives is lies. They do not believe their lies, but they know it benefits themselves financially to lie, and as long as they work together, they know the ignorant masses will believe them. Continue reading

To Help New Students Adapt, Some Colleges Are Eliminating Grades

Joy Malak floundered through her freshman year in college.

I had to learn how to balance my finances. I had to learn how to balance work and school and the relationship I’m in.” The hardest part about being a new college student, Malak said, “is not the coursework. It’s learning how to be an adult.”

That took a toll on her grades. “I didn’t do well,” said Malak, who powered through and is now in her sophomore year as a neuroscience and literature double major at the University of California, Santa Cruz, or UCSC. “It took a while for me to detangle my sense of self-worth from the grades that I was getting. It made me consider switching out of my major a handful of times.” Continue reading

Smith: Take a Hard Stand for Faith, Family and America

“You can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ~ C.S. Lewis

Of late, and I’m certain You’ve noted, I can’t shake the feeling that a civil war will be the only way we save the country right now. Many will disagree for a litany of great reasons, but without it, they can be certain that they will live to see real tyranny place its cold grip over the heart of America and lead it into its final death spiral.

That could be the result anyway, if those who love traditional America fight and lose. And it is hard not to question the commitment of those who profess to love America with so little action showing the proof of it. Continue reading

DeWeese: Living With Equity in a Free Society

Social Equity has become the root for almost every policy coming from government, school curriculum, human resources on the job, and even in our entertainment. It’s a revolution intended to change our entire social structure to affect how we all interact with each other.

To understand the full impact “equity” will have on our daily lives, let’s look at its intended definition, as prepared by its promoters. United Way of the National Capital Area (a long-time charity) defines Equity as “The quality of being fair and impartial. Social equity is impartiality, fairness and justice for all people in social policy. Social equity takes into account systemic inequalities to ensure everyone in a community has access to the same opportunities and outcomes. Equity of all kinds acknowledges that inequalities exist and works to eliminate them…Social equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.”

Well, if our American society intends to reach the goals of true social equity, we have a lot of changes in our everyday lives that must be made! Let’s get down to it. Continue reading

House approves Parents’ Bill of Rights to give Americans more say in their kids’ education

The Republican-led House voted to pass its Parents’ Bill of Rights on Friday with zero Democrat votes after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called it ‘fascist.’ The controversial bill, which gives parents a stronger role in what’s taught in public schools, is not expected to be taken up by the Democratic-majority Senate.

Critics denounce the legislation saying it has led to book bans, restrictions aimed at transgender students and unhinged board meetings nationwide. Continue reading

Parents Majoring In The Minors

Get your children OUT of the System – NOW

Articles about the horrible quality (on purpose) of what passes for education in public schools have become so prevalent that people now tend to take this inferior education for granted and so are tempted to just ignore it.

We recently were informed that some schools are now ending their honors programs so they can promote “equity” (racism). It seems that lots of the white kids do well in the honors programs so that now must cease and we must begin to enforce a stultifying conformity, a “one size fits all” program they have mislabeled as “equity,” The concept of “equity” has trumped any idea of real education – but, then, real education has not existed in public schools for generations anyway. Continue reading

Boz: Schmegegge!


The title of this essay is a word I’ve used in past commentaries. Schmegegge is a Yiddish word for baloney, hot air, nonsense, and by extension, bullshit.

Other cultures fascinate me. I’ve lived, traveled, conversed, listened, and absorbed a lot of erudition in my LXXII years on this rock. I embrace this increased awareness because I never know when this knowledge will be helpful.

America is a melting pot of people and languages. We’re an amalgamation of everyone that merges with – not storms – our community. Much of our language originated from other countries, as do some of our customs – like Christmas, St. Patrick’s Day, and Cinco de Mayo.

Sadly, we’ve lost our sense of community and regressed into tribal monikers and identifiers that challenge and expunge that unity. As if that’s not bad enough, we partitioned along partisan political paradigms. Continue reading

Buckle Up, Buttercup… The Cult of Personality

My Brother-in-law David recently commented that I’m too hard on American citizens for not caring for our country. I respect and value his opinion. He’s right on the money. I am hard on the people trusted with our republic – you and me. His insightful comment inspired this essay.

The great riddle of a seven-headed figure

No one likes to be told they’re wrong or at fault. I realize it’s generational; it’s how we’re socialized – educated – indoctrinated. That’s part of the problem; we like it easy and comforting. Criticism and reprobation are foreign concepts and quite disquieting to most American citizens. We’ve come to expect our government to do it for us, but sometimes we need a good slap in the face to awaken from complacency. The current situation shows that mind reading is not Big Brother’s strong suit, and in the absence of well-stated requirements, he will give us what he wants.

I attribute our present situation to American citizens’ inaction and lack of involvement. I also criticize the educational system – another responsibility we relinquish to Big Brother. Continue reading

Students Trapped in California’s Failing Public Schools Deserve a Way Out

Under California’s public school funding, per pupil spending is actually $23,723

During the pandemic, funding for California’s K-12 schools and community colleges spiked from $79.3 billion in 2019-20 to $110.4 billion in 2021-22 — a 39% increase. Also during the pandemic, California public school enrollment dropped by more than a quarter of a million students. For the first time in 20 years, public school enrollment in the state is below 6 million, says education scholar Lance Izumi.

Gov. Gavin Newsom bragged, “we’ve made record investments in education,” as if spending more money actually helps children learn better. But the school lockdowns showed us that it doesn’t. Continue reading

Hanson: The Price of Eliminating Consequences

A shop owner looks over damage in a looted souvenir and electronics shop near Times Square after a night of protests and vandalism over the death of George Floyd, in New York, on June 2, 2020. (John Moore/Getty Images)

Recently there were some remarkable online videos of a Portland, Oregon, good Samaritan confronting shoplifters and forcing them to dump loads of their pilfered goods.

More stunning, however, was the sheer outrage – of the thieves!

They pouted. They screamed. They resisted. How dare anyone stop them from stealing anything they wished. Continue reading

There are times…

…when you don’t hear from a friend for awhile.

Earlier today, I realized that I had not heard from a good friend and major contributor to the Kettle Moraine Publications family of websites – Justin O. Smith.

About a month ago his family experienced a death of his granddaughter’s fiance, and I have maintained  a great concern for how the family has been holding up.

Early today, I sent Justin a brief text which stated;

“Hey – are you OK?” – to which he responded; Continue reading

Benson: About Western/Southern “Civil War” Movies

HyperFocal: 0

For a little recreation, instead of following the news channels, I put on the Western movie channel and watched Outlaw Joey Wales. I’ve seen it several times before but it is always good for a little recreation and there is a certain amount of truth to it. It was a Western/Southern that Clint Eastwood made back in 1976, I think, and if I am correct, he never made another Western until 1985. I can recall thinking after watching it several years ago that I wonder if Hollyweird warned Eastwood about making anymore movies like it, lest his film career suffer for it. I read the book it was taken from by Forrest Carter. Needless to say the book wasn’t exactly like the movie – but then they seldom are Continue reading

Hayworth: Biden, Supporter Mock Mom Who Lost 2 Sons

George Mason, “the father of the Bill of Rights.”

Your 21st century American lifestyle may have led you to overlook “oversight.”

Perhaps you vaguely recall its mention during an American government class sometime in your educational past.

Thankfully, our founders did not overlook it, as they stated clearly in Article I, Section I, of our Constitution that “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States.”

Virginia’s George Mason made a compelling case for oversight at the Constitutional Convention, where he stated that federal lawmakers “are not only legislators but they possess inquisitorial powers. They must meet frequently to inspect the conduct of the public offices.”

Sadly, the conduct of some federal legislators leads casual observers to mistake congressional oversight hearings as a venue for partisan playground palaver. Continue reading


Update: U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen rules out a bailout of collapsed Silicon Valley Bank.

Silicon Valley Bank is yet another example of corruption in the banking sector. I’ve read that SVB is the second largest banking failure in US history.

A woke and ‘green’ bank, SVB was devoted to ‘DIE,’ or Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity.

Maybe the latter in particular contributed to their collapse, but before it did go bust executives running the sorry show made sure they cashed out of their stock and rewarded all the top executives with generous bonuses. The taxpayers will pick up the rest of the tab via FDIC insurance… Continue reading

Benson: The Biden “Education” Scam…

Just What The Nazis Did Over 80 Years Ago

An article appeared on World Net Daily written by Bob Unruh on 3/11/23. It noted that Comrade Joe Biden, of Communist China fame, now wants the government to start teaching children at age three. Mr. Unruh observed “The Washington Stand, a publication of the Family Research Council, is publishing a warning to American parents that Joe Biden’s new budget proposes that government agents start teaching, and influencing, children starting at age three…The report notes that Biden’s $6.9 trillion budget ‘would have the hand of the government rock the cradle by creating a federally regulated, universal pre-K program for children as young as three.’ It’s a long way from the first time such an agenda has been pushed.”‘

The article continued :”‘It was Robert Ley, a Labor chief in Germany in 1938 who insisted, ‘We begin with the child when he is three years old. As soon as he begins to think, he gets a little flag put into his hand’.” Knowing Comrade Biden’s pro-China proclivities, if such a program were to be enacted in this country, our government “educational” leaders would probably give our three year old’s Chinese Communist flags! Continue reading